2015 CELEBRATION OF LIFE BANQUET APRIL 17, 2015 THEME BASKETS The 2015 Right to Life of Louisville Celebration of Life Banquet is Friday, April 17, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Once again we are asking for your generous support to help make this year’s Theme Basket project a huge success. Your group can either collect gifts to create a theme basket or collect monetary donations and we will build a basket for you. The baskets’ value should be between $100 and $200. The container is also part of the basket - a basket, cooler, wheelbarrow - all work great! Please note: no alcoholic beverages are to be included in the baskets! Should your group elect to donate funds, please make the check payable to “Right to Life of Louisville.” All Basket Sponsors will have their group’s name listed in the banquet program and on the basket description sheet. Creating baskets is a great project for a Respect Life Committee, Bible Study, Senior’s Group, Youth Group, Mom’s Group, Prayer Group, Class Project, etc. If you need any help with coming up with a theme please contact me. My contact information is below. Important Dates and Deadlines: February 23 –March 9 Meet with your group and choose your theme March 9 -17 Our representative will be calling to confirm your participation and reserve your theme. You can also email josettegoulet28@gmail with this information. April 3 Due Date for basket to Right to Life Office 134 Breckinridge Lane 502-895-5959 April 17 Celebration of Life Banquet, Crowne Plaza We would be honored to have you join us at the Celebration of Life Banquet. For more information visit www.krla.org or call 502-895-5959. Thanks again for your continued support and respect for the dignity of human life from conception to natural death. Please contact me if you have any questions. Blessings, Josette Goulet (502) 802-5071 josettegoulet28@gmail.com
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