NEXT MONTH’S EVENTS Knights of Columbus Fairview Council # 4044 1599 Memorial Drive Chicopee, MA 01020 May 4 Officer’s Meeting Council Website: Member’s Lounge: 533-2877 May 5 Soldiers’ Home Financial Secretary’s Office: 536-2835 May 6 Living Rosary E-mail: FS@KOFC4044.COM May 10 Mother’s Day May 11 Council Meeting May 18 Board Meeting May 25 Council Meeting June 1 Officer’s Meeting 60th Anniversary Grand Knight pg 1 pg 2 Prayer Intentions Bus Trip French Night pg 3 60th Anniversary Registration Form pg 4 Shriner’s/Knights Dinner Dance pg 5 Insurance pg 6 Lounge News Volunteer Fourth Degree pg 7 Financial Secretary Advertisers pg 8 April Calendar pg 9 My Brother Knights, These past months have been very busy, with Western Night doing well. I would like to thank all who helped out from donating the sale tickets, raffle prizes, to the bales of hay used as decorations. The Council lost a very good man this past month, Matthew Blaney, I send my deepest sympathies to his family. He will be missed. Matt stepped up into the 3rd degree chairs as an Outside Guard, was part of the 4th Degree officers and part of the Honor Guard, he volunteered at Bingo, and Spaghetti Supper. I will never forget you, Matthew. I thank Elaine Boucher-Bogart and her committee for doing an outstanding job on the Tootsie Roll Drive. Every year they donate their weekends to this drive and the volunteers who donated hours in collecting for her is immeasurable. Thank You All for making this year’s Tootsie Roll Drive a great success. For the upcoming events, we are having the Wine and Beer Casino Night on Friday November 1st, a Memorial Mass will be on Tuesday, November 12, Our Council Chaplain, Fr. Matthew Guidi will lead us in prayer along with Deacon Pete Hebert, remembering all deceased members. Italian Night in the lounge on Saturday November 16, and our Annual Thanksgiving day meal on November 28. My wife Jill, will be hosting a Tastefully Simple Party in the Members’ Lounge on Wednesday November 6th at 6:30pm. For those unfamiliar, Tastefully Simple offers a wide selection of convenient, easy-to-prepare foods designed to help people spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying the rest of their lives. Their products are available through independent Tastefully Simple consultants primarily at home taste-testing parties nationwide. VIVAT JESU David Saraiva GK Page 2 GRAND KNIGHT My Brother Knights, Our Council was the place to be during the month of March. On Tuesday the 10th the State regional meeting was held at our Council. All the state officers were in attendance as well as George M. Haddad, Manager Council Reactivation and Eastern Catholic Church Department of Membership Growth, from Supreme and Charles Murphy, Master of the Fourth Degree. On Saturday night the lounge was jumping with Irish Jigs well into the evening, thanks to the Irish Parish Duo. Kudos to John Beaulieu, Tom Feyre, Bart Lawlor, and Sparky Beaulieu. The corn beef and cabbage sandwiches were as tasty as discovering a pot of Leprechauns gold. Remember lounge events assist our Home Association to keep our facility in good condition, so please attend as much as possible. On Sunday the 15th our Council was host for a Third Degree Exemplification. Forty four (44) candidates became Sir Knights. Of those forty four, five were from our Council. Becoming a Third Degree Knight allows those members to run for office at their Councils. Congratulations to all of those who made their Third Degree! Tickets are now on sale for French Night, Monday- Wednesday – Friday, from 6 to 8 pm. The Star of that evening as always is the incredible French Meal. Come join us for a delectable night out! The Council officers are looking for volunteers to help with our first endeavor manning a food concession at the Westover Air Show being held on May 16th and 17th. We could really use your help. Proceeds from this event will help defray the cost of our Thanksgiving Day Meal. In this month’s newsletter you will find the invitation and tear-off for our Council’s 60th Anniversary event. Please help make this a memorable Anniversary! God Bless, Vivat Jesu! Donald Darcy, Grand Knight PRAYER INTENTIONS Please remember to keep in your prayers all of the Brother Knights and members of their families that have passed away, those who are sick and elderly, for all Priests and religious vocations, for the life of the unborn, and remember to keep the men and women serving in our military safe, so they may return home to their loved ones. We ask that you pray for the repose of the souls of , Brother Knight Nelson Labrie who leaves behind his wife Theresa and Brother Knight Jim Crean who leaves behind his wife Christine. Fr. Frank Lawlor, Council Chaplain UPCOMING BUS TRIP Our trip to the 911 Museum, lunch in Times Square, and a Cruise on the Zephyr in New York Harbor to see all the sites, is On Sunday, June 28th. Only one bus, 54 passengers will leave at 6:45 AM from the KofC parking lot, returning around 9:30-10:00PM. Limited tickets will be available on April 3rd. Cost is $129.00 Per Person full payment due at time of reservation. Tickets are on a first come basic, because this is a very popular trip!! Please call Linda or Greg Komer @ 413-536-2580 on April 3rd. Page 3 FRENCH NIGHT April 25, 2015 Cocktail Hour 5-6pm First Course will begin at 6:00pm We will begin with French Onion Soup Salad with choice of two Dressings Tickets will be available on Monday Wednesday and Friday in the lounge 6—8:00pm Assorted Dinner Rolls, Coffee, and Tea The Entrée will be served Family Style Music will be provided by Dave Colucci Raffle Prizes Include a $200. Travel voucher French Meat Pie, Roast Pork Mashed Potatoes, and Green Beans French Apple Pie for Dessert The price is $27.00 per person Tickets will be on sale in the Lounge beginning March 16th every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until April 20th Ron & Carol Grenier 533-0938 Roger Fontaine 533-6034 Page 4 Page 6 “Open House - Insurance Night” Estate Planning Long-Term Care The Magic of Life Insurance Disability Insurance IRA, Roth, 401K, and Annuities Location: Fairview Council 4044 Chambers Date: Monday, April 27, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM RSVP: Monday, April 20, 2014 Guest speaker: Brendan J. King Esquire of The Estate Preservation Law Offices This is a fraternal benefit open event. Please present this invitation to your family, friends, and neighbors. Coffee and dessert will be served. Bill Wisniewski A-K 265-1213 Thomas Sullivan L-Z 534-9609 LOUNGE NEWS On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Lounge Committee, I would like to thank those members that have been taking advantage of all the lounge has to offer. We are trying to schedule Saturday evening entertainment at least once a month providing the dates are available. This month we have a buffet for Easter, the Fourth Degree Exemplification, a anniversary party, and French Night. As the weather becomes nicer, the lounge we be busy with the golf league, bowling, and maybe one or two softball teams. If you wish to reserve the lounge for graduation parties, now is the time to do so while there are still dates open. The Board of Directors and the Lounge Committee are here to serve the membership and their families. You can have a plated meal served by our Banquet Staff or a Buffet Style arrangement if you wish. You can reserve the lounge with the bartender and the catering with our Banquet Manager during normal business hours. Kevin Godek, Board Member VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH Congratulations to Ed “Edziu” Stawarz for being named the Knight of the Month. Edziu is our Council Treasurer as well as our Bookkeeper for Bingo. He has to make sure weekly reports are sent to Braintree every week and answers to the Lottery Inspectors when they audit our books. Those two jobs require hours at the Council every week yet Edziu has time to volunteer as a Warden for the First Degree Ceremony, he assists Deacon Pete with the Memorial Mass and Living Rosary, he volunteers collecting funds during our Annual Tootsie Roll Drive, at our monthly Spaghetti Dinner, Thanksgiving, Children’s Christmas Party etc...Thank you Mary, for allowing Edziu to sacrifice so much time away from his family. Donald Darcy, Grand Knight Page 7 FAITHFULNAVIGATOR This is the itinerary with regards to the 4th Degree Exemplification on April 11, 2015 at Fairview Council #4044, 1599 Memorial Drive, Chicopee. 11:30 Candidate Registration 11:30 Ladies Luncheon, Doors open 12:30 Luncheon 1:00 Commencement Exemplification 4:00 Mass 6:00 Reception and Dinner We all have our Calendar Raffle ticket to sell, please return them ASAP. The Easter Ham Raffle has been a great success. I thank everyone involved. Our next event at the Holyoke Soldier’s Home will be an Ice Cream Social on April 14th at 1:30 pm. Note, we usually have Honor Guard practice on the first Friday of every month. Seeing as this will be Good Friday in April the practice has been changed to March 31st in the Council Chambers. If anyone has any extra swords or capes etc. please bring them to a meeting so we can put them in our closet. Vivat Jesu Scott Lafond, Faithful Navigator CORP COMMANDER My Brother Knights, When we formed our Assembly about 14 years ago, we asked to be named in honor of Bishop Joseph F. Maguire. It was explained to us that person named has to be deceased. We all voted and stayed with Bishop Maguire. Well as we all know he has passed away and we can now be known as the Bishop F. Maguire Assembly 2670. At the EXEMPLICATION the Vice Supreme Master, Charles Murphy will present us with our NEW Charter and New Name. It would be great if we could fill Dinning hall to show support. Remember there is still time to get your application (form 100) in and become a 4th Degree member of this new great Assembly. I will be looking for as many Guards as possible for the above function. Also I will be looking for guards for our Anniversary Dinner May 23. This is the Council’s 60th year in Fairview. Things to remember: Ladies luncheon 11:30, cost $25.00. Reception and Dinner $40.00 per person. All checks must be turned in to Greg Komer by April 4th. All checks must be made out to Fairview Assembly 2670. Vivat Jesu Jim Allen Color Corp Commander Page 8 FINANCIAL SECRETARY In the March newsletter, I forgot to thank our Athletic Director, Russ Bennett for the generous donation of the Money Bowl for Sweetheart Night. Thank you, Russ. Notices to suspend are in the mail. Those members that have not paid their dues will be suspended as of April 15, 2015. After April 15th a fee of $7.50 will be assessed at the time of reinstatement. More importantly, you will loose all of your continued service as a member in good standing which goes towards you receiving your Honorary Membership and Honorary Life Award. Joseph Turgeon, Financial Secretary If you wish to advertise in our newsletter a business card size ad costs $120.00 for twelve months. The space is limited so the ads will be placed on a first come basis. We only have space available for three more ads. Checks should be made out to the Fairview Knights of Columbus and mailed along with one of your business cards to Kevin Godek, 11 Bach Lane, South Hadley, MA 01075. Page 9 COUNCIL OFFICERS 2014-2015 Grand Knight – Donald Darcy…………...…….…….…Denise…............,.,...…….534-4749 Chaplain – Father Frank Lawlor...…………..………....……..…….……...….....…..532-7503 District Deputy John Hurley…………….…………...........................………………786-1065 Deputy Grand Knight– Edward LeBlanc….….……...Cecile…......………………533-1025 Chancellor– Norm Fleury, PGK, FDD……………….....Grace….....…......….…….592-5190 Warden– Tom Trudell…...…………….……...............................…...……................887-7223 Recorder– Thomas Charette……….……………...……Karen…...….................…536-3419 Inside Guard– Alan Lussier…..…...……………..…..…Shirley…..………….…….593-3589 Outside Guard– David Hachey………...…….…..……………...…..….…....……….532-7173 Financial Secretary- Joseph Turgeon……………........Dottie…...…………....…..536-4302 Treasurer– Edward Stawarz..….....................................Mary....…………….….....535-3105 Advocate– Peter Panaretos, PGK, PFN..……………...Mary…......…...………….538-7748 Lecturer-Jim McKinnon...………………………….………………………...………...272-9925 Trustee (one year)- Paul Soja, PGK,….................................…...……….…..…....374-9205 Trustee (two years)- Ray Cote, PGK,……….........................………….………….272-8208 Trustee (three years) - David Saraiva, PGK………..…Jill....………...…..……….244-9697 April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 No Bingo Fri 3 Good Friday Sat 4 Lounge Buffet Honor Guard Rescheduled 5 Easter Sunday 6 Officer’s Mtg. 7:00 pm 7 8 Spaghetti 4:30 pm 4th Degree Mtg. 7:30pm 9Bingo 6:15pm 10 11 4th Degree Exemplification 12 13Council Mtg. 7:30 pm 14 Ice Cream Soldiers’ Home 1:30 pm 15 16Bingo 6:15pm 17 18 19 20 Board Mtg. 7:00 pm 21 22 23Bingo 6:15pm 24 25 French Night 5:00 pm 28 29 30Bingo 6:15pm Newsletter Deadline 26 27Council Mtg. 7:30 pm
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