Official Newsletter For the Orlando Koi & Pond Club April 2015

Official Newsletter
For the
Orlando Koi & Pond Club
April 2015
Out with 2015, and In with 2016.
The Central Florida Koi Show 2015 was right on the mark. Wonderful people, great
weather, and beautiful Koi, with very interesting and informative seminars. Thanks to
Henry Culpepper, Joe White, Don Heller, Mike McMahon, and their volunteers for all
their efforts in making this show run smoothly. And special thanks to Sammi Creekmur
for feeding us. She also suggested that I accompany Darrell to the Kennedy Space
Center, with the Koi Judges that came in from Japan, Head Judge Mr. Tomio Motoda
and Mr. Takeshi Yamamoto. They toured the facility with a telephone/translator
furnished by KSC, spending almost 8 hours on Monday, after the show. It was a life
experience for both the judges, Darrell and myself.
This was my first time showing Koi and also volunteered on the show benching teams.
What an experience. Congratulations to all the winners from our club.
As some of you know last year, I produced some Koi, (Goshiki/Kohaku) and am down
to a few interesting ones that I am very interested in watching develop. I had an idea.
Why not sponsor a Koi grow out. I’ll supply the koi to the club members, and all I ask is
to record the development, and at the end of the year, we compare pictures/notes.
Maybe have a small show to compare the development and growth. It’s about
education, so we can all learn more about our hobby.
Sam Schult
Central Florida Koi Show Results
Grand Champion
Jason Yates
Sakura Champion
Thotakura Venkat
Mature Champion
Henry Culpepper
Reserve Grand Champion
Mike McMahon
Tsubaki Champion
Sonja & Ken Kahkola
Adult Champion
Tim Nye
Young Champion
Tim Nye
Botan Champion
Shirley Stone
Baby Champion
Shirley Stone
Saturday, April 11th
Meeting at Luis & Jenifer Barroso
1928 Green Meadow Lane
Orlando Fl 32825
As always we will be warmly welcomed by the
Barroso’s, and marvel at the beautiful grounds, pond, and
koi. We will feast on Luis’s El Lechon Asao.
(Roasted pig), with lots of Cuban side
dishes…….and the Sangria.
Carl and Vicki Forss from Flat Rock Koi will attend
and have a seminar on Koi Selection and Koi
Health. They were the original contractor to build
the Barroso pond. They will bring some moderately
priced koi for purchase. It should be a very
informative session.
Luis will have a beautiful large koi to auction
off, with the proceeds going to the Orlando
Koi Club.
Though Kim Hafley did
not mention, if she personally donate the two vases, for the raffle,
let’s give her the credit for it.
This will be the last month to ask for due’s for the club. The email list will be
updated starting in May to reflect the 2015 membership.
$24.00 for a single membership
Please send your check to:
Ron Wehrheim (treasurer)
923 Guernsey St.
Orlando, Fl. 32804-6253
$36.00 for a family membership
At the next meeting on April 11th.
Schedule for 2015
April 11th, 1:00pm
July & August
Luis & Jenifer Barroso
Harold & Carolyn McCarty
Joe & Amanda May
No Meeting
Rob & Hazel Forbis
Marie Gonzalez & Gary Quick
Orlando Koi Club Officers
Sam Schult
Ron Wehrheim