KRONENDAL PRIMARY SCHOOL STIMULUS Thursday 30 April 2015 SCHOOL IS CLOSED: FRIDAY 1 MAY (WORKER’S DAY) THURSDAY 14 MAY (ASCENSION DAY) SENIOR PRIMARY TESTS AND ASSIGNMENTS GRADE 4 English English Afrikaans GRADE 5 Afrikaans Afrikaans English GRADE 6 Maths English History GRADE 7 Afrikaans English Maths Prepared reading Writing instructions Wat ken jy nou 4 – 8 May 4 – 8 May 4 – 8 May Begripstoets Taaltoets (Ma-dis-lekker) Language Test 5 Mei 6 Mei 7 May Test Book review Test: Module 4 page 51 - 66 7 May 8 May 12 May Begripstoets Debate Assignment 5 Mei 7 May 8 May BOOKS FOR SENTINEL We had a fantastic response to our request for reading books for Sentinel Primary School. Thank you very much to all the families who donated such lovely books. The Sentinel teachers were very thrilled with their new resources which they will use in classroom libraries. If you still want to donate books, feel free to send them to school next week, and we will deliver them to Sentinel for you. DONATIONS FOR FIRE VICTIMS We had an overwhelming response to our request for clothing, food and blankets for the families who lost all their belongings in the Hangberg fire last week. It is always so encouraging to see a community pulling together and doing the right thing for people in their time of need. Let’s continue to teach our children about helping others and setting the example for them, so that they too will become adults of integrity and empathy. Thank you to all the families who responded to this emergency. WHAT’S HAPPENING NEXT WEEK? WINTER UNIFORM TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO WEAR EITHER SUMMER OR WINTER UNIFORM. Winter uniform is compulsory from Monday 4 May. Only Kronendal branded scarves, gloves and beanies may be worn, and only with the proper winter uniform. Please ensure that children have the correct winter uniform items so that they stay nice and warm at school. No other clothing will be permitted. Fiddlesticks has stock of all winter uniform and optional Kronendal accessories. WINTER WARMTH We will be collecting warm winter clothing and blankets for our annual winter warmth collection NEXT WEEK. Please sort through your cupboards and see what good quality, warm clothing can be donated to those less fortunate. Winter is upon us and many people in Hout Bay would appreciate some warmth. Please send your donations to school by Friday 8 May. We will also be collecting non-perishable soup ingredients to donate to local soup kitchens. If you are able to donate, please remember to put a packet of soup mix, split peas, beans etc in your trolley next time you are doing grocery shopping. HEARING SCREENING TESTS – final reminder Christina van der Riet, a registered speech therapist and audiologist will be offering hearing screening tests at school on Friday 8 May 2015. This test is available to all Kronendal children, and identifies those children whose hearing is not within normal limits. Hearing screening tests at this age are important because a mild hearing loss can easily go unnoticed, and can lead to scholastic difficulties later. Parents of children in Grade 1 – 4 in particular are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity, as the earlier a problem is picked up the easier it is to manage it. The cost of the test is R60. If you would like your child to be tested please fill in the consent forms that were sent home with Grade 1 – 4 children two weeks ago and return them to class teachers with the R60. The test will be done during school hours. If your child is in a higher grade, please ask the class teacher for a consent form, and return it by Thursday 7 May 2015. For further information or enquiries, contact Petra Schuler at 082 4163 159 or Christina van der Riet at FOUNDATION PHASE MOTHER’S DAY TEA Mothers of Foundation Phase children are invited to spend some special quality time with your child in their classroom on Friday 8 May from 12:00 – 13:00. Each class will be doing a different activity to honour their mothers, after which children may go home with their moms. Moms, book the date now. Details will follow in message folders. We look forward to seeing lots of moms on 8 May. DERBY DAY – a feast of winter sport. See you there! APPLICATIONS FOR 2016 – time to apply is running out Families who want to apply for their children to join Kronendal’s Grade 1 class next year need to get their applications in by TOMORROW. If you know people who want to apply and they have not already submitted application forms, please remind them to do so immediately. As our official deadline of 1 May is a public holiday, we will accept last minute applications on Monday 4 May. SUGAR FRIDAYS Well done to the Grade 5’s who raised R2093,80 for our school, and a special thank you to Grade 5 parents for sending so many delicious treats to sell. Grade 4 will have their turn next, on Friday 22 May 2015. SOUP KITCHEN Our Grade 7 charity monitors will be visiting St Peters soup kitchen on Thursday 4 June to serve soup and bread to the homeless and destitute people in our valley, and lend a hand to the volunteers that work there every week. We also like to give them some soup to take away with them, so if you have 1 litre or 500 ml yoghurt containers with lids, please send these to school as well. HEALTHY LUNCHES Please remember to pack healthy, sugar – free lunches for your child’s school day. There are a few children bringing sweets and chocolates in lunch boxes and this is not permitted at school. Children need nourishing, healthy food to function optimally. THANK YOU very much to the vast majority of parents who make the time and effort to pack healthy lunches. KNIT IN Our annual Knit In is on Friday 5 June. This involves knitting squares which are then sewn together to make lovely, warm, colourful blankets which we donate to charity. We can’t possibly knit enough squares in one afternoon, so we suggest you start knitting NOW. All you need is some double knit wool and size 4 – 5 mm knitting needles. Cast on 30 stitches, and knit until you have a square. Knitting squares is not only a great way to help others, but is also very good for fine motor co-ordination. Start knitting now and let’s see if we can make this year’s Knit In the best one yet. SPORT Please see the communicator for all fixtures. Any changes will go out via an alert on communicator. For matches please ensure that your child has the correct kit. We will not allow anyone to play in the incorrect uniform. If you are having trouble loading communicator, please contact Mrs Ashworth for assistance. RUGBY Well done to the U11 and U13 rugby teams who took part in the Atlantic 7’s Tournament last weekend. The U11 team came 4th and the U13 team came 3rd in the tournament. Special mention must be made of Jaydon Kreymborg for exceptional play. NETBALL Congratulations to all the girls who went through to Western Province Netball trials. It was a very long day! Well done to the following girls who have made it through to the next round: Savanna O’Brien, Beth Goode, Jade Irvine-Smith, Sophie Hartgers, Gemma Ball, Lauren Pearse and Giorgia Mann. The next round of trials is on Monday 4 May. SOCCER Thank you to all the families that donated soccer boots. We still need sizes 4, 5, 6 and 7 in particular. If you can assist please contact Claire: DERBY DAY Our annual Derby Day against Camps Bay takes place next Friday at Kronendal. Matches will start at 14:30. Below is the proposed schedule. Please note however that there may be some slight changes. RUGBY Under 13 A field 14:30 20 x 2 NETBALL Under 10 Netball/ tennis court 14:30 10 x 2 Under 11 Netball/ tennis court 14:30 10 x 2 Under 12 Netball/ tennis court 15:00 10 x 2 Under 13 Netball/ tennis court 15:00 10 x 2 CHESS Open Grade 3P classroom 14:30 SOCCER Under 11 B Boys B field 14:30 20 x 2 Under 9 B Boys A hockey field 14:30 15 x 2 Under 11 A Boys B field 15:30 20 x 2 Under 13 A girls A field 16:00 20 x 2 Under 9 A Boys A hockey field 15:15 15 x 2 Under 13 B Boys B field 16:00 20 x 2 Under 13 A boys A field 17:00 20 x 2 Please ensure that your child has the correct sports kit to play matches. Soccer: navy shorts, white school top, soccer long socks, soccer boots Netball: navy skort, navy sports top, short white socks, white takkies Rugby: navy shorts, Kronendal sports top will be issued for the match, NO BOOTS Hockey: navy skort, navy sports top, navy soccer long socks, white takkies THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The outcry against xenophobia by South Africans has been overwhelming. This reaffirms that we are a caring nation driven by Ubuntu and spirituality – and that the xenophobic attacks aren’t in keeping or acceptable to our inherent capacity for goodness. -Imtiaz Sooliman (as quoted in YOU magazine 30 April 2015)
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