KRISHNA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SUMMER VACATION ASSIGNMENT CLASS-V (SESSION: 2015-16) SUBJECT – ENGLISH 1) Collect and paste pictures of flags of different countries (at least 10) and write their names, capitals and currencies (on a drawing sheet). 2) “It is an appeal not to use Polly bags to keep the environment clean”. Make a paper bag and write suggestion why to avoid Polly bags. Keep the suggestion slips in the bag. SUBJECT – SCIENCE 1) Prepare a Herbarium file and paste any five wild plants and any 5 ornainental plants and label them also. SUBJECT – SOCIAL SCIENCE 1) Make a model showing different climatic zones of the world. SUBJECT – MATHEMATICS 1) Look at the below given pattern to form Roman numerals using mathematics: Following the above activity, form Roman numerals from 3 to 20 on chart. 2) Draw a chart of prime and composite numbers (1 to 100) by using A4 size sheet. Or Draw a table chart (2 to 20). 3) Form multiplication table of 12 using common multiples of 3 and 4 (A4 size sheet). 4) Find out the names of any 5 Asian countries whose population is less then to 10 million. Write down the numerals in international place value chart using proper placement of commas. (A4 size sheet). SUBJECT – HINDI 1) vkt if{k;ksa dh la[;k de D;ksa gksrh tk jgh gS\ bl fo’k; ij ifjppkZ dj ,d ifj;kstuk rS;kj djsAa (Do it in A4 sheet) Note: Please be in touch with the studies completed in the class.
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