Physical Therapy Management of Hand Fractures Sandra Richards Saunders PHYS THER. 1989; 69:1065-1076. The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, can be found online at: Collections This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in the following collection(s): Adaptive/Assistive Devices Injuries and Conditions: Hand e-Letters To submit an e-Letter on this article, click here or click on "Submit a response" in the right-hand menu under "Responses" in the online version of this article. E-mail alerts Sign up here to receive free e-mail alerts Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Physical Therapy Management of Hand Fractures Hand fractures can be a complicated management dilemma for both the general clinician and the specialist. To better equip the therapist to treat fractures in the hand, a brief review of bone and articular cartilage healing and the effects of immobilization are reviewed. Active, passive, and resistive exercises for the patient with hand fracture are reviewed in addition to treatment of the associated problems of scar formation, edema, and pain. Static and dynamic splinting techniques are also discussed. [Saunders SR: Physical therapy management of hand fractures. Phys Ther 69:1065-1076, 1989] Sandra Richards Saunders Key Words: Hand injuries; Orthopedics: fractures, upper extremity; Orthotics/ splints/casts, upper extremity. Fractures in the hand are very common. Some fractures are stable and have good functional results without immobilization.1 When the fractures are open, comminuted, or associated with significant soft tissue injury, the results are less satisfactory.1-3 The hand is composed of 19 bones (14 phalanges and 5 metacarpals), over 30 tendinous insertions, and numerous intricate structures. An intricate balance of these structures produces the stability and mobility required in normal hand function. The healing process, especially when adjacent soft tissue is damaged, follows the principle of "one-wound" healing.4 That is, all structures damaged by the injury heal as one. Appropriate therapy can make a significant difference in the functional outcome.5 The purpose of this article is to provide a rationale for determining the application of external forces (ie, active, passive, continuous passive, and resistive motions and splinting) as they relate to the problem of hand fractures. A brief review of long bone and articular anatomy is presented as an introduction to long bone and articular cartilage healing. The influence of rigidfixationimmobilization on healing is discussed in addition to associated problems such as scar formation, edema, pain, and non-union fractures. Long Bone Healing Anatomy The metacarpals and phalanges are considered long bones although their shaft diameter-to-length ratio is proportionally greater than the more commonly studied long bones such as the humerus and femur. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the anatomical structure of a long bone (ie, the femur). Long bones consist of compact bone surrounding a medullary cavityfilledwith marrow. The epiphyseal region contains cancellous bone with a thin layer of compact bone on the exterior. The shaft is surrounded by periosteum, which is composed of a fibrous outer layer and a more cellular inner layer called the osteogenic layer. S Saunders, MS, PT, is Senior Hand Therapist, The Richmond Upper Extremity Center, 7113 Three Chopt Rd, Suite 203, Richmond, VA 23226 (USA). Bones consist of several types of cells. The cells that are active during development and fracture healing are called osteoblasts. Osteoblastic cells secrete an organic intercellular substance, or matrix. The matrix hardens, and the osteoblasts are entombed in lacunae or nest within the intercellular substances just secreted. At that point, the cell is called an osteocyte. The layers of intercellular substance (the lamellae) surrounding the osteocyte are constructed such that each lacuna containing an osteocyte is connected by small tunnels called canaliculi to a central canal containing a vessel, thus creating an avenue for the flow of tissue fluid for nutrient exchange. Bone receives its blood supply from three sources: 1) nutrient arteries that pierce the shaft of the bone and branch into two longitudinal vessels, 2) periosteal vessels, and 3) branches from vessels that supply the joints. Transport of nutrients to the osteocyte is then accomplished by a complex system of canals (haversian and Volkmann's) and canaliculi. The cellular and intercellular substances of compact bone and cancellous bone are similar except for their geometric shape. The lamellae of compact bone are laid down concen- Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 12/December 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 1065/73 the osteoid tissue and cartilage known as the external callus can be seen only if it is also absorbing calcium salts. Calcification of bone is a process of the amorphous calcium salt CA3(PO4)2 from the circulating blood being laid down in the organic matrix, which then becomes crystalline in form.7 Classification of Fractures Cowin describes cortical bone as "slightly stiffer than most woods, to have roughly the same stiffness as brick, sandstone or lead and to have about 1/4 the stiffness of aluminum and about 1/10 the stiffness of steel, " 8 ( P 1 5 9 ) Despite these characteristics, fractures do occur. Fractures typically occur in planes perpendicular to the force. The lower the rate of load of the force, the rougher the resulting fracture surface. This roughness occurs as a result of osteon pulling out.9 In compression fractures, the fracture line is oriented 60 degrees to the load axis. Torsion fractures result from a shear failure along the cement line, which is the three-dimensional region between adjacent osteons.10 These biomechanical principles help Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of anato understand the following classificatomical structure of long bone. (Inset tion of fractures of the hand. shows lamellae arranged into osteons.) (Reprinted with permission from Gardner Metacarpal and distal phalanx fracED, etal,Anatomy: Regional Study of Human Structure, ed 4, Philadelphia, PA, tures are usually classified with W B Saunders Co, 1975, p 9.) respect to location, whereas proximal and middle phalangeal fractures are trically around a central canal containclassified first as either articular or ing a vessel. The structure containing nonarticular and then by location.11 osteocytes arranged in lamellae comThe long bones of the hand are municates with a centrally located divided into four segments: 1) the vessel called an osteon, or haversian base at the proximal pole, 2) the system. The osteons run longitudinally shaft, 3) the neck, and 4) the condyle in the shaft of the bone and may be at the distal pole. several millimeters in length. Cancellous bone, also referred to as spongy Isolated fractures of the base of the or trabecular bone, has larger spaces metacarpals of the second and third and less solid matter, or matrix, than digits are rare and of minimal consenoncancellous bone.6 quence because the motion of these joints is small. Fractures at the base of The ability of the bone to bear weight the fifth digit are more common and is due, in part, to the deposition of usually the result of a longitudinally calcium salts in the intercellular subdirected force. Frequently, this injury stance. Without the calcification prois associated with a proximal and dorcess, bone remains flexible.7 Also, sal subluxation of the metacarpalroentgenograms only outline bone hamate joint. Proper diagnosis is diffithat is calcified. In fracture healing, cult, but important, because of the 74/1066 insertions of the extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris muscles through the pisometacarpal ligament. Misdiagnosis can lead to persistent pain or loss of grip strength. Metacarpal shaft fractures are usually produced by longitudinal compression, torsion, or direct impact. This type of fracture can be transverse (perpendicular to the long axis of the bone), spiral (spanning an acute angle to the long axis of the bone), short oblique (to a transverse fracture), or comminuted (many bone fragments). Many of these fractures are inherently stable, and some may not need immobilization. The determining characteristics of the fracture are its stability and the maintenance of rotation and length. There is a discrepancy in the acceptable amount of rotation and shortening to allow full range of motion and grip strength. Smith and Peimer state that no more than 10 degrees is acceptable in the second and third digits and 20 degrees in the fourth and fifth digits.12 Brown advocates open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) if the metacarpal is shortened more than 3 to 4 mm.13 Fractures of the metacarpal neck usually result from direct impact by a fisted hand. For this reason, they are commonly called "boxer's fractures." There is usually a dorsal angulation of the fracture fragment because of the deforming force of the interosseous muscles and the direction of impact. A larger degree of angulation is acceptable, especially in the fourth and fifth digits, because of the mobility at the carpometacarpal (CMC) joints.11,12 The angulation can be reduced by flexion of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints, allowing treatment by dorsal reduction in many cases. Proximal and middle phalanx fractures are generally classified as either articular or nonarticular. In all articular fractures, early motion is essential, especially if the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint is involved. Condylar fractures are common in athletes but often overlooked as a sprain because the athlete is able to move Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 12/December 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 the finger. The fracture can be either condylar or bicondylar and often requires ORIF. If the condyle is comminuted, internal fixation is not possible. Fractures of the base of the phalanx can produce a dorsal, volar, or lateral fracture fragment. Depending on the proximity of the fracture to the lateral bands, the oblique retinacula ligament, or the volar plate and the potential of adhesions between these ligamentous structures and the healing fracture, a pseudoboutonnière deformity can develop.14 The patient exhibits PIP joint flexion and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint extension. Fracture dislocations, common at the PIP joint, can be classified as either stable or unstable, depending on the percentage of articular surface involvement and the proximity to the attachment of supporting soft tissue.11 Last, long spiral fractures can be intraarticular. The fracture may involve enough of the articular surface to cause fracture slippage, creating a block tofingerflexion. Monarticular fractures of the proximal and middle phalanges can also occur in the neck, shaft, or base as with metacarpal fractures. Neck fractures are common in children and are often treated closed. Shaft fractures can also be transverse, oblique, spiral, or comminuted as can metacarpal fractures. Transverse fractures are more common in the middle phalanx, whereas oblique and spiral fractures are more common in the proximal phalanx. Open or closed reduction is determined by the degrees of stability, angulation, and rotation. Factors such as the pull of the flexor digitorum sublimus (FDS) tendon and the central slip of the extensor digitorum communis (EDC) tendons15 and the direction of force of injury determine the type of deformity.16 Fractures of the base of the proximal or middle phalanges can be reduced by MCP joint flexion, so they are often treated by closed manipulation if displaced. Distal phalanx fractures, especially of the tuft and shaft, are easily treated by two weeks of splinting because of the good soft tissue support dorsally by the nail and volarly by the pulp and fibrous septa. The tuft fractures are usually a result of a crush injury to thefingertip,and the shaft fractures are usually open as a result of a partial amputation. Externalfixationis necessary only when the soft tissue support is destroyed. Fractures at any site can be open or closed. Open fractures are more difficult to treat than closed fractures because of the associated soft tissue damage and potential adhesions to the fracture site. Even in a closed fracture, the adjacent soft tissue and periosteum are usually torn, and a bone fragment may be displaced. Compromised circulation in the haversian vessels results in death of osteocyte, as evidenced by empty lacunae on each side of the fracture line. Articular Cartilage Healing Articular fractures of the PIP joint pose a particular challenge to the hand therapist because of the injury intolerance of the PIP joint and the close proximity of the tendon sheath and volar plate. Repair of articular cartilage when the underlying bone is fractured is due in part to the callus formation of the healing bone. As previously discussed, chondrocytes form in the absence of blood supply, but as the circulatory repair catches up with the osteogenic proliferation, the cartilage is partially replaced by bone rather than by cartilage. If this replacement occurs, traumatic arthritis can develop.17 Movement has been shown to influence the healing process of cartilage.18 Salter et al showed that four weeks following femoral condyle fracture, the gap in the cartilage was filled with loose, ordinary connective tissue and blood vessels when the joint was immobilized.19 In contrast, after four weeks of continuous passive motion (CPM), a gap in the cartilage had closed without invasion of tissue from the underlying bone. Salter et al believed that repair occurred because motion provided a fresh supply of synovialfluid,thus supplying ade- quate nutrition for cartilage to grow in an avascular environment.19 Bone Healing by Immobilization Versus Internal Fixation Immobilization Generally, hand fractures are treated by immobilization with a cast or splint. Osteogenic cell proliferation occurs in the deep layer of the periosteum on each side of the fracture site as dead osteocytes undergo lysis. The cell proliferation lifts the fibrous layer of the periosteum from the bone, initiating the formation of an external callus. Within the first week, a slower osteogenic cell proliferation (internal callus) occurs in the lining of the marrow cavity. The osteogenic cells of the external callus proliferate and become osteoblasts on the deep surface of the periosteum and chondrocytes superficially. This differential development is dependent on how rapidly repair occurs and the stability of the fracture. Because capillary growth is slower than osteogenic proliferation and bone forms only in the presence of sufficient blood supply, cartilaginous repair (pseudoarthrosis) or non-union fractures can result in the presence of compromised blood supply or movement about the fracture site. Under normal circumstances, as the cartilage of the callus becomes calcified, the chondrocytes die, and thus cartilage is progressively replaced by bone of the cancellous type. This calcified cartilage is the fusiform mass seen at the fracture site on roentgenograms. Healing by internal callus formation occurs as osteoclasts ream out the canals of the dead trabecular bone. Osteoblasts lay down new haversian systems on each side of the fracture, and immature bone fills the inevitable space between fragments. At this time, the fracture line is not seen on roentgenograms. Full remodeling takes place between 8 to 10 weeks postinjury, and consolidation is finished by 12 weeks postinjury.20 Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 12/December 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 1067/75 Internal Fixation Internal fixation by pins or screws is also a common technique for management of hand fractures. The healing process then occurs by internal callus formation with very little or no external callus formation.20 The amount of external callus depends on the degree of movement allowed at the fracture site. The more rigid the fixation, the less the external callus formation.20 Internal fixation appears to act as the external callus, thereby not allowing movement and eliminating the stimulus for external callus formation. If external callus is seen, the internal fixator is probably not stable and additional immobilization may be needed. Internal fixation is often the treatment of choice for fractures in the hand because the margin of error is so small. For example, the rotation of a metacarpal fracture 2 to 3 degrees will be amplified distally, causing the finger of the involved ray to rotate and frequently cross-over on the adjacent finger. If the fracture surfaces of an oblique phalanx fracture slip, the result can be a shortened digit. There are sixfixationimplants used in hands: wire sutures,13,21 Kirschner wire (pin),22 screws, plates,23 intermediary rods, and externalfixators.Fixation with plates and screws is biomechanically the strongest fixation available for small bones.24 Screws are appropriate for spiral and long oblique fractures. Percutaneous pinning using Kirschner wires is also popular because the wires are relatively easy to insert, provide adequate stability, and require limited surgical exposure for insertion.22 They are subject, however, to loosening and migration. They do not provide a rigidfixation,but thefixationis secure enough to allow early motion.22 Intra-articular fractures must be analyzed by the physician with the specific anatomy of the hand in mind and treated individually. An avulsion of the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendon with an associated distal pha- 76/1068 lanx avulsion fracture is more appropriately treated early with pull-out wires, thus allowing early motion.25 An avulsion fracture of the terminal tendon of the EDC tendon, however, will require open reduction or percutaneous pinning if more than 30% of the insertion is involved.26 If not, the patient will suffer an extensor lag known as a mallet finger. Management of fractures about the PIP joint is frequently controversial. For example, condylar fractures of the middle phalanx are usually managed by immobilization because the fracture fragments tend not to displace. However, fractures involving the volar plate must be evaluated with respect to PIP joint hyperextension. Bowers et al showed that 35 degrees of hyperextension of the PIP joint occurred when both osseous attachments to the middle phalanx are sectioned.27 Condylar fractures of the proximal phalanx, therefore, require open or percutaneous reduction. Generally, a fracture involving greater than 25% of the articular surface will require internalfixation,which results in good stability and ROM. As mentioned previously, fracture dislocations at the PIP joint have a worse prognosis.11 Treatment Application of External Forces Physical therapy intervention consists of the application of external forces in the form of exercises, modalities, or splinting to influence the healing and remodeling process. As previously mentioned, compromised circulation or excessive movement at a fracture site can lead to non-union fractures. Conversely, movement at a joint after injury promotes articular cartilage regeneration. Immobilization, even in the absence of fracture, produces considerable resorption of bone tissue.28 Long-axis loading, however, increases bone density29 by deposition of new lamina at the surface of bone. In view of these facts, active, passive, and resistive exercises and splinting can greatly influence bone and articular cartilage healing as well as functional outcome. The order of treatment depends on the nature of the injury. In the case of an avulsion fracture or a fracture in which the bone fragment provides attachment of a tendon, passive motion in a noncompromising direction can be initiated prior to active motion. Splints can be fabricated to allow motion in one direction and assistive motion in the reciprocal direction. In most cases, active motion can be initiated prior to passive motion because of the proximity of the tendon insert to the joint, thus using a shorter lever. Most important, the anatomy of the injury must be known by the therapist to ensure safe early motion. Active Motion Active range of motion (AROM) is begun as soon as possible after a phalanx or metacarpal fracture. If a fracture is fixed internally, active motion can commence early.24 For most phalangeal and metacarpal fractures treated by simple immobilization, active motion can commence at three weeks. Active motion should include specific tendon gliding of the FDP, FDS, EDC, extensor indicis (EI), and extensor digiti quinti proprius (EDQ) tendons as well as the intrinsic tendons. These motions can produce four beneficial results: 1) prevention of adhesions from bone to tendon (osteotenodesis), one tendon to another tendon, or tendon to skin (dermotenodesis); 2) increased circulation about the fracture site, especially in metacarapal fractures; 3) decreased edema; and 4) compression at the fracture site.30 To promote selective tendon gliding, closing the hand should be performed in one of three ways: 1) claw fist—flexing the DIP and PIP joints simultaneously while maintaining the MCP joints in extension, thus requiring the FDP tendon to glide on the bone (Fig. 2); 2) sublimus fist— flexing the MCP and PIP joints while maintaining the DIP joint in extension, thus requiring the FDS tendon to glide on the stationary FDP tendon (Fig. 3); and 3) fullfist—flexionof all three joints simultaneously, thus promoting the gliding of the FDP and Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 12/December 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Passive Motion Fig. 2 . claw fist. Fig. 3 . FDS tendons on each other. These exercises were demonstrated advantageous in improving tendon motion by Wehbe31 and Wehbe and Hunter.32,33 Using metal tags and serial roentgenograms, they demonstrated that 49 mm of FDS tendon excursion and 50 mm of FDP tendon excursion are necessary to move from full finger-wrist extension to full finger-wrist flexion. Moving from the full fist to the claw fist requires 11 mm of glide with the FDS tendon and 12 mm of glide with the FDP tendon. Selected tendon glide of the FDS and FDP tendons should also be performed. The FDS tendon can be selectively glided by actively flexing the PIP joint of the injured ray while positioning the remaining fingers' DIP joints in extension. Because the FDP Sublimits fist. tendons have a common muscle belly, the remaining fingers should be free of all restraint while gliding the FDP tendon by active isolated flexion of the DIP joint. The EDC tendons must glide on the underlying bone and the EI and EDQ tendons on the adjacent EDC tendon. The EDQ and EI tendons glide when the long horn sign (extension of the second and fourth digits) is made, and this maneuver must not be overlooked when dealing with fractures of the second and fourth digits. Tendon gliding of the EDC tendon is performed by extending the MCP joints while the IP joints are flexed. Passive range of motion (PROM) can be in the form of physiological motion or arthrokinematic (accessory) motion.34 Physiological motion is traditionally thought of as PROM using long levers to move the joint, whereas arthrokinematic motion is the type of motion used in joint mobilization and involves movement of the joint surfaces on each other. Once the location of the fracture site is known by the therapist, joint mobilization can be started earlier than traditional PROM because the line of application of force can be directed perpendicular to the joint surface, thus not stressing the fracture site. Again, the timing of initiation of joint mobilization is dependent on the structures involved in the injury. Joint mobilization can be initiated as early as active motion when structures resisting the direction of force are not involved in the injury. Communication with the physician regarding specifics of the injury is essential for safe, early mobilization (physiological or arthrokinematic). In physiological PROM, the force is applied at a distance from the joint axis of motion; therefore, torque can be produced about the fracture site. For this reason, physiological passive motion cannot be initiated as early as arthrokinematic motion. The degree of reduction of the fracture must be known to the therapist before realistic PROM goals can be set. Compression of the fracture may result in shortening, angulation, or rotational malalignment of the bone. Any abnormality must be known by the therapist so that the joint is not traumatized. For example, a volar, displaced intra-articular fracture of the distal aspect of the proximal phalanx may be inhibiting the volar glide of the middle phalanx on the proximal phalanx. Thus, forceful physiological flexion will result in dorsal joint levering (ie, opening like a book), producing abnormal biomechanics and capsular pain. Full PROM may not be a realistic goal until the mechanical block created by the displaced bone fragment is addressed surgically. Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 12/December 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 1069/77 Full PROM is necessary before full AROM can be obtained and before ultimate function of the hand is achieved. Because the collateal ligaments of the PIP joint are at maximum length in extension,35 it is important to obtain full PIP joint extension as soon as possible. A patient can functionally tolerate a 10to 15-degree flexion contracture, but a much greater contracture will interfere with placement of the hand in small places. The most common complaint when a patient has 30 degrees of flexion contracture of the PIP joint is catching the finger on a pocket when attempting to retrieve change from a pants pocket. To address this problem, the patient can drag the digit through putty on a table to passively extend the joint (Fig. 4). Continuous passive motion is a relatively new PROM modality available to the hand therapist. As stated earlier, PROM has been shown to assist in articular cartilage healing, to reduce swelling, and to reduce stiffness.36 Because CPM is a form of PROM, it can be applied as soon as physiological PROM is allowed. The decision to use CPM should be a joint decision by the therapist and the physician based on the nature of the injury, anticipated amount of scarring, and current lack of motion. It must be remembered that CPM applies a force through a lever arm (the phalanx), thus applying a torque to the fracture site. Continuous passive motion should not be painful. The advantage for the apprehensive patient is that there is a definite and consistent end range, which can be slowly increased as ROM increases and anxiety decreases. Clinically, CPM would be ideal for the patient with an intraarticular fracture and a known history of heavy scarring or a fracture or dislocation of the PIP joint. Any patient whose pain and edema exceed expectations may benefit from CPM. The term continuous passive motion is misleading because CPM is rarely used continuously in our clinic (The Richmond Upper Extremity Center [RUEC]) or by other hand therapists. In our clinic, we have also used CPM 78/1070 Fig. 4. Putty-dragging exercise to promote proximal and distal interphalangeal joint extension. Fig. 5. Patient demonstrating continuous passive motion offifthdigit's proximal interphalangeal joint. as a progressive static splinting technique (Fig. 5), serially increasing ROM to the patient's tolerance. It might be argued that CPM is less effective in improving ROM than dynamic splinting because a relatively short percentage of treatment time is spent at the extremes of ROM. The two treatments, however, should be viewed as separate modalities with separate purposes. Continuous passive motion has the potential of decreasing edema37 and improving synovial fluid production.38 Dynamic splinting for joint contracture does not make this claim. Continuous passive motion, however, can never replace active and resistive exercise. Resistive Motion Light resistance can begin at four weeks postinjury11 in most phalangeal and metacarpal fractures treated by immobilization, especially if the roentgenogram shows bone remodeling in the fracture area. If healing has not commenced, then active motion only would be continued. If the fracture is fixed by percutaneous pinning, resistive exercise should be delayed until the pins are removed. Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 12/December 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Fig. 7 . Fig. 6. Weight-well exercise. Note degree of distal and proximal interphalangeal joint flexion needed with smalldiameter dowel. Resistive motion is important not only in the improvement of grip strength but also in bone healing if these intermittent forces exerted on the fracture site are compressive and do not exert a displacing force.30 Roentgenographic reports must be reviewed by the therapist to begin such early treatment. Obviously, a flexor tendon avulsion fracture or a displaced spiral fracture are not candidates for early resistance. Light resistive exercise also aids in scar remodeling and therefore improved motion. The resistance can be in the form of graded putty exercises for flexion using the three fist positions described earlier. Other types of resistive exercises; such as the weight-well exercise, can be implemented gradually (Fig. 6). The weight-well exercise strengthens the long finger flexors (FDP and FDS Patient using BTE Work Simulator® to perform work hardening. muscles) as well as the wrist musculature. The diameter of the dowel is important to the goal of full finger flexion. To promote full DIP joint flexion and more pull by the FDP tendon, a smaller diameter dowel should be used. The resistive exercise program should include functional activities and work simulation as soon as possible. In our clinic, the BTE Work Simulator®* (Fig. 7) is used to promote selective tendon gliding. For example, the BTE Model 151 gripper tool* can be used in two different ways to promote either FDS (Fig. 8) or FDP (Fig. 9) tendon gliding. This device can also be used to simulate pliers. The BTE Work Simulator® has numerous attachments to simulate anything from ironing and vacuuming to hammering, climbing a ladder, or pulling sheet metal. The advantage of the BTE Work Simulator® is that resistance can be added gradually as the injured part can tolerate the load and a measured force (in inches-pounds) is known for each exercise bout. Splinting The use of static and dynamic splinting in the treatment of hand injuries is essential in many cases to maximize functional outcome. For example, static splinting can be used to provide stability to the fracture site, yet is removable, thus allowing early controlled exercise. The optimal position of immobilization for the maintenance of the maximum length of the collateral ligaments is at least 50 degrees of MCP joint flexion and full interphalangeal (IP) joint extension. 39 This optimal position is not always possible because of the location of fracture site with respect to structures such as ligaments, tendons, or volar plate inserts. The physician will try to position the fingers as close to this optimal position as possible. The static splint can then be progressively remodeled to approximate IP joint extension with MCP joint flexion as additional motion is gained. *Baltimore Therapeutic Equipment Co, 7455-L New Ridge Rd, Hanover, MD 21076-3105. Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 12/December 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 1071/79 Static splints can also be designed to allow movement at a particular joint while providing circumferential compression and stability to the fracture site. Proximal interphalangeal joints become stiff very easily. Early active motion is a key to full ROM.5 Figure 10 depicts a splint fabricated for a patient whose pins were removed early because of infection. The splint was designed to stabilize proximal phalanx fractures of the second and third digits and the middle phalanx fracture of the fifth digit. Burkhalter described the use of a similar type of casting technique for acute injuries that allows protected active motion while resisting displacing forces.40 The principle of dynamic splinting is to apply low-load, long-duration force to a joint in a specific direction to improve passive extension or flexion.41 The prefabricated extension splints can be used in PIP joint flexion contractures of less than 45 degrees. Fess showed that the spring finger extension splint† is effective for a flexion contracture of 8 to 45 degrees and the Capener splint for a flexion contracture of 10 to 20 degrees, whereas none of the prefabricated splints are effective for contractures over 45 degrees.42 For contractures of this magnitude, a customized splint must be fabricated. A customized dynamic splint can provide a line of force perpendicular to the phalanx being moved. None of the prefabricated splints achieve this force in contractures greater than 45 degrees.42 For dynamic flexion splints, customized splints function best. As stated earlier, the line of force applied by the splint must be perpendicular to the phalanx being moved. If not, compressive and distractive forces will be applied to the joint, which will cause pain and irritation of the joint.41 For this reason, dynamic splints must be monitored closely and readjusted to † Fig. 8. Use of BTE Model 151 gripper tool to promoteflexordigitorum sublimits tendon glide. Fig. 9. Use of BTE Model 151 gripper tool to promoteflexordigitorum profundus tendon glide. meet the changing demands of the joint. The optimal tension exerted by the splint has been described by Brand as 200 to 250 g.43 Distributed by Rolyan Medical Products, N93 W14475 Whittaker Way, PO Box 555, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051. 80/1072 Dynamic splints may also be used to position a joint in an optimal position, yet allow light resistive motion. For example, an intra-articular fracture of the PIP joint can be treated using a dynamic PIP joint extension splint. A thin rubber band attached to a cuff around the middle phalanx would maintain the PIP joint in Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 12/December 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Fig. 10. Three views of splint used to stabilize proximal phalanx fractures of second and third digits and middle phalanx frac offifthdigit, yet allow movement at proximal interphalangeal joints. (A = volar view; B = radial view; C = dorsal view.) extension while allowing small amplitudes of motion into flexion. This splinting technique will allow synovial fluid lubrication of the articular cartilage and promote healing by cartilage rather than bone formation. Management off Associated Problems Scar formation, edema, and pain are all part of the healing process, but any one of these sequelae can be excessive and therefore a problem that must be addressed. These restrictions are obvious in the open fractures requiring reduction, but they can also create similar problems in the closed fracture treated by immobilization. The closed injury producing a fracture also traumatizes the surrounding soft tissues. These tissues heal during the inflammatory period by subsequent scar formation; therefore, the potential for pain and excessive edema and scar formation is present. Full ROM is the optimal goal, and early motion promotes full ROM. Scar Formation Collagen synthesis, or scar formation, is the method by which the body heals, but it also can restrict ROM. Scar formation can be viewed as a necessary evil that must be controlled. In hand injuries, this phenomenon is addressed in the one-wound concept.4 Because of the close proximity of structures in the hand, tendons, ligaments, and periosteum of bone can heal within a continuous sheet of scar, therefore limiting motion between the structures. One of the most common problems is adhesions of the flexor tendons to bone and surrounding structures after a fracture. Collagen synthesis peaks at two weeks postinjury, and scar maturation ensues through the formation of covalent bonds over the next two to four weeks. Thereafter, maturation declines but persists up to nine months.44 Early active motion is the most effective treatment to avoid excessive scar adhesions between structures, but prevention of excessive scar formation is not always possible. Treatment must then be directed toward influencing the scar maturation process. Vibration (mechanical pressure) and long-term pressure (static force) on the scar can influence the process along with active and resistive exercises.45-46 Theoretically, vibration can be used as a disorganizing force on the scar tissue in preparation for the organizing force produced by active motion (Fig. 11). Otoform®† secured by Coban® wrapping‡ can be used to apply continuous pressure on the scar (Fig. 12). Pressure on the scar provides the stimulus to slow scar formation and avoid keloid formation.45,46 ‡ 3M Co, Medical-Surgical Div, Bldg 225-5S, 3M Center, St Paul, MN 55144-1000. Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 12/December 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 1073/81 Fig. 1 1 . Vibration of volar surface of hand. Fig. 1 3 . Compression of digit byCoban®wrapping. Fig. 12. Otoform® secured to digit by ® Coban wrapping, used to apply continuous pressure on scar. Fig. 14. Use ofJobstair splint to reduce hand edema. hand splint§ (Fig. 14) or an elasticized glove. Edema The inflammation process is essential to healing, but excessive edema can impede healing and motion. The same principles of edema control can be applied to the hand as elsewhere in the body: ice, elevation, and compression. Compression of a finger can be accomplished by Coban® wrapping (Fig. 13). Compression of the entire hand can be accomplished by a Jobst § Pain Pain can restrict motion and strength and must be controlled to effectively implement treatment. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation can be used prior to, during, or after treatment. If it is known that the fracture is healed and the surrounding tissue is not hyperreactive, high frequency Jobst Institute, Inc, PO Box 653, Toledo, OH 43694-0653. 82/1074 TENS can be administered to the fracture site prior to and during treatment (Fig. 15). If the healing status of the fracture is not known, TENS can be used after treatment to alleviate pain. If the pain is of ligamentous, capsular, or tendinous origin, other pain-relieving modalities such as ultrasound or phonophoresis can be used. Treatment should end with a cold modality to decrease potential swelling and pain caused by treatment. Treatment must not be painful when treating patients with hand injuries because pain may indicate soft tissue injury leading to increased edema, increased pain, and decreased ROM. Physical Therapy/Volume 69, Number 12/December 1989 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 rection. Treatment consisted of joint mobilization, AROM exercises, and Coban® wrapping. Her PIP joint AROM improved to 10 degrees of extension to 92 degrees offlexionin one month, but the fracture was still painful and a non-union fracture was still evident on roentgenograms. At that time (three months after injury), resistive exercise and high frequency TENS over the fracture site were initiated. In two months, full ROM was restored and a callus could be seen on roentgenograms. The callus formation was attributed to the combination of motion and TENS. Summary Treatment of patients with sustained Fig. 15. Use of transcutaneous elec- hand fractures requires an advanced trical nerve stimulation through fracture knowledge of wound healing and site during exercise. hand anatomy. This advanced knowledge is important because of the If soft tissue injury occurs, the strucproximity of structures in the hand tures must be immobilized with static and the necessity for the structures to splinting. Small-amplitude, pain-free glide on each other. Structures can be motions can maintain joint mobility moved early after injury, especially if while the irritated structure is allowed fixed internally. Treatment consists of to rest. active, passive, and resistive exercises. Splints are used statically to immobiNon-union Fractures lize the injured joint in a position advantageous to the recovery of full As mentioned earlier, two conditions ROM or dynamically to increase ROM. contribute to non-union fractures: Management of scar formation, and 1) poor blood supply and 2) excessive pain are essential in treatment of a movement at the fracture site. On hand injury because of the functional roentgenograms, a gap between the importance of the hand and the small bone fragments will be visible. Even margin for error biomechanically. though the external callus formation may be extensive, the gap will be present and may even widen. 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