fast When ulcerative proctitis symptoms flare…

When ulcerative proctitis
symptoms flare…
Rectal bleeding
Stomach pain
delivers fast relief
CANASA® 1000 mg suppositories are used for the treatment of active
ulcerative proctitis.
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Are you . . .
Talking to your doctor
• Rushing to the bathroom?
You shouldn’t be embarrassed to talk to your doctor
about what you’re going through. Remember, your
doctor sees many patients with the same or similar
problems. Here’s a checklist to help you speak to
your doctor about your symptoms and treatment.
• Going many times a day?
• Having diarrhea?
• Seeing blood or mucus in your stool?
• F eeling that you need to go but nothing
comes out?
If you answered YES to the above questions,
you are not alone.
You may have ulcerative proctitis
What you are going through may be ulcerative
proctitis (UP), which is an inflammation or swelling
of the rectum (the area between the colon and
the anus). This inflammation causes symptoms like
bleeding, pus, mucus, pain, diarrhea, and urgency.
Researchers aren’t sure what causes UP, but they
believe that it may run in families.3
For how long?
(eg, 4 days, 2 weeks)
q Bleeding
_ __________
q Pain
_ __________
q Pus and/or mucus
_ __________
q Diarrhea
_ __________
q Urgency
_ __________
qUrgency without being able to go _ __________
q Other:_________________________ ___________
I am going to the bathroom about _____ times a day.
Treatments I have tried for my symptoms
(eg, over-the-counter or prescription medicines):
What I want most from my treatment
(check the one that is most important to you):
q Fast relief
q Few side effects
q Convenient dosing
q Other: _______________________
Show this checklist to your doctor.
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What to expect from a doctor visit
CANASA®: For FAST relief of UP 1,2
If your doctor thinks you have UP, he or she will ask
you some questions about your health, give you a
physical exam, and run a series of tests. You may
feel a little discomfort during some of the tests, but
it’s very important that you get them so that your
doctor can make the right diagnosis.3
CANASA® 1000 mg suppositories are used for the
treatment of active ulcerative proctitis.
Treatment for UP
If your doctor tells you that you have UP, you
will probably be given medicine to control your
symptoms. Although UP is a lifelong disease that
can’t be “cured,” it can be controlled. There will be
times in your life when UP is active and times when
you have no symptoms. The good news is that there
are treatments available that can bring fast relief.
UP cannot be cured,
but it can be controlled.
Important Safety Information
You should not use CANASA® if you are allergic
to any of the ingredients or to salicylates (including
aspirin or mesalamine also found in products such
as Asacol®, Lialda®, and Rowasa®).
In studies, CANASA® was shown to be fast and
effective in relieving the symptoms of UP.1 Both the
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) and
the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG)—
2 leading medical groups for people with UP—
recommend topical treatments like CANASA®, which
work at the site of inflammation. Topical treatments
are recommended because they are effective and
have few side effects.4,5
Topical treatments are recommended
by leading medical organizations.
How CANASA® works
CANASA® is a suppository that is inserted directly
into the rectum once a day at bedtime.2 After
you insert CANASA®, it melts. Then, medicine is
delivered through the rectum to treat UP.
Important Safety Information
Tell your doctor if you have or have had kidney
problems, pancreatitis (inflamed pancreas),
pericarditis (inflamed sac around your heart), or
if you are pregnant, or allergic to sulfasalazine,
foods, preservatives or dyes. You should not
breastfeed while using CANASA®. You and your
doctor will decide if you should use CANASA®.
Please see Important Safety Information on page 11
and full US Prescribing Information enclosed.
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In clinical studies…
• Most patients noticed less rectal bleeding within
the first week of taking CANASA®, some within
2 days1,2
•Diarrhea and stool frequency got much better
within 2 weeks1,2
You are not alone: Over 100,000 people
in the US use CANASA® each year.6
CANASA® works where the problem is
There’s a reason why CANASA® works so fast. Oral
medicines have to go through the whole digestive
tract to get to the problem. CANASA®, which is a
suppository, is applied directly to the rectum, so it
goes where the problem is and starts working fast.5
Oral Medicine
How to use CANASA®2
Follow your doctor’s instructions about how often and
how long to use CANASA®. Follow these steps to
use CANASA®:
1For best results, empty your rectum (have a bowel
movement) just before using CANASA®
2Detach 1 CANASA® suppository from the strip
of suppositories
3Hold the suppository upright and carefully peel
open the plastic at the precut line to take out
the suppository
4Insert the suppository with the pointed end first
completely into your rectum, using gentle pressure
5For best results, keep the suppository in your
rectum for 3 hours or longer, if possible
If you have trouble inserting CANASA®, you may put
a little bit of lubricating gel on the suppository. Do not
handle the suppository too much because it may begin
to melt from the heat from your hands and body.
If you miss a dose of CANASA®, use it as soon as
possible, unless it is almost time for the next dose. Do
not use 2 CANASA® suppositories at the same time to
make up for a missed dose.
Follow your doctor’s instructions about how often and
how long to use CANASA®.
Ask your doctor today about fast relief
of UP symptoms with CANASA®.
Think of it this way: If you had a rash, you would
probably put ointment on it. You could also take pills
to clear it up, but the ointment would work faster
because it goes right to the problem area.
Visit for more information.
Important Safety Information
The most common side effects of CANASA® reported
included: headache, gas or flatulence, and diarrhea.
Please see Important Safety Information on page 11
and full US Prescribing Information enclosed.
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Working closely with your doctor
What else can I do?
Your doctor is your partner in managing UP, so it’s
important to work closely together. This means taking
CANASA® exactly as your doctor has directed. Also,
you should finish your whole course of treatment,
even if you are feeling better. As with any medicine,
if you have any problems, questions, or concerns,
you should contact your doctor right away.
Diet and nutrition3,7
Taking medicine is an important part of managing
UP. There are also other things you can do to stay
healthy. For instance, people with UP can lose
nutrients and fluids, so be sure to drink enough
fluids and eat a well-balanced diet. Stay away
from foods and drinks that may make your
symptoms worse, such as:
Your doctor is your partner in
managing UP.
CANASA® can help you pay for
your prescription
•With the CanasaCareSM Patient Savings Program,
you can save up to $60 on each of your first
12 CANASA® prescriptions. Call 800-617-8192
for eligibility criteria and for more information.
You may also visit
4 Spicy foods
4 Caffeinated drinks
4 Milk products
4 Alcohol
4 Gassy
foods, like 4 Carbonated drinks,
beans and broccoli like soda
Reducing stress 7
While stress does not cause UP, it can set off
symptoms or make them worse. Stressful events
can’t always be avoided. But you can choose
healthier ways of coping with stress.
4 E
xercise can reduce stress and depression, and
help the digestive system work more normally
4 H
ypnosis, meditation, and other relaxation
techniques can also relieve stress
4 S
upport groups and/or counseling can be
helpful, especially in learning how others deal
with UP
•The ASSIST ProgramSM helps low-income
patients afford treatment. For more
information, call 866-292-2679 or visit programs
Ask your doctor today about fast relief
of UP symptoms with CANASA®.
Visit for more information.
Please see Important Safety Information on page 11
and full US Prescribing Information enclosed.
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Additional information for people with UP
The organizations listed below offer help and information for
people with diseases like UP.
Indications and Usage
CANASA® 1000 mg suppositories are used for
the treatment of active ulcerative proctitis.
American College of Gastroenterology
PO Box 342260
Bethesda, MD 20827-2260
Phone: (301) 263-9000
Web site:
Important Safety Information
You should not use CANASA® if you are allergic
to any of the ingredients or to salicylates (including
aspirin or mesalamine also found in products such
as Asacol®, Lialda®, and Rowasa®).
American Gastroenterological Association
4930 Del Ray Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: (301) 654-2055
Web site:
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America
386 Park Avenue South
17th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Phone: (800) 932-2423
Web site:
Digestive Disease National Coalition
507 Capitol Court NE
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 544-7497
Web site:
National Digestive Diseases
Information Clearinghouse
2 Information Way
Bethesda, MD 20892-3570
Phone: (800) 891-5389
Web site:
Tell your doctor if you have or have had kidney
problems, pancreatitis (inflamed pancreas),
pericarditis (inflamed sac around your heart), or if
you are pregnant, or allergic to sulfasalazine, foods,
preservatives or dyes. You should not breastfeed
while using CANASA®. You and your doctor will
decide if you should use CANASA®.
As with other products containing mesalamine, less
common, but possibly serious side effects include
cramps, sharp abdominal (stomach area) pain, bloody
diarrhea, and sometimes fever, headache, and rash
may occur. In rare cases, patients may experience
symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath.
Stop use and tell your doctor right away if you get
any of these symptoms. In rare cases, patients using
CANASA® develop worsening colitis (pancolitis).
The most common side effects of CANASA® reported
included: headache, gas or flatulence, and diarrhea.
You are encouraged to report negative side effects
of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit
medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
Ask your doctor today about fast relief
of UP symptoms with CANASA®.
Visit for more information.
Please see Important Safety Information on page 11
and full US Prescribing Information enclosed.
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6/28/11 1:56 PM
When ulcerative proctitis symptoms
flare, CANASA® delivers fast relief1,2
•The symptoms of UP include bleeding, pain,
pus and/or mucus, diarrhea, and urgency
• UP cannot be “cured,” but with the right
treatment, it can be controlled
• CANASA® provides FAST relief of UP symptoms1,2
•Topical treatments like CANASA®, which are
recommended by leading medical organizations,
work right where the problem is4,5
•The most common side effects of CANASA®
reported included: headache, gas or flatulence,
and diarrhea
• The CanasaCareSM Patient Savings Program can
help you pay for your CANASA® prescription
Ask your doctor today about fast
relief of UP symptoms with CANASA®.
Visit for more information.
Please see full US Prescribing Information enclosed.
1. Data on file. Axcan Pharma US, Inc. 2. CANASA [package insert]. Birmingham, AL: Axcan Pharma US, Inc; 2008.
3. Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America. About ulcerative colitis & proctitis.
Updated July 25, 2008. Accessed April 27, 2011. 4. Regueiro M, Loftus EV Jr, Steinhart AH, Cohen RD. Clinical
guidelines for the medical management of left-sided ulcerative colitis and ulcerative proctitis: summary statement. Inflamm
Bowel Dis. 2006;12(10):972-978. 5. Kornbluth A, Sachar DB; and Practice Parameters Committee of the American College
of Gastroenterology. Ulcerative colitis practice guidelines in adults: American College of Gastroenterology, Practice
Parameters Committee. Am J Gastroenterol. 2010;105(3):501-523. 6. IMS Data, February 2011. 7. Mayo Clinic.
Ulcerative colitis.
Updated August 15, 2009. Accessed April 27, 2011.
Axcan Pharma US, Inc.
A subsidiary of Aptalis Pharma Inc.
22 Inverness Center Parkway
Birmingham, Alabama 35242 USA
Tel (800) 472-2634
Fax (205) 991-8426
©2011 Axcan Pharma US, Inc.
CANASA is a registered trademark used under license by Axcan Pharma US, Inc.
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