TUESDAY (19 MAY 2015) 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Registration 1:30-5:00 PM Courses (precongres courses) 1. Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery. Coordinators: Dr. İH Hamzaoğlu-Dr. B Baca 2. Imaging of Ano-rectal and Pelvic Floor for Surgeons. Coordinators: Dr. A Baykan-Dr. İ Sücüllü 3. Basic Colonoscopy For Surgeon. Coordimators: Dr. U Sungurtekin-Dr.S Yamaner 4. Surgical Anatomy for Colorectal Surgeons. Coordinator: Dr A Kuzu 5. Minimaly Invasive Rectal Surgery (TEO-TAMIS-TEM). Coordinators: Dr. S Demirbas-Dr. AE Canda 6. Robotic Colorectal Surgery. Coordinators. Dr. O Asoğlu-Dr. E Balık 7. Anastomosis in Colorectal Surgery. Coordinator. Dr. M Öncel 8. Stomatherapy Basic and Training. Coordinators. Dr. T Colak-Dr. A Karadag 6:00-7:00 PM National Anthem and A Moment of Silence, The remembrance with Prof. Ayhan Kızıl’s mercy; Opening Remarks 8:30-10:30 PM The Opening Cocktail for May 19; the Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sport Day WEDNESDAY (20 MAY 2015) (*) To be held in 4 halls" 7:00-7:55 AM "Breakfast with a Professor” (*) 1. The treatment algorithm of obstructive defecation Dr. Liliana G. Bordeianou, Dr N Şengul 2. How to prepare for an international colorectal board exam? Dr. Mustafa Öncel 3. Non-operative treatment of rwctal cancer. Dr. Ayhan Kuzu 4. Complications of Stoma Dr. Tahsin Çolak 8:00-10:30 AM "A panel for benign anorectal diseases with case presentations Moderator: Dr. Sümer Yamaner Participants: Dr. Keşşaf Aşlar, Dr. Gökhan Çipe, Dr. Hovsep Hazar, Dr. Feza Karakayalı, Dr. Sezai Leventoğlu, Dr. İlker Sücüllü 1-Anal fissure and treatment 2-Hemorrhoidal disease, treatment 3-Complicated perianal fistula 4-Pilonidal disease" 10:30-11:00 AM Break 11:00-11:40 AM "The Presidential Address” Moderatör: Dr. Ethem Geçim The experienced changes in educational model and perception between generations in colorectal surgical era. Dr. Dursun Buğra 11:40 AM-12:10 PM "Conference to commemorate Prof. Ercüment Gürel” Moderator: Dr. Kemal Alemdaroğlu The standardization of Laparoscopic total mesorectal excision Dr. Amjad Parvaiz 12:10-1:15 PM Satellite Symposium (A Ibrahim Medicine Company) Moderator: Speaker: "12:10-1:00 PM Poster Presentations (Presentations to the Jury, at the poster area). Poster Jury: Dr. E Ozturk, Dr. B Baca, Dr. E Yucel P.M. 12:15-1:30 PM Luncheon 1:30-2:00 PM "Conference” Moderator: Dr. Tarık Akçal Colonic Diverticular Disease. Dr. Feza Remzi 2:05-3:45 PM Oral Presentation sessions "Hall A” Dr. S Yuceyar, Dr. H Hazar; Colorectal Cancer Oral Presentations" "Hall B” Dr. H Alış, Dr. C Akyol Benign Colorectal Diseases Oral Presentations" "Hall C” Dr. E Akgün, Dr. F Karakayalı Colorectal/Proctology Video-Oral Presentations" 3:45-4:00 PM Break 4:00-4:30 PM COVIDIEN Satalite Symposium Current Status and Contributions of Technology for Laparoscopic Colon Rectal Surgery Chairperson : Ethem Geçim Speakers: Emre Canda 4:30-6:15 PM "A panel for colorectal polyp-malign polyp (Local treatment principles)” Moderator: Dr. Ethem Geçim 1- Colorectal-Intestinal Polyps, Polyp labeling (tatooing). ESD, EMD, laparoscopic and endoscopic resection Dr. Emre Balık 2- European and Global standards for pathological examination and reporting of polyp specimen Dr. Işınsu Kuzu 3- Serrated Polyps, Malign rectal polyp (what if an invasive carcinoma on the edge of a polyp?) What can we do? How further in surgery? Dr. Sezai Demirbaş 4- Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery for Rectal tumors, Harvard's Experience. Dr. Liliana G. Bordeianou 5- Colorectal cancer scanning and the impact on society Dr. A. Serdar Karaca 6- Colonoscopy for particular case (with using anti platelet, Romatoid Arthritis, bleeding diathesis, and pregnancy etc.) and potential complications and management. Dr. Neriman Şengül 7- Virtual colonoscopy Dr. Nuray Haliloğlu 6:45-7:30 PM Walk for Youth and Sports feastal (holliday) (for willing parties) or a Musical Recital THURSDAY (21.MAY. 2015) 7:00-7:55 AM "Breakfast with a Professor” * *To be held in 4 halls" 5. Anorectal abscess/fistula, diagnostic and therapeutic methods, Dr. Abdullah Zorluoğlu 6. Anal fissure and its treatment Dr. Bülent Menteş 7. Rectal prolapse Dr. Emmanuel Tiret, Dr. A Gultekin 8. Writing, publishing and analyzing an article Dr. Uğur Sungurtekin 8:00-9:45 AM "Symposium; Colon Cancer” Moderator: Dr. Tuncay Yılmazlar 1-Preoperative imaging and staging for colon cancer Dr. Bilgi Baca 2-Standardization of surgery depended on tumor location and complete mesocolic excision for colon cancer Dr. Ayhan Kuzu 3-Adjuvant therapy, before and after - changing an inoperable to an operable Dr. Ersin Öztürk 4- Recurrence and therapeutic options for colon cancer Dr. Emre Canda 5-Emergencies and therapeutic options for colon cancer (obstruction, perforation, bleeding etc). Dr. Bülent Erkek" 9:45-10:15 AM "Conference” Moderator: Dr. Adil Baykan Pelvic exenteretive surgery, multivisseral resection and complications for locally advanced rectal cancer Dr. Eric J Dozois" 10:15-10:45 AM Break 10:45 AM-12:15 PM Bilateral session “Hall A” A Panel for Challenges and Complications for Kolorektal Cerrahi Moderator: Dr. Orhan Kozak 1-Colon and rectum strictures Dr. Mustafa Uygar Kalaycı 2-LAR syndrome Dr. Hüsnü Alptekin 3- High output stomas and short bowel syndrome Dr. Gökhan Yağcı 4-Enterocutaneous fistula, rectal anastomotic sinuses” Dr. Tuncay Yılmazlar “Hall B” A Panel for Inflamatory Bowel Disease Moderator: Dr. İsmail Hamzaoğlu 1-Imaging and latest developments for diagnosis - Follow-up: How and How long? The problem about Dysplasia? Dr. Y Erzin 2- How advanced is medical treatment? Preventive and follow-up options ( Immunomodulatory and biological agents) and postoperative medical treatment. Dr. Y Erzin 3-Indications and timing for surgery and minimal invasive surgical approach. What is the impact of medical treatment on surgical options and results? Dr. Bilgi Baca 5-Anal Cancer and the fact as the recurrence problem Dr. Melih Paksoy 6- Deep venous thrombosis and prophylaxis for colorectal surgery Dr. Ömer Topçu" 4-Difficult situation in Crohn's disease; intraabdominal abscess, crohn's disease in Colon and the treatment, acute ileitis and the treatment. Dr. Megan Costedio 4-Anorectal Crohn’s disease; management, strategies, new treatment options (plugs, stem cell etc.). Dr. T Colak" 12:15-12:45 PM COVIDIEN Satalite Symposium Safe and Secure Dissection Bleeding Control in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Chairperson : Tayfun Karahasanoğlu Speakers: İsmail Hamzaoğlu, Bilgi Baca "12:45-1:30 PM Poster(panel-Video) Presentations (Presentations to the Jury, poster area). Poster Jury: Dr. E Canda, Dr. S Leventoglu, Dr. N Ersöz 12:15-1:30 PM Luncheon 1:30-2:00 PM ” Conference to commemorate Prof. Adnan Salepçioğlu” Moderator: Dr. Saadettin Çetiner Obstructive defecation syndrome - Diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Liliana G. Bordeianou 2:05-3:35 PM Oral Presentation session “Hall A” Dr. S Cetiner, Dr. O Topcu “Hall B” Dr. S Atamanalp, Dr. N Ersöz “Hall C” Dr. Y Peker, Dr. S Karaca Colorectal Cancer Oral Presentations Benign Colorectal Diseases Oral Presentations Colorectal/Proctology Oral Presentations 3:35-4:15 PM Break 4:15-6:00 PM "An interactive panel with cases, The worst cases, nightmare scenarios” Moderator: Dr. Oktar Asoğlu Panelists: Dr. C Terzi, Dr. M T Ozer, Dr. G Cipe, Dr. C Akyol, Dr. A Gultekin 1-Colorectal emergencies and non-surgical treatment for anastomotic leakage (Stent, clip, vac) 2- Colorectal injuries, intra-abdominal compartment syndrome and open abdomen management (Component separation, flaps and plastic surgical options) 3-Treatment of diverticular disease-(Laparoscopic lavage and other options) 4-Hartmann procedure and emergency in colorectal surgery, emergency in rectal cancer, stenting, and the bridge to surgery 5-Anastomotic stricture 6:00-6:30 PM; Medicolegal - Legal talk - Interactive Discussion, Mr. Orhan Tekinsoy (The Attorney at Law for the Society) FRIDAY (22.MAY .2015) 7:00-7:55 AM "Breakfast with a Professor* *To be held in 4 halls" 9- Single-port laparoscopic colorectal surgery: Now and Future, Dr. Megan Costedio, Dr. B Erkek 10- Fecal incontinence, Dr. Liliana G. Bordeianou, Dr. F Karakayalı 11- An option for retrorectal tumors, Dr. Eric J Dozois, Dr. T Colak 12- Kolorektal cerrahide robot kullanımı “State of the Art” Dr. İsmail Gogenur, Dr. M Ince 8:00-10:00 AM "A Symposium for Rectum Cancer Moderator: Dr. Bülent Menteş 1-Staging in the rectal cancer, before and after neoadjuvant therapy. What does it change? Dr. M Oncel 2-Neoadjuvant therapy: long or short course radiotherapy for Whom? Dr. S Yamaner 3-Standardization of the treatment strategy in rectal cancer; What are the things we must do? Dr. C Terzi 4-Surgical approach following complete response (wait-and- see or TME) or partial response (Local excision or TME). Dr. M Füzün 5-From open surgery to laparoscopy, from laparoscopy to robotic. Dr. O Asoglu 6-Cylindrical APR is on trial! Has local recurrence disappeared? Is it worth straining? Dr. CH van de Velde" 7- Rektal Kanser cerrahisinde daha az ile yetinebilecek miyiz? Dr Ethem Gecim 10:30-11:00 AM Break 10:00-10:30 AM "Conference Moderator: Dr. Mehmet Füzün Disease-free survival after complete mesocolic excision compared with conventional colon cancer surgery. Dr. İsmail Gogenur 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Bilateral sessions “Hall A” “Hall B” Symposium; Functional Anorectal Disorders Symposium; Colorectal Diseases Moderatör: Dr. Türker Bulut Moderator: Dr. Selman Sökmen 1-F Incontinence, Sacral Nerve Stimulation (SNS) treatment Dr. T Bulut. 1-Colonic volvulus. Dr. S Atamanalp 2-Diagnosis, treatment and surgery for chronic constipation. Dr. B Mentes 2-Diagnostic/therapeutic challenges for pelvic tumors Dr. E Balık 3-GI tract Stromal tumors-Ddesmoid Tumors. Dr. 3-A treatment option for rectal intussusception (and Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome). Dr. E Altınlı O Yüksel 4-Fournier gangrene. Dr. S Yuceyar 4-Diagnostic and therapeutic options for total pelvic prolapse. Dr. A Gultekin 12:15 PM-12:45 PM Satellite symposium (Ethicon® Medical Company) Moderator: Speaker: 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Luncheon 1:30 PM-2:00 PM " Conference to commemorate Prof. Kaya Cilingiroglu” Moderator: Dr. Ali Akyüz Image guided surgery for colorectal cancer. Dr. Cornelis Jan Hadde Van de Velde" 2:00-3:30 PM "A Symposium for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Moderator: Dr. Tayfun Karahasanoğlu, Dr. E Canda 1- Treatment of Liver Metastasis (liver first, KC split technique etc) Dr. D Balcı 2- Multi-dimensional treatment for locally recurrent rectum cancer/IORT. Dr. I Hamzaoglu 3- Peritoneal carcinomatosis- cytoreduction and EPIC/HIPEC treatment. Dr. S Sokmen" 3:00-3:30 PM Break 4:00-4:30 PM "Conference Moderator: Dr. Abdullah Zorluoğlu From past to present: From open surgery to laparoscopy, and laparoscopy to robots. Dr. Emmanuel Tiret" 5 min. Changing Hall 4:30-6:00 PM “Hall A” How I Do It (Colorectal Cancer) Surgical-Technique/Video Presentation Moderators: Dr. Erhan Akgün, Dr. İlker Sücüllü 20:30-21:30 Stand Up show by Soner Olgun “Hall B” How I Do It (Proctology-Functional Diseases) SurgicalTechnique/Video Presentation Moderators: Dr. Neriman Şengül, Dr. Cemil Çalışkan SATURDAY (23 MAY 2015) 8:30-09:00 AM "Conference Moderator: Dr. A Nezih Erverdi Efforts to create a national colorectal cancer database Dr. Cornelis Jan Hadde Van de Velde" 09.00-10:30 AM "Interactive Panel; Colorectal Cancer with Case presentation and debate Moderator: Dr. Ayhan Kuzu Panelists: Dr. A Baykan, Dr. A Akyuz, Dr. M Fuzun, Dr. O Asoglu, Dr. D Bugra, Dr. C Terzi 10:30-11:00AM Break 11:00-12:30 PM and debate "Interactive Panel; Anorectal/Functional Diseases with Case presentations Moderator: Dr. Uğur Sungurtekin Panelists: Dr. T Bulut, Dr. S Leventoglu, Dr. N Sengul, Dr. T Yılmazlar, Dr. E Canda, Dr. E Akgun 12:35-1:00 PM Closing, Awards, Wishes and a Family Photo
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