Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: updates on treatment Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Pradeep Chopra, MD Assistant Professor (Clinical) Brown Medical School Director, Pain Management Center, RI Copyright © 2013 by Pradeep Chopra. No part of this presentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author 1 Disclosure and disclaimer • I have no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this presentation or program • This presentation will discuss “off-label” uses of medications • No financial interest in any pharmaceutical company or otherwise • Please discuss with your physician before making any changes Copyright © 2013 by Pradeep Chopra. No part of this presentation may be reproduced or transmitted in 2 any form or by any means without written permission of the author Introduction • Training and Fellowship, Harvard Medical school • Pain Medicine specialist • Assistant Professor – Brown Medical School, Rhode Island Pradeep Chopra, MD 3 What is CRPS / RSD • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome formerly Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy • Syndrome characterized by a continuing pain that is disproportionate to the usual course of any trauma or lesion. • Usually starts after a trauma, immobilization. Maybe spontaneous or after a stroke. Pradeep Chopra, MD 4 How common is RSD? • Not sure – because there are a lot of cases that are undiagnosed and misdiagnosed. • • USA: estimated to be 50,000 new cases per year • New cases of Parkinson's every year: 60,000 1 Andreas Kopf, Patel N, IASP 2010 2 DeMos M, de Bruijn AG, et al 2006 3 Van Den Eeden, Tanner, et al 2003 Deussing, Jankosky 2012 Marinus J, Moseley GL et al 2011 Pradeep Chopra, MD 5 Signs and Symptoms of CRPS 1 • Pain starts in one limb but can present in the trunk (spine, abdomen, perineum) • Constant pain, even at rest with intermittent exacerbations. Unexplained and diffuse • Severe pain - burning, tearing, shooting • Temperature, color change. • Edema • Area of pain larger than the primary injury • Limited range of motion Pradeep Chopra, MD 6 Signs and Symptoms of CRPS 2 • Cannot be explained by any other medical condition • Allodynia - pain on light touch • Hyperalgesia - increased pain to mildly painful stimulus • Trophic changes - nail growth changes (faster, distorted), hair growth changes (coarser, darker, rapid growth, hair falling), skin changes (atrophy of skin), skin lesions Pradeep Chopra, MD 7 Color, temperature and swelling 94 ° 88 ° Swelling Pradeep Chopra, MD 8 Nail changes, swelling Pradeep Chopra, MD 9 Coarser, darker, faster hair Pradeep Chopra, MD 14 Chest Pain in CRPS • Atypical chest pain i.e. chest pain not due to cardiac causes • In CRPS, it presents as above the breast, radiates to the jaw, face, shoulder and arm • Can be reproduced by raising the arm, pressure over certain parts of the chest • Cause: Irritation and sensitization of the Inter-costo-brachial nerve (ICBN). Atypical Chest Pain: Evidence of Intercostobrachial Nerve Sensitization in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Jennifer W. Rasmussen, MD, John R. Grothusen, PhD, Andrea L. Rosso, MPH,and Robert 15 J. Schwartzman, MD: Pain Physician 2009; 12:E329-E334 • ISSN 2150-1149 Pradeep Chopra, MD 16 Best Diagnostic tool • A good history and physical examination • A repeat examination should be done to come to a diagnosis because of the fleeting nature of some of the symptoms (color change, temperature asymmetry Pradeep Chopra, MD 17 Tests that are not helpful for diagnosing RSD • Imaging techniques – x-ray, MRI, fMRI, Three phase bone scan, bone density • Blood tests • Skin biopsy • Sympathetic nerve tests – sweat test, sympathetic skin response, • Nerve tests – EMG, nerve conduction, • The tests MAYBE used if another diagnosis is suspected. Atkins RM, Tindale W, Bickerstaff D, Kanis JA. Quantitative bone scintigraphy in reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Br J Rheumatol 1993;32(1):41-5. Todorovic-Tirnanic M, Obradovic V, Han R, Goldner B, Stankovic D, Sekulic D, et al. Diagnostic approach to reflex sympathetic dystrophy after fracture: radiography or bone scintigraphy? Eur J Nucl Med 18 CENTRAL SENSITIZATION What really happens in CRPS Pradeep Chopra, MD 19 Central Nervous system • The Central Nervous system is made up of 2 types of cells – Nerve cells and Glia 20 Glia 1 • Glia constitute 70% to 80% of all cells in the Central Nervous system (CNS) • Under normal conditions are part of the immune system • Glia when activated release inflammatory chemicals Watkins, Hutchinson, Ledeboer, Milligan et al Brain Behav Immun 2007 Feb; 21(2): 131-146 21 Glia and nerves under normal conditions Pradeep Chopra, MD 22 Activated Glia Pradeep Chopra, MD 23 Chemicals released by activated Glia Pradeep Chopra, MD 24 Nerve inflammation - Central Sensitization Pradeep Chopra, MD 26 The problem is no longer in the nerves. Its in the cells (Glia cells) Pradeep Chopra, MD 27 NMDA Receptors • In CRPS the Central Nervous system is flooded with pain • This results in activation of the NMDA receptors • Ketamine and other drugs block NMDA receptors Pradeep Chopra, MD 30 NMDA receptors • In CRPS, NMDA receptors proliferate, leading to increased pain • Ketamine blocks NMDA receptors ...........but not forever • It blocks it long enough to reset the nervous system and for other modalities to work 31 Management Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Pradeep Chopra, MD 32 Basic guidelines in treating RSD • Start treatment immediately, even if you suspect RSD • Treatment should be directed towards restoration of function (focus away from pain) • Multidisciplinary approach Pradeep Chopra, MD 33 Starting treatment medicines and exercise • Start low, go slow Pradeep Chopra, MD 34 Ketamine for CRPS Pradeep Chopra, MD 35 Ketamine • • • • • • Strong NMDA Receptor blocker One of the safest anesthetic drugs Powerful analgesic CRPS - activation of NMDA receptors Effect unreliable when taken orally. Effective as IV or submucosal (Troche) Correll GE, Maleki J, Gracely EJ, Muir JJ, Harbut RE. Subanesthestic ketamine infusion therapy: a retrospective analysis of a novel therapeutic approach to complex regional pain syndrome. Pain Medicine 2004;5(3):263-75. 36 Ketamine in RSD • Administered in sub-anesthetic doses – blocks NMDA receptors without causing too many side effects • In RSD it decreases Central Sensitization • Rough estimates – 85% show improvement in daily activities, reduction in their medications and improved lifestyles • It is not a cure. It is to be done along with other therapies Correll GE, Maleki J, Gracely EJ, Muir JJ, Harbut RE. Subanesthestic ketamine infusion therapy: a retrospective analysis of a novel therapeutic approach to complex regional pain syndrome. Pain Medicine 2004;5(3):263-75. 37 Ketamine – out patient • • • • • • • Increasing dose of ketamine over 10 days Start at a low dose, increase everyday Usually start to see some relief by day 4 or 5 If no relief by day 5, stop Infusion done over 4 to 5 hours Full standard monitoring Qualified personnel must be present at all times Pradeep Chopra, MD 39 Continuous infusion protocol • Done in an Intensive Care Unit • A continuous 24 hour infusion done over five to six days • Usually used only for the loading dose. • Follow up booster infusions after discharge may be done as an outpatient procedure Pradeep Chopra, MD 40 IV Ketamine - boosters • Very important part of the treatment protocol • As the effect of the initial ketamine wears off, the glial cells begin to activated again. • Boosters may be done after 2 weeks for 2 days • Then, for one day every 4 to 8 weeks depending on the severity, chronicity and response • Sometimes, it may be necessary to do a 2 day booster. Pradeep Chopra, MD 41 Ketamine infusions • Must be done under ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) standard monitoring • Continuous oxygen levels, heart rate, EKG • Intermittent (every 15 minutes) blood pressure, conscious level • Very quiet room • Dark room Pradeep Chopra, MD 42 Ketamine infusions • Avoid talking, television, music, etc • Avoid any visual and sound stimulation • Dreams, hallucinations – to a mild degree imply effective dose. • Hallucinations triggered by loud sounds and light • Rest of the day – avoid loud traffic, spend the day at home in a quiet, dark room • Take a benzodiazepine pill after infusion 43 Ketamine infusions and opioids • No interaction • Opioids increase sensitization to pain in CRPS, whereas • Ketamine decreases sensitization CRPS • Best to come off all opioids before undergoing ketamine infusion • May use the beneficial effects of Ketamine to control pain as tapering off opioids 44 Ketamine side effects • Most of the side effects are temporary and short lived and reversible. • We do not know of any long term side effects of ketamine infusions. • Nausea, vomiting, colorful dreams, hallucinations, headache Pradeep Chopra, MD 45 Ketamine Troche • Only for acute flare up. Not for regular use. • Take 10mg in your cheek or under tongue every 1 hour till relief or for a total of 50mg 10mg ___1 hour___10 mg___1 hour____10mg _____1 hour_____10mg Pradeep Chopra, MD 46 Which Protocol is best ? How much ketamine is enough? Pradeep Chopra, MD 47 Factors that are important in getting the best out of a ketamine infusion • How long does the ketamine stay in the body i.e. how long are the receptors blocked • How much is needed to keep the ketamine in the body / keep the receptors blocked • Minimize trauma while delivering the infusion • Ketamine infusions are good only if done in conjunction with other therapies, especially exercise Pradeep Chopra, MD 48 Pradeep Chopra, MD 49 Pradeep Chopra, MD 50 Pradeep Chopra, MD 51 Pradeep Chopra, MD 52 Pradeep Chopra, MD 53 Pradeep Chopra, MD 54 Low Dose Naltrexone LDN Pradeep Chopra, MD 55 Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) 1 • • • • Competitive antagonist of opioid receptors Clinically used for 30 years for addiction Suppresses the effect on the glia, which…. …decreases the release of inflammatory chemicals Pradeep Chopra, MD 56 Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) • Very different from buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone™) • Buprenorphine is a narcotic • Naloxone and naltrexone are in the same family • The naloxone or naltrexone is for prevention of abuse and has no beneficial affect Pradeep Chopra, MD 57 Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) 2 • There are several theories as to how LDN may work. 1. Transiently blocks opioid receptor leading to positive feedback production of endorphins (Zagnon) 2. LDN increases production of OGF (opioid growth factor) as well as number of and density of OGF receptors by intermittently blocking the opiate receptor. Increased in OGF repairs tissue and healing. 1. Effect not mediated by opioid receptor activity. Potentially mediated by activity on Toll Like Receptors 4 (TLR4) Pradeep Chopra, MD 58 Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) 3 • Dose can vary anywhere between 1.75mg to 4.5mg • May cause insomnia, mild headaches initially. • Patients report increased physical activity, flare ups not as acute, better tolerance to pain. • To avoid all opioids or tramadol. Pradeep Chopra, MD 59 Case of RSD treated with LDN RSD with dystonia before LDN RSD after LDN Pradeep Chopra, MD 60 Severe RSD with skin lesions Pradeep Chopra, MD 61 IV ketamine and LDN Pradeep Chopra, MD 62 LDN and CRPS Chopra, Li, Unpublished data from retrospective review, 2013 – under review 63 Muscle symptoms in CRPS Pradeep Chopra, MD 64 Muscle symptoms in CRPS • • • • Muscle spasms Dystonia Tremors Myoclonus Pradeep Chopra, MD 65 Muscle spasms • • • • • Magnesium Diazepam (Valium®), Clonazepam Flexeril Tizanidine Baclofen Pradeep Chopra, MD 66 Muscle Relaxants • Cyclobenzaprine, tizanidine • Not very helpful for muscle symptoms of RSD • Baclofen and diazepam or clonazepam may have some benefit • Intrathecal (spinal pump) baclofen is not helpful Schwartzman RJ, Kerrigan J. The movement disorder of reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Neurology 1990;40(1):57-61. Bhatia KP, Bhatt MH, Marsden CD. The causalgia-dystonia syndrome. Brain 1993;116 (Pt 4):843-51. Hilten JJ van, Beek WJ van de, Vein AA, Dijk JG van, Middelkoop HA. Clinical aspects of multifocal or generalized tonic dystonia in reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Neurology 2001;56(12):1762-5. 67 Magnesium • IV magnesium: small study with 8 patients, administered IV magnesium over 5 days, for 4 hours each day. • Significant decrease in pain • Improvement in quality of life Collins et al., Pain Medicine, 2009, 10:930-940 68 Magnesium • Magnesium down regulates NMDA receptor (responsible for CRPS) • Study done with IV magnesium was very positive for helping CRPS • Magnesium has been used to treat migraines • Blood tests for Magnesium levels are not accurate • Best to use Chelated Magnesium Collins, S, Zuurmond WW et al. Intravenous Magnsium for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I (CRPS I) patients: A 69 Pilot study. Pain Medicine Vol 10, Number 5. 2009 Tadalafil (Cialis) for CRPS • Treatment of cold CRPS resulted in significant reduction of temperature difference between affected and unaffected limbs • Long term effect unknown Groeneweg et al., BMC Musckoskeletal Disorders, 2008, 9:143 70 FREE RADICAL SCAVENGERS Pradeep Chopra, MD 71 Free Radicals – what are they? 2 • When molecules break up, some electrons are left free to float around. • These unbalanced molecules are called free radicals • These unbalanced molecules become very unstable and attack another molecule or electron to grab onto for stability. • In our body, when these unstable electrons attack other molecules to achieve stability they damage human cells – nerves, muscles Pradeep Chopra, MD 72 Free Radicals attack and rob energy from other cells to satisfy themselves Pradeep Chopra, MD 73 Free Radical scavengers (Antioxidants) • • • • Alpha Lipoic Acid Vitamin C DMSO (Dimethyl sulphoxide) N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) Pradeep Chopra, MD 74 DMSO 50% - Dimethyl Sulphoxide • Topical use only. • Particularly helpful for ‘warm’ CRPS • CRPS less than 1 year - three month course of DMSO applied 5 times topically every day • CRPS more than 1 year – One month trial course of DMSO everyday. • If trial helps, then continue Geertzen JH, Bruijn H de, Bruijn-Kofman AT, Arendzen JH. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: early treatment and psychological aspects. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1994;75(4):442-6. Zuurmond WW, Langendijk PN, Bezemer PD, Brink HE, Lange JJ de, Loenen AC van. Treatment of acute reflex sympathetic dystrophy with DMSO 50% in a fatty cream. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1996;40(3):364-7. 75 N- Acetyl Cysteine • Useful for cold allodynia • N-Acetylcysteine 600mg three times a day for three months • Other uses: acetaminophen overdose, mucolytic • Gastric irritant – take after food Perez RS, Zuurmond WW, Bezemer PD, Kuik DJ, Loenen AC van, Lange JJ de, et al. The treatment of complex regional pain syndrome type I with free radical scavengers: a randomized controlled study. Pain 2003;102(3):297-307 76 Vitamin C • Natural antioxidant • There are several studies that have shown that Vitamin C can prevent CRPS after a fracture • Recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C is 60mg (National Research Council, USA). • Vitamin C 500 mg for 45 days to 50 days was shown to prevent development of CRPS • ? Any value to using it in established CRPS, certainly helpful in prevention Zollinger Paul, Tuinebereijer, Keir R, Breederveld, 1999, Lancet 77 Alpha Lipoic acid (ALA) 1 • Free Radical scavenger • Promising results in diabetic neuropathy and other polyneuropathies • No trials in CRPS • Has been approved in Germany for treating neuropathic pain Kapoor S, Foot Ankle Spec, 2012 Aug;5(4); 228-9 Snedecor SJ, Sudarshan L, Cappelleru JC etc al. 2013 Pain Pract, Mar 28 78 Alpha Lipoic acid (ALA) 2 • Its also helps with autonomic neuropathy (common in CRPS) POTS, Dysautonomia • Effective when taken as IV (Intravenous) • May be taken orally • Dose: 600mg to 1200mg per day Pradeep Chopra, MD 79 Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) • Naturally produced in the body • Spinach, red meat, potatoes, broccoli, yams, carrots, beets, yeast Pradeep Chopra, MD 80 Ibudiblast • Promising research in helping CRPS • Works by deactivating glia • Currently available in Japan for asthma and stroke. 81 Clonidine • Alpha2 adrenerigic agonist – prevent release of catecholamines by a presynaptic action • Transdermal more effective than oral • Effective for hyperalgesia and allodynia (Davis et al) Pradeep Chopra, MD 82 Bones, joints in CRPS Pradeep Chopra, MD 83 Osteopenia / Osteoporosis • • • • • • • Thinning of the bone is a feature of CRPS Prevention is the best way to treat it Use the limb as much as you can Do weight loading exercises Legs – do weight bearing exercises Arms – lift weights, push against a wall Clordronate and alendronate Pradeep Chopra, MD 84 Bisphosphonates • • • • Group of drugs to treat osteoporosis Clodronate IV Alendronate IV Helpful for treating CRPS Forouzanfar T, Koke AJ, Kleef M van, Weber WE. Treatment of complex regional pain syndrome type I. Eur J Pain 2002;6(2):105-22. Adami S, Fossaluzza V, Gatti D, Fracassi E, Braga V. Bisphosphonate therapy of reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome. Ann Rheum Dis 1997;56(3):201-4. 85 Calcium regulating drugs – in refractory cases • Clodronate (300mg) daily IV – pain, swelling, movement range in acute CRPS • Alendronate (7.5mg) daily IV - pain, swelling, movement range in acute CRPS • Use in refractory cases Pradeep Chopra, MD 86 Calcitonin • • • • Hormone produced by the thyroid gland Helps with pain and calcium regulation Taken by nose (better) and injection Research with mixed results – some effective and some, not as much Kingery WS. A critical review of controlled clinical trials for peripheral neuropathic pain and complex regional pain syndromes. Pain 1997;73(2):23-39. Berg P van den, Bierma-Zeinstra S, Koes B. Therapie bij sympathische reflexdystrofie. Huisarts Wet 2002;45:166-71. Perez RS, Kwakkel G, Zuurmond WW, Lange JJ de. Treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy (CRPS type I): a research synthesis of 21 randomized clinical trials. J Pain Symptom Manage 2001;21(6):511-26. 87 Forouzanfar T, Koke AJ, Kleef M van, Weber WE. Treatment of complex regional pain syndrome type I. Eur J Pain 2002;6(2):105-22. Opioids • • • • No long term studies Counterproductive for CRPS Activate glia Increased Central Sensitization Watkins, L, Hutchinson, Rice KC, Maier, 2009 Harke H, Gretenkort P, Ladleif HU, Rahman S, Harke O. The response of neuropathic pain and pain in complex regional pain syndrome I to carbamazepine and sustained-release morphine in patients pretreated with spinal cord stimulation: a double-blinded randomized study. Anesth Analg 2001;92(2):488-95. 88 Prevalence of Misuse, Abuse, and Addiction Misuse 40% Abuse:20% Total Pain Population Addiction: 2% to 5% Webster LR, Webster RM. Pain Med. 2005;6(6):432-442. 90 Gabapentin and pregabalin • May help some patients with CRPS • Gabapentin –Slow acting drug. • Pregabalin – no evidence that it helps CRPS but a trial course may be tried • If there is no difference in 8 weeks, taper it off. Serpell MG. Gabapentin in neuropathic pain syndromes: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Pain 2002;99(3):557-66. Vusse AC van de, Stomp-van den Berg SG, Kessels AH, Weber WE. Randomised controlled trial of gabapentin in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome type I [ISRCTN84121379]. BMC Neurol 2004;4(1):13. 91 Hyperbaric Oxygen • No good evidence that it helps in the long term • Anecdotal reports (mostly from hyperbaric centers) Kiralp MZ, Yildiz S, Vural D, Keskin I, Ay H, Dursun H. J Int Med Res. 2004 May-Jun;32(3):25862. Effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome 92 Sympathetic Nerve blocks • Stellate ganglion blocks for upper extremity • Lumbar sympathetic blocks for lower extremity • No good data on long term efficacy of these blocks • No diagnostic or therapeutic value • Temporary at best Price DD, Long S, Wilsey B, Rafii A. Analysis of peak magnitude and duration of analgesia produced by local anesthetics injected into sympathetic ganglia of complex regional pain syndrome patients. Clin J Pain 1998;14(3):216-26. Azad SC, Beyer A, Romer AW, Galle-Rod A, Peter K, Schops P. Continuous axillary brachial plexus analgesia with low dose morphine in patients with complex regional pain syndromes. Eur J Anaesthesiol 93 2000;17(3):185-8. Antidepressants • Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) well studied in neuropathic pain, not CRPS • Reuptake blockers of serotonin and noradrenaline (Amitrityline, nortriptyline) – work well • Selective noradrenaline blockers (desipramine) • SSRI (Prozac®, Zoloft®)– do not work well Watson CP, Chipman M, Reed K, Evans RJ, Birkett N. Amitriptyline versus maprotiline in postherpetic neuralgia: a randomized, double-blind, crossover trial. Pain 1992;48(1):29-36. Raja SN, Haythornthwaite JA, Pappagallo M, Clark MR, Travison TG, Sabeen S, et al. Opioids versus antidepressants in postherpetic neuralgia: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Neurology 2002;59(7):1015- 94 Antidepressants ( SNRI’s ) • Milnacipran (Savella®) – approved for fibromyalgia • No studies for CRPS • A trial of Milnacipran may be considered Pradeep Chopra, MD 95 Autoimmunity • CRPS is an autoimmune condition in certain cases • Auto-antibodies (IgG) against the autonomic nervous system and peripheral nerves have been shown • A small and not well designed trial showed that low dose Intravenous Immunoglobin (IVIg) may help with the pain of CRPS for up to 5 weeks only Goebel A et al, 2010 IVIg treatment of the CRPS: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med Feb 2; 152(3) Blaes FK, et al 2004 Autoimmune etiology of CRPS. Neurology 63:1734-1736 96 Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) 1 • An electrode is inserted surgically into the epidural space and connected to an implanted generator • The electrode produces an electrical current is felt as a tingling sensation and suppresses pain. • Mechanism of action unknown • Painful and expensive Kemler MA, Barendse GA, Kleef M van, Vet HC de, Rijks CP, Furnee CA, et al. Spinal cord stimulation in patients with chronic reflex sympathetic dystrophy. N Engl J Med 2000;343(9):618-24. Bennett DS, Alo KM, Oakley J, Feler CA. Spinal cord stimulation for complex regional pain syndrome I (RSD): a retrospective multicenter experience from 1995 to 1998 of 101 patients. Neuromodulation 1999;2:202-10. 97 Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) 2 • 25% to 50% of patients develop complications requiring further surgery. • Done in a very select group of patients, improves quality of life but not function • In a huge study SCS reduced pain and improved quality of life but did not improve function for up to 2 years after implantation. • From 3 years after implantation there was no difference between those who had it implanted and those who did not Kemler MA, Barendse GA, Kleef M van, Wildenberg FA van den, Weber WE. Electrical spinal cord stimulation in reflex sympathetic dystrophy: retrospective analysis of 23 patients. J Neurosurg 1999;90(1 suppl):79-83. Calvillo O, Racz G, Didie J, Smith K. Neuroaugmentation in the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome of the upper extremity. Acta Orthop Belg 1998;64(1):57-63. Kemler MA, Vet HC de, Barendse GA, Wildenberg FA van den, Kleef M van. The effect of spinal cord stimulation in patients with chronic reflex sympathetic dystrophy: two years’ follow-up of the randomized controlled trial. Ann Neurol 2004;55(1):13-8. 98 Topicals • No significant value, unless used in very early stages. • DMSO 45% to 50% with other agents helpful • Compounded agents such as TCA, gabapentin, ketamine have been used. No studies in CRPS. • Skin lesions of CRPS - topical ketamine helpful Pradeep Chopra, MD 99 NSAID's • Ibuprofen, naproxen etc • No real value in CRPS • Useful if there is co-existing nociceptive pain. • Topical NSAID’s may do a better job Pradeep Chopra, MD 100 Salves, Lotions and creams • Not very helpful for the pain of CRPS • Remember, the cause of the pain is now in the central nervous cells and not in the nerves in the arms or legs • May be helpful for associated joint pains • Ketamine cream helpful CRPS skin lesions • Active Max® or DMSO Pradeep Chopra, MD 101 The problem is with the glia cells Pradeep Chopra, MD 102 Gluten free diet •Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and other grains •One can develop an intolerance at any age. •Gluten as a protein can cause an inflammatory response in the body. •Migraines, chronic body ache, abdominal pain, Fibromyalgia, hypermobility syndromes (EDS), multiple joint pains •Hold off on gluten foods for 8 weeks to see if it makes a difference. Pradeep Chopra, MD 171 103 43 Exercise and Physical Therapy Pradeep Chopra, MD 104 Effect of RSD on function • Pain decreases mobility of the limbs. They experience extreme pain with the slightest activity • Not using the limb causes the muscles to atrophy and the joints to become stiff • Immobilizing a limb increases RSD pain Pradeep Chopra, MD 105 Physical Therapy - Goals 1 • Restore function • Learn how to properly adjust limb movements Pradeep Chopra, MD 106 Physical Therapy - two types 2 • Pain Focused: Patients who have recently developed RSD – PT should focus more on pain • Time based: Patients who have had RSD for a while (Chronic) – PT should be more time based Pradeep Chopra, MD 107 Eggs, peanuts and soybean PEA Pradeep Chopra, MD 108 PEA • Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) or Palmidrol • Endogenous lipid • Very good studies to show its usefulness in managing neuropathic pain • No studies done for RSD / CRPS • Marketed as Normast®, Pelvilen® and PeaPure ® Pradeep Chopra, MD 109 Prof. Rita Levi-Montalcini • Nobel Prize winner, 1993 • Discovered the mechanism of action of PEA • Pointed out the relevance of PEA for medicine Pradeep Chopra, MD 110 PEA – Numbers Needed to Treat • NNT – used to test how effective a medicine is • The number of patients need to be treated for one to benefit compared with a control • Lower the number, the more effective the drug is Pradeep Chopra, MD 111 NNT for pain drugs Accessed 24 September 2013: 112 PEA 2 • Helps with hyperalgesia (severe pain with mildly painful stimulus) and allodynia (pain to touch) • Mechanism unclear • Possible action on Cannabinoid receptor2 (CB2), Vanilloid receptor (VR1 or TRPV1) • Anti-inflammatory • Prevents mast cell activation (mast cells are important part of inflammation) Pradeep Chopra, MD 113 PEA – dose and side effects • Available as 400mg pills • Dose: 400mg three times a day • Best use: open the capsule, pour the powder on a spoon and put it under the tongue. • May be done for first 10 days and then pills or continue as powder for refractory pain • Start low, go slow. • Trial of 8 weeks Pradeep Chopra, MD 114 Neurotropin® 1 • Non-protein extract from rabbits • Exact mechanism not known • Widely used in Japan to treat Neuropathic pain • 24 Clinical studies conducted in Japan found an approximately 40% to 50% response • Helps with allodynia (pain to touch) and hyperalgesia Pradeep Chopra, MD 115 Service Dogs • Trained to each person’s physical impairments • help with functioning and independence • Constant companion, will often sense its owners pain and will comfort them both physically and emotionally • Can sense distress and call for help • Service dogs give patients a feeling of security allowing them to be more active physically and socially • Provide stability while walking, open and close doors, switch on andPradeep off Chopra, MD lights 116 Needle stick trauma • Avoid needle stick injuries as far as possible – combine a blood test from different physicians into one procedure • Ask that the thinnest needle possible be used. • Let them know that the veins are ‘difficult’. CRPS patients have thin and friable veins • For those undergoing regular infusions (IV fluid rehydration or IV Ketamine) should consider a chest port • PICC line is not a good option Pradeep Chopra, MD 117 Complications of CRPS Pradeep Chopra, MD 118 Complications of CRPS 1 • Can affect any organ • Poor processing on working memory, language, executive function • Lethargy, tiredness, weakness • Syncope – dizziness and fainting • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) or Dysautonomia • Chest wall pain • Edema – neurogenic or inflammatory Pradeep Chopra, MD 119 Complications of CRPS 2 • Muscles – weakness (70%), atrophy, dystonia, spasms • Bone and joint pain – very common, bone loss leading to fractures, • Low serum cortisol levels (impaired hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal function – low production of cortisol by the body). Maybe due to opioids • Low thyroid function (hypothyroid) Pradeep Chopra, MD 120 Complications of CRPS 3 • Increased sweating (30%) • Unexplained spontaneous bruising May not be in an area that has been traumatized • Bladder (25%) – frequency, urgency, urinary incontinence • Gastrointestinal (41%) – Nausea, vomiting, intermittent diarrhea, Irritable bowel syndrome, dysphagia • Gastroparesis – major issue in CRPS for more than 5 years. Slowing down of the intestines. Fullness with a little food, bloating. Opioids make it worse Pradeep Chopra, MD 121 Mast Cell Activation Disorder MCAD Mastocytosis 122 Mast cells • Found in blood. • Release histamine (chemical causes the redness, itchiness in allergy) • Mast cells release histamine in inflammation Pradeep Chopra, MD 123 Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAD) • • • • • • • • Common in CRPS Affects most symptoms Chronic fatigue, feeling cold (common), feeling hot Sweats – unexplained Weight gain Itchy – comes and goes, Rash – unpredictable, unprovoked, Pradeep Chopra, MD 124 Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAD) • Sores, poor wound healing, • Eyes – gritty, increased water, difficulty focusing • Mouth – burning mouth • Dizziness, palpitations, Pre-syncope (‘almost dizzy’) • Stomach – intestinal pain • Bladder pain Pradeep Chopra, MD 125 Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAD) • Inflammatory chemicals released by mast cells cause nerves to become inflamed. • Tingling, numbness • Tics, tremors, • Brain fog Pradeep Chopra, MD 126 Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAD) • Repeat examination and history by physician. • Testing done during flare ups • Serum tryptase level • Bone marrow biopsy Pradeep Chopra, MD 127 Treatment of MCAD • Antihistamine ( cold medicines), with • Zantac® • Cromolyn Sodium 128 Dizziness, racing heart Pradeep Chopra, MD 129 Dysautonomia / POTS • POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) or Dysautonomia • Dizziness, fainting spells, heart palpitations • Patients have difficulty maintaining their blood pressure and heart rate with changes in position • See a Cardiologist or Neurologist • May confirm with a Tilt Table Test or orthostatics Pradeep Chopra, MD 130 Dizziness and Palpitations • Increase in heart rate by 30 beats/ min or increase to 120 beats/ minute • Increase salt intake, fluids, compression stockings • Medications – beta blockers, midodrine etc • Pradeep Chopra, MD 131 Weight gain in CRPS • Medicines that can increase weight: some antidepressants, gabapentin, pregabalin (Lyrica®) • Increase weight from decreased activity secondary to pain • Medicines that decrease weight: milnacipran (Savella®) • Swelling from edema • Gluten free diet • Aqua therapy, daily walk Sleep in CRPS • Patients with CRPS often have Nonrestorative sleep • Active ‘flight and fight’ mechanism • Overactive sympathetic nervous system • Sleep home EEG monitor • Beta blockers (propranolol, metoprolol) • Buproprion (Wellbutin®), Desmopressin Skin Lesions in CRPS Pradeep Chopra, MD 134 Skin Lesions in RSD 1 • Often go undiagnosed. Little information on skin lesions • Different types of skin lesions. • Swelling and repeated episodes of cellulitis • Bullae or raised skin lesions filled with fluid • Early phase of CRPS – mottled red and sweaty • Later phase of CRPS – smooth, cool, dry and thin Pradeep Chopra, MD 135 Skin lesions in CRPS Pradeep Chopra, MD 136 Skin Lesion CRPS – Before 2 Skin Lesion CRPS - After Skin Lesion CRPS – Before 4 Skin Lesion CRPS – After Nerve entrapment • Often seen after a cast is put on • Maybe either right away or after some time with chronic pressure over the nerve • Peroneal neuralgia • Thoracic Outlet syndrome Pradeep Chopra, MD 145 CRPS in children Pradeep Chopra, MD 146 Children and RSD 1 • Children develop the same symptoms • 58% to 93% of cases of RSD in children will resolve with proper treatment • Relapses following apparent healing are often observed (10% to 48%) • More common in girls Pradeep Chopra, MD 147 Children and RSD 2 • It is often labeled as a behavioral disorder, conversion disorder and parents are labeled as having Munchausen’s syndrome • To make any of the above diagnosis is very challenging. • Usually takes years by a Psychologist in conjunction with other treating physicians. • Imperative that all other medical conditions have been ruled out • Cannot be made by physicians with little or no mental health training. • Very important that parents pay close attention to the child’s complaints Pradeep Chopra, MD 148 Children and RSD 4 • Often associated with other conditions such as – Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome (EDS) – Mitochondrial disorder – Nerve entrapment (Thoracic outlet syndrome etc) Pradeep Chopra, MD 150 Ehlers Danlos Syndrome • Defect in tissue (connective tissue) that provides support to many body parts • Extremely loose joints (Double jointed) • Dislocate or subluxate joints easily • Hyperelastic skin that bruises easily • Inherited • Symptoms of CRPS may be either because of repetitive trauma or nerve damage Pradeep Chopra, MD 151 Ehlers Danlos Syndrome 1 • EDS is a group of inherited disorders • Affects connective tissue (‘connects’) • Connective tissue is found in skin, joints and blood vessels • Very flexible, unstable joints (‘Double jointed’), stretchy skin and many other symptoms • Orthostatic intolerance / POTS - excessive distention of veins in upright posture Pradeep Chopra, MD 48 152 Mitochondrial Disease • Mitochondria are tiny parts found in cells of the human body • They produce 90% of the energy for the body • Mitochondrial disease is genetic disorder where the mitochondria fail to produce enough energy • Nerve cells require a tremendous amount of energy to function and these patients may present with symptoms of CRPS, or • if they develop CRPS then its important to treat the mitochondrial disease first. Pradeep Chopra, MD 153 Pradeep Chopra, MD 154 Amputation • No evidence that amputation for pain only makes a positive contribution to the treatment of CRPS • It may be life saving in case of severe infection with the threat of sepsis or if there is cancer Dielissen PW, Claassen AT, Veldman PH, Goris RJ. Amputation for reflex sympathetic dystrophy. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1995;77(2):270-3 Stam HJ, Rijst H van der. The results of amputation in reflex sympathetic dystrophy of the upper extremity – an analysis of 7 cases. . PMR 1994;4:134-6 155 Pradeep Chopra, MD 156 RSDS.ORG – research library Pradeep Chopra, MD 157 Information on RSD Pradeep Chopra, MD 158 Stories of hope Pradeep Chopra, MD 159 Acknowledgements • Jim Broatch, Executive Vice President and Director, RSDSA • Board Members of RSDSA • Juliana Renee Hill • Nova Southeastern University • Pradeep Chopra, MD 160 Thank you Pradeep Chopra, MD, MHCM Pradeep Chopra, MD 161
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