제42차 대한비만학회 춘계학술대회 Joint Symposium between KSMBS and KSSO II: Diabetes Remission after Metabolic/Bariatric Surgery: Deciphering the Mechanisms Involved. Possible Roles of GIP, the Incretin Twin of GLP-1 Division of Metabolism and Biosystemic Science, Department of Internal Medicine, Asahikawa Medical University, Japan Yukihiro Fujita, M.D., Ph.D. Incretins such as glucose-dependent insulinotropic blasts and adipocytes. GIPR-null mice actually mani- polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) fests increased glucose excursion with reduction of are gastrointestinal hormones that are released in re- glucose-stimulated insulin secretion after an oral glu- sponse to nutrient intake and promote insulin secretion. cose load. In contrast, nutrient-enhanced GIP secretion Incretins are thought to be responsible for up to 50% of can be observed in rodents fed with high-fat diet and postprandial insulin secretion in healthy subjects. Not human obese subjects, which may promote fat deposi- only GLP-1 but also GIP is the pharmacological target tion in adipose tissue. Genetic, pharmacological or im- of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors, which en- munological ablation of GIPR signaling can success- hance the incretin effect via blocking degradation of in- fully protect from diet-induced obesity via GIP-medi- cretins and ameliorate hyperglycemia in type2 ated fat accumulation. Therefore, it is proposed that diabetes. GIP is released from K cells in gut mucosa, GIP antagonism or suppressed GIP secretion via surgi- which are more abundantly found in duodenum and je- cal procedures might be beneficial as a potent treat- junum, but less in ileum. Since some procedures for ment for obesity. bariatric surgery alter the nutrient flow by bypassing However, some GIPR agonists did not induce obe- the proximal gut, they can affect GIP secretion and its sity but still improved hyperglycemia in type2 diabetic actions. rodent models, and high-fat diet did not promote obe- GIP interacts with GIP receptor (GIPR) and increases intracellular cyclic AMP. GIPR is expressed in sity in GIP over-expressing transgenic mice. Thus, further controversies over GIP action will be discussed. various tissues including pancreatic beta cells, osteo- 117
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