KOL KINLOSS NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE שמיני Shemini 17/18 April 2015 כ׳׳ט ניסן תשע׳׳הVolume 19/Number 23 Shabbat Mevarchim commences at 7:46pm and terminates at 8:53pm. Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:30pm. This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by Simone and Barnett Horwitz on the occassion of Katie Englender’s forthcoming marriage to Danny Noakes. SHABBAT LEARNING AT KINLOSS Shabbat Morning בס”ד WWW.KINLOSS.ORG.UK SHABBAT AT KINLOSS HASHKAMA 7:45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, followed by Kiddush and a short shiur. MAIN SYNAGOGUE 9:15am led by Eli Sufrin. Kriat Hatorah by David Kass. Rabbi Lawrence will speak before Musaph. 8:30am: (Sephardi Synagogue) Mishnah Masechet Shabbat by Rabbi Heller. Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum will not be giving his THE MINYAN 9:15am shiur this Shabbat. His shiur in the Nissan and Rifca Deal Hall. will resume next Shabbat, 25th April. Shabbat Afternoon 6:50pm: Daf Yomi shiur by Jeffrey Sagal. Between Mincha and Ma’ariv today, RABBI LAITNER will deliver a shiur on “Ideas from Chazal to help Jews in the Diaspora relate to Yom Haatzmaut and Eretz Yisrael” in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash. All welcome. Kriat Hatorah by Carl White. Rabbi Lawrence will speak before Kriat Hatorah. SEPHARDI SERVICE 9:00am in the Sephardi Synagogue led by Rabbi Heller and Reuben Gorji. YOUTH SERVICE This week our Youth will be supporting the minyan at Rubens House residential home. Mincha at 7:50pm, Ma’ariv at 8:53pm. This week’s Newsletter is sponsored by Simone and Barnett Horwitz on the occassion of Katie Englender’s forthcoming marriage to Danny Noakes. 0 - 4 year olds with Sara Keen in the foyer of the Kinloss Suite. Reception up to School Year 2 with Miriam Kaye in the Avram Nemetnejad Room (2nd Floor). School Years 3 - 4 with Yehonatan Malachi in the 1st Floor Classrooms. School Years 5 - 6 with Jason Marantz in the 1st Floor Classrooms. Children’s Services from 0-School Year 4 will start at 10:45am. School Years 5 - 6 will start at 10:30am. All Services to be followed by a kiddush. ANIM ZEMIROT CLUB Anim Zemirot Club is on a break for the next couple of weeks and will resume on Shabbat 2nd May. SPONSORS NEEDED If you would like to sponsor a Kiddush or Kol Kinloss to mark a special occasion, or a yahrzeit, please call the Shul Office on 8346 8551, and we will be happy to assist you. BNEI AKIVA Bnei Akiva, takes place today, from 3:30 -5:00pm. SECURITY NOTICE Urgent Request for Male and Female Security Volunteers (aged 18-65) Shul members, PLEASE join our security rotas. Our Shul is one of the most visible, high profile buildings in London. The Community remains on a serious state of alert and we MUST provide a visible deterrent. You would only be required for one hour every eight weeks. Please email securekinloss@yahoo.co.uk, or call Martin Shiers on 07831 836 031, to register your interest. Mazaltov to the children in our community celebrating their birthdays this week: Tomer Brittan (8) Sarah Clif (10) Elijah Michel Daniel (3) Sam Ezekiel (11) Yona Frankfurt (2) Joseph Gorjian (10) Ariella Hart (3) Lyla Jamieson (7) Maayan Levene (5) Jessica Malka (11) Levi Rosenthal (1) Asher Sosnow (6) If you require help or support, please call Jennifer 020 8349 5263 on Mondays or Wednesdays, from 9:00am – 5:00pm, or email jennifer. morris@kinloss.org.uk. All messages treated in the strictest confidence. SHABBAT 18TH APRIL This Shabbat, Yad Vashem (UK) will be exhibiting pictures in the Kinloss Suite foyer, for Yom Hashoah. Come along to meet and greet at the Meet & Greet table, at the Kiddush, this Shabbat. YOM HA’ATZMAUT 2015 AT KINLOSS YOM HA’ATZMAUT Wednesday 22nd April Once again Kinloss is delighted and honoured to host the annual Bnei Akiva Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut service. Doors open at 6.30pm and the service commences at 7.00pm. The service will be followed by a cocktail reception. For tickets to the cocktail reception, for more information, please email: events@bachad.org SPECIAL FESTIVE BREAKFAST Thursday 23rd April Shacharit, in the Main Shul, at 6.45am followed by the breakfast, which will conclude at approximately 8.15am. The breakfast is sponsored by the Elek Family to mark the Yahrzeit of Miriam Elek ע׳׳ה Friends of Bnei Akiva invite you to a Yom Ha’atzmaut Cocktail Reception on 22nd April, immediately after the ceremony (approximately 8:30pm). For tickets or more information, please email: events@bachad.org Some Thoughts on the Parsha BY RABBI JEREMY LAWRENCE SHEMINI Religious Get Up And Go “Eats Shoots and Leaves” is a book written Lynn Truss; a zero tolerance guide to English grammar & punctuation. (The name comes from the famous panda joke.) It devotes a half a chapter to the semi-colon. Apparently some writers favour the semi-colon. Others detest it. Some editors manically eliminate it. However, as Lynn Truss explained, the semi-colon finds a very comfortable home in the bible. The part about holiness is descriptive. Our holiness is an automatic consequence of our relationship with G-d who brought us out of Egypt. we can eat, beyond simple shoots and leaves. Be Holy – because I am holy, says G-d. You have to live up to My standards. “I raised you physically out of Egypt. You must climb up spiritually to meet me.” However, with the assistance of the scriptural semi-colon, the sentence reads differently. For I am the Lord your G-d who raised you up from the land of Egypt to be your G-d; ‘SemiIt’s a puzzling sort of a thought. Anyone who’s colon’ and you shall be holy for I am holy. looked at a Sefer Torah knows that it has no After the semi-colon is an independent clause. punctuation at all. It is an imperative and it is directed at us. No At the very end of this week’s parsha, we have longer a description – it is an instruction: Be the introduction of the laws of kashrut – what holy. The passage concludes with the following You shall do these things… The Parsha began with the spirit of G-d entering the Tabernacle in the Israelite camp. The Parsha ends with us being told to join ourselves to the spirit of G-d. In contextualising this For I am the Lord your G-d who raised you up instruction with the laws of Kashrut, we learn from the land of Egypt to be your G-d and you that it is a journey and a bonding which is not will be holy for I am holy. just reserved for the hours we spend at shul; it begins in our homes and at our tables, at the Free from any punctuation, that is how it moments we attend to our most basic needs. reads. G-d is the subject of the sentence. He raised us physically out of Egypt to be our G-d. Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom Because He is holy – as our G-d, He raises us R’ Jeremy Lawrence spiritually into a state of holiness. ְִֶ ,ִלהיות לכם, הּמעלהֶאתכם מארץֵמצרים,כיֲאניְה׳ לאלקים; ִוהייתם קדש כי קדש אני SHEMINI STATISTICS Mitzvot: Verses: Words: Letters: Haftarah: 17 of the 613 Mitzvot, 11 positive and 6 negative 91 (13th shortest of the 54 Sidrot) 1238 (13th shortest) 4670 (13th shortest) 40 verses (5th longest of the 80 Haftarot) Page No. SONCINO HERTZ ARTSCROLL Sidra 651 443 588 Haftarah 1189 948 1207 KCC Summer Term Programme Highlights for the forthcoming term include: Two tours with Rachel Kolsky - Dickens to Diamonds: Hatton Garden and East End Radicals. A KLC series on Tension Seeking, with a light supper provided. Plus, we have an interesting variety of films to show at our Film Club, Lunch and Learn returns with a fantastic lineup of speakers, as well as the resumption of our Ivrit Discussion Group, Shared Reading Group, Supervised Bridge, Whisky Society and Friendship Club. For further information, please contact Emma on 8349 5269 or email ket@kinloss.org.uk THANK YOU TO: * Security Team 1. If you have any queries please email securekinloss@yahoo.co.uk or speak to Martin Shiers on 07831 836 031. * Jacqui Gittelmon’s Kiddush Team. * Erica Silas and Rakel Bassalian of our Welcoming Committee. We are delighted to welcome Deborah Blackston as our new, full time, Banqueting Manager. Deborah joins us after many years working in the catering and graphic design industry. For all event enquiries, please feel free to email her at banqueting@kinloss.org.uk or call 8349 5268. BOARD NOMINATION FORMS Please make sure you return your Board Nomination Forms by 12 noon on Sunday 26th April. Last Tuesday, over 100 people came to hear Michele M Gold give a talk on Memories that won’t go away - a tribute to the children of the Kindertransport, in the Deal Hall. Seuda Shlishit Our Seuda Shlishit season will be resuming from Shabbat 2nd May. If you are interested in sponsoring one of our seudas, please contact Dalia Hajioff by emailing dalia@hajioff.com SHARED READING GROUP The next Shared Reading Group will take place on Monday 27th April, at 1:30pm, in Benchers Cafe. For more information, please email kathrynfulton@hotmail.com KOLLEL EVENTS Lunch & Learn returns on Wednesday 29th April, with Rebetzen Ilana Epstein. Rabbi Roselaar’s weekly shiurim on Monday and Thursday mornings. On Monday - Mishna - Massechet Sanhedrin On Thursday - Rishon with Rashi. For more information, or to book Kollel events, please call Emma on 020 8349 5267, or email ket@kinloss.org.uk THE KEHILLA WISHES “ חיים ארוכיםLONG LIFE” TO THE FOLLOWING WHO HAVE YAHRZEIT Saturday 18 April Cynthia Rothman Father Bernard TrentMother Stephen BarnettFather Simon BittonMother Marion DubowHusband Beatrice Primhak Mother Louis StantonBrother Wednesday 22 April Yvette KamlishFather Sunday 19 April Thursday 23 April Rochelle BardFather Sidney Benjamin Son Helene LeveneMother Howard Samuels Mother Jacob ShabathaiWife Susan SharpFather Michael Zabaroff Mother Gloria GilchristFather Barnett HorwitzFather Carole JaysonMother-in-law Rami KanzenFather Sylvia KaymanFather Louis LewisMother Matty ShearMother Monday 20 April Friday 24 April Alan BearmanBrother Anne BermanMother Kate CohenBrother Selma MandersSister Wendy RybHusband Sadie BloomMother Josephine Cohen Brother Warren LevyMother Judith NewmanMother Nedjat ToubianMother Tuesday 21 April Philip EliasMother Michael Goldman Mother There will be a service at Rubens House on the 18th April. John Fischer will be leining. Please reply by email to lawrence@susser.co.uk if you can attend Future service dates are 16th May, 25th May ( 2nd day Shavuot ) & 13th June TABLE TENNIS Table tennis has started again, this time by popular request we meet Mondays from 6:30pm. Two squads are being coached, but we are still looking for more keen players for our junior and senior teams. Call Stuart 07973 712 730. Sacks Morasha School Annual Dinner - A night of music and art - Tuesday 16th June, in the Kinloss Suite. Special Guests, Lord and Lady Sacks. Cost: £100 per person. Featuring ‘Jerusalem Hassadna Conservatory Jazz Quartet’: http://www.jerusalemconservatory.org/ Further details from Sacks Morasha School: 020 3115 1900, or email dinner@morashajps.org.uk KINLOSS NOTICE BOARD MAZALTOV TO: * Simone Horwitz on the occassion of her daughter, Katie Englender’s forthcoming marriage to Danny Noakes. Mazaltov to the Horwitz, Noakes, Englender and Allen families. Remembering Gary Englender at this time. * Sara and Allen Levene on their daughter, Dodie’s passing her medical school finals, and becoming a third generation doctor. Mazaltov to all the family at this special time. General Election 2015 An evening with Mike Freer Conservative MP for Finchley and Golders Green Date: 30th April 2015 Time: 8pm Location: Small Deal Hall In the run-up to the General Election, Kinloss are providing a platform for members to hear from local candidates from all the main parties. Mike was elected as the Member of Parliament in May 2010 with a majority of 5,809. Mike has lived in Finchley for over twenty years and previously represented Finchley Church End as a local Councillor. He is a member of Friends of Windsor Open Space, Conservative Friends of Israel, Conservative Muslim Forum, Conservative Friends of Cyprus and is also a Friend of British Asian Conservative link. He is also Patron of the local charity, Resources for Autism. Mike has worked over many years for inter-faith understanding. He was the Chairman of Barnet's Multi-faith forum, and a member of both the Parliamentary Group Against Anti-Semitism (serving as Vice-President) and the All Party Parliamentary Group on Islamaphobia. TOMBSTONE CONSECRATIONS MON 20 APR SUN 26 APR WEDS 29 APR MON 4 MAY SUN 10 MAY SERVICES ( שבתsee front page) 11:30am at Bushey in memory of Irene Davis ע׳׳ה 1:00pm at Bushey in memory of Beryl Niederberg ע׳׳ה 11:30am at Bushey in memory of Frances Winston ע׳׳ה 11:00am at Bushey in memory of Harold Gotkine ע׳׳ה 12:30pm at Bushey in memory of Henry Chern ע׳׳ה Sun Mon Rosh Chodesh Rosh Chodesh Shacharit 1 7:15am 6:50am Shacharit 2 Sephardi Shacharit 8:15am 8:00am 8:00am 6:30am Mincha followed by Ma’ariv 7:30pm 7:30pm Tues Weds Thurs Yom Hazikaron Yom Ha’atzmaut 7:00am 7:00am followed by Festive Breakfast 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am 8:00am 6:45am 6:45am 8:00am 6:45am 7:30pm 7:30pm 6:45am 7:30pm Fri Next ShabbatMincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30pm
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