April 2015 - Kingswood Elementary

Kingswood Elementary School News
April 2015
School Phone: 902-832-5522
School Website: www.kingswoodelementary.ednet.ns.ca
School Fax: 902-832-5524
Principal’s Message
 All visitors check with the office
 No parking in the KISS AND GO
 No dogs are permitted on school
Report Cards—Home April 13th
April 22nd –No classes/P/T Interviews
April 23rd—Evening Parent/
Teacher Interviews
KWE Safe Arrival:
Return report card envelopes
Kingswood is a Nut and Scent
Aware school!
Principal: Ms. C. MacIntyre
Vice Principal: Ms. C. Thompson
Admin. Assistant: Mrs. R. Izzard
As I write this, the sun is shining, it is a lovely mild-ish spring day, and the
snow is still almost half-way up my office window. Still, like many, I have renewed faith that spring really is here, or that it will show up soon.
This month brings our second set of Parent/Teacher Interviews. These
interviews, 10 minutes in length, are just one way in which teachers communicate with parents. Be sure to book an appointment with your child’s teacher, as
these interviews give teachers important information and insight, leading to better learning for all. Note as well that report cards go home on April 13th.
Also, please note that the KWE Safe Arrival email address has been changed to
kwesa@hrsb.ca. When you inform your child’s teacher that he or she will be absent,
please let us know at the office, too. That way, Mrs. Izzard knows as well.
The big event this month is our PSA Family Bingo! Many thanks to our
hard-working PSA volunteers—without them, events like this would not happen. The new date for Bingo will be April 24th, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We
hope to see you there!
Carmelitta MacIntyre
Families who are interested in registering their children in the 2015/2016 EXCEL program are encouraged to mark the
following important dates on your calendars:
April 27th - Beginning at 8:00 a.m. on April 27th current participants of the 2014/2015 EXCEL program may submit an
application for the coming school year via the online application system, by email, or by fax. Current participants
will receive a letter in mid-April identifying a user name and password providing them exclusive access to the
online application system. Current participant families that have additional siblings that will be registering for the
first time with EXCEL may register all eligible children in their family during this early registration period.
May 4th - General Registration begins for all EXCEL Before & After school programs at 8:00 a.m. on May 4th. Applications may be submitted via the online system or the EXCEL office at 25 Alfred Street, Dartmouth. Individuals paying by Pre-Authorized Payment, MasterCard or Visa ONLY may register on-line. Go to https://secure.hrsb.ns.ca/
excel to access.
We encourage parents to submit their applications in a timely manner to ensure the greatest opportunity for entry into
the program as demand often exceeds capacity. Notifications for acceptance into the program will be forwarded to
applicants as per the following schedule:
5 days/week
After Only
Before & After
< 5 days/week
Notifications for BA-FT applications to be processed beginning April 28th, 2015
Notifications for A-FT applications to be processed beginning June 1st, 2015
Notifications for Part-Time applications to be processed beginning June 29th, 2015
Professional Development and Parent/Teacher Interviews
On April 22nd, there will be no school for students. That morning, staff will participate in Professional Development, focussing
on our Continuous School Improvement goals. For the afternoon, we will have our second set of Parent/Teacher Interviews. Interviews will take place that afternoon (1 to 3 pm), and then again on April 23rd, from 6 to 8 pm. Information will be sent home this
week on booking with your child’s teacher.
Kiss and Go Safety
We appreciate everyone’s cooperation when it comes to keeping our students safe. While we try to have staff outdoors in the
early morning, we also remind drivers and walkers that we all need to work together to stay safe. Drivers—please follow the Kiss
and Go procedures which have been sent home, and always watch carefully for pedestrians and other vehicles. Look around, and
take your time before pulling away.
Never leave your car while you are in the Kiss and Go area. Stop, let your children out of the car (on the curb side) with a
quick kiss, and off you go! If you must exit your vehicle, please park at the far end of the staff parking lot, or on the street outside
of school grounds and walk to the school. (Please leave spaces for staff to park their vehicles.)