FAST ER, MORE EFFICIENT WAY TO MANAGE INT ER AC T IONS COL L ABOR AT I V E BUSINE SS MODEL MULT I-USER MULT I-CHANNEL SE T T ING INDUS T R Y S TANDARDS S T RE AML INED AND SECURE E XCHANGE OF INF ORM AT ION Making it easy to share information and complete transactions. Konnect NET provides an information exchange platform that links organisations with their business networks, enabling them to work effectively together. KCP0914 do better together © Copyright 2014 – Konnect Net Limited | New Zealand: | Australia: Page 1 CONNEC T ING BUSINESS FOR BE T T ER PERFORMANCE A collaborative approach to business Organisations that need to work across business networks can find the process slow, inefficient, and difficult to track and manage. Corporate Government Konnect NET’s solutions make it easy to work collaboratively, helping to lift business performance. Konnect All major insurers and GP practices in New Zealand now Advisers NET manage insurance medical requests through Konnect NET. From this initial idea the business and service offering has continued to grow, creating a strong position in New Zealand, and a platform for expansion into Australia and other markets. Finance Insurers Banks Health Providers Health Konnect NET’s primary customers are insurers and banks, but the model is equally relevant to other organisations that need KCP0914 to interface with internal or external business networks. Konnect NET acts as a trusted independent in the centre, connecting the parties with full transparency. Facilitating interactions and managing exceptions. © Copyright 2014 – Konnect Net Limited | New Zealand: | Australia: Page 2 CONNEC T ING BUSINESS FOR BE T T ER PERFORMANCE Enabled by a flexible technology platform and network INSURER Konnect NET’s information exchange platform is configurable to meet the needs of our customers and their networks, minimising development and enabling fast implementation. KCP0914 CUR E EXCHAN GE HEALTH PROVIDERS request or distribute respond or submit SALES CHANNELS pay and reconcile IN FO RM ATION & SERV IC ES BUSINESS NETWORKS Services and transactions currently supported Key features •Easy to set up and configure information and service requests, applications, quotes and referrals. •Visibility and tools to manage workflow, and enable users to communicate effectively. •Generate and send to a single user or deploy across your business network. •Follow-up of transactions on behalf of customers. •Integrate with end-user systems to match existing workflows and pre-populate forms. •Efficient payment and reconciliation. •Set up rules to assist decisions on information received (and create notes to support assessment). SE Request, receive and pay for services or information from business networks: •Health Information Requests •Specialist Approvals •Service Requests •Medical information is encrypted and seen only by those authorised to view it. Distribute forms and documents for completion, submission and payment: •Respond or submit electronically or manually. •Insurance Quotes and Applications •Sales Referrals © Copyright 2014 – Konnect Net Limited | New Zealand: | Australia: Page 3 CONNEC T ING BUSINESS FOR BE T T ER PERFORMANCE Providing better outcomes for all parties involved, with no need to invest in new systems Services are delivered through a commercial model that reduces the need for investment in new systems or processes, and delivers benefits of scale and innovation that could not be achieved by any individual party. from complexity Connect Standardise Drive change Konnect NET configures the solutions, builds and maintains the network, on-boards users, and takes responsibility for all interactions, managing the secure, efficient exchange of information, as well as billing/payment. Services are continually improved based on user feedback. to efficiency Corporate Advisers Government Time Konnect NET Insurance Health Health Providers Cost Transparency KCP0914 Insurers © Copyright 2014 – Konnect Net Limited | New Zealand: | Australia: Page 4 CONNEC T ING BUSINESS FOR BE T T ER PERFORMANCE C A SE S T UDY – L IF E IN SUR A NC E Konnect NET has been a game changer for the life insurance industry in New Zealand THE PROBLEM Medical information required for insurance underwriting was obtained through an inefficient, inconsistent paper-based process. THE KONNECT NET SOLUTION Smart forms are sent directly to the doctor desktop for prepopulation from within their practice management system database. INSURERS: Log-in and generate medical requests GPs: Complete electronically in 4 easy steps 1. Open message INDUSTRY BEFORE 19 80 Life insurers different information request forms, different workflows Hand-written responses INDUSTRY AFTER ONE smart form with standard workflow 75% Completed electronically Paper/fax option supported 30-45 MINUTES 8-12 MINUTES 20+ DAY 6 DAY Doctor and staff time turnaround Lots of ‘noise’ in the process Doctor and staff time ONE average turnaround contact point 2. Match patient 3. Open request 4. Complete and submit “Konnect NET has taken turnaround times from 18 days to seven. It means faster processing for clients and more accurate data, which means less re-work.” — Angela Tiy, Senior Manager Marketing & Insight, Asteron Life, New Zealand “It is helping us make big cost and time savings. Any time the doctors can save is always a bonus. And my reception front line staff aren’t being held up doing photocopying when their time is under such pressure and can be much better used.” KCP0914 — Dale Shepherd, Practice Manager, Pakuranga Medical Centre, Auckland, NZ © Copyright 2014 – Konnect Net Limited | New Zealand: | Australia: Page 5 CONNEC T ING BUSINESS FOR BE T T ER PERFORMANCE Smart technology and collaboration are a winning combination! If your organisation is looking for a faster, more efficient way Recent Awards 2012 Winner Deloitte 2012 to work across your business networks, we’d welcome the opportunity to explain in more detail the tangible results we achieve for our customers and how our information exchange platform can help you to transform your performance. Konnect Net Limited New Zealand p> +64 9 302 3575 8 Cleveland Road, Parnell, Auckland 1052 PO Box 8933, Symonds Street, Auckland 1150 Australia PO Box 901, Milsons Point, Sydney, NSW, 1565 KCP0914 Mike Weiss – CEO e> p> +64 21 309 587 © Copyright 2014 – Konnect Net Limited | New Zealand: | Australia: Page 6
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