May Newsletter Knowsley Lane Primary School Telephone: 0151 556 9999 Dear Parents, Families and Friends, We are now heading into our first Summer Term as Knowsley Lane Primary School. This is a very important time for many of our children who are looking forward to showing off their learning in their SATs. We are hoping for better weather, so please remember to send your child to school with a hat to shield them from the sun, and ensure that suncream is applied before they leave the house. Our new Personal Learning Goal focus is Morality. Please help to support your child at home by reminding them of this goal. Upcoming Events May 5 Martial Arts Taster Day –KS1 and KS2 will have an opportunity to try Martial Arts during the day. May 11 Y6 SATs begins (Monday – Thursday) Special breakfast club from 8.30am free for all Y6 pupils. May 20 Sports Afternoon - POSTPONED. May 22 Break up for half term. June 1 Return to school. Week beginning June 15 Activity Week (including Sports Day). More information to follow. Congratulations! Well done to our Year 5 Quiz Team (Michael, Sonny, Annie, Brooke and Leah) who this afternoon came 4th in the Knowsley Park Quiz. They were very well supported by their parents and friends from school. We were also proud of the way all our Year 5 children conducted themselves at Knowsley Park. Giving Children Roots and Wings Activity Week Our Sports Afternoon has been postponed so that it can take place as part of our themed Activity Week. Miss Martin, Miss Johnston and the School Council will be sharing more information about how you can be involved soon! Part of the SS Simon and Jude Family
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