Arise Koome Ministries Newsletter Koome Educates America Reasons to Pray, Reasons to Give January: Kamal Saleem spoke at the following: − Rick Joyner Conference, Morning Star Ministries, SC − Presbyterian Church in CA − Educational Policy Conf St. Louis, MO − 8 National radio programs February: Kamal Saleem spoke at the following− Fox News with Judge Jeanine Pirro and Fox & Friends − With Gen Jerry Boykin on the John Ankerberg TV Show − With Mid-Western State Representatives on the subject of ISIS in America − The Oak Initiative in SC March: Kamal Saleem spoke at the following− Multiple Grass roots Churches in New York − The Liberty Council in Florida – Defending Western Civilization and Israel against Radical Islam. Dear Friends and Partners, We have had a wonderful start to this New Year “2015 The Year of Rest”. We are so thankful for the support we've received from you. It is because of our friends and our partners that we are able to do what we do. I want to take a moment and share our heart with you: Years ago I had a dream that Kamal and I were walking in our neighborhood and before us was a barren clearing. High on a hill stood a huge lion and by his side was a smaller lion. As Kamal and I approached the area, praying and taking dominion over the land, the big lion stood up and began to watch us, as if sending a signal to not come that way warning, “I will devour you”. We slowly moved forward praying and taking the land for the Lord. Since that time we have faced many lions, false accusation, slander, rejection and ridicule, loss of friends and family, bullies, and many roadblocks. Yet, as we go farther into the territory God has called us to, the inescapable desire to forge ahead, to be obedient to the Lord we find His voice is louder than the roar of the lion. Now, more than ever, we need your support. We’d like to invite you to become part of our E-Book (Electronic reference book). Those of you who have been personally touch by our Ministry and have seen the fruit of this Ministry, we’d like you to write a letter to Koome sharing that experience from your heart. We pray your letters of support will edify and encourage many for years to come, as the world is becoming a darker and harder place to live in. We as Christians share a bond through Christ and our unity strengthens one another. We should not lose faith, direction, or strength, we must keep going, for the Lord is our strong tower. (2 Peter 3:1-18). Send your letters to or our l Koome address below. ae r s I ith May you have a blessed Resurrection Season, w s nd a Arise! Awake! Pray! t S me o Ko Kamal, Victoria, and the Koome Team An Inside Look: On the Road To say that I had a very unusual and colorful childhood would be an understatement in the least. First, I was brought up Catholic, then Southern Baptist, non-denominational, and finally, in high school, I attended a Church of Christ school. Having been through all of that, I now no longer claim a denomination; I am simply a barbarian in Christ. About five years ago, Kamal and I headed out on a road trip on the East Coast. When we arrived at this particular church, I had an overwhelming sense of dread, like there was oppression hanging in the air. I silently asked God, “Why my Lord, would you send us here?” About halfway through the service I stepped outside and called my mother for guidance, as I do so often. I proceeded to explain the situation to her, and the spirit of oppression I was feeling, and asked her why God would send us here. Then my mother, as lovingly as possible, explained to me, “We go wherever God sends us. It's not about us, it's about them”. Furthermore, she said, “we are not God, and we should not question what he has in store for us”. As instructed, I reluctantly entered the sanctuary and went back to my work at hand. Kamal was halfway through his allotted first service, when I noticed, much to my surprise, that a few people were clapping and a few were even laughing at times as they enjoyed how Kamal shared his love for Christ. Then, when the first service was over, one of the bishops, an elder I believe, pulled Kamal to the side and gave him some heartfelt instruction. He told Kamal not to hold back, to preach like he usually would and not let the surroundings change who he was. When the second service began, I couldn’t believe what I saw. A third of the way through the second service, the Holy Spirit had descended upon the congregation so heavily that it looked like a fog. People were clapping, raising their hands, shouting for joy, and openly praising the Lord with all their hearts. I truly believe that I witnessed the presence of God enter this congregation and this church. My heart soared and my eyes filled with tears, and I finally understood why the Lord brought us there. While I was humbled for having doubted the Maker of heaven and earth, I was also very proud to have once again witnessed God’s amazing transforming power. I'm smiling from ear to ear as I write this, just picturing God standing back and saying “Hey now son, stand back. I've got this”. Ultimately, the lesson was very apparent to me. Once again, our God in his wisdom and grace was teaching me not to judge, to relish every new experience even when it doesn’t appear like I would like it to appear. (Matthew 7:1-3). May I always remember to let go, and let God. God bless you all in everything that you do. To God be the glory for allowing me, his humble servant, to witness such a beautiful thing. Kevin Saleem Director of Security For our extended newsletter please visit us online at ISIS Propoganda Recently in the media, stories concerning child recruitment to ISIS have circulated. Many of these have included a propaganda video released by ISIS, which shows a group of approximately 80 young boys (who they call cubs) marching in unison and yelling the words “Allahu Akbar”. The use of young children in radical Islam is no new news here at Koome, in fact the use of child soldiers in the Middle East has been happening for decades. The American media is late, and sadly it has taken horrific events to open up our eyes. Nevertheless, this information is still very disturbing. These groups of young children have been recruited to ISIS in the Middle East under the guise of education (some are also children of radicals). Unfortunately their involvement goes far beyond being educated, as most receive weapon and radical religious training. Some are even used in active combat missions, several of which include martyrdom by suicide bombing. ISIS Propoganda As revolting and alarming as this may be, the recruitment of children to the Islamic state has advanced beyond just the Middle East, and has now become a problem all across Europe, as well as in the United States. ISIS has begun recruiting teenagers and young adults in our country through social media. They pose the idea of a great adventure to our young people, and promise them an opportunity to dedicate themselves to a “worthy cause”. After rigorous inspection by jihadist mentors and thorough verification and time spent proving their allegiance, they are sent via Turkey to Syria to join the Islamic state. Sadly, many teenagers in America who lack direction and purpose, find this propaganda enticing, and worth committing to. I’m sure we’ve all seen the countless news stories with mothers begging their children to return home, as they’ve snuck away, and boarded planes on their way to Turkey, which adjoins Syria (so they can then slip into the country). So what does this mean to us? Regrettably, none of this is sensationalism; this propaganda is a reality that our youth is facing. In my opinion it shows the grave situation our young people are in, in America. How dark has our world become, when children are so lost, hurt, broken, and purposeless, that they are willing to join radical religious groups? More than anything this is a call for prayer for this upcoming generation. As we all know, this is just one problem of many others that our young people are facing. We need to be standing in the gap for them, and fighting the spiritual forces that threaten them daily. Ask yourselves these questions; are you spending time with your children? Do they have a family environment at home where they feel loved, and guided, where they can find purpose? Do you know what your children are watching on TV, who they are talking to on the Internet, who they’re spending time with when they’re not at home? This of course is not to encourage you to live in a spirit of fear, or to be over-protective. I simply want all the grandparents, parents, and soon-tobe parents, to realize the dangers our children face in the world today. Keep them in your prayers, teach them what you can, guide them where you can and prepare them for the ever-changing world today. Sarah Saleem Who am I? I am a 20-somethings-college student who is extremely focused on educating conservative Americans on the state of both the education system and youth in America. I will be sharing articles in the near future on statistics and more in depth information concerning youth. I am in the beginning stages of putting together my own presentations so that I can join my father during his speaking engagements and make my voice heard on the issues of America's youth. Please feel free to give me your feedback, and share any of your own concerns for our youth. You can reach me at my email address Islamist Radical Extremism: Why can't he say it? The media has focused on President Obama's unwillingness to identify Radical Islamic Terrorism as just that. Instead, "Violent Extremism" is as far as he wishes to go in identifying those who seek destruction of western culture and conquest of western society. The President certainly isn't clear about who the opposition is in this dangerous time. Speculation as to why abounds. 12 percent (Pew Research) of Americans believe that the President "is a Muslim". This may be due to some of the things Mr. Obama has said like; "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." or; "Islam has always been part of our American Family". His own description in his autobiography says he is a Christian and attends church. However, there are many other details of his past that have surely influenced him. For example: His father was Muslim, but his father did not raise him. He went to a madrassa in Indonesia. We don’t know details about his school but Indonesia is a Muslim country so he really had no choice about that. His step-father was a Muslim, but again this was his mother’s choice. He was raised around Islam his whole life. His youth and early adult hood were steeped in modern political progressivism. Look at Mr. Obama’s self-described “influences”. Radical collectivist “progressive” types. Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright amongst many others. This shortcoming in identifying those who are such a threat today boils down to the President’s upbringing and sharply partisan worldview. It would be "wrong", according to progressive precepts, to identify ANY "group" as a problem, challenge or threat. That would be "intolerant". Through President Obama's entire academic and activism career he has been consistent in his modern progressive statements on values. Radical partisanship, upbringing and education steeped in Islamic and extremely progressive influences and an enormous confidence in his own correctness are why he won't say radical Islam or Islamic Terrorism. Blessings, Nik Saleem Technology Director
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