KLERKSDORP FOTOGRAFIE KLUB KLERKSDORP PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB NUUSBRIEF VIR MAART 2015 NEWSLETTER FOR MARCH 2015 Goeie dag alle klubmaats, Ek wil graag begin met ‘n wysheid deur die geestelike leier “Dalai Lama” wat eens gesê het:“When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. but if you listen, you may learn something new” 1. Resultate van maandelikse byeenkoms – Monthly meeting results a. Ons het Maart 16 “Maand Tema” fotos gehad asook 83 fotos vir beoordeling. Uit die 83 fotos vir beoordeling was daar 53 goud en 31 silver. b. Die wenfoto van die “Maand Tema – Pink” was Hannes Coetzee met “Pink Nerina”. Veels geluk Hannes! Canon 60D – f/4.5 – 1/20 – ISO 100 – Fokus Lengte = 90mm Die Goue Toekennings verdien:Category Name Contemporary Contemporary Contemporary Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Nature Open Open Open Open Photojournalism Photojournalism Portraiture Portraiture Portraiture Portraiture Portraiture Portraiture Portraiture Portraiture Scenic Scenic Scenic Scenic Scenic Scenic Scenic Scenic Scenic Scenic Scenic Members Name Frik Landman Frik Landman Miemie Kock Anelia Dunn Anelia Dunn Ben Vorster Braam Kotze Christa Esterhuizen Frik Calitz Kobie Van Niekerk Kobie Van Niekerk Kobie Van Niekerk Loutjie Dunn Loutjie Dunn Marlene Grobbelaar Miemie Kock Peet van Niekerk Peet van Niekerk Piet Stander Rina Hattingh Rina Hattingh Liesel van Zyl Liesel van Zyl Liesel van Zyl Liesel van Zyl Eric Storbeck Frans vd Schyff Anelia Dunn Christa Esterhuizen Christa Esterhuizen Eric Storbeck Frik Calitz Loutjie Dunn Marlene Grobbelaar Oupa Coetzee Anelia Dunn Eric Storbeck Frans vd Schyff Johannes Steenberg Kobie Van Niekerk Marlene Grobbelaar Miemie Kock Oupa Coetzee Oupa Coetzee Peet van Niekerk Peet van Niekerk Star Rating 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 1 1 3 3 2 4 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 1 2 4 4 4 1 1 Photo Title Blom kerse Runaway Mamma en baba Soek my mamma Bad tyd Rustig SWAAR DRA3 sprinkaan Badtyd Modderstoei Trap sag Crab spider 2 Jumping spider 2 Etenstyd Skoonmaak leeugaap Rooi velskoene African skimmers Blessed Light Bee Fly Pienk blom Sonneblom Mountain Biker Speed Geelbekneushoringvoel potret ALMOST GONE WAAR IS DIE KOS And you are..... nuuskierig Volstruis potret Zoeloe Vrou Bara Bosveld sonsondergang Catchy Sunrise Rockstar kontras Skulpies galour Mis oor die Drakensberge Night Reflections Colours Downstream Rooi Boei vlug vani meeu Award Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Scenic Scenic Still Life Still Life Still Life Still Life Piet Stander Piet Stander Ben Vorster Hannes Coetzee Johannes Steenberg Marlene Grobbelaar 3 3 3 3 3 2 Drakensberg Mall sunset Boom Dolfyn Piesangs Persimons Unbreakable Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Beste Junior en Senior Fotos van die maand – Best photo of the month for Junior and Senior members c. The best senior photographer was Oupa Coetzee with “Colours”. Congratulations Oupa! Nikon D300S – f/11 – 1/20 Sek – ISO 200 – Fokus Lengte=22mm d. The best junior photographer was Loutjie Dunn with “Jumping Spider 2”. Congratulations Loutjie! Canon 550D – f/22 – 1/200sec – ISO 100 2. Salon aanvaardings – Salon acceptances a. Daar was nog net een salon waarvoor die aanvaardings beskikbaar was, nl. Die 2de PSSA Digitale Salon. Loutjie Dunn het een aanvaarding gekry en Nicci van As het twee gekry. Veels geluk aan julle. 3. Beoordeelaars – Judges a. Miemie Kock, Eric Storbeck en Oupa Coetzee was Maart 2015 se beoordelaars. Baie dankie vir julle deelname. 4. Terugvoering van punte uit die laaste komittee vergadering – Feedback from points raised in our last committee meeting. a. Ons gaan ons beywer om al ons inligting elektronies te versprei. Ons wil die maandbriewe op ons webtuiste - http://klerksdorpfotografieklub.co.za/ - publiseer en julle net ‘n mail te stuur as dit beskikbaar is. Gee vir ons asseblief julle terugvoer aangaande hierdie voorstel. b. Dan gaan ons ook ons skielike uitstappies soos laas week se sonneblomme op ons Facebook bladsy https://www.facebook.com/klerksdorpfotografieklub/ - kommunikeer. 5. Opleidingsbyeenkoms – Training meeting a. On our next training meeting Tuesday evening the 17th of March 2015 @ 18h30. Oupa Coetzee will enlighten us about “Landscape Photography”. 6. Volgende byeenkoms – Next meeting a. Our next meeting will be Tuesday the 7th of April 2015 at 19h00 at the Library as usual. b. The monthly subject will be “Landscapes” 7. Wegbreek geleenthede – Breakaway events a. Ons het toe Saterdag die 28ste vroeg die oggend gaan sonneblom fotos neem. Dit was weer eenmaal lekker groot pret om in die natuur te kon wees. Dankie Elaine dat jy darem aan koffie gedink het. Dit was heerlik. b. Vrydag/Saterdag die 20/21ste Maart sal dit weer “donkermaan” wees. Hou ons Facebook dop vir ‘n moontlike “Star Trails” uitstappie Vrydag en/of Saterdag. https://www.facebook.com/klerksdorpfotografieklub/ 8. Verjaarsdae – Birthdays Naam Piet Stander Rudi Lombaard Frik Calitz Ron McKechnie Hettie Haarof Maand APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL Dag 8 11 15 18 19 Selfoon Nommer 0832599733 0834144836 0833797668 0184685203 0823067610 E-pos Adres pstander@telkomsa.net rmlombard@mics.co.za fmcalitz@yahoo.com ronmck@lantic.net HAARHOFFH@GMAIL.COM Hester Stander Ben Vorster Mariana Kotze APRIL APRIL APRIL 21 018 468 5920 24 0835017315 29 0780821915 caltex.goudkop@telkomsat.net vorsterjb@vodamail.co.za eternitybrokers@telkomsa.net 9. Maand beplanner – Monthly Planner Maand - Month Mar-15 Apr-15 Mei-15 Maand Tema – Month Topic Opleiding - Training Kleur Fotos - Pienk Scenic Photography – Oupa Coetzee Landskappe Nicci van As en Hannes Coetzee – Makrofotografie Prakties Argitektuur – Besonderse Sal nog aangekondig word strukture of geboue - Scenic Onthou asseblief 2L melk met julle beurt !! Verversings - Food Oupa, Karen en Ben Frans, Rika, Bertie en Annatjie Hannes, Marietjie, Rudi en Miemie 10. Kommitee – Committee Gerry en Alida het gevoel dat hulle nie meer op die kommitee wil dien nie. Hulle verkies derhalwe om net vir ‘n rukkie lank weer net deel van die normale klublede te wees. Ons sê net van ons kant af baie dankie aan Gerry vir sy jarelange toewyding aan die klub en ons hoop vir hom en Alida ‘n tyd van wel verdiende rus toe. Gerry, nou wil ons weer van jou fotos sien! Geen verskoning nie. 11. Terugvoering vanaf ons klublidmate – Feedback from club members Die gebruik van die mikrofone en luidspreker was goed ontvang onder die klublede. As ons die weg oopsien sal die klub in ‘n soortgelyke stelsel belê. 12. Ten laaste Julle moet my laat weet as julle dalk in iets spesifieks belangstel sodat ek vir ons die inligting kan soek en in die nuusbrief publiseer. Dan sal ons ook graag terugvoer wil kry omtrent julle keuse van kommunikasie medium – E-pos, SMS, ons webwerf of Facebook. Dis nou vir daardie “skielike” uitstappies as die weer reg is. Vriendelike Klubgroete, Hannes 13. Iets interesant – Something interesting Photographing Architecture A Post By: Natalie Denton (nee Johnson) Whether the subject is a historically significant building or a contemporary architectural masterpiece, here a few tips which may come in handy when shooting architecture. Lens choices A telephoto lens allows you to creep into those intricate details that litter the building’s facia and highlight to the viewer why the building is so special. A wide-angle lens can allows you to capture the building in its entirety and perhaps even place it context with its surrounding elements, adding a sense of location or season into the frame. A fish-eye lens can be used to visually express the magnitude of the stature if the wide-angle lens doesn’t quite cover it or adds a bit of extra creative spice to the shot. Patterns Geometric patterns, leadings lines, diagonals and grids are all rife within urban environments, and can make for attractive compositional aids to add interest and tension within the capture. The best way to do this is to use a zoom lens and crop in close for frame-filling captures. What is more, the vast majority of buildings incorporate symmetrical elements within their structures and these can be used to strength your composition. Some architectural photographers admit to aligning their hand along the slope their nose to help them create the frame around the symmetrical meeting point. Reflections Particularly in modern areas of the city, buildings usually have floor to ceiling windows which can make for some fantastic reflective surfaces, which offers up a series of compositional devices such as symmetry and patterns. As well as reflections created on buildings, look for puddles, water features, sunglasses and windows of transport to photograph the building in the reflection. Contrast Juxtaposition of colour, texture, content and light can inject tension instantly into an architectural frame. Look for an old building next to an ultra modern one, or a particularly colourful wall against a plain surface, or just look to where the light falls to capture areas of light and shade. Light and shade Buildings are riddled with areas of high contrast, which can fool the camera’s metering system. This is particularly a problem if you want to capture the details within the shaded and highlighted areas of the building at the same time. The answer is to bracket the shots at different exposure values, and later merge them using HDR software or if your camera has the option to play with the dynamic range of the scene (on Nikon’s for example the feature is called Active D-Lighting) switch this on, start with the lowest setting and move up in increments to find a level of detail you are happy with. Scale Consider expressing the size of your subject by including every day, relatable features, such as street furniture (traffic lights, street lights, cars, people, trees, etc). On the other hand, you could avoid these props altogether to play with the viewers sense of perspective and scale. Perspective Correction A great deal of architectural images will exhibit distorted lines, especially if you are using a wide-angle lens from a close proximity, which can often happen when you are shooting up from the ground. To straighten these lines post shoot there are a number of software programs or plug-ins that allow you to correct the distortion. However distortion can be used to the photographer’s advantage as it adds a sense of drama and sense of scale to the image. Architectural Interiors As well as photographing the outside facia, photographers often have the option of photographing inside too. The main problem shooters find here is the lack of available light, especially as many venues restrict the use of flash. To combat this use a lens with a wide aperture, boost the cameras ISO or set the camera or something sturdy and take a longer exposure, using the self timer to trigger the shot. Where flash is permitted try using a diffuser to soften the effect, as direct flash can often rob scenes of texture and distort colour. Silhouettes Just as with human subjects, to get a visually stimulating silhouette shot of a building, move into a position that means the sun is behind the structure and effectively blocks out the main orb of light. Here remember to deactivate the flash and expose for the sky. Architecture at Night Shooting buildings at night can offer up fantastic subjects and creative ways of expressing your message. One of the best ways to do it is to shoot when there is still some light left in the sky, as this carves in extra colour and helps to subtly illuminate part the detail of the building, but wait long enough so that window lights, car lights and street signs are on. Place yourself in a safe spot that offers an interesting angle or perspective. Set the camera on a tripod or something sturdy and dial in a long exposure of several seconds. Fire the shutter using the self timer or a remote shutter release to ensure your image is sharp. Extend the length of the exposure to add a sense of motion, either from the people moving around inside the building, on the street, traffic or clouds. Maan Kalender vir Maart 2015 Klerksdorp March 2015 Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 4 Thursday Friday 5 Saturday 6 7 FULL 20:07 Sun Rise: 06:02 Set: 18:40 Sun Rise: 06:02 Set: 18:39 Sun Rise: 06:03 Set: 18:38 Sun Rise: 06:04 Set: 18:37 Sun Rise: 06:04 Set: 18:36 Sun Rise: 06:05 Set: 18:35 Sun Rise: 06:05 Set: 18:34 Moon Set: 02:16 Rise: 15:49 Moon Set: 03:07 Rise: 16:31 Moon Set: 03:58 Rise: 17:09 Moon Set: 04:49 Rise: 17:46 Moon Set: 05:39 Rise: 18:22 Moon Set: 06:30 Rise: 18:56 Moon Set: 07:20 Rise: 19:31 13 14 Moon Apogee 8 9 10 11 12 3rdQ 19:50 Sun Rise: 06:06 Set: 18:33 Sun Rise: 06:06 Set: 18:32 Sun Rise: 06:07 Set: 18:31 Sun Rise: 06:07 Set: 18:30 Sun Rise: 06:08 Set: 18:29 Sun Rise: 06:08 Set: 18:27 Sun Rise: 06:09 Set: 18:26 Moon Set: 08:10 Rise: 20:07 Moon Set: 09:02 Rise: 20:44 Moon Set: 09:54 Rise: 21:24 Moon Set: 10:47 Rise: 22:07 Moon Set: 11:41 Rise: 22:54 Moon Set: 12:35 Rise: 23:45 Moon Set: 13:30 Rise: ---:--- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 NEW 11:39 Sun Rise: 06:09 Set: 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