Welcome to Kokomo High School!

Creating a Better World Through Education
• 23 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
• University Credit Courses
• F1 Authorized School
• Residential & Home Stays
• KHS Class of 2014 Earned Over
$5 Million In Scholarships
• Over 100 Sports & Clubs
• International Baccalaureate Curriculum
Visit www.KokomoSchools.com/InternationalExchange
International Students Welcome at Kokomo HS!
“Kokomo High School has served me very well. KHS made
me who I am. The AP classes at KHS were important, but the
opportunities like Boys Legion, academic teams, and the soccer
team were just as important. Many of my Harvard classmates
are out of touch, but Kokomo’s diversity helped me understand
the real world!” Ting Zhou, KHS Class of 2012, Harvard junior
To broaden the concept of global mindedness,
Kokomo School Corporation officials encourage
international students to attend Kokomo High School
for at least one year of their high school careers.
Since 2012, more than 100 International students
from more than 25 countries have attended KHS.
Kokomo is authorized to issue F1 visas. A host family provides
support and supervision for our residence halls, an option for
“I am taking 7 Advanced Placement (AP) courses this semester.
International students. Interested International students should
The curriculum is challenging, but the teachers and students at
contact Dr. Heidi Gutwein at hgutwein@kokomo.k12.in.us to
Kokomo High School have made me feel welcome and accepted.
request an application.
I like that this school is diverse, and people don’t judge me here.
That is different than it has been for me at other schools.”
Pomp & Circumstance of Graduation fill Memorial Gym
Sara Kadono, Japan, KHS Class of 2015
“Kokomo High School set me up for success with all the
opportunities it provides students. I believe the many Advanced
Placement courses offered and the diversity of the student
body at KHS helped me gain early acceptance into Stanford
University. Kokomo encourages global understanding, and that
is important to Stanford.” Joey Hurlocker, KHS Class of 2015
“I was proud to be one of the 19 International students to earn
a Kokomo High School diploma with the Class of 2014! It also
was an honor to be in the top 20 of my class of approximately
400 and sit on the stage at my graduation in Memorial Gym.
I was impressed by the pride that KHS students took in their
studies.” Eugenio Beretta, Italy, KHS Class of 2014
“As Kokomo High School’s International School
Counselor, I work with each International student
on course selections and the university application
processes. I also serve as a liaison between KHS
and the International students’ families. I enjoy
advocating for every International student to ensure
each student’s academic, personal, and cultural needs are met.”
Heather Mygrant, School Counselor