Parish of Kinlough – Glenade Diocese of Kilmore th 17 May 2015 Rev. Thos. Keogan P.P. 071-9841428 / 087 2414128 Email Newsletter online at PARISH WEEKEND MASSES 11 Saturday (Vigil) 7.00 p.m. St. Aidan’s Kinlough 293. Sunday 9.30 a.m. Rotates as follows: St. Brigid’s St Patrick’s St. Michael’s Ballintrillick Tullaghan Glenade January February March AprilE avail July n May June August September November December October Sunday 11.00 a.m. St. Aidan’s Kinlough ST AIDAN’S KINLOUGH: WEEKDAY MASS: Wednesday at 9.30 a.m. Friday at 7.00 p.m. CONFESSIONS: After Mass on Friday evening. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Wednesdays 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. ALTAR SERVERS: F rd Saturday 23 : Emma Birney, Niamh Gallagher & Stacey Gilligan. th Sunday 24 : Darragh Curneen, Seán Mc Gloin, Seán O’Reilly, Colin Gilligan & Jon. Mc Gowan. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK: th Pat & Margaret Ferguson, Derryloughan. Anniv. Mass Saturday 16 . th Paddy & Maria Ann Clancy, Edenville & Brady family, Rossinver. Anniv. Mass Saturday 16 . Michael Kelly formerly Derryherk 100 years dead today, killed in World War 1 age 19 years. th Anniv. Mass Saturday 16 . rd Josie & Tess Mc Gloin, Park. Anniv. Mass Saturday 23 . rd Doreen Mc Gloin, Kinlough. Months Mind Saturday 23 . rd Liam Morrin. Anniv. Mass Saturday 23 . th Jack & Katie Harraghy, Askill. Anniv. Mass Sunday 24 . ST MICHAEL’S GLENADE: WEEKDAY MASS: Monday at 7.00 p.m. CONFESSIONS: After Mass on Monday evening. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Monday 7.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK: th Una & Patsy Mc Gloin, Ahanlish. Anniv. Mass Monday 18 . ST. BRIGID’S BALLINTRILLICK: WEEKDAY MASS: Tuesday at 7.00 p.m. CONFESSIONS: After Mass on Tuesday evening. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Tuesday 7.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. ST. PATRICK’S TULLAGHAN: WEEKDAY MASS: Wednesday at 7.00 p.m. CONFESSIONS: After Mass on Wednesday evening. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Wednesday 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. th ALTAR SERVERS: Sunday 24 : Alan & Rachel Mc Gowan. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK: th Frank O’Rourke, Duncarbery. Anniv. Mass Sunday 17 . th James, Celine & Ed. Connolly, Bundrowes. Anniv. Mass Sunday 17 . th John & Rose Dowdican & deceased family members, Wardhouse. Anniv. Mass Sunday 17 . th Barney & Annie Feely, Derrinloughan. Anniv. Mass Wednesday 20 . st th Nanette Ivers, 1 Anniv. & Jim Ivers, Tullaghan. Anniv. Mass Sunday 24 . th Patrick Gerard Pye, Redbrae. Anniv. Mass Sunday 24 . th James & Mary Taggart, Knockback. Anniv. Mass Sunday 24 . The Meaning of Marriage Are we going to be the first generation in human history to say that mothers and fathers don’t matter anymore in the upbringing of children? HOLY COMMUNION: We congratulate and wish God’s blessing on the children from St. Aidan’s th National School who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday 9 May – Thomas Burns, Patrick Donlon, Ruth Gilmartin, Olivia Golden, Joe Mc Guire, Daniel Regan & Almha Walsh. DIOCESAN SERVICES COLLECTION: Is now due. Please hand in using the appropriate Green envelope in your packet of envelopes. st COMMUNITY ALERT: AGM meeting in Kinlough Community Centre on Thursday 21 May at 8.00 p.m. Members welcome. THANKS: To everyone who supported Happy Heart Weekend. Proceeds €1,210. MELVIN GAELS 50/50 DRAW: Winner was James Gilhooly, Dromahair. € 306 KINLOUGH TIDY TOWNS: Keep Kinlough Tidy. Join the Clean-ups on Tuesday evenings. Meet at Church gates at 7.00 p.m. KINLOUGH COMMUNITY GAMES: Local Athletics heats taking place in the Melvin Gaels Football th field on Sunday May 17 . 5.15 p.m. registration for 6 p.m. start. €4 per child, €10 per family. Area covers, Kinlough, Rossinver, Glenade & Tullaghan.
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