The Southern Knight Henry Stolzenthaler Council No. 1675 The Southernmost Council in New York State 718-948-9882 * Fax 718-966-4613 * Volume 101 No. 4 One Nation Under God – The Charity of Christ Urges Us On Dear Brother Knights, Sister Columbiettes, Families and Friends, Spring is here, the sun is shining and the snow is melting! March was a cold, snowy month with snow at the start of the St. Patrick’s Day parade as well as on the first day of spring! These harsh weather conditions did not deter anyone from attending our festivities after the parade or our St. Patrick’s Day Party on March 14th! Special thanks to Steve and Barbara Dolan, all the volunteers and people who donated baskets. Everyone was entertained by the wonderful Irish Step Dancers from Next Step Dance Studio and the energetic sound of The Free Pass Band. It was a hugely successful event attended by 125 people. Your attendance and generous participation in our raffles and 50/50 are what helps to make these events so successful and allows us to donate so much money to so many local worthwhile charities. Thank you to our sister Columbiettes for their generosity in donating raffle baskets. Our Wrestling Show on March 21st was very successful, thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make the event run smoothly. April is another busy month starting on April 1st with Spy Wednesday at 8pm with Fr. Kostek leading us in the Stations of the Cross. April 2nd is Holy Thursday – there will be no meeting on that day. Our Communion breakfast is on April 12th beginning with the 9:15 mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea April 2015 followed by a delicious breakfast at the council. We have changed the Jacket Pride Mass to April 26th at 9am at St. Joseph St Thomas; we hope you will join us as together we proudly display our Knights Pride!! When I went to the embroidery store to pick up a jacket for Fr. Kostek, they mentioned a surge in the ordering of jackets and wanted to know what was going on at Stolzenthaler. Our Knights Pride is being noticed and continually growing with more and more members proudly wearing their jackets!! I am very proud to report that Stolzenthaler is still leading the state in membership. On March 19th we welcomed eight new members to Stolzenthaler. Special thanks to our service parish pastors who graciously allowed us to speak at their Masses. This has proven to be one of our most effective ways of spreading the word on all the good that we do and encourage catholic gentlemen to become members. Our St. Patrick’s party saw many new faces in attendance. We are so pleased that our new members are participating in our events. Our current members support and enthusiasm in recruiting new members is contagious and that is reflected in our huge gain in membership. Our next First Degree is scheduled for May 21st, why not bring a friend and help keep our membership momentum going!! Continued Inside Have a Holy and Blessed Easter! The Southern Knight April 2015 STOLZENTHALER COUNCIL OFFICERS Chaplain Rev. John S. Kostek 718-984-8535 Grand Knight Karl Emigholz Deputy Grand Knight Matty Kuczinski 718.967.2315 718-356-3223 Chancellor Peter Fyfe 718-979-4455 Warden Steve Dolan 718-689-3113 Financial Secretary Frank A. Corvino PGK - 347.987.1675 Treasurer Recording Secretary Advocate Guards Jerry Scotti Bill Carney Robert Kress 917.494.8425 Sal Micciulla John Gridley Morty Perlman Robert Bridge Sal Scalogna John O’Connor Dominic Scotto Denis Maragliano Joseph DeTrano Insurance Agent Vincent Valerio 718.948.2579 Bulleting Contacts Bob Benoit 718.370.1817 CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 1st – Spy Wednesday 8 PM 2nd – Holy Thursday – NO MEETING 3rd – Good Friday 5th - Happy Easter 7th – Nominating Committee – 7 PM 9th - Columbiette Meeting 8 PM /Columbus Club 8:30PM 12th Communion Breakfast – 9:15 AM Mass Our Lady Star of the Sea 16th - Regular Meeting 8 PM 23rd – 25th – New York State Convention 26th – Jacket Pride Mass 9 AM St. Joseph – St. Thomas May 7th - Regular Meeting 8 PM 14th – Columbiette Meeting 8 PM /Columbus Club 8:30PM 17th – Dan Duffy Memorial May Crowning and Mass – 3 PM 21st - - Regular Meeting 8 PM From the Chaplain’s Desk Jesus Christ lives! And this covers us with happiness. This is the great truth which fills our faith with meaning. Jesus, who died on the Cross, has risen. He has triumphed over death. He has overcome sorrow, anguish and the power of darkness... In Him, we find everything. Outside of Him, our life is empty. During Holy Saturday, those who were taking part in the liturgy of the Easter Vigil, saw how at the outset there was total darkness in the church. This being the image of the profound darkness in which humanity was plunged without Christ, without the revelation of God. Then, in an instant, the celebrant proclaims the wonderful news: May the light of Christ, rising in glory, dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds. The Resurrection of Christ that we celebrate this year is again a powerful call: To be light and to carry the light to others. Our task as Knights of Columbus is to broadcast the kingship of Christ, announcing it through what we say and do. Our Lord wants men and women of His own in all walks of life. As we come up during this Mass to be touched by the Successful Jesus, the Risen Christ, let us surrender ourselves to Him that He may use us to reach others. With this in mind, I pass on to you and your families a blessed and powerful Easter and may the effects of it radiate through each of your lives throughout the rest of the year. Happy Easter everybody! Father John Steven Kostek Grand Knights Message Continued…. Supreme offers a Star Council award in recognition of meeting membership and insurance goals. We have surpassed our goal of 35 new members, but are still falling short of our insurance goal of 17 new insurance members. If you are a new or old member and are not an insurance member please consider the Knights insurance to protect your loved ones and help us meet or hopefully surpass our goal. New members who are not interested in life insurance can take a $100 annuity to meet the insurance requirement. Active members can take a $300 annuity if they are not interested in life insurance and in doing so become an insurance member. Everyone who has helped us to increase our membership is a “star” and the officers and I hope that we will qualify for this prestigious recognition of all of your hard work and dedication to our council. Looking ahead to May, we have our May Crowning on May 17th at 3pm followed by a light supper. If you have a child or grandchild who has just received their First Holy Communion, please call me so that we can include them in our crowning ceremony. In conclusion, the officers and I would like to wish everyone a Blessed and Holy Easter filled with the peace and joy of the Risen Lord! Vivat Jesus, Karl Emigholz, Grand Knight The Southern Knight Kevin Postler Memorial Spy Wednesday Stations of the Cross Wednesday April 1st 8:00 PM Refreshments to follow For more info Contact Ed Newborn 917 697-5603 Children’s Easter Party Saturday, April 4th 10 AM - 1 PM If you are attending, please contact Bob or Dawn Benoit @ 718.370.1817 by March 21st with the number of children. Communion Breakfast Sunday April 12th April 2015 Joe Pompa Memorial Day At The Races Friday, June 5th - $80.00 Per Person Checks Payable To : Stolzenthaler Council 1675 Price includes transportation ( Monmouth Racetrack), gratuities, program and admission to the track. There will be a breakfast of sheet cake, rolls, orange juice, coffee and tea prior to boarding the buses. 9:15 AM Mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea. Breakfast to follow at the Council Breakfast starts at 9:30 a.m. and buses leave the council at 11 a.m. sharp. Please contact Karl Emigholz, GK if you are attending 646 662-2034 Upon return to the council there will be a Hot Buffet and 3 hour open bar. Knights Pride Jacket Mass A waiting list will be established if a second bus is required. Come join your brother Knights on April 26th for our “Knights Pride Jacket Mass” at 9:00 AM in St. Joseph – St. Thomas Church. Wear your KofC Jacket For reservations or any questions contact: Jim Henry PGK at 718-984-1301 All reservations must be paid in full and are nonrefundable Dan Duffy Memorial May Crowning and Mass Elvis Night 17th Sunday May 3 PM Mass in the Council Crowning to follow in the Grotto A light Dinner will be served after Mass For Reservations Contact Ed Newborn, PGK 917- 697-5603 If you have a child or grandchild who has just received their First Holy Communion, please call our Grand Knight so that we can include them in our crowning ceremony. Saturday June 20th 8PM till 12 Midnight Columbus Hall 40.00 Per Person Includes Hot Buffet - Full Open Bar Award Winning Tribute Artist DB King, backed by The Disciples of Sound Orchestra....Recreating The Las Vegas Concert Years of the 1970s....DJ music before and after the show. For Information and Reservations Please call Frank 347-987-1675 The Southern Knight COLUMBUS CLUB NEWS The next meeting of the Directors and Officers of the Columbus Club will be Thursday April 9th. Directors who can not make a meeting must let another Director or officer know so they can be considered excused. Friday Night Dinner Menu April 3 – Good Friday – Closed April 10th – TBA – Frank 347 987-1675 April 17th – TBA – Sal 347 598 4839 April 24th – Salmon – Dave 917 224-2597 Dinner Reservations are needed by Weds to allow time for teams to shop. Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee will be convening on Tuesday April 7th at 7:00PM for interviews with members wishing to pursue officer positions in the council. Anyone interested in running for a council office for the 2015 - 2016 Colombian year, must contact Dave Clark, PGK @ 917 224-2597 PRAYER CORNER Please keep the following Brothers, Sister Columbiettes, Families and Friends in your prayers: John Aber PGK Bob Bridge Thomas Coyne Joe “Wiz” Wicinski Madelyn Del Gatto Teresa Vallerio Riley Olsen Larry Hartnett Lorraine Raia Lucille Montesano Tommy Cunningham Robert Wallen Carol Kuczinski Morty Perlman Henry Sorenson Carmela Costagliota Taylor Bauerlein Helen Gridley Fr. John Steven Kostek Joe Ingenito Raya Moiris Dawn Scalise Loretta Pompa Antoinette Giovanniello Joe Detrano Cliff McCurdy Vincent Tumminelli Phil Tanella Raffaela Cosentino Andrew McMann Josephine Ottaviano James Sapenaro Keith Smith Phil Buffa Steve Scotto Tom Hutton Marilyn Nasta Liz O’Connor Camille DeRosa John McManus Nicholas Montalto James Conheeney John Qinlan Joseph Tassiello Annette Horgan Please pray for the souls of James Rice and Richard Langell. If you know of anyone that is sick or in distress, in the Stolzenthaler Family, please contact Billy Caputo, PGK at 718 967-9384 April 2015 COLUMBIETTE CORNER Dear Sister Columbiettes As you are reading this message I surely hope that the snow is gone for this winter , for as I am typing this, weeks before, it is snowing like crazy and it’s the first day of spring. Speaking of Spring , the spring dance has been cancelled for the year. At our last meeting we talked about dates and voted , and the yes vote was if we couldn't get a certain date then we would cancel this year . Therefore I intend to talk to Joe Mueller within a week or two and attain dates for our things for next year. We also took care of a lot of things concerning Convention and the gifts for the needy for Easter. There were no resolutions that anyone had to talk about and put in the Bulletin. In March the parade was early and sadly enough there was snow again but we did have a nice crowd back that enjoyed sandwiches and dew and being with good friends. Janet Henrys soda bread was absolutely outstanding. Everyone couldn't get enough of it . I was detained at another thing in Jersey the night of the St Patricks Dance, I heard it was a wonderful time had by all , thanks to Steve Dolan Chairperson and all of his help men and women . The Columbiette Lenten Mass was at St John Newman on the 22nd . Its always a wonderful way to get together with our sisters and celebrate the Mass with everyone in attendance . In April we have the children’s Easter Party to look forward to , also Elvis night. Is Elvis going to be in the building? I guess we will all see And of course as it is about the third week of Lent we have Easter and the Resurrection of the Lord. I hope you all have a wonderful Spring, but most of all reflect during Holy Week and rejoice on Easter Sunday. And may all of you have a wonderful and Blessed and Healthy Easter . Respectfully Submitted Sue Cook, President Lookng Ahead…………….. Clam Bake Saturday June 6th Entertainment by the “Free Pass Band” Be sure to check next months bulletin for more details. Marie’s Sweet Sentiments John M. Shultz. Sr. 2550 Richmond Terrace Staten Island, NY 10305 718-816-5151 Fax 718-720-4077 Trusts/Wills/Estates/Probate Real Estate/ Closings Grace V. Mattei Attorney At Law 1265 Richmond Avenue Staten Island, NY 10314 (718) 983-8555 Fax (718) 983-7899 Outcast Charters Personalized Party Favors, Invitations and Gifts for all Occasions Marie Fyfe 718 979-4455 E-Mail: Tottenville Marina Staten Island, NY Call 718-442-0644 917-576-1631 Capt. Joe 917-882-4721 Capt. Rob Great Rates/25 Years of Experience Greco Reality Preneed funeral planning-an investment in peace of mind. At-need funeral arrangement-when you nee-a friend. Cremation-a dignified alternative Multi-Million Dollar Club Senior Discounts Cathy A. Greco Broker Cell (917) 567-5821 Paul J. Pizzo, Owner 7447 Amboy Road Staten Island, NY 10307 718 984-0913 Unique Auto 120 Winant Pl. Country Estate Kennels Matty 718 356-3223 Staten Island, NY 10309 Individual Indoor & Covered Outdoor Runs, Repairs, Glass, Clippings, Body Work, Auto Bathing, Grooming Parts, Buy Veterinarian & Sell Cars,Service Towing. Vinny 646-533-4376 Eddie 718 984-4925 Joseph Hall & Son Monuments Largest Display In New York City Mausoleums – Monuments-Lettering all Cemeteries Brian W. Hall 6228 Amboy Rd. Staten Island, NY 10309 (Tel)718-356-9139 Fax (718)356-7932 Toll Free(877)433-7866 4838 Arthur Kill Road Staten island, NY 10309 Ken McGowan – Jim Shea (718)356-3933 Portobello Cafe Dinner Reservation Accepted Off Premise Catering Available 4221 Hylan Blvd. Staten Island, NY 10309 718-356-2233 Adam D. Liner Owner/Exec.Chef “We Build Memories that Last Longer then a Lifetime” R&L Press Inc. “We Print On Anything” Offset Printing – Imprinted Giveaways Sign/Truck Lettering-Copying/ Wide Format 896 Forest Ave Staten Island, NY 718-447-8557 John D. Coscia Financial Advisor & Income Tax Specialist. 1250 Hylan Blvd. Suite 4B Staten Island, NY 10305 718-351-7538 Advisors Fax 718-979-9086 Registered Representative of INVEST Financial Corporation Where the Finest in Hair Creation Begins. Columbus Club Banquet Room Available Weddings – Parties – Dinners Luncheons Spacious Picnic Area Call 718-984-8865 South Side Hardware Co. Inc. Plumbing Supplies – Electrical SuppliesHardware- Paints- Glass-Lawn Supplies 4034 Hylan Blvd. Great Kills (718)-984-0796 Gene Jaconetti REALTOR – Associate Broker Licensed NYS Real Estate Appraiser Cell: 917 841-6707 Fax: 718 701-3787 Email: Please Support Our sponsors as they support us.
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