Knox News This week in the Knox Community Sunday April 26 10:30am Worship Service and Kids’ Church Mission Awareness Sunday Tuesday April 28 10:00 am Coffee Plus Bible Study Wednesday, April 29 9am Knox Frocks 9:30 Prayer Time 6:30 pm Wednesday Night Bible Study Thursday, April 30 7:30 Choir Practice Sunday, May 3, 10:30am Sunday Worship Service and Kids’ Church Annual Meeting following service These notices for Knox and the community are listed for your information and attention. If you would like more information, contact either a person listed with the event notice, or one of the people on the bulletin back cover. You can get more information about items with a double underline on our web site, Knox News Announcements: Please leave them in the mail slot at the bottom of the stairs or send them to ‘Subject: Knox News’ to be received no later than Thursday noon. KC Bowcott is still recovering from her heart attack. Please remember her in your prayers. Rev. Reg and Dale MacMillan’s daughter Naarah Chemo has start again. We Trust that you will remember to hope and pray with us. Thank you Reg, Dale, Naarah, Erik and Layna. Marguerite Adams-Miller, Muriel Flagler, Rosie Ingram, and Mary Ingram at home. Thinking of You… Velma Prudhomme. Specialty Care Manor, Bobcaygeon, Ont ~~~~~~~~~~This Week~~~~~~~~~~~ For children, we offer a KIDS’ CHURCH program today: “The Followers” (Grades K-6) Margaret Cosh is teaching a curriculum on “The Life of Moses.” “Ignite” (Grades 7-12) starts a series on the journeys of the Apostle Paul. MANSE - "thank you" to both Paul Callaway and Louis Stark for their work at the Manse this past week. (painting, new bathroom floor and carpet cleaning). the Board of Manager Chuck Holman had a stroke 3 weeks ago while visiting his doctor. He remains in the Ross Hospital. His wife, Margaret, says he is doing better but having verbal difficulties. They covet the prayers of their many Knox friends. Ruth Ashworth has just been diagnosis with NonHodgkins Lymphoma after beening rush home Flordia to Princess Margaret Hospital. She is now at home. Please remember her in your prayers Annual Meeting May 3rd, 2015 following morning worship. Lunch will be provided, Please sign up for lunch in hall after service this morning (April 26th) When supplies of milk, cream, butter, etc are needed for functions at Knox. Please Contact Rene Kennedy 705-738-5325. Thanks Rene Thank you Philip & Sheila Mayville, Team 5 and others for preparing the Lunch Tuesday for Presbytery. Also thanks to those who brought muffins for the 9 am Break; and the veggies tray for lunch. Thank you Theresia & Russ Ruddock for providing sandwiches and the other goodies for refreshments following the church services. We all at Knox do appreciate your kindness and generosity – God bless you. ~~~~~~~~ Knox Coming Up ~~~~~~~~ Page 1 Page 2 If you have a prayer request, please pass a note to the pastor or to the duty elder. Coffee Plus Bible Study: There will be no class on March 31. Ellen Roberts will lead a new study starting on April 7th. at 10:00. The 4 week session will be a DVD presentation by Joyce Meyers called, ‘The Battlefield of the Mind’. We will have group discussion time after the video. All ladies are welcome. On Tuesday May 5, Coffee Plus will have their wrap-up luncheon starting at 10:30. We are looking forward to our guest speaker, Linda Grace. Call Karen Visser at 705-887-4405 or K.C. Bowcott at 705 738 6335 for further information KPW Meeting Thursday May 7 at 1:00 pm “Mother’s Day / Family Day “ theme. Bring a favourite unigue cup and saucer or mug and a family story to share. It hould be fun. Everyone is welcome. Sun., May 24, 7:00 - The ONTARIO PRESBYTERIAN CHORUS will present an evening of praise through the singing of Psalms, traditional gospel songs and other music professing our Christian faith. This is a fundraiser for our church and it would be great to see the church full. Free will offering. ~~~~~~~~~~General ~~~~~~~~~~~ “To-Day” Devotional Booklets are now available in the Church for March and April for only $2.00. April Art Schooveld leads us in celebrating Easter, receiving the forgiveness and adoption that we do not deserve but that God grants anyway. Further explores with us how we should live on the right side of Christ’s resurrection. Get your copy Today. Being a greeter is a great way to meet people in the congregation. You hand out bulletins at the Joseph Street entrance and offer a friendly greeting to people as they come to worship. You get to ring the bell before the service, signalling now is the time to worship, to praise our God. The new greeter sign up list is in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Leah Anderson for information. ~~~~~~~Community Happenings~~~~~~~ Kawartha Lakes Pregnancy Centre will hold it's Annual General Meeting on Monday May 25, 2015 Page 3 at 7 pm at the Pregnancy Centre, 241 Kent St. W., Lindsay. All are welcome to attend. and care for bed nets that provide protection while sleeping, communities are seeing fewer cases of the disease. When someone Check out posters on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall announcing… does contract malaria, volunteers know how to respond quickly INTRO TO GUIDING - ? Wednesday, May 6th, 6:308pm at Cambridge St. United Church to learn about Girl Guide programs and the benefits for girls and women. There is no cost to attend this event. Refreshments are provided. of the disease. Kawatha Male Chorus & Men of Note Concert at Fairview Baptist Church, Lindsay on May2, 2015 at 7:30 pm Tickets $12:50 in adavance / $15.00 at the door/ under 12 yrs. $5.00 stamps are a source to aid in the detection and treatment of with medical care in order to ensure fewer people die as a result Ontario Presbyterian Chorus at Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday May 24th, 2015 at 7 pm Heritage Christian School: Registration is now open for the Fall for JK-8. A couple of upcoming Presbyterian Young People’s Society events in Toronto. St. Paul’s Peterborough Bus Trip June 1-5, 2015, to raise funds for their mission trip to Jacmel, Haiti. ~~~~~~ Mission & Stewardship~~~~~~~ Stewardship Moment: April 26 When we think of stewardshop we start with the point that everything – even the air that we breathe – is not ours: it's given to us. Mike Graves, Professor Presbyterian Mission moment…April 26 – World Malaria Day Malaria is one of Africa’s most severe health challenges and one PWS&D supports communities fighting malaria Saving Stamps? The Leprosy Mission Canada Used pstage Leprosy; an ancient, but persistent and widespread disease, well known to our Lord in his time with us. Please clip stamps from your mail, leaving 1?4 in. Border and put them on the box provided in the hall.THE GREATER YOUR RESPONSE, THE GREATER THE BENEFIT TO THOSE IN NEED. Service Helpers Our service this morning is made possible by the prayers and gifts of our congregation, with the specific help of the following… Minister: Interim Moderator Rev Barney Grace Music Director: Pianist: Ruth Eberts Joyce Anderson Duty Elder: Doug Anderson Board of Managers: of its most prevalent childhood diseases. Presbyterian World Service & Development is working to reduce the incidence of malaria by teaching communities how to prevent the spread. Community leaders are taking an active role in teaching about prevention and control of malaria. By teaching people how to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds and how to properly use Page 4 Debbie Risebrough, Ruth McIsaac, Al Ingram Followers: Margaret Cosh Ignite: Greeter: Brian Ebert Doug McIntosh Page 5 Presbyterian Prayer Partnership Sunday, April 26 Mission Awareness Sunday Pray for congregations as they prepare for Mission Awareness Sunday. May the church be a vibrant and effective force for healing and wholeness in our society. Monday, April 27 Pray for our mission partners in Canada and around the world, supported through our gifts to Presbyterians Sharing. Tuesday, April 28 Pray for St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Melbourne, QC, as it provides pastoral care and spiritual growth within the English and French communities. Wednesday, April 29 Pray that we might see the care of the world as a joyful and necessary part of our stewardship before God. Thursday, April 30 Pray for the commissioners and staff on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission as they prepare for the Commission’s closing event in Ottawa at the beginning of June. Friday, May 1 During this Asian Heritage Month, give thanks for the gifts that Asian culture and heritage bring to Canada and to the church. Saturday, May 2 Pray for the Council of the Women’s Missionary Society as it meets to learn, to share, and to conduct business that affects the whole Society. Page 6
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