SECTION 3 STUD BEEF CATTLE AND LED STEER / HEIFER FRI 17th April SAT 18th April Kilcoy Rural - Ancare Stud Beef Championship “CELEBRATING OUR DIVERSITY” CHIEF STEWARD: Rod Dann Enquiries: Phone 54972252 Email: Entries close: Wednesday 15tht April 2015 Download forms from - Downloads button Entries should preferably be submitted via email or Phone - as above. Please pay your entry fees on Show day. $4.00 all classes. Or post forms with fees to arrive before closing date to: Chief Steward – Rod Dann, “CA Crossing” 4156 Esk-Kilcoy Rd Hazeldean 4515. EXHIBITORS MUST PAY NORMAL ADMISSION FEE TO SHOWGROUNDS. (Show Society membership $10 each- unlimited entries over 2 days). Admission Wristbands will be given in lieu of ticket - please wear at all times! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Age of cattle is calculated as of 1st April 2015. All animals must be on the grounds no later than 6:30am on Judging Day. NLIS scanning will commence at 6:45am. All cattle must comply with NLIS regulations (NVD Waybills, travel permits etc required -please have all paperwork with you) All cattle must be TICK FREE. All entries (except Led Steer/Heifer) must be registered in the Herdbook or Calf Register of their respective Breed Society. For those breeds subject to Classification or other Breed Society restrictions, only eligible cattle may be shown. Kilcoy Show Society will not accept liability for stock exhibited - the risk being that of the exhibitor. If, in the opinion of the Judge, entries are unworthy of a prize, no award will be given. The committee reserves the right to alter classes where appropriate. All animals must be tractable and able to be led safely. Bulls 12 months and over must have a permanent nose ring. All other animals must have a nose grip in use at all times. Maximum age of calf at foot is 9 months. Maximum age bulls 48 months, females 96 months. All cattle must be the bona-fide property of the exhibitor. All leads and electrical equipment to be tested and tagged in accordance with safety regulations. Broad Ribbon winners are requested to parade in the Grand Parade at 2.00pm. All other entries are invited and encouraged to parade as well. Free spraying will be provided at the Show Grounds for cattle returning to clean country. Cattle bedding is not provided, please bring your own. SPECIAL NOTE. Cattle will be judged in the following groups: A = Tropical Breeds B = British Breeds C = European Breeds D = Small Breeds CLASS 1. Bull 6 months and under 12 months 2. Bull 12 months and under 18 months Junior and Reserve Junior Champion Bull 3. Bull 18 months and under 24 months 4. Bull 24 months and under 48 months Senior and Reserve Senior Champion Bull Supreme Champion Breed Group Bull 5. Female 6 months and under 12 months 6. Female 12 months and under 18 months Junior and Reserve Junior Champion Heifer 7. Female 18 months and under 24 months 8. Female 24 months and under 48 months Senior and Reserve Senior Champion Cow/Heifer Supreme Champion Breed Group Female Interbreed Grand Dam class 48mths and under 96mths. (special class) Interbreed Grand Champion Bull Interbreed Grand Champion Female. Kilcoy Rural-Ancare Stud Beef Champion Interbreed Exhibitors Group. (Must consist of three animals of the same Breed, mixed sexes.) CLASS 9. Led Steer or Heifer: Classes will be designated on judging day, according to the number of entries received. Heifers exhibited in Stud classes are not eligible for entry. Don’t forget you can download your entry forms from PLEASE LODGE YOUR ENTRIES EARLY email: YOUNG JUDGES COMPETITION -FRIDAY NIGHT17th April 2015 Junior (under 15 as at 1st July 2015) and Open (over 15 and under 25 as at 1st July 2015) Entry Fee: $1:00 to be paid to the Steward when nominating on Judging night. Conditions of Entry 3. No less than 4 animals of a prescribed breed to be judged. 4. Each competitor will be given a card, on which they will place the animals in their order of merit. On completion of the card, it will be handed to the Steward for presentation to the Judge. 5. Selected entrants will be asked to speak on the animals. 6. The judge/s on making their award, shall take into consideration the correctness of the placings and the reasons given. NOTE - 1ST and 2ND place getters of the Open Section will be eligible to represent Kilcoy Show Society in the Near North Coast Sub-Chamber Final, provided they have not been placed 1st or 2nd at a previous Show within this Sub-Chamber this year. Prizes in each Section: First - The WALLY RICHARDSON MEMORIAL TROPHY Second - $5.00 and Ribbon Third - $2.00 and Ribbon These trophies are presented in loving memory of Mr Wally Richardson and his ongoing wish to encourage and support the development of young people in the beef industry. ……………………………..………………………………………. STUD BEEF JUNIOR HANDLERS’ COMPETITION Saturday 18th April 2015 Junior (under 15 as at 1st July 2015) and Open (over 15 and under 25 as at 1st July 2015) Entry Fee: $1:00 to be paid to the Steward when nominating on Judging Day. Entrants April lead an animal of any Beef breed, of any age or sex. The emphasis of this Class is on the Entrant's ability to prepare and parade the animal and present their exhibit to the Judge. Entrants should pay particular attention to their own attire and presentation, as well as that of their animal. Prizes in each Section: First - The WALLY RICHARDSON MEMORIAL TROPHY Second - $5.00 and Ribbon Third - $2.00 and Ribbon These trophies are presented in loving memory of Mr Wally Richardson and his ongoing wish to encourage and support the development of young people in the beef industry. Don't forget the Wally Richardson Memorial Junior Judges Competition on Friday evening and the Wally Richardson Memorial Junior Handlers Competition following the Kilcoy Rural -AncareStud Beef championship. See for details. TO COMPLEMENT THE SHOW’S THEME FOR 2015 “CELEBRATING OUR DIVERSITY” the Stud Beef Section has two special classes “INTERNATIONAL BEEF CHAMPIONSHIP” This Interbreed Broad Ribbon Class will be judged following the judging of the Supreme Champion Breed Group Female and prior to the Interbreed Champion Bull judging. Please note the winner of this special class is not eligible for Interbreed Champion judging. This country of origin (of your breed) championship is open to both male and female cattle that are not competing in the interbreed judging. One entry is permitted from each breed per exhibitor. Neck cards will be provided for entries to indicate the country of origin.. Please nominate your cattle’s country of origin on your nomination form. and STUD BEEF “MATURE” HANDLERS’ COMPETITION Saturday 18th April 2015 Mature class: (This class is open to all competitors over 25yrs as at the 1st July 2015) Entry Fee: All Studs with cattle entered in the various classes are requested to nominate at least one entrant in this special class. Failure to participate April result in a fine !! For studs nominating an entrant. Nil. For studs not competing $5.00 Entrants may lead an animal of any Beef breed, of any age or sex. The emphasis of this Class is on the Entrant's ability to prepare and parade the animal and present their exhibit to the Judge. Entrants should pay particular attention to their own attire and presentation, as well as that of their animal. Prizes in this Section: First Ribbon and trophy Second - $5.00 and Ribbon Third - $2.00 and Ribbon
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