Spring 2015 - The King`s Own Calgary Regiment

(50 CEF/14 CTR)
Editor: Cyndy Butler
You are cordially invited to
70th Annual Reunion Weekend & AGM
April 25 & 26 2015
at Mewata Armoury
801 — 11th St. SW, Calgary
As part of the Regimental Family,
Association members are also invited
The King’s Own Regimental Ball on
the evening of Saturday April 25 and
the Saint George’s Day Celebrations
on Sunday April 26
Join us as we honour and celebrate 105 years
of our Regiment’s service.
Reunion Weekend
April 25 & 26 2015
Saturday April 25 Daytime
0900 — Registration/Meet & Greet at the Officers’ Mess, Mewata Armoury, 801–11 St. SW, Calgary
1030 — Association AGM at the Officers’ Mess, Mewata Amroury
1200 — Italia 604 theme lunch at Mewata Armoury…with a presentation about last October’s
Battlefield Tour. Cost: $5 (open to Association members and serving soldiers of the Regiment)
(please see page 11 to RSVP)
1300-1500 — Beer Call at the Officers’ Mess, Mewata Armoury
Saturday April 25 Evening (dinner & dance)
1830 for 1900 — The King’s Own Calgary Regiment All Ranks Ball
Place: The Ranchmen’s Club, 710–13 Ave. SW, Calgary
Cost: Association Members $60 per person
Dress: Mess Kit/Formal
RSVP: Please turn to page 11 for registration and payment instructions
Sunday April 26
1000 — St. George’s Day Parade from Mewata Armoury. Please feel free to walk along or greet the
Regiment at St. Stephen’s Church, 1121–14 Ave. SW, Calgary.
1030 — Church Service follows parade
1200 — 1430 Regimental Reception and award presentation in the Officers’ Mess, Mewata Armoury
(please see page 11 to RSVP)!
The King’s Own Battlefield Tour 3-13 October 2014
It was early in the morning on October 3rd 2014
when five KOCR Association members and
family gathered at the Calgary airport to join up
with serving soldiers of the Regiment to
commence the trek to Italy. Objective: To trace
the path of the Calgary Regiment as it would
have fought its way through the Italian Campaign
back in the day.
the exact landing location of the Calgary
Regiment as they came across from Sicily. As it
turned out, finding exact locations that were
special to our Regiment became a bit of a
challenge for Stefan. But due to his insatiable
passion and enthusiasm, he managed to find each
one that he was looking for and what an
adventure that took us on!
An Air Canada flight to Toronto saw us connect
with a flight onward to Rome where we landed
nine sleep-deprived hours later. But we were in
Italy! So we jumped on a tour bus and headed to
the first of many great hotels that had been
booked for us along the way. Wandering the
streets, seeing the sights and enjoying our first
tastes of Italian food and perhaps a glass or two
of wine made the plane ride worthwhile!
From Reggio we proceeded to the area of
Potenza, where again, based on Stefan’s recce the
night before, we located the exact spot that
produced a very famous WW2 photograph—the
Calgary Regiment Sherman tank—“Adjunct”.
History photos show it overlooking the town of
Potenza, providing fire support to an Infantry
attack below. Much to the chagrin of a local
Italian farmer, we de-bussed and proceeded to
crowd around the driveway to his farm, as we
snapped pictures of Potenza from where we
believe Adjunct had been positioned.
Back at the Rome Airport the next morning, we
were off to Sicily where the tour really began.
We loaded our gear onto the new tour bus that
became our primary mode of transport for
the next 9 days. We made our way to a
quaint seaside restaurant in Siracusa
(Syracuse) where the Calgary Tanks landed,
13 July 1943. The Tanks never fought in
Sicily but played a holding role on the
Catania Plains against possible counter
On our way there, the skies
darkened and the winds picked up blowing
over mopeds. In a matter of minutes we
were all drenched, whether we had an
umbrella or not. As a soggy group, we
enjoyed a great lunch despite the torrential
downpour flooding the streets outside. When it
was time, we braved the rains and briskly made
our way back to the bus…parked about 8 blocks
Then we caught the ferry from Siracusa over to
the tip of the Italian boot landing in Reggio di
Calabria. Dr. Stephane Guevremont , our trusty
History Professor, found what we believed to be
Here we are
around a
farm lane
near where
Adjunct was
with the hills
of Potenza
behind us.
The view of Potenza from the hill above the town.
From Potenza, it was off to Bari Cemetery where
fifteen of our Calgary Regiment soldiers are
buried. At each cemetery, a short ceremony was
held in order to recite
Remembrance, read
aloud the names of
Calgary Regiment
personnel buried
there, and play the
Last Post and
Reveille. Following
ceremonies, Canadian
and KOCR miniature
flags were laid at each Bari Cemetery: WWII
of the headstones of Veteran Tommy Baker at
headstone of Major
o u r r e g i m e n t a l the
DeB. G. Trotter
Tommy has been back to Italy a few times, he
has never before been to the location where he
had been wounded.
Our next stop was Ortona
and we traced the route
through San Leonardo
where the Regiment
suffered many casualties.
We visited a number of
other significant battle
sites from other Canadian
regiments that were
involved in the fight to
get into Ortona such as Moro River Cemetery
Sterlin Castle, Casa where Trooper Reginald A.
Berardi, and a brief Cole, Calgary Regiment,
rests in peace.
stop at Cider
Crossroads with its 12th
CAR tank “Athena” monument. Our stop at the
Moro River Cemetery was again a chance to pay
our respects to the twenty Calgary Regiment
soldiers buried there.
From Bari, we proceeded to Motta
Montecorvino. As we traversed the switchback
route approaching the town of Motta, we
experienced one of the more emotional moments
Following a detailed trip through Ortona,
of the tour. It was on that very road 71 years ago,
including a walking tour of the centre of town,
that we are quite certain we located the spot
we jumped back on the bus and headed for
where Tommy Baker was hit by a German 88mm
Monte Cassino. Cassino was an amazing stop for
gun while on his dispatch motorcycle. Tommy
us. It really provided a perspective on how much
recalled a number of facts that we used to
ground it dominated
estimate the exact
and why it was so
location where he was
important to the Allies
wounded, including the
in securing the entry to
still existing farm
Rome. The story of the
buildings where the
Abbey itself, and what
Regimental Aid Post
it has gone through
had been set up, and
during its history
according to Tommy;
including the massive
“if we just go around
aerial bombing during
this curve, we should
the war, and its
see the town of Motta
subsequent re-building
on the left”. Sights and
afterward, would take
recollections that he
remembered as he lay Moro River Cemetery. (Left to Right; Padre John Huh, volumes on its own.
wounded in the ditch Mark Soehner (back row), Roy Boehli, Patricia Murphy, O n e c a n r e a d i l y
Dick Cruickshank (back row), Tommy Baker, Capt Dorion
were what made this so Young (back row), Lt Col Ross Wickware, Maj Devon appreciate the complex
poignant. Although Smibert, 2Lt Dean Kobasiuk, CWO Marty Woods)
task it took for the Polish Corps to actually
secure the summit, and the Polish cemetery
speaks to the cost in men—over 1000 graves.
will never forget the much animated
comment by Dr. Stephane Guevremont, “This is
the spot!, this is the spot!!!”
We finished the day with a moving sunset
ceremony at Cassino Commonwealth War
Cemetery while the bells of the Abbey of Monte
Cassino peeled in the distance.
The tour ended with a visit to the town of
Frosinone where the Mayor joined us to watch
our troops march down the cobblestoned streets
to the music performed by our very own MWO
Robin Cassidy who accompanied the Frosinone
Town band. It was our last night in Italy so we
said our farewells over good food, in good
company recalling good times on the tour.
An early departure for the Rome airport provided
us with one last opportunity for entertainment as
we watched those daring (crazy?) Italians on
Vespas dart in and out of the traffic lanes, or on
the shoulder or even between the lanes of traffic
in rush hour congestion! Absolute madness it was
but it certainly made the early morning departure
a lot more amusing from the safety of our tour
Polish War Cemetery as viewed from Monte Cassino’s Abbey
After a long flight home to Toronto, we all made
it back safe and sound; perhaps just as tired as
when we arrived 10 days prior, but with the
knowledge that we had traced the steps of our
Regiment and paid our
respects to our Fallen.
From Cassino, the tour again took the less
travelled route to the site of the Kingsmill
Bridge. Here we
held a short
ceremony at the
marker, and then
embarked upon
a trek across
some farm fields
to the Gari river
where, again
thanks to our
historian, we
believe we
located the
bridge launching
site. Those of us,
who were there, The approximate Gari River crossing site; the fields
beyond lead to breaking the Gustav Line.
Kingsmill Bridge marker
near the Gari River.
It should be noted that this trip would not have
support, this opportunity would not have been
been possible without the vision and leadership
accessible to as many people as it was.
of the Commanding Officer of the Regiment. His
Stay tuned for details on a return to Europe in
passion for the trip allowed not only serving
2017 to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of
soldiers, but
Vimy Ridge where
members of the
members of the
5 0th B a t t a l i o n
Association, to
fought with
attend this
distinction, and to
a m a z i n g t o u r.
continue the
From those of us
journey of the
privileged enough
Calgary Regiment
to attend, we
throughout North
sincerely thank Lt
West Europe up
Col Wickware for
until the end of the
his commitment to
the trip, and to
Honorary Colonel
Doug Mitchel and
Honorary Lt Col
Michael Lang for
Soldiers from the Regiment on parade at the Cassino Cemetery
Dick Cruickshank
without their
Welcome to our new feature: the Teaser Photo. Do you have a photo you would like to share from
your days in the Regiment? We would like to feature a photo in every newsletter, so please contact us at
KOCalgRAssociation@gmail.com to discuss your idea.
Our guest photographer for this issue is Col (ret’d) Roy Boehli and he not only shares his photos but
asks 3 questions. Review the 2 photographs (one oblique view and one close up) and try to answer the
following: Q1. At what location and when were these 2 photos taken? Q2. What is shown in these 2
photos? Q3. What does the location and content of these 2 photos lead you to conclude? Solution is on
page 8. GOOD LUCK! ( Clue: Roy was on the Battlefield Tour in Italy)
KOCR (50 CEF/14 CTR) Association
President’s Message
H a p p y N e w Ye a r
everyone, I hope that the
Christmas holiday was
well received by all. It is
one of those times when we can enjoy family and
friends and the best of the festive season.
I hope you had a chance to enjoy the Winter
Newsletter, we had attempted to get it out a bit
earlier, but a number of issues conspired against
that. Nonetheless, we launched it on Boxing Day,
and it is also posted on the Regimental website
(www.Kingsown.ca) under the Regimental
Association tab. It is our intent to post future
editions there and limit our hard copy
distribution to those who are more comfortable
with a paper copy. Many thanks to all of the
contributors, and to Cyndy Butler for putting it
As we move into the Spring, our primary focus
will be our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and
Reunion that will be held on Saturday April 25th
and participation in the Regimental All Ranks
Ball that evening. (Ball details on pages 2 and
11) Sunday April 26th the Association is invited
to participate in the annual St. George’s Day
celebrations including the Church Parade and
Reception afterwards back at Mewata Armoury.
Next summer will see the Association take the
lead on the annual commemoration of the Battle
of Dieppe, and that will be planned for Sunday,
the 16th of August. Other key events will be
noted as the dates become clear, with one of
these important events being the presentation of
the new Battle Honour, “Afghanistan”, which
will be emblazoned on our regimental Guidon.
Please enjoy the Newsletter, and as always, if
you have any comments, please don’t hesitate to
drop me a line, at our new KOCR (50 CEF/ 14
CTR) Association e-mail address:
I will
eventually get back to you, hopefully with the
right answer.
Dick Cruickshank
Past President, Darrel Sundholm (right) officially
hands over gavel to current President, Dick
If you would like to volunteer in our Regimental
Gallery at The Military Museums please contact us
for more information. (Subject line: Volunteer) at
The teaser photo is
the corner of a 3
storey building,
taken in Oct 2014, at
the southeast corner
At this location a
narrow alley empties
into the southeast
corner of the open
plaza. The close up
photo illustrates
machine gun impact
onto the corner of
the building and is
characteristic of the
German siting of
machine guns
(MG 34 & MG 42) to cover likely approaches and kill-zones (KZ) during the Battle for ORTONA. I
pointed this out to a number of soldiers of the Regiment during our walk around and challenged the
troopers to determine how the KZ was set up in view of the German template. These soldiers readily
identified likely German support weapon positions as outlined in the diagram.
Roy Boehli
Dr. Pat Brennan, a professor of history at the
University of Calgary, is in the process of
researching and producing a detailed history book
of The King's Own Calgary Regiment, with an
anticipated publication date in 2016. As an integral
part of the research for the Regiment's history, he
would appreciate the opportunity to interview any
members who served with the regiment in the
period from World War Two, up to and including
today. Dr. Brennan is also very interested in seeing
any photographs of KOCR activities, regardless of
the period, as well as any personal memorabilia
e.g. diaries or letters that families or individuals
would be willing to share. Any individuals willing
to be interviewed and/or be willing to share any
memorabilia or ephemera, (collectables) are asked
to contact Dr. Brennan directly at either:
(Tel) 403 282 6248 or
(email) brennan@ucalgary.ca
Thank You in advance.
In Memoriam
We regret to advise our members of the
passing of:
Archibald (Archie) Phillips July 14, 2014
HCol Gordon Lennard December 8, 2014
A Word from the CO
It gives me great
pleasure to be asked to
contribute to our
Association Newsletter.
The efforts of the
Committee are very much appreciated and our
Regimental Family is stronger as a result of this
Association. The Regiment continues to be very
busy at this time of year. We are running a Basic
Military Qualification (Boot Camp) course
finishing 21 March 2015 with several new
soldiers and an officer in line to join the
Regiment thereafter. Concurrently, we are the
Command Team for the Territorial Battle Group,
focused on Domestic Operations. As the
leadership, we have been working with elements
of all 41 Brigade units to form the Alberta wide
Reserve Task Force for natural disasters such as
the floods of 2013. Exercises have been
conducted in Red Deer, with our confirmatory
exercise by 3 Canadian Division staff held at the
end of February. After that trial we were deemed
“ready” and the RSM has started his world
famous “NO RAIN” dance, with matinees at
1600 hours every other Saturday. That should
forestall any flooding for this year!
“A” Squadron continues to train using a number
of different vehicles, including utility terrain
vehicles (side by side ATVs), light over snow
vehicles (snowmobiles) and our G Wagon recce
vehicles. This now gives us full mobility in all
seasons. The Band continues to grow, with new
members slowly joining this important part of
our Family. The Regimental Padre has completed
a weekend “Mental Resilience” exercise with
20+ soldiers and some partners attending. His
efforts to work with our soldiers who are
experiencing Post Traumatic Stress issues
continues to be successful. We are truly blessed
to have him and his wife Doris with us. Padre
Huh will be working with the MFRC (Military
Family Resource Center) to complete another
seminar in Kananaskis next month. This direct
intervention will pay huge dividends as we
wrestle with the aftermath of Afghanistan,
prepare for future missions and try to deal with
the impact of stress in our daily lives.
Plans have commenced for our next Battlefield
Tour to France, the Netherlands and Northwest
Europe in 2017. We will also be rededicating the
Pattison Bridge here in Calgary, made even more
exciting by having reconnected with the Pattison
Family. The RSM and I have been in contact
with them and they have agreed to join us in the
rededication (to be announced).
The St. George’s Day Weekend is rapidly
approaching. In addition to Association meetings,
there will be an All Ranks Formal Ball to be held
Saturday night 25 April 2015, at the Ranchmen’s
Club. At that dinner we will be honouring Major
Patricia Murphy, with her Departure with Dignity
ceremonies. Sunday 26 April will see the
Regiment march to St. Stephen’s Church for our
annual Church Parade with a reception to follow
at Mewata Armoury. All Regimental Family
members are invited to attend these events.
In closing, the Regimental Family continues to
strengthen, all parts are working well together
and we are ready for any mission that we may
have to undertake.
Lt-Col R Wickware
The King’s Own Calgary Regiment (50 CEF/14 CTR) Association Executive Committee 2014-15
Acting Treasurer
Past President
Dick Cruickshank
Ron Senior
Sandee Baker
Jocelyn Roberts
Darrel Sundholm
Other Directors
!Patricia Murphy
Roy Boehli
Ray Gilbert
Marg Kent
Ann ten Pierik
Darline Labre
Cyndy Butler
Please feel free to contact the Association through our new e-mail address:
or at
4520 Crowchild Trail SW, Calgary, AB T2T 5J4.
..............................................Please detach and send Registration form with remuneration......................................................
4520 Crowchild Trail SW
Calgary, AB T2T 5J4
Membership Dues Renewal 2015
2015 dues are still $1 for Second World War Veterans and their spouses
2015 dues for all others $10
Enclosed are my annual dues of $1
Enclosed are my annual dues of $10
Enclosed is my donation of $__________
Cheques payable to: KOCR Association
Phone ……………………………………………………………….
Registration Instructions for Reunion Weekend April 25/26 2015
For the Association’s Saturday’s AGM/ Lunch, and for the Regiment’s Sunday Reception,
please RSVP ASAP, and include the number attending at our new Association e-mail address,
(subject line: RSVP Reunion) KOCalgRAssociation@gmail.com or mail in the form below.
……or detach and send to KOCR (50 CEF/14 CTR) Association, 4520 Crowchild Trail SW, Calgary, AB T2T 5J4……
Saturday AGM/Lunch______
How many attending_______
Sunday Regiment’s Reception______ How many attending_______
Saturday April 25 Evening
1830 for 1900
The King’s Own Calgary Regiment All Ranks Ball
Place: The Ranchmen’s Club, 710–13 Ave. SW, Calgary
Cost: Association Members $60 per person
Dress: Mess Kit/Formal
RSVP: Capt McTavish by April 15 at murray.mctavish@forces.gc.ca or if
you do not have access to the internet RSVP to 403-410-2320 #3401
Cheques payable in advance to: The King’s Own Calgary Regiment
Mail to: The King’s Own Calgary Regiment (Attn: Adjt)
801–11th Street SW
Calgary, AB T2P 2C4
…………………….Please fill out, detach and send with cheque to above address by April 15………………………………..
The King’s Own Calgary Regiment All Ranks Ball, 25 April 2015 at the Ranchmen’s Club.
Name(s): __________________________________, and_______________________________
_______________________________ will be attending.
Cost: $60.00 per person attending
Enclosed is a cheque for:____________________________________