We will sponsor the 2015 Day Spring Concrete Ball to empower

Please join us as a sponsor and share in an inspiring night of fun
and elegance while raising funds that allow Day Spring to
empower adults with intellectual disabilities to live fulfilling lives.
The 2015 Concrete Ball will be a sparkling and elegant affair.
Attendees will enjoy a cocktail reception, delicious dinner, silent & live
auction, the popular wheel of chance, casino style gaming with celebrity
dealers, music and dancing to the sounds of Louisville Brass & Electric
band. Attire for the Concrete Ball is an elegant mix of denim and
diamonds. Cocktail attire is always welcome.
Saturday, May 16 2015
Downtown Louisville Marriott
Please reply as soon as possible for maximum inclusion in event promotions.
Complete all the information below or you may reply online at www.dayspringky.org
Day Spring Foundation is a 501(C))(3)Fed Id #61-1273310
Yes! We will sponsor the 2015 Day Spring Concrete Ball to empower people with intellectual disabilities.
Contact Name:________________________________________________________________________________
Company Name:_______________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________________
Please check Sponsorship Level*:
GOLD $15,000
SILVER $10,000
BRONZE $5000
Table Sponsor $1500
*Event Organizers will contact you for Guest Names for Registration and provide you tickets for your guests.
We are unable to serve as a sponsor but would like to make a donation of $ _____________ to benefit Day Spring.
Payment Information:
_______ Check is enclosed made payable to Day Spring Foundation.
_______ Please Invoice (Invoices will be sent May 1 payable by June 15, 2015.)
Visa/MC/Discover/AMEX (Please circle card type and print neatly.)
Account # ______________________________________________________________ CVV# _________________
Cardholder Name________________________________________________________ Exp. Date_______________
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Please Return by Mail or Fax Your Reply Today to:
Day Spring Foundation
3430 Day Spring
Louisville, KY 40213
Fax (502) 636-5980
Mary Ellen Howard, Marketing & Events Manager
(502) 883-6706