Choosing the Green Way Sustainable Strategies in Cultural

Choosing the Green Way
Sustainable Strategies in Cultural Heritage
May 4th 2015
Berlin Medical History Museum, Historical Auditorium
Charitéplatz 1, D -10117 Berlin
10.00 Welcome
Thomas Schnalke, Director Berlin Medical History Museum
Matthias Knaut, Vice-President for Research and International
Cooperation HTW Berlin
10.20 Key Note I
Bernd Scherer (HKW Berlin)
The Anthropocene. New Perspectives on the Material World
Peter Bartsch (MfN Berlin)
The Natural History Museum Berlin - Historical Buildings in Modern
11.30 Coffee and Tea
Ralf Kilian (Fraunhofer IBP)
Climate Control Beyond Full HVAC Systems- A New Climate
Concept for Linderhof Palace on the Basis of DIN 15757
Katharina Kuntz (HTW Berlin)
Sustainable Preservation of Virchow's Heritage - Laser
Triangulation and Time-lapse Photography for the Analysis of
Climate-induced Material Changes
13.00 Lunch
Stefan Bichlmair, Susanne Raffler (University Stuttgart, TUM)
How Sustainable is Temperierung Heating in Museums?
Susanne Litty (HTW Berlin)
Climate, Microclimate, Artefact. Applied Research on Current
Aspects of Preventive Conservation
15.30 Posters
Angelika Stephanides (KHM Vienna)
The New Central Art Depository of the Kunsthistorisches Museum
Johann Reiß (Fraunhofer IBP)
Sustainable Restoration of Museums - Energy Efficiency, Heritage
Preservation and Museum User Demands, the Example of
Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt
Anna Tornai (Akustikbüro Schwartzenberger und Burkhart)
Innovative Ways of Moisturisation with Semipermeable
Membranes for a Stable Climate - Reconciling Energy Efficiency
and Sustainable Preservation of Cultural Property
Diana Kussauer (FH Erfurt)
Investigations on Solar Radiation Induced Degradation Processes
of Historic Stained Glass Windows and Opportunities for their
Long-term Conservation by Improved Protection Glazing
Marushi Yoshida (YCONS)
On the Silk Road of the Green Way - The Aspect of Behaviouroriented Security towards Sustainable Preservation of Cultural
16.00 Coffee and Tea
16.30 Key Note II
Birgit Dulski (Nyenrode Business School)
Energy Saving in Heritage Buildings and Museums - Seizing
Opportunities and Avoid Risks
19.00 Farewell
Venue tba
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
Wilhelminenhofstr. 75A, D -12459 Berlin
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Jeberien, Susanne Litty
Registration and Fee
Registration will end on April 12th 2015. To register, participants
must fill in the registration form available online (see above) and
return it including proof of payment (45 EUR + 15 EUR farewell
drinks) to:
Please, use the following account, assuring to fill in the conference
Postbank Berlin, Bank Code 100 100 10, Account-No. 43 333 103
IBAN: DE09 1001 0010 0043 3331 03, SWIFt: PBNK DEFF XXX
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Green Way