3/23/2012 NEW CONCEPTS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF APHASIA: PRACTICAL APPLICATION Written and Presented By: Kara Kozub O’Dell, M.A. CCC-SLP, BIS Allied Health Manager, Neurological Recovery Unit The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago APHASIA APHASIA TREATMENT TECHNIQUES Verbal Expression Combined Semantic/Phonological Cueing Hierarchy Complexity of Treatment in Syntactic Deficits Constraint Induced Language Treatment (CILT) Conversational Scripting Mapping Treatment Melodic Intonation Treatment (MIT) Multiple Oral Reading Naming Complexity Treatment Oral Reading for Language in Aphasia (ORLA) Promoting Aphasic Communication Effectiveness (PACE) Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Targets (PROMPT) Reciprocal Scaffolding Response Elaboration Treatment Schuell’s Stimulation Approach Semantic Feature Analysis Semantic Cueing Hierarchy Sentence Production Program for Aphasia (SPPA)Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia Thematic Language Stimulation Treatment for Aphasic Perseveration Treatment of Underlying Forms Voluntary Control of Involuntary Utterances 1 3/23/2012 APHASIA TREATMENT TECHNIQUES Auditory Comprehension Auditory Comprehension Training Auditory Retention & Comprehension Tasks Complexity of Treatment in Syntactic Deficits Conversational Scripting Language Oriented Treatment Mapping Treatment Reciprocal Scaffolding Schuell’s Stimulation Approach Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia Thematic Language Stimulation Reading Comprehension Multiple Oral Reading Oral Reading for Language in Aphasia (ORLA) Schuell’s Stimulation Approach Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia Thematic Language Stimulation APHASIA TREATMENT TECHNIQUES Written Expression Agraphia Treatment Copy and Recall Treatment (CART) Promoting Aphasic Communication Effectiveness (PACE) Reciprocal Scaffolding Schuell’s Stimulation Approach Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia Thematic Language Stimulation Non-Verbal Communication Back to the Drawing Board Promoting Aphasic Communication Effectiveness (PACE) Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia Visual Action Therapy APHASIA TREATMENT TECHNIQUES Motor Speech Back to the Drawing Board Dabul & Bollier Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Targets (PROMPT) Rosenbeck Sound Production Treatment Techniques for Speechless Apraxic patient Wambaugh 2 3/23/2012 Research: Evidence Change in Thinking: New Concepts Approaches to Managing Aphasia Clinical Practice “NEW” CONCEPTS Intensity Technology Life Participation 3 3/23/2012 BARRIERS TO APPROACHES Challenges to incorporating new concepts and implementing new approaches Time Patient population Setting Access to materials, CEUs, knowledge Payer requirements EXPANDED DEFINITION OF EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE : SACKETT, ET AL, 2000 Evidence Based Practice Clinical Expertise Best Current Research Client Values PRINCIPLES OF NEURAL PLASTICITY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Use it or lose it Use it and improve it Specificity Repetition matters Intensity matters Time matters Salience matters Age matters Transference Interference (Kleim & Jones, 2008) 4 3/23/2012 CLINICAL APHASIA EVIDENCE FOR PRINCIPLES OF EXPERIENCEDEPENDENT PLASTICITY 1. 2. 3. 4. Timing of treatment delivery Use it or lose it Generalization or transfer of treatment effects Intensity of treatment (Raymer, et al, 2008) INTENSITY: NEW CONCEPTS There is conflicting evidence as to whether or not speech and language therapy is efficacious in treating aphasia Most positive studies provided intense therapy over a short period of time Most negative studies provided less intense therapy over a longer period of time INTENSITY: THE EVIDENCE Study Bakheit et al. 2007 N Methods 97 Patients post first stroke were assigned to either 5 one hour sessions/week or 2 one hour sessions/week; WAB given at 4, 8, 12 and 24 weeks 5 hours/week or 2 hours/week for Overall , no significant differences noted in performance 12 weeks on WAB between standard and more intensive therapy. None of the patients assigned to intensive group finished their course. Intensity of Therapy Outcome ‐ Result Brindley at al. 1989 10 Patients with Broca’s aphasia per BDAE without predominate apraxia 1 year post stroke 5 hours over 5 days a week for 12 weeks Significant improvement on FCP. + Lincoln, et al. 1984 327 Aphasic patients 10 weeks post stroke randomized to either receive 2 one hour sessions for 34 weeks or no treatment 2 one hour sessions/week for 34 weeks Both groups demonstrated improvement, but no significant improvement between groups. ‐ Marshall et al. 1989 121 Males 2‐12 weeks post onset from a single left hemisphere thrombosis infarct were randomized to home therapy by wife, friend or relative, therapy by SLP or therapy by SLP deferred for 12 weeks. 8‐10 hours/week for 12 weeks At 12 weeks, the SLP group showed significantly more + improvement than the deferred therapy group, but home therapy group did not differ from SLP therapy group. Poeck et al. 1989 160 Aphasic patients with only L hemisphere 9 hours/week for 6‐8 weeks involvement as shown by CT and beyond the acute stage. Patients received intensive treatment for 9 hours/week for 6‐8 weeks and results were compared with a previous study of 92 patients who did not receive therapy. Gains were significant for both the treatments and control groups. +/‐ Wertz et al. 1986 121 Male veterans under age 75 years of age who were 8‐10 hours/week for 12 weeks 2‐4 weeks post onset of single thromboembolic stroke. Patients demonstrated language severity in the 10th‐80th percentiles on the PICA and were randomized into 8‐10 hours therapy/week for 12 weeks followed by 12 weeks of no treatment or 8‐ 10 hours/week of treatment by a volunteer for 12 weeks followed by no treatment for 12 weeks or treatment deferred for 12 weeks followed by 12 weeks of treatment by an SLP Clinic patients performed significantly better on PICA than those deferred. No significant difference between home and clinic groups. No significant difference between any group after 24 weeks. + 5 3/23/2012 INTENSITY : NEW CONCEPTS Intense therapy over a short amount of time could improve outcomes for patients with aphasia Positive treatment effects for a mean of 8.8 hours of therapy/week for 11.2 weeks VERSUS Negative studies that provided 2 hours/week for 22.9 weeks (Bhogal et al., 2003) INTENSITY : APPROACHES Oral Reading for Language in Aphasia (ORLA) Conversational Scripting Oral expression Copy and Recall Treatment (CART) With Repetition of a Spoken Model Oral expression + auditory comprehension Constraint Induced Aphasia or Language Therapy (CIAT or CILT) Oral expression + reading comprehension + written expression Written expression + oral expression Anagram and Copy Therapy (ACT) Written expression ORAL READING FOR LANGUAGE IN APHASIA Initially developed based on neuropsychological models of reading Improvements may occur in other modalities, including oral and written expression Incorporates repetitive multimodality stimulation and practice Strengthens lexical information, so that the benefit extends to other modalities Technique may be efficacious in treating apraxia because it incorporates three elements—rhythm, pacing, and linguistic templates (Cherney, 1995, 2004) 6 3/23/2012 ORAL READING FOR LANGUAGE IN APHASIA Purpose Improve reading comprehension by providing practice in grapheme-to-phoneme conversion Improve oral expression and auditory comprehension of sentences by strengthening the lexical-semantic system Appropriate Patients Patients with various severity levels of fluent and nonfluent aphasia Materials Procedures Sentences and paragraphs up to 100 words in length SLP sits across from patient SLP reads stimulus aloud pointing to each word as he/she reads it ORAL READING FOR LANGUAGE IN APHASIA Procedure (cont’d) SLP reads stimulus again with both SLP and patient pointing to each word SLP and patient read stimulus aloud together with patient pointing to each word; repeat, varying rate and volume For each line or sentence, SLP states word for patient to identify For each line or sentence, SLP points to a word for patient to read Patient reads stimulus aloud (SLP helps as needed) Resources Cherney, LR (2004) Cherney, L, Merbitz, C and Grip, J (1986) Cherney, LR (1995) ORAL READING FOR LANGUAGE IN APHASIA 7 3/23/2012 ORAL READING FOR LANGUAGE IN APHASIA Sample Goals Severe aphasia: reading comprehension Moderate aphasia: oral expression Mild aphasia: written and oral expression Patient will achieve 80% accuracy reading comprehension of 3-5 word sentences with moderate cues. Patient will achieve 100% accuracy oral expression while reading 3-5 word sentences aloud in unison with SLP with maximal visual and verbal cues. Patient will write 3-5 word sentences to describe pictures, actions or thoughts with 85% accuracy with moderate cues. ORAL READING FOR LANGUAGE IN APHASIA ORAL READING FOR LANGUAGE IN APHASIA 8 3/23/2012 CONVERSATIONAL SCRIPTING A “script” is a series of functional sentences spoken in routine communication situations Also utilized with patients with autism to focus on “turn taking” Can be used with patients with AAC devices Principle: generalization or transfer CONVERSATIONAL SCRIPTING Purpose To facilitate communication and participation in conversational exchanges specific to routine activities Patients can focus on speech initiation, turn-taking and socialization once scripts become “automated” Appropriate Patients Materials Patients with multiple levels of aphasia severity Completed needs assessment to determine patient’s communication needs and interests A script Procedures Mass practice with a specific script CONVERSATIONAL SCRIPTING Customer Service Rep (CSR): Hello, this is Comcast. How can I help you? Patient (P): Yes, I need to pay my cable bill. CSR: May I have your phone number? P: Yes, it’s 555-1212. CSR: Thank you. Can you verify your address, please? P: It is 345 East Superior Street in Chicago, Illinois. CSR: Your bill this month is $124. How do you wish to pay? P: With my MasterCard on file, please. CSR: Thank you. Can you verify the last 3 digits, please? P: Yes, four seven two. CSR: Thank you. Your card has been charged and your payment will be reflected on your account. Is there anything else I can do for you today? P: No, thank you. 9 3/23/2012 CONVERSATIONAL SCRIPTING Resources The Center for Spoken Language Research http://cslr.colorado.edu/beginweb/skriptalk.html RIC: The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Technology Promoting Integration for Stroke Survivors: Overcoming Societal Barriers http://www.rrtc-stroke.org/research/r3.php Cherney, Halper, Holland & Cole, (2008) Sample Goals Patient will use a specific script to take four conversational turns at the sentence level, given minimal cueing after one review. Patient will express three wants, needs or preferences via use of a specific script at the word level in 75% of trials with moderate cues after review x3. CONSTRAINT INDUCED LANGUAGE THERAPY (CILT) Extended from traditional forced use paradigms Patients with chronic aphasia use most accessible communication channels Major components: forced use AND massed practice Principle: Use it or lose it CONSTRAINT INDUCED LANGUAGE (CILT) THERAPY Purpose Create an environment that constrains patients to systematically complete intensive practice of speech acts with which they have difficulty Limit the use of writing, gesturing, drawing or giving up on a message all together in order to promote oral expression Appropriate Patients Materials Procedures (Example: “Go Fish”) Patients with chronic aphasia Routine therapy tasks (games, PACE, conversation) All communication must be spoken words 10 3/23/2012 CONSTRAINT INDUCED LANGUAGE (CILT) THERAPY Procedure (cont’d) Each patient selects a card (dog) and requests the object on the card without showing it to the other players (clinician changes level of difficulty as appropriate i.e. “dog” vs. “Do you have a dog?”) Other players respond verbally in the appropriate manner (i.e. “here” vs. “I have a dog”) Treatment is provided on an intensive schedule that varies by protocols (3 hours+ hours/day at least 5 days a week) Resources Cherney, L, et al. (2008) Maher, LM, Kendall, D, et al. (2006) CONSTRAINT INDUCED LANGUAGE THERAPY (CILT) EVIDENCE SUMMARY: Positive effects of CILT and intensive aphasia treatment primarily for individuals with nonfluent chronic aphasia CILT can result in improved language function and everyday communication for those patients with aphasia Need additional research, contrasting forced language use and treatment intensity in individuals with acute aphasia and those with fluent types of aphasia CONSTRAINT INDUCED LANGUAGE (CILT) THERAPY Sample Goals 80% accuracy verbal expression of single words during a structured task following a model with moderate cues. Patient will verbally express a sentence length response to a question given minimal assist in 80% of trials. 11 3/23/2012 COPY AND RECALL TREATMENT WITH REPETITION OF A SPOKEN MODEL (CART+REPETITION) Lexical retrieval difficulties affect written and spoken language CART created to improve orthographic representations in patients with aphasia Engages both phonological and orthographic processing of lexical items COPY AND RECALL TREATMENT WITH REPETITION OF A SPOKEN MODEL (CART+REPETITION) Purpose Appropriate Patients Pairs writing treatment with repeated oral naming practice to improve written and oral naming of target words Patients with moderate aphasia who have naming deficits Materials (Word Level) List of 20 relevant common and proper nouns Recorder with pre-recorded productions of target words with picture cards for each target COPY AND RECALL TREATMENT WITH REPETITION OF A SPOKEN MODEL (CART+REPETITION) Procedure A line drawing of one of the 20 target words is presented; the patient is cued to orally name and write the word A spoken or recorded model is presented and the patient is cued to “listen, repeat and copy” Unsuccessful oral responses are followed by opportunities for the patient to achieve correct production by prompting verbalization three times (“It sounds like this. Coffee. Can you say it? Say it again. One more time.”) Unsuccessful written responses are followed up by presenting a handwritten model of the word and cueing the patient to write it three times (“It looks like this. Coffee. Can you copy it? Write it again. One more time, write coffee.) 12 3/23/2012 COPY AND RECALL TREATMENT WITH REPETITION OF A SPOKEN MODEL (CART+REPETITION) Procedure (cont’d) Remove all examples of written words and prompt patient to name a picture. Whether or not it is correctly named, have the patient listen to the target word. Do this three times. Next, have the patient write the target without a written model. Have them write it three times, giving feedback and covering their attempt after each. It is recommended that 10 targets are used each session until 80% accuracy is achieved. Homework requiring patient to use an audio recording to listen to word, name and then write 20 times is given and should take 30-60 minutes to complete. (CART+REPETITION) (CART+REPETITION) 13 3/23/2012 COPY AND RECALL TREATMENT WITH REPETITION OF A SPOKEN MODEL (CART+REPETITION) Resources Beeson, PM, Rising, K & Volk, J (2003). Beeson, PM & Egnor, H (2006). Sample Goals: Patient will name and write a set of 5 pictures/objects on the 4th trial following 3 verbal and 3 written productions of each target word with 80% accuracy with minimal cues. Patient will name and write a set of 5 pictures/objects following guided copy practice with 80% accuracy and moderate cues. ANAGRAM AND COPY TREATMENT (ACT) Purpose Provides patients with a core set of specific written words to communicate basic wants and needs Improves link between graphemic representations and semantics (spelling) Principle: Timing of treatment delivery Appropriate Patients Materials Procedure Non-verbal patients with severe aphasia A core set of approximately 20 words, 3-9 letters in length Patient is asked to write a word and is shown a picture of the target; a semantic cue may also be provided ANAGRAM AND COPY TREATMENT (ACT) Procedure (cont’d) If the target is correctly written, move to the next item. If it is NOT correct see the steps below Present component letters in random order and ask the patient to manipulate them to spell the word Once the word has been correctly spelled, the patient copies it 3 times After copying 3 times, the written copies are removed and the spelling is assessed 3 times Reference Sample Goals Beeson, PM, Hirsch, FM & Rewega, MA (2002) Patient will achieve 80% accuracy of spelling (as a precursor to written expression ) of a core set of 10 words when presented with component letters in random order with moderate cues. 14 3/23/2012 ANAGRAM AND COPY TREATMENT (ACT) ANAGRAM AND COPY TREATMENT (ACT) ANAGRAM AND COPY TREATMENT (ACT) 15 3/23/2012 ANAGRAM AND COPY TREATMENT (ACT) ANAGRAM AND COPY TREATMENT (ACT) TECHNOLOGY Provide limitless opportunities for interactive language activities Computers Programs Internet E-Mail Mobile Phones E-Readers AAC 16 3/23/2012 TECHNOLOGY: COMPUTERS Considerations Accessibility Voice recognition software Enlarged keyboards ABCDEF vs. QWERTY Instruction Range of programs Therapeutic programs, photo programs, greeting cards, games, e-mail, etc. Features of programs Spell check / thesaurus TECHNOLOGY: COMPUTERS Computer based aphasia therapy Provides a means for massed practice and increased intensity Minimizes therapist time and resources Computerized programs AphasiaScripts™ (The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, 2007) ORLA™ (The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago) Parrot (Parrot Software, West Bloomfield, Michigan) Bungalow (Bungalow Software, Inc., Blacksburg, Virginia) SentenceShaper ® (SentenceShaper Software; Psycholinguistic Technologies, Inc., Elkins Park, Pennsylvania) Evidence Computer based interventions can improve language skills at the impairment level, but there is limited evidence that improvements generalize to functional communication ORLA™ (The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago) 17 3/23/2012 ORLA™ (The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago) AphasiaScripts™ (The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, 2007) TECHNOLOGY: MOBILE PHONES 84% of individuals with disabilities surveyed own or have regular access to a mobile phone 6 semi-structured interviews with individuals with aphasia; 3 semi-structured observations of individuals with phones in key scenarios 18 barriers to mobile phone use Device design Small phone buttons, small screen, use of unclear symbols in menus, too many features Written support and training Other Unclear user manuals, inadequate training in use Unique language used with texting, complexity of use 18 3/23/2012 TECHNOLOGY: MOBILE PHONES 9 factors that may help Design Labels on all controls Keyboards arranged in alphabetical order (not QWERTY) Use of texting vs. voice communication Word prediction software Preprogrammed numbers Flip open handsets Written support and training Adequate support and training Written cues and images in instructions Familiar communication partner (Morris and Mueller, 2010) TECHNOLOGY: MOBILE PHONES Smart Phone and Tablet Apps Lingraphica® SmallTalk Aphasia SmallTalk Phonemes Small Talk Conversational Phrases Small Talk Daily Activites MyVoice™: Communication Aid Tactus Therapy Solutions: TherAppy Comprehension Naming Reading Writing TECHNOLOGY: MOBILE PHONES 19 3/23/2012 LIFE PARTICIPATION Internal Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) Framework Implementation in 2001 with unanimous endorsement of the classification by the 54th World Health Assembly Healthcare classification framework for describing and measuring health and disability Used for functional status assessment, goal setting & treatment planning and monitoring, as well as outcome measurement in clinical setting Takes into account the social aspects of disability ICF: DEFINITIONS Impairments: problems in body function or structure such as a significant deviation or loss. Activity: the execution of a task or action by an individual. Participation: involvement in a life situation. Activity Limitations: difficulties an individual may have in executing activities. Participation Restrictions: problems an individual may experience in involvement in life situations. Environmental Factors: make up the physical, social and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives. LIFE PARTICIPATION APPROACH TO APHASIA (LPAA) Call for a broadening and refocusing of clinical practice and research on the consequences of aphasia Focus on re-engagement in life Places life concerns of those affected by aphasia at the center of all decision making Empowerment and collaboration on interventions may lead to more rapid return to active life and reduce the consequences that lead to long-term health costs 20 3/23/2012 LIFE PARTICIPATION APPROACH TO APHASIA (LPAA) Assessment includes determining relevant life participation needs In addition to assessing communication and deficits, clinicians should be equally interested in how the patient does with support Clinicians take on take on roles in addition to doing therapy, such as “communication partner”, “coach” or “problem solver” Clinicians evaluate and document on: Life activities and satisfaction Social connections and satisfaction Emotional well-being (Chapey, et al, 2010) SOCIAL PARTICIPATION OF STROKE SURVIVORS WITH APHASIA Impact of stroke – Are survivors with aphasia different from those without? 126 participant divided into two groups (aphasia and no aphasia) and surveyed at 2 weeks, 3 months and 6 months post onset Outcomes improved significantly over time Scores comparable for: Physical abilities Well being Social support Scores for people with aphasia significantly lower than those for people without aphasia on: Participation in activities Quality of life (Hilari, 2011) SOCIAL PARTICIPATION OF STROKE SURVIVORS WITH APHASIA Interviews (adapted to communication needs of the individuals) of 150 stroke survivors with aphasia Variation in social participation Low home integration scores (finances, childcare, housework, meals, etc.) Low productivity scores (work, retirement, education, volunteer, etc.) Age, gender, performance on ADLs and aphasia severity related to social participation (Dalemans, et al. 2010) 21 3/23/2012 LIFE PARTICIPATION Severity of aphasia Environment Activity participation Person, identity, attitude and feelings versus Traditional language domains Functional communication abilities LIFE PARTICIPATION Communication Disability Profile - CDP (Swinburn & Byng, 2006) The Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life ScaleSAQUL-39 (Hilari et al, 2003) The Burden of Stroke Scale – BOSS (Doyle et al., 2002) The ASHA Quality of Communication Life ASHA-QCL (Paul et al, 2003) The only tool that assesses communication confidence “I am confident that I can communicate” Confidence: “a feeling or consciousness of one’s powers” (Miriam Webster Online) LIFE PARTICIPATION Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA) Group Therapy: Book clubs, conversation groups 22 3/23/2012 SUPPORTED CONVERSATION FOR ADULTS WITH APHASIA (SCA) An emphasis on the social unit of dyad incorporating the conversation partner, rather than sole focus on the person with aphasia. Interaction/social connection is given as much weight as transaction/exchange. The person with aphasia is treated as a competent person capable of making decisions, if appropriate support is provided. Social & societal barriers to conversation & participation in daily life are taken into account with a commitment to providing the support necessary to decrease these barriers. Principle: Use it or lose it; generalization (Aphasia Institute, 2004) SUPPORTED CONVERSATION FOR ADULTS WITH APHASIA (SCA) Purpose Provide an “assistive device” for communication by emphasis on incorporating the conversational partner Technique is not just used in therapy, but in daily interactions Appropriate Patients Materials Patients with all types and severities of aphasia BLACK marker Unlined paper Pictures, photos, drawings SUPPORTED CONVERSATION FOR ADULTS WITH APHASIA (SCA) Procedures Step 1: Acknowledge Partner’s Competence Strive for feel / flow of natural adult conversation Use appropriate tone and sense of humor Handle incorrect / unclear responses respectfully Encourage partner when appropriate Acknowledge competence when partner is upset/frustrated “I know you know what you want to say” Take on communicative burden as appropriate to help partner to feel comfortable 23 3/23/2012 SUPPORTED CONVERSATION FOR ADULTS WITH APHASIA (SCA) Step 2: Reveal Competence Ensures that the adult with aphasia understands How much support is provided relative to what’s needed? Verbal – short, simple sentences, redundancy / repetition, verbal adaptation Nonverbal – gesture, writing, pictures / resources, drawing Response to communicative cues – reacting to facial expressions that indicate lack of comprehension SUPPORTED CONVERSATION FOR ADULTS WITH APHASIA (SCA) Step 2: Reveal Competence (cont’d) Ensures that the adult with aphasia has a means of responding Verbal – fixed choice, yes/no Nonverbal – gesture, writing, resources, drawing Response to communicative cues – giving enough time to respond SUPPORTED CONVERSATION FOR ADULTS WITH APHASIA (SCA) Step 3: Verification Accuracy of adult with aphasia’s response not automatically assumed Verbal – “So let’s see if I’ve got this right…” Nonverbal – gesture, writing, resources, drawing Response to communicative cues – appropriate handling of inconsistent yes/no responses 24 3/23/2012 SUPPORTED CONVERSATION FOR ADULTS WITH APHASIA (SCA) Resources Kagan, A (2004) Kagan, A (2001) Sample Goals Patient will express 3 wants, needs or ideas during a 5 minute supported conversation via total communication with maximal assist Patient will comprehend and express a variety of topics during a 5 minute supported conversation with no more than 2 communication breakdowns with moderate assist WHY SCA WORKS Aphasia can be defined as an acquired neurogenic language disorder that may mask competence normally revealed in conversation. There is an interactive relationship between perceived competence & opportunity for conversation. The ability & opportunity to engage in conversation & reveal competence lie at the heart of “communicative access” to participation in daily life. Competence of people with aphasia can be revealed through the skill of the conversation partner who provides a “communication ramp” for increasing communicative access. (Aphasia Institute, 2004) SCA MATERIALS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE FROM INSTITUTE NATIONAL APHASIA 25 3/23/2012 SUPPORTED CONVERSATION FOR ADULTS WITH APHASIA (SCA) GROUP THERAPY Different methods and types of groups Engagement is critical in order to be maximally successful Appropriate support should be provided Process by which people establish, maintain and terminate collaborative interactions Clinician facilitates and monitors to prevent an individual session with observers Cue for strategies and total communication: gestures, scripts, picture choices, etc. Principle: Use it or lose it and generalization GROUP THERAPY Rules of Engagement Structure seating to promote engagement Clinicians as participants Monitor signals of engagement Gaze Body language/position Shared laughter, frustration, other emotions Gesture 26 3/23/2012 GROUP THERAPY Purpose Cost effective way to maximize limited language therapy resources Provide opportunity for and encourage social interactions, practicing of communication strategies and peer support Evidence There is moderate evidence that group intervention results in improvements on communication and linguistic measures among individuals with chronic aphasia. There is limited evidence that group therapy results in improved communication. Research: Evidence Change in Thinking: New Concepts Approaches to Managing Aphasia Clinical Practice 27 3/23/2012 REFERENCES The Aphasia Institute https://www.aphasia.ca Babbitt E & Cherney, L (2010). Communication confidence in persons with aphasia. Top Stroke Rehabil, 17(3): 214-223. Bakheit AM, Shaw S, Barrett L, et al. (2007). A prospective, randomized, parallel group, controlled study of the effect of intensity of speech and language therapy on early recovery from poststroke aphasia. Clin Rehabil, 21, 885-894. Beeson PM, Hirsch FM & Rewega MA (2002). Successful single-word writing treatment: Experimental analyses of four cases. Aphasiology, 16: 477. Beeson PM, Rising K & Volk J (2003). Writing treatment for severe aphasia: Who benefits? Jour Speech, Lang and Hear Resear, 46: 1044. Beeson PM, & Egnor H. (2006). Combining treatment for written and spoken naming. Jour Internat Neuropsy Soc, 12: 816-827. Bhogal S, Teasell R, & Speechley M (2003). Intensity of aphasia therapy, impact on recovery. Stroke, 34, 987-993. Brindley P, Copeland M, Demain C, Martyn P (1989). A comparison of the speech of ten chronic Broca’s aphasics of following intensive periods of therapy. Aphasiology, 3: 695-707. Chapey R, Dunchan JF, Elman RJ, Garcia LJ, Kagan, A, Lyon, J, SimmonsMackie N. Life participation approach to aphasia: a statement of values for the future. Available at: http://www.asha.org/public/speech/disorders/LPAA.htm Accessed December 30, 2010. Cherney LR, Halper AS, Holland AL & Cole, R (2008). Computerized script training for aphasia: preliminary results. Amer Jour Speech Lang Pathol, 17: 19-34. Cherney L, Merbitz C & Grip J. (1986). Efficacy of oral reading in aphasia treatment outcome. Rehabilitation Literature, 112-119. Cherney LR. (2004). Aphasia, alexia and oral reading. Top Stroke Rehabil, 11(1), 22-36. Cherney LR, Patterson J, Raymer A, Frymark T, & Schooling T (2008). Evidence-Based Systematic Review: Effects of Intensity of Treatment and Constraint-Induced Language Therapy for Individuals with Stroke-Induced Aphasia. J Speech Lang Hear Res, 51, 1282-1299. Cherney LR. (1995). Efficacy of oral reading in the treatment of two patients with chronic Broca's aphasia. Top Stroke Rehabil, 2 (1), 57-67. Dalemans RJ, De Witte LP, Beurskens AJ, Van Den Heuvel WJ & Wade DT (2010). An investigation into the social participation of stroke survivors with aphasia. Disabil Rehabil, 32 (20):1678-85. Elman RJ & Bernstein-Ellis E (1999). The efficacy of group communication treatment in adults with chronic aphasia. J Speech Lang Hear Res, 42: 411419. Hilari K (2011). The impact of stroke: are people with aphasia different to those without? Disabil Rehabil, 33(3): 195-203. Hilari K, Byng S, Lamping DL & Smith SC (2003). Stroke and aphasia quality of life scale-39 (SAQOL-39): evaluation of acceptability, reliability, and validity. Stroke, 34: 1944. 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Training Volunteers as Conversation Partners Using Supported Conversation for Adults With Aphasia (SCA): A Controlled Trial. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, (44): 624-638. Morris J, Mueller J & Jones M. (2010) Toward mobile phone design for all: meeting the needs of stroke survivors. Top Stroke Rehabil. 17(5):353-61. Poeck K, Huber W, Wilmes K (1989). Outcome of intensive language treatment in aphasia. J Speech Hear Disord, 54: 471-479. Raymer A, et al (2008). Translational research in aphasia: from neuroscience to neurorehabilitation. J Speech Lang Hear Res,51(1):S259-S275. 28 3/23/2012 Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, Rosenberg W & Haynes RB (2000). Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. 2nd ed. Edinburgh & New York: Churchill Livingstone. Simmons-Mackie N & Damico J (2009). Engagement in group therapy for aphasia. Semin Speech Lang, 30: 18-26. Simmons-Mackie N & Elman RJ (2010). Negotiation of identity in group therapy for aphasia: the Aphasia Café. Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2010 Sep 17 {Epub ahead of print]. Wertz RT, Weiss DG, Aten DL, Brookshire RL, et al. (1986). Comparison of clinic, home, and deferred language treatment for aphasia. A Veterans Administration Cooperative Study. Arch Neurol, 43: 653-658. Thank you to Kathryn Miller, MS, CCC-SLP and Lisa Naylor, MA CCC-SLP for their assistance with videotaping examples for this presentation. 29
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