KAWARTHA SPRING CLASSIC 2015 TWO (2) EC GOLD DRESSAGE Shows Two (2) EC Silver Dressage Shows TWO (2) EC Bronze Dressage Shows Kawartha Spring Classic # 1. June 5 & 6, 2015 and Kawartha Spring Classic # 2. June 7, 2015 Saddlewood Equestrian Centre Bethany, Ontario Over the weekend we are offering competitors the opportunity to gain two sets of qualifying scores for: Canadian National Championships Ontario Dressage Championships Canadian National & North American Junior and Young Rider Championships Canadian Freestyle Championships Dressage Canada Competitions EIGHT Award Sponsored by Dominion Regalia KLDA June 2015 v1 Kawartha Spring Classic # 1 June 5/6, 2015 Kawartha Spring Classic # 2 June 7, 2015 Organizing Committee Chair & Secretary Send all inquiries to: Host: Show Officials Stewards Lisa Hossack-Scott 2833 Hwy #28, Douro, Ontario K0L 2H0 Tel 705 749 9726 Fax 705 743 5078 Email: cedarlane_ec@yahoo.ca Lisa Hossack-Scott Kawartha Lakes Dressage Association Lynne Milford EC S Scott Foell EC M Dave York 705-438-3535 Gilson Equine Farrier on Call Vet on Call Invited Judges: William Tubman FEI 3*, EC S Brenda Minor FEI 3*, EC S Lorraine MacDonald EC S Additional judges will be added as required. Show Secretary’s Office Hours Thursday June 4th Show days 4 pm to 7 pm 1 hr before start to 1 hr after last ride Each of these two Gold Dressage Shows, two Silver Dressage Shows and two Bronze Dressage Shows listed herein is a sanctioned Gold competition member of Equine Canada (EC), 308 Legget Drive, Suite 100, Ottawa, ON K2K 1Y6, and is governed by current the rules of EC. Knowledge of EC rules is the responsibility of each competitor. Both the 2015 General Regulations (Section A) and the 2015 Dressage Rules (Section E) can be downloaded from the Equine Canada website at www.equinecanada.ca. Equine Canada Statement of Principle Equine Canada (EC), the national equestrian federation of Canada, supports adherence to humane treatment of horses in all activities under its jurisdiction. EC is committed to: • Upholding the welfare of horses, regardless of value, as a primary consideration in all activities; • Requiring that horses be treated with kindness, respect, and the compassion that they deserve, and that they never be subjected to mistreatment; • Ensuring that owners, trainers, and competitors, or their agents use responsible care in the handling, treatment and transportation of their horses as well as horses placed in their care for any purpose; • Providing for the continuous well-being of horses by encouraging routine inspection and consultation with health care professionals and competition officials to achieve the highest possible standards of nutrition, health, comfort, and safety as a matter of standard operating procedures; • Continuing to support scientific studies on equine health and welfare; • Increasing education in training and horsemanship practices; • Requiring owners, trainers and competitors to know and follow their sanctioning organization’s rules and to work within industry regulations in all equestrian competition; • Reviewing, revising and developing competition rules and regulations that protect the welfare of the horses. The standard by which conduct or treatment will be measured is that which a person, informed and experienced in generally accepted equine training and competition procedures, would determine to be neither cruel, abusive nor inhumane. KLDA June 2015 v1 Tentative Schedule Show # 1 Friday June 5, 2015 Saturday June 6, 2015 • Walk Trot • Walk Trot • Training, First & Second • Training, First & Second Level Test 1 & 2 Level Test 2 & 3 • Third & Fourth Level • Third & Fourth Level Test 2 Test 1 & 2 &3 • FEI Young Horse • FEI Young Horse Final Preliminary Tests Tests • FEI Childrens, Pony, • FEI Childrens, Pony, Junior Junior & Y.R. team tests & Y.R. individual tests • FEI Advanced • FEI Advanced • FEI Grand Prix tests • FEI Grand Prix tests • PE Classes • Freestyles & PE Classes Show # 2 Sunday June 7, 2015 • Walk Trot • Training, First & Second Level Test 1 & 3 • Third & Fourth Level Test 1 & 3 • FEI Young Horse tests • • • • FEI Childrens, Pony, Junior & Y.R. tests FEI Advanced tests FEI Grand Prix tests Freestyles & PE Classes CLASSES & FEES Every class offered herein is covered by the rules and specifications of the current rules of EC and will be held and judged in accordance with the EC Rule Book. Refer to General Rules regarding additional classes. Walk Trot Level Class # 1 Class # 3 Class # 5 Class # 7 Class # 9 Class # 11 Jr/O Test A Friday Test C Friday Test A Saturday Test C Saturday Test A Sunday Test C Sunday Training Level Class # 13 Class # 15 Class # 17 Class # 19 Class # 21 Jr/AA/O Test 1 Friday Test 3 Friday Test 2 Saturday Test 1 Sunday Test 3 Sunday First Level Class # 22 Class # 24 Class # 26 First Level Freestyle Class # 28 Jr/AA/O Test 1 Friday Test 2 Saturday Test 1 Sunday Open Only Saturday Freestyle Second Level Jr/AA/O Class # 30 Test 1 Friday Class # 32 Test 2 Saturday Class # 34 Test 1 Sunday Second Level Freestyle Open Only Class # 36 Saturday Freestyle Third Level Class # 38 Class # 40 Class # 42 Third Level Freestyle Class # 44 AA/O Test 1 Friday Test 2 Saturday Test 1 Sunday Open Only Saturday Freestyle Fourth Level O Class # 46 Test 1 Friday Class # 48 Test 2 Saturday Class # 50 Test 1 Sunday Fourth Level Freestyle Open Only Class # 52 Saturday Freestyle Entry Fee: Test B Friday Test D Friday Test B Saturday Test D Saturday Test B Sunday Test D Sunday $25.00 per class Class # 2 Class # 4 Class # 6 Class # 8 Class # 10 Class # 12 Entry Fee: Test 2 Friday Test 1 Saturday Test 3 Saturday Test 2 Sunday $25.00 per class Class # 14 Class # 16 Class # 18 Class # 20 Entry Fee: Test 2 Friday Test 3 Saturday Test 3 Sunday Entry Fee: Sunday Freestyle $45.00 per class Entry Fee: Test 2 Friday Test 3 Saturday Test 3 Sunday Entry Fee: Sunday Freestyle $45.00 per class Entry Fee: Test 2 Friday Test 3 Saturday Test 3 Sunday Entry Fee: Sunday Freestyle $50.00 per class Entry Fee: Test 2 Friday Test 3 Saturday Test 3 Sunday Entry Fee: Sunday Freestyle $50.00 per class Class # 23 Class # 25 Class # 27 Class # 29 Class # 31 Class # 33 Class # 35 Class # 37 Class # 39 Class # 41 Class # 43 Class # 45 Class # 47 Class # 49 Class # 51 Class # 53 KLDA June 2015 v1 $55.00 per class $55.00 per class $60.00 per class $60.00 per class FEI Young Horse – 4 Year old Class # 54 4 YO test Fri Class # 56 4 YO test Sun Entry Fee: 4 YO test Sat $60.00 per class Class # 55 FEI Young Horse – 5 Year old Class # 57 Preliminary Friday Class # 59 Preliminary Sunday Entry Fee: Final Saturday Final Sunday $70.00 per class Class # 58 Class # 60 FEI Young Horse – 6 Year old Class # 61 Preliminary Friday Class # 63 Preliminary Sunday Entry Fee: Final Saturday Final Sunday $70.00 per class Class # 62 Class # 64 FEI Childrens Class # 65 Class # 67 Entry Fee: Indiv Test Sat Indiv Test Sun $60.00 per class Class # 66 Class # 68 Team Test Friday Team Test Sun FEI Competitors: See NOTE at end of Class list FEI Pony Class # 69 Class # 71 Class # 73 FEI Pony Freestyle Class # 75 FEI Junior Class # 77 Class # 79 Class # 81 FEI Junior Freestyle Class # 83 Class # 70 Class # 72 Class # 74 Saturday Freestyle Class # 76 Team Test Friday Team Test Saturday Team Test Sunday Class # 78 Class # 80 Class # 82 Saturday Freestyle Class # 84 Entry Fee: $85.00 per class Individual Test Friday Individual Test Saturday Individual Test Sunday Entry Fee: $95.00 per class Sunday Freestyle Class # 86 Class # 88 Class # 90 Class # 92 Entry Fee: $95.00 per class Individual Test Friday Individual Test Saturday Individual Test Sunday YR GP 20-25 Sat Entry Fee: Sunday Freestyle $105.00 per class Class # 94 Entry Fee: Inter 1 Friday Inter 1 Saturday Inter 1 Sunday Entry Fee: Sunday Freestyle $95.00 per class FEI Young Rider Class # 85 Team Test Friday Class # 87 Team Test Saturday Class # 89 Team Test Sunday Class # 91 YR GP 20-25 Fri Class # 93 YR GP 20-25 Sun FEI Young Rider Freestyle Class # 94 Saturday Freestyle FEI Advanced (AA/O) Class # 95 Class # 97 Class # 99 FEI Inter I Freestyle Class # 101 Entry Fee: $65.00 per class Individual Test Friday Individual Test Saturday Individual Test Sunday Entry Fee: $75.00 per class Sunday Freestyle Team Test Friday Team Test Saturday Team Test Sunday PSG Friday PSG Saturday PSG Sunday Class # 96 Class # 98 Class # 100 Saturday Freestyle Class # 102 FEI Grand Prix Class # 103 Grand Prix Friday Class # 105 Grand Prix Sunday FEI Grand Prix Freestyle Class # 107 Saturday Freestyle Class # 104 Class # 106 Class # 108 Para-Equestrian Classes Class # 109 PE Team Test Friday Class # 110 PE Individual Test Friday Class #111 PE Team Test Saturday Class # 112 PE Individual Test Saturday Class # 113 PE Freestyle Saturday Class # 114 PE Team Test Sunday Class # 115 PE Individual Test Sunday Class # 116 PE Freestyle Sunday $105.00 per class Entry Fee: $95.00 per class Grand Prix Saturday Grand Prix Special Sunday Entry Fee: $105.00 per class Sunday Freestyle Entry Fee: $ 65.00 per class ALL GRADES OFFERED PE Competitors are to indicate what their Grade is on the entry form as well as include copies of their classification documentation. KLDA June 2015 v1 Note for FEI Riders: Additional Classes will be offered upon request. If you want to ride two of the same test in a day just state this on your entry form. As an example that would be two Team tests or two PSG on the same day. Make sure it is clear on your entry what you would like to do. Tests can be downloaded free of charge from the Equine Canada website at www.equinecanada.ca GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ENTRIES – Entries close May 11, 2015 and will not be accepted unless accompanied by: 1. Photocopies of 2015 EC and DC membership cards for Rider & Owner where required (Only EC required for Owner) 2. Photocopies of 2015 Provincial membership cards for Rider & Owner 3. Photocopy of 2015 Horse License Sticker where required (make a copy of passport 1st page or EC insert in FEI passport) 4. Your stabling form if stabling 5. Your signed waiver 6. Your accurate and complete entry form 7. Your current dated cheque, made payable to Kawartha Lakes Dressage Assoc. or KLDA Faxed entries are subject to a $25.00 service charge. Incomplete entries are subject to a $10.00 Payment must be received prior to closing date or the entry will service charge at the discretion of the secretary ALSO be considered late and incur a LATE FEE Late entries are those received and/or fully paid after Midnight Any cheques returned by the bank for any on April 17 and are subject to a $30.00 late fee, and will only reason, are subject to a $40.00 fee. be accepted at the discretion of the Show Committee. The organizing committee reserves the right to refuse entries. CLOSING DATE CATEGORIES CANCELLATIONS HORS CONCOURS PASSPORTS NUMBERS NON-SHOWING HORSES RIDING TIMES STABLING HELMETS The closing date for entries is May 11, 2015. Those wishing to compete in two categories (i.e. AA and Open) will pay two entry fees, but will ride one test; the score will count for both categories. If there are fewer than six (6) entries per category at any level the organizing committee has the option of holding only the open category or combining any two (2) categories together. Cancellations will only be accepted with a Veterinarian/Doctor’s Certificate. Refunds of 100% of entry and stabling fees, less administration fee, will be allowed up until the closing date (May 11, 2015). Refunds of 50% of class entry fees, less administration fee, will be made after the closing date and before the start of the show. There will be no refunds on stabling fees after the closing date. Scratches after the show starts will lose the total entry and stabling fee. Hors Concours entries will be accepted at the discretion of the organizing committee and these entries will ride last in the class. All competition horses and non-showing horses, must present a valid EC/FEI passport to the show secretary before receiving a number. All competition and non showing horses must wear a number at all times in the schooling and exercise areas and in the competition rings. Passports will be returned upon return of number. Failure to display the number as required may incur elimination or disqualification. There is a $150.00 charge per show for non-showing horses. Non-showing horses are subject to all the rules and fees pertaining to showing horses. If your horse is competing in one show only i.e. Friday to Saturday, but remains on-site for the entire weekend, then it is a non-showing horse for the second show i.e. Sunday, and the non-showing few of $150 will be applied Riding times will be available at www.klda.ca or www.foxvillage.com on June 2, 2015. Ride times will also be available by telephoning the Show Secretary (705) 749 9726, on June 2, 2015 between 1pm and 9pm The cost per stall is $180.00 or $120.00 (see stabling form) for the duration of the competition that you have entered, Thursday noon through Saturday 6pm and Saturday 6pm to Sunday 6 pm. There are no guarantees that the type of stall requested, tack or day stalls will be available even if booked with the entry. If a tack stall is unavailable, the competitor will be notified by the show secretary prior to June 1/15 and a full refund will be given. The order that stalls are filled is 1. Permanent Stabling, 2. Indoor Semi-Permanent Stabling (slat stalls), Tent stabling is NOT be offered. While we try to accommodate all requests and work primarily on a first come basis, stabling assignment is at the discretion of the organizer. Stalls will not be bedded, please bring your own shavings or shavings will be available at $9.00 per bag. Please bring your own hay, feed and buckets. Wednesday night or earlier arrival by special request, $60.00 extra per day or part thereof. EC Rules, Section E, Dressage ARTICLE E 4.0 SAFETY HEADGEAR: All riders, regardless of age or level or competition, must wear ASTM/SEI or BSI/BS EN approved protective headgear at all times when mounted at any EC-sanctioned Dressage competition at KLDA June 2015 v1 CLASSES the event location. Note: At the tack check which follows the test, the steward may ask the rider to dismount so that the helmet may be inspected for the ASTM/SEI or BSI/BS EN label. There may be formal presentations, dressed and mounted. Competitors will be advised over the P.A. system if formal presentations will take place. Questions concerning rules, scoring or entries may be made to the Steward for discussion with the Organizing Committee. Protests must be made in writing within 48 hours of the completion of the class and accompanied by a deposit of $200.00, cash or certified cheque. See EC Rules EC/FEI Drug and Medications rules apply at these shows. Any horse entered in any class at any competition subject to the requirement to pay drug-testing fees may, while on the competition grounds and on the recommendation of the chair of the provincial Equine Medications Control committee or the chair’s appointee, be selected for equine medication control testing. All owners and competitors are personally responsible for damages to third parties caused by themselves, their employees, their agents or their horses. Third party insurance providing full coverage for participation in equestrian events is necessary. Ribbons will be presented to 6th place as well as division champion and reserve champion in divisions that have 6 or more competitors. In classes or divisions with less than 6 competitors, classes and or divisions may be combined at the discretion of the organizing committee. The organizing committee reserves the right to combine or split classes at its discretion. FREESTYLE MUSIC Must be submitted when competitor package is picked up and on CD. PARKING Vehicles must be parked in designated areas only or may be towed at the owners expense. There will be no parking on the roads and the barn areas at any time. After unloading, please do not park in the stable area. Security will not be provided. The show organizers and the facility accept no responsibility for lost or stolen items. Please do not leave items unattended. PRESENTATIONS QUERIES DRUG TESTING INSURANCE RIBBONS SECURITY DOGS Warm up REFUNDS OTHER If you must bring your furry friend each must be registered with the office at a fee of $30. Each competition day there will be a canine competition immediately following the last competitor before the lunch break. The categories of competition are: The Prettiest/Cutest, the most obedient and the most talented. Details will be available at the show and prizes will be awarded. As well, please make sure 1. you stoop & scoop , 2. do not allow your friend to run loose, 3. you use a leash that can extend no longer than 2 metres. Penalties will be levied for any offenders. Warm up will be available as posted. Competition rings will be open to riders on Thursday until 6 pm. After that time, competition rings will be available at the discretion of the organizer. Please ensure that you wear your competition number at all times. Competitors owed any refund of fees will receive their refund no earlier than 2 weeks after the competition if they paid by cheque. The organizing committee reserves the right to refuse any entry. “Per Article A801, every entry at an EC-sanctioned competition shall constitute an agreement by the person responsible that the owner, lessee, trainer, manager, agent, coach, driver or rider and horse shall be subject to the EC constitution and all rules of EC and any additional rules set by the competition. It is the responsibility of all individuals participating in any capacity in EC-sanctioned competitions to be knowledgeable regarding the EC constitution and the applicable rules of EC and the additional rules, if any, imposed by the competition. Do not participate in this EC-sanctioned competition in any capacity if you do not consent to be bound by the constitution and rules of EC and any additional rules imposed by the competition.” . Directions to Saddlewood Equestrian Centre, 749 Bethany Hills Road, Bethany, Ontario From Highway 401, take Highway 35/115 north to Hwy 7A. Turn West on 7A and following into town of Bethany. Just before T.D. Bank is Ski Hill Rd. Right on Ski Hill Rd to Bethany Hills Rd. Left onto Bethany Hills Rd. Alternatively, check the Saddlewood website at www.saddlewood.ca Accommodations Comfort Inn & Suites 1209 Lansdowne St W Peterborough 705 740 7000 800 228 5150 Quality Inn 1074 Lansdowne St W, Peterborough 705 748-6801 877 316 9949 Ask for the KLDA room rate Have more fun and stay on site!! KLDA June 2015 v1 On-Site Accommodations Staff Building This building has 2 bathrooms each with 2 stalls. There are 3 individual shower areas. Some rooms have a small fridge and a microwave, no guarantees if you have one or not but there is a large common kitchen like area with a refrigerator. 5 rooms each with 2 twin beds $65 per night, bedding included 1 room with 1 twin bed $40 per night, bedding included 1 room with 3 sets of twin bunk beds (sleeps 6) $75 per night, bring your own bedding 1 room with 2 sets of twin bunk beds (sleeps 4) $60 per night, bring your own bedding Camper Cabins There are a total of 3 cabins. Each cabin is split into 3 distinct areas those being an upper cabin and 2 halves of a lower cabin. Each area has its own full bathroom so 3 in total for each complete cabin. You need to bring your own bedding for the cabins. Upper Cabin has one room with 2 bunks and then a rather large open area with probably 10-12 sets of bunks (sleeps ???, lots) $120 per night for an entire upper cabin, Upper cabins have an area where a coffee pot could go. Lower Cabin has one room with 3 sets of bunks (sleeps 6). There is a door that joins 2 lower cabins so if a group rents an entire bottom it could be set up to allow full access to both sides. Benefit of this would be access to 2 full bathrooms. $75 per night per lower section. If you want a more private bathroom, chose a cabin. If you want to bring a dog you MUST check with the show secretary ahead of time. Contact show secretary NOT Saddlewood with bookings or questions on availability. To confirm your request, please enclose the following form with your entry: Accommodation Booking Form: Name: Phone: I am enclosing payment for: Staff Building $60/night for Th Fri Sat = $ Staff Building $40/night for Th Fri Sat = $ Staff Building $75/night for Th Fri Sat = $ Staff Building $65/night for Th Fri Sat = $ Camper $75/night for Th Fri Sat = $ Cabin Camper $120/night Th Fri Sat = $ Cabin for Include a copy of this form with your entry. Cheques are payable to KLDA. KLDA June 2015 v1 Kawartha Spring Classic Social events and meals…. Thurs June 4 – Casual dinner on-site @ approx 6:30 pm $15/pp Meal will be Salad, Lasagna/Pasta, beverage and light desert. Easy to heat if you are late and we will keep the kitchen open as long as we know you are attending before 10 pm ☺ Fri June 5 – Dinner on-site @ approx 7:00 pm $25/pp Meal will include chicken with rice, greens and desert. Saturday June 6 – BBQ dinner on-site @ approx 7:00 pm $35/pp Meal will include; Salad, Lisa’s BBQ Steak & Chicken with veggies & potato, beverage and light desert. Vegetarian and Gluten Free available by advance request only. We can do it but need some notice ☺ Please book your spot with your entry or at the show office with Lisa. Space is limited ! Book with your entry to guarantee a spot. KLDA June 2015 v1 INCLUDE COPIES OF ALL MEMBERSHIP CARDS Mail to: Lisa Hossack-Scott 2833 Hwy 28, Douro, ON K0L 2H0 Ph: 705-749-9726 Fax: 705-743-5078 email: cedarlane_ec@yahoo.ca KLDA Spring Classic # 1 & 2 USE THIS FOR GOLD ENTRIES CLOSING DATE: May 11, 2015 Horse Name Stallion HORSE RIDER Colour Division Walk Trot Training First Second Third Fourth 4 Year Old 6 Year Old Pony Junior Breed Name Postal Code Address E-Mail Rider Category OWNER Height Open Postal Code Address E-Mail Year of Birth Phone EC # For Juniors Only Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) Phone EC # OEF # Class (Check all classes being ridden & Refer to Prize list for class fees) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 62 63 64 5 Year Old Childrens 57 61 65 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Young Rider 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Advanced 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Grand Prix 104 105 106 107 108 109 Para Equ 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 (MANDATORY) Gelding EC Passport FEI Passport Passport # Junior 1 Other Fees: Mare OEF # Adult Amateur (must be indicated on EC Sport Licence card) Name Admin Fee: $45 per show or $60 both shows Fax Fee: $25 per entry Drug Fee: $7.91 per show or $15.82 both shows Entry Fees 10 11 58 59 60 66 67 68 93 94 95 12 Total Other Fees Stabling from stabling page DC Levy Fee: $7 per show or $14 both shows Other (Meals/Accom/Dog) Total Payable to KLDA KLDA June 2015 v1 Entry # 2015 Kawartha Spring Classic 1 & 2 Use this for SILVER Entries Mail to: Lisa Hossack-Scott 2833 Hwy 28, Douro, ON K0L 2H0 Ph: 705-749-9726 Fax: 705-743-5078 email: cedarlane_ec@yahoo.ca Horse Name HORSE RIDER Colour Height Breed Name Postal Code Address E-Mail Open Adult Amateur (must be indicated on EC Sport Licence card) Name Postal Code OWNER Address E-Mail Division Class Number Other Fees: Admin Fee: $45 per show or $60 both shows May 11, 2015 Mare Gelding Horse Year of Birth EC Passport FEI Passport Passport # Phone EC # OEF # Junior For Juniors Only Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) Phone EC # OEF # Class Description Drug Fee: $7.91 (Incl HST) one show $15.82 both shows Entry Fees DC Levy Fee: $7 per show or $14 both shows Total Other Fees Stabling from stabling page Other (Meals/Accom/Dog) Total Payable to KLDA KLDA June 2015 v1 Entry # CLOSING DATE: Stallion Rider Category (MANDATORY) INCLUDE COPIES OF ALL MEMBERSHIP CARDS 2015 Kawartha Spring Classic 1 & 2 Use this for BRONZE entries Mail to: Lisa Hossack-Scott 2833 Hwy 28, Douro, ON K0L 2H0 Ph: 705-749-9726 Fax: 705-743-5078 email: cedarlane_ec@yahoo.ca Horse Name Colour Height Breed May 11, 2015 Postal Code Address E-Mail Open Mare Gelding Horse Year of Birth Name Rider Category Phone EC # OEF # Junior Adult Amateur N/A at Bronze Name Postal Code OWNER Address E-Mail Division Class Number For Juniors Only Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) Phone EC # OEF # Class Description Entry Fees NOTE: Bronze entries do not require a horse passport or a Dressage Canada membership NOTE: Bronze Walk Trot will be held in the 20 X 40 ring Other Fees: (MANDATORY) Admin Fee: $20 per show, $35 both shows Drug Fee: 3.96 (Incl HST) per show or $7.92 both shows DC Levy Fee: $7 per show or $14 per show Total Other Fees Stabling from next page Other (Meals/Accom/Dog) Total Payable to KLDA KLDA June 2015 v1 Entry # CLOSING DATE: Stallion HORSE RIDER INCLUDE COPIES OF ALL MEMBERSHIP CARDS Check Days Needed Stabling Info: Horse Name Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Mon Tack Stall as available Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Mon Daily Stabling as available Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Mon Rates Thursday through Sunday Stabling $180 per stall Permanent Stall as available $120 per stall indoor semipermanent Number of stalls For Sale? Stabling Fee Calculations = x $180 or $120 each = $ Number of Stalls Daily Stabling (8am to 4pm) $45 indoor semi-permanent Number of days = x $45 each = $ Wed or Mon Stabling $40 per day Number of days = x $60 each = $ Number of bags = x $9 each = $ Shavings delivered to your stall prior to arrival $9 per bag If you do not want your shavings delivered indicate by checking box to the right Name of Stable Group/Coach Total Stabling Fees Emergency Contact Person $ Phone No. Anything extra we need to know ACCEPTANCE OF RISK FORM - THIS DOCUMENT WILL AFFECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. Every entry at a KAWARTHA LAKES DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION (KLDA) event shall constitute an agreement that the person making it (owner, lessee, trainer, manager, agent, coach, driver, rider) and the horse shall be subject to the Constitution and the Rules of Equine Canada, the local rules of KLDA and the facility, and that the owner and/or participant and any of their representatives are bound by the Constitution and the Rules of Equine Canada, KLDA and the facility; accept as final the decision of the Hearing committee on any questions arising under said rules and agree to hold KLDA, the facility, E.C., their officials, directors and employees harmless for any action taken. I hereby certify that every horse, rider and/or driver is eligible as entered and agree for myself and my representatives to be bound by the Constitution and Rules of Equine Canada at this competition. It is hereby recognized that all equestrian sports involve inherent risk and that no helmet or protective equipment can protect against all foreseeable injury. I hereby accept this risk and hold harmless the E.C., KLDA, the facility, the competition, their officials, organizers, agents, employees and their representatives. The person responsible (PR) agrees to the release of any information on the entry form to EC. I acknowledge that any activity involving horses is high risk including but not limited to: (a) the propensity of any equine to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm or death to persons on or around them and to potentially collide with, bite or kick other animals, people or objects; (b) the unpredictability of an equine’s reaction to such things as sounds, sudden movement, tremors, vibrations, unfamiliar objects, persons or other animals and hazards such as subsurface objects; (c) the potential for other participants to behave in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to themselves or others, including failing to act within their abilities to maintain control over an equine In addition to consideration given for my Participation in this KLDA event being held at Saddlewood Equestrian Centre, in June 2015, I and my heirs, executors, administrations and assigns agree; • To Waive ALL Claims that I might have against the Organizing Committee, KLDA, as well as their directors, officers, agents, representatives, employees, officials, members, volunteers and the owners or occupier of the land upon which the event is held (all of them collectively hereinafter referred to as the “HOST”); and • To Release the “HOST” from Any and All Liability for any loss, damages, injury, or expense that I or my “Legal Representatives” might suffer as a result of my Participation due to any cause whatsoever including any NEGLIGENCE ON THE PART OF THE “HOST”; and • To HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY THE “HOST” from any and all liability for bodily injury or property damage to any third part which might result from my Participation. I hereby declare that in signing this document I have read and fully understood and agree to the terms and conditions stated herein and that it is binding upon my executors, heirs, and assigns. Signature: Person Responsible (Mandatory): ________________________ Dated: __________ Printed Name of Person Responsible: ______________________ *If a participant is under the age of 18 yrs. as of January 1, 2015, the parent/guardian must also sign below. EC # ___________ I acknowledge as parent/guardian of _______________________________ that I have read and fully understand and agree to the terms and conditions stated herein on behalf of ______________________ and myself. RE: JUNIOR HEADGEAR: In the event that _________________________ (name of junior rider) participates in an Equine Canada sanctioned competition where approved headgear is required for juniors, he/she will wear a properly fitted and fastened approved helmet. It is understood that juniors not meeting this requirement will not be allowed to compete at these competitions (Article A905) Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______________________________ KLDA June 2015 v1 Date: ____________________
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