Key Stage 3 in Music – Year 7 - Minimalism Independent Learning Task 3 – Outline On completion of this ILT you should: develop your understanding of Minimalism in Music and Art. You will be able to compare Minimalist music with music from other historical periods (Renaissance, Baroque and Impressionism) Presenting your knowledge of Minimalist music In your Independent Learning Task, you will be able to work within a group of up to five people. You will need to present your knowledge and understanding of different aspects of Minimalist music to the rest of the class. You can choose the format of your presentation, for example a PowerPoint presentation, but on this occasion I would like you to produce a pod-cast (using a BBC pod-cast or Radio Programme as an example, but limiting this from 5 to 7 minutes). Tasks to Complete (Learning Outcomes) Know about Minimalist Music Levels Task Descriptors 1 o Pass o Evaluate a piece of minimalist music by one of these composers: Reich, Glass, Riley o Merit o Evaluate and compare a piece of minimalist music with music from one other historical period covered during the year o Distinction o Analyse, evaluate and compare minimalist music with music from one or two other historical periods covered during the year Levels Performing and Composing Task Descriptors o Pass o Perform Terry Riley’s In C as a member of a group o Merit o Perform your Terry Riley’s In C and your own minimalist composition o Distinction o Perform Terry Riley’s In C and your own minimalist composition, and present an analysis of your own composition to the rest of the class
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