PRESS RELEASE OF KOMMUNALKREDIT AUSTRIA AG Steinbichler: “Eventful business year 2014” Kommunalkredit Austria publishes its 2014 results IFRS profit for the year before tax of EUR 9.0 million Strong capital base: total capital ratio 24.8%; core capital ratio 18.4% (Basel III) High portfolio quality: 95% investment grade; non-performing-loan ratio 0.39% Course for the future set through agreement on partial sale signed on 13 March 2015 (Vienna, 26 March 2015) – Kommunalkredit Austria (KA) has today published its 2014 results. In the business year 2014, KA generated an IFRS profit for the year of EUR 9.0 million before tax and EUR 8.1 million after tax; its comprehensive income according to IFRS amounted to EUR 8.8 million in 2014, these figures being above budget. The result was achieved after a EUR 7.0 million risk provision for a bond issued by Heta Asset Resolution AG (HETA; formerly Hypo Alpe Adria) and subscribed to in 2006 in a nominal amount of EUR 35 million, which is guaranteed by a surety of the Province of Carinthia pursuant to § 5.2 of the Carinthian Provincial Holding Act (Kärntner Landesholdinggesetz). This provision was included in the 2014 annual accounts after the announcement of the measures to be taken under the Federal Act on the Reorganisation and Resolution of Banks (BaSAG). With a non-performing-loan (NPL) ratio of 0.39%, including the HETA position, the asset quality of the remaining portfolio is consistently high. KA succeeded in further strengthening its capital base in the course of 2014, with its total capital ratio increasing from 21.8% to 24.8% and its core capital ratio up from 15.3% to 18.4%, which is significantly above the regulatory minimum requirements. The partial sale process, based on the decision taken by the European Commission (EC) on 19 July 2013, was launched in the second half of the year under review through a public tender announced on 14 August 2014. The signing of the share purchase agreement on 13 March 2015 was an important milestone in this process, setting the course for the future orientation of KA. The owner of KA, the Financial Markets Holding Company of the Republic of Austria (FIMBAG), accepted the bid submitted by a buyer consortium consisting of the English Interritus Limited and the Irish Trinity Investments Limited for the purchase of its 99.78% share held in KA. The consortium has stated its intention to continue and expand the current activities of KA in the public infrastructure sector (structuring, advisory services, financing) and in the area of support scheme management in Austria and in Europe. The entire business operations of KA, including all its subsidiaries, will be transferred to a newly incorporated company (KA New) by way of a proportionate demerger for new incorporation pursuant to § 1.2.2 of the Austrian Demerger Act (Spaltungsgesetz). This includes loans and securities of the existing KA in the amount of approximately EUR 3.5 billion out of total assets according to the Austrian Company Code of approximately EUR 4.3 billion. The remaining part of KA (KA Residual) with total assets of approximately EUR 7 billion will be merged into KA Finanz AG (KF). It is to be underlined that the demerger meets a condition imposed by the EC, according to which the divestiture must not exceed 50% of the total assets of KA for reasons of competition. The assets to be transferred to KF are of high quality, i.e. with an average rating of AA-. The transaction is expected to be closed by mid-2015; it is subject to the corresponding approvals to be granted by the competent bodies of KA as well as the competent bank supervisory authorities, the EC and other authorities. 1 Kommunalkredit Public Consulting (KPC), KA’s 90% subsidiary specialising in the management of support programmes, above all in the fields of environmental protection, water management and energy, carried on its comprehensive activities successfully in 2014. At the beginning of 2014, KPC took over the operational management of support programmes in the field of protective water management on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. Under a new contract awarded by the Federal Ministry of Finance this year, KPC is in charge of implementing and managing the “crafts bonus” programme, a support scheme for private individuals contracting licensed crafts businesses for home improvement work. Across all support programmes, almost 60,700 projects were approved and funding in the amount of EUR 429.4 million was granted in 2014. With an underlying investment volume of EUR 2.5 billion, the projects thus are a relevant factor in stimulating economic activity at regional and local level. Kommunalnet E-Government Solutions GmbH (Kommunalnet), a 45% subsidiary of KA, is the leading working and information platform for local authorities in Austria. At the end of December 2014, Kommunalnet had 12,905 registered users from over 2,000 Austrian local authorities and associations of local authorities. Thus, Kommunalnet holds a unique position in the Austrian market with a market penetration rate of 94.2%. Balance-sheet structure As at 31 December 2014, the KA Group had total assets according to IFRS of EUR 12.6 billion (2013: EUR 12.3 billion). The slight increase over the year before reflects the build-up in liquidity at the end of 2014 in view of the maturity date of a EUR 1 billion bond at the beginning of February, which was redeemed on schedule. KA has a sound capital base with total capital in the amount of EUR 383.2 million (2013: EUR 361.0 million); its core capital amounts to EUR 285.0 million (2013: EUR 252.9 million). With risk-weighted assets of EUR 1,323.8 million (2013: EUR 1,426.4 million), the bank reports a total capital ratio of 24.8% (2013: 21.8%) and a core capital ratio of 18.4% (2013: 15.3%). Throughout 2014, KA continued to meet its funding needs in the free market entirely without government support. Based on the Amendment Decision of the EC of 19 July 2013, KA would be allowed to obtain equity and liquidity support from the Republic of Austria, if need arises. These terms and conditions laid down in the Amendment Decision of the EC will no longer apply to KA New after the closure of the partial sale process. Asset quality KA’s credit portfolio shows a high asset quality; 94.9% of its credit exposure is in the investmentgrade range; 61.6% of the exposure is rated AAA/AA. The exposure-weighted average rating of the total exposure is AA- (according to the S&P rating scale). The NPL ratio, taking account of the EUR 35 million HETA bond, currently stands at 0.39%. Besides the EUR 7.0 million risk provision for the HETA bond, an impairment of 50% or EUR 1 million was booked on an exposure of EUR 2 million. Income position KA’s net interest income in 2014 amounted to EUR 22.3 million. The significant increase compared with the year before (2013: EUR 3.2 million) reflects the absence of the negative oneoff effects from the first half of 2013. Net fee and commission income amounted to EUR 16.7 million (2013: EUR 15.8 million). It mainly comprised the gross revenues of KPC generated in the fields of support scheme management and consultancy services in the amount of EUR 16.6 million (2013: EUR 15.7 million). 2 The net trading and valuation result of EUR 5.2 million (2013: EUR 41.4 million) comprises, among other items, income from asset sales and the early redemption of own issues within the framework of balance-sheet optimisation measures. It also includes the EUR 7 million risk provision for the HETA bond. The positive valuation result of 2013 was significantly influenced by the market-related positive valuation of securities and loans in the fair value portfolio. Net administrative expenses declined by EUR 0.9 million or 2.6% from the previous year to EUR 35.9 million (2013: EUR 36.8 million). Results according to the Austrian Company Code/Austrian Banking Act KA’s total assets, as reported in the separate financial statements prepared according to Austrian GAAP, amounted to EUR 10.5 billion as at 31 December 2014 (2013: EUR 10.8 billion). As in the previous year, the result for the period under review according to Austrian GAAP was balanced, after the transfer of EUR 4.8 million to a general risk provision pursuant to § 57 of the Austrian Banking Act. Moreover, as at 31 December 2014 an amount of EUR 32 million was reclassified from the risk provision pursuant to § 57(1) to the risk provision pursuant to § 57.3 of the Austrian Banking Act, the latter being eligible as core capital and thus strengthening the core capital base. The remaining provision pursuant to § 57.1 of the Austrian Banking Act stood at EUR 8.4 million as at 31 December 2014. In total, general risk provisions pursuant to § 57.1 and § 57.3 of the Austrian Banking Act amount to EUR 40.4 million (2013: EUR 35.5 million), thus constituting a positive risk buffer under Austrian GAAP. Rating KA has a Fitch rating of A in the long-term segment and F1 in the short-term segment. The longterm rating was put on “negative outlook” on 26 March 2014 in view of the adoption of the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD), which was transposed into national law through the Federal Act on the Reorganisation and Resolution of Banks (BaSAG). Moreover, certain issues were put on “watch negative” on 19 March 2015. Fitch announced a review at closing of the partial sale. Moody’s downgraded KA’s long-term rating from Baa3 to Ba1 on 20 June 2014; the short-term rating was downgraded from P-3 to NP. As the same time, another eleven Austrian issuers were downgraded in the wake of a bill introduced by the Austrian federal government, and subsequently adopted, regarding the subordinated liabilities of an Austrian credit institution. The rating agreement with Moody’s for unsecured funding instruments was terminated by KA prior to the downgrade, effective as of 20 June 2014. Therefore, the ratings which continue to be published by Moody’s are no longer mandated by KA. The rating for covered bonds was kept and downgraded from Aa2 to Aa3 with “review for downgrade” on 23 June 2014. Outlook The development of business in 2015 will be determined largely by the strategic setting of the bank in the course of its partial sale. The transaction, in which the consortium of buyers will take over the 99.78% share in KA New held by FIMBAG, is expected to be closed by mid-2015 and is subject to approval by the competent bodies of KA as well as the competent bank regulators, the EC and other authorities. 3 Upon completion of the transaction, KA New will again be in a position to offer its comprehensive expertise in the structuring and financing of public infrastructure projects, as well as in support scheme management, to its many customers in Austria and throughout Europe. The activities of the bank are concentrated in the core segments of Social Infrastructure, Energy & Environment, and Transport. KA New will focus, in particular, on the arrangement and structuring of projects and the provision of finance for the construction phase; to a growing extent, the financing of the operational phase will be syndicated by institutional investors, such as insurance companies or mutual funds. Given the new regulatory provisions and the low interest rate environment, institutional investors will have a growing demand for long-term assets generating stable cash flows. At the same time, restrictive regulatory requirements under the Basel III regime, such as the net stable funding ratio, will limit the possibility for banks to carry long-term assets on their balance sheets. KA acts as a link between its customers, the public sector, project sponsors and project developers, as well as institutional investors. It is important to note that until the closing of the partial sale, KA is bound by the conditions of the EC’s Amendment Decision of 19 July 2013. Under these conditions, KA is subject to a prohibition of dividend pay-out on profit-dependent equity instruments. Ad-hoc disclosures to that effect were published on 31 March 2011 and 19 July 2013 and remain valid. Therefore, no coupon or dividend payments will be made on profit-dependent equity instruments in 2015 for the business year 2014. For enquiries please contact: Kommunalkredit Austria Marcus Mayer (Communication & Marketing) Tel.: +43 (0)1/31 6 31-593 or +43 (0)664/80 31631 593; 4 Balance Sheet of the Kommunalkredit Group according to IFRS Assets in EUR 1,000 Cash and balances with central banks 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 267,026.8 142,322.5 Loans and advances to banks 1,181,809.6 892,193.7 Loans and advances to customers 6,833,184.3 6,906,386.4 Assets at fair value 2,988,821.4 2,945,587.7 451,768.5 435,649.0 Assets available for sale Assets held to maturity Derivatives Investments in associates Property, plant and equipment 0.0 271,470.4 824,533.4 686,098.1 2,106.3 2,056.0 28,024.2 29,236.5 357.8 436.2 99.7 220.7 Intangible assets Current tax assets Deferred tax assets 6,283,0 6,965.6 Other assets 8,227.9 11,432.6 Total assets 12,592,243.1 12,330,055.4 Liabilities and equity in EUR 1,000 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Amounts owed to banks 3,013,820.4 Amounts owed to customers 1,228,470.6 997,849.9 Derivatives 1,957,741.5 1,420,695.5 Securitised liabilities 5,944,532.9 6,532,118.4 Subordinated liabilities 85,121.6 85,126.4 Provisions 13,303.1 10,719.0 Current tax liabilities Other liabilities Equity of which subscribed capital of which capital reserves 2,943,322.4 1,378.5 1,023.7 15,454.3 15,535.4 332,420.2 323,664.7 225,337.1 225,337.1 8,973.6 8,973.6 of which statutory reserves 27,805.7 27,805.7 of which AFS/CFH reserve -24,086.5 -26,776.7 44,185.5 -50,210.1 138,373.3 138,373.3 of which other reserves (incl. consolidated result for the year) of which participation capital of which non-controlling interests Total liabilities and equity 202.5 161.7 12,592,243.1 12,330,055.4 5 Income Statement of the Kommunalkredit Group according to IFRS Income Statement in EUR 1,000 Net interest income Interest and similar income Interest and similar expenses Loan impairment charges 1.1.2014 31.12.2014 1.1.2013 31.12.2013 22,312.2 3,232.3 537,074.2 650,897.3 -514,762.0 -647,664.9 -999.9 -420.9 Net fee and commission income 16,713.2 15,844.0 Fee and commission income 17,653.5 16,741.7 -940.3 -897.7 Fee and commission expenses Dividend income Income from investments in associates Net trading and valuation result General administrative expenses Other operating result Other operating income Other operating expenses Consolidated profit for the year before tax Taxes on income Consolidated profit for the year 359.9 81.2 50.3 258.6 5,160.8 41,385.4 -45,321.3 -47,001.4 10,701.3 6,999.8 11,099.2 12,032.9 -398.0 -5,033.1 8,976.5 20,379.0 -877.3 -15,305.3 8,099.3 5,073.8 8,013.9 5,024,2 85.4 49.5 of which: attributable to owners attributable to non-controlling interests 6 Balance Sheet of Kommunalkredit Austria AG according to the Austrian Company Code/Austrian Banking Act Assets in EUR 1,000 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Cash and balances with central banks 267,026.4 142,313.4 Public-sector debt instruments eligible as collateral for central bank funding 316,565.6 577,554.7 Loans and advances to banks 1,168,449.9 842,821.8 Loans and advances to customers 7,952,291.6 8,363,054.8 581,121.2 652,197.6 850.1 400.1 6,339.8 6,339.8 357.8 436.2 1,904.2 1,904.2 138,366.6 179,538.4 25,246.8 28,044.6 10,458,519.9 10,794,605.6 Bonds and other fixed-income securities Participations Investments in associates Intangible non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Other assets Accruals Total assets Liabilities and equity in EUR 1,000 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Amounts owed to banks 3,014,313.7 2,942,674.6 Amounts owed to customers 1,198,266.7 994,727.6 Securitised liabilities 5,618,338.2 6,259,635.3 Other liabilities 192,730.7 198,497.3 Accruals 17,447.8 19,615.1 Provisions 34,486.8 28,452.7 Fund for general banking risks 32,000.0 0.0 Supplementary capital 69,944.3 70,011.2 Participation capital 138,373.3 138,373.3 Subscribed capital 225,337.1 225,337.1 8,973.6 8,973.6 Capital reserves Revenue reserves Statutory reserve persuant to § 23(6) Austrian Banking Act Net loss Total liabilities and equity 508.7 508.7 27,297.0 27,297.0 -119,498.0 -119,498.0 10,458,519.9 10,794,605.6 7 Income Statement of Kommunalkredit Austria AG according to the Austrian Company Code/Austrian Banking Act in EUR 1,000 1.1.-31.12.2014 1.1.-31.12.2013 1. Interest and similar income 2. Interest and similar expenses I. Net interest income 3. Income from securities and investments 4. Fee and commission income 1,446.2 978.2 5. Fee and commission expenses -2,566.9 -2,024.7 6. Income/expenses from financial transactions 7. Other operating income II. Operating income 8. General administrative expenses 9. Value adjustments in respect of assets shown in asset-side items 8 and 9 10. Other operating expenses III. Operating expenses IV. 11. Operating result Income from the reversal of impairments of receivables and appropriation to provisions for contingent liabilities and credit risks 12. Income from value adjustments of investment securities and of participations and investments in associates 537,063.5 -518,105.8 650,998.7 -652,438.7 18,957.7 -1,440.0 1,602.0 1,027.3 105.9 116.0 13,226.5 13,432.4 32,771.5 12,089.1 -34,762.7 -35,033.2 -362.7 -430.2 -16.0 -4,622.9 -35,141.4 -40,086.3 -2,369.9 -27,997.2 23,317.4 15,575.6 11,084.7 11,990.2 V. 13. Profit on ordinary activities 32,032.2 -431.3 Extraordinary expenses -32,000.0 0.0 14. Extraordinary result -32,000.0 0.0 15. 16. Taxes on income -7.5 470.7 VI. Result for the year -24.7 0.0 -39.4 0.0 VII. Net result for the year 0.0 0.0 17. Loss carried forward -119,498.0 -119,498.0 VIII. Net result -119,498.0 -119,498.0 Other taxes not tob e reported under item 15 8
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