Curriculum vitae and Bibliography: D.F. Cooke 3/18/2015 Dylan F. Cooke University of California, Davis Center for Neuroscience 1544 Newton Court Davis, CA 95618 Born July 26, 1976 Tel 530 754-7569 Fax 530 757-8827 Email Lebanon, NH Education and Training 2011-present 2005-2011 2005 2002 1999-2000 1999 1995 Assistant Project Scientist, Dept. of Psychology and Center for Neuroscience, UC Davis Postdoctoral Scholar, Center for Neuroscience, UC Davis Ph.D. in Psychology and Neuroscience, Princeton University M.A. in Psychology, Princeton University Research Assistant, Dept. of Psychology, Princeton University A.B. in Psychology, Princeton University, Magna Cum Laude Hanover High School, Hanover, NH, High Honors Research Support 2013-2016 2012-2014 2010-2015 2008-2011 2001-2004 NIH R03TW008928 Effects of Reversible deactivation of posterior parietal cortex in New World Cebus Monkeys Role: Co-Principal Investigator NIH R21-EB012866 Development of a Microfluidic Thermal Regulator for Studies of Cortical Function Role: Key personnel – project manager NIH R01-NS035103 The somatosensory cortex and thalamus Role: Key personnel – project manager NIH F32 NS59262 Functional architecture of motor cortex: Topography and connections Role: Principal Investigator NIH F31 NS41878 Tool use and the neural representation of arm position. Role: Principal Investigator Other Fellowships and Honors 2004-2005 2000-2001 1999 Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Honorific Fellowship, Princeton University First Year Prize Fellowship in Science, Princeton University Class of 1943 Senior Thesis Prize in Neuroscience, Princeton University Journal Referee Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Brain Research, Cerebral Cortex, Cognition, Consciousness and Cognition, Experimental Brain Research, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Frontiers in Movement Disorders, Journal of Comparative Neurology, Journal of Neural Engineering, Minds and Machines, Neuron Teaching and Public Outreach 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 Instructor, Psychology 140L, Biological Psychology Laboratory, Sierra College, Rocklin, CA Co-instructor, Psychology 190, Cortical plasticity within and across lifetimes, UC Davis. Presenter, Festival de Ciencias – cow eye dissection and discussion on eye function and evolution of vision for 170 2nd and 3rd-grade students. César Chávez Elementary School, Davis, CA. Co-organizer and presenter, Brain Awareness Week – cow eye dissection and discussion on eye function and evolution of vision for 300 students across three public high schools. Guest lecturer, Psychology 124, Comparative Neuroanatomy, UC Davis 1 Curriculum vitae and Bibliography: D.F. Cooke 3/18/2015 2008 California ground squirrels in Yolo County: Brain function and behavior. Yolo Basin Foundation’s Flyway Nights public lecture series, Davis, CA. 2006-2013, 2015 Guest lecturer, Psychology 121, Physiological Psychology, UC Davis. 2006-2011, 2015 Assisted with laboratory class, Psychology 124, Comparative Neuroanatomy, UC Davis 2003 Teaching Assistant & Laboratory Instructor, Psychology 259, Cognitive Neuroscience, Princeton University 2001-2002 Teaching Assistant & Laboratory Instructor, Psychology 315, Cognitive Neuroscience, Perception and Memory, Princeton University Invited Talks 2014 2013 2013 2011 2008 2007 2005 Laboratory rats gone wild: Environmental influences on neural plasticity. (With my collaborator, Danielle Stolzenberg.) Psychobiology Brown Bag Series, Department of Psychology, UC Davis. Cooling posterior parietal cortex to study functional connectivity and its role in manual behavior. 1st International Symposium Non-human Primate Neuroscience & Behavior, Ouro Preto, Brazil Sensorimotor substrates for non-human primate behavior. Symposium at XXXVII Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Neuroscience and Behavior, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Motor cortex in monkeys and ground squirrels. Psychobiology Brown Bag Series, Department of Psychology, UC Davis. Evolution of motor cortex in mammals. UC Davis Undergraduate Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior (NPB) Club, Davis, CA. Superflinchers and nerves of steel: Cortical control of defensive behavior in monkeys. Instituto de Biofisica Carlos Chagas Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Cortical control of defensive behavior. Center for Neuroscience, UC Davis. Peer-Reviewed Papers († Equal authorship; * indicates an undergraduate trained by Dylan Cooke) Dooley JC, Franca JG, Seelke AMH, Cooke DF, and Krubitzer LA (2015). Evolution of mammalian sensorimotor cortex: Thalamic projections to parietal cortical areas in Monodelphis domestica. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 8, 1-21. Cooke DF†, Goldring AB†, Baldwin MKL, Recanzone GH, Chen A, Pan T, Simon SI, Krubitzer L. (2014) Reversible deactivation of higher order posterior parietal areas I: Alterations of receptive field characteristics in early stages of neocortical processing. J Neurophysiol, 112, 2529-2544. Epub 2014 Aug 20. Goldring AB†, Cooke DF†, Baldwin MKL, Recanzone GH, Gordon AG*, Pan T, Simon SI, and Krubitzer L. (2014) Reversible deactivation of higher order posterior parietal areas II: Alterations in response properties of neurons in areas 1 and 2. J Neurophysiol, 112, 2545-2560. Epub 2014 Aug 20. Dooley JC, Franca JG, Seelke AMH, Cooke DF, Krubitzer L (2013) A connection to the past: Monodelphis domestica provides insight into the organization and connectivity of the brains of early mammals. J Comp Neurol, 521, 3877-3897. Epub 2013 Jun 20. Cooke DF, Goldring AB, Yamayoshi I, Tsourkas P, Recanzone GH, Tiriac A*, Pan T, Simon SI, Krubitzer L (2012) Fabrication of an inexpensive, implantable cooling device for reversible brain deactivation in animals ranging from rodents to primates. J Neurophysiol, 107, 3543-3558. Epub 2012 Mar 7. Cooke DF, Padberg J, Zahner T*, Krubitzer L (2012) The functional organization and cortical connections of motor cortex in squirrels. Cereb Cortex, 22,1959-1978. Epub 2011 Oct 20. Padberg J, Recanzone G, Engle J, Cooke D, Goldring A, Krubitzer L (2010) Lesions in Posterior Parietal Area 5 in Monkeys Result in Rapid Behavioral and Cortical Plasticity. J Neurosci 30, 12918-12935. Padberg J, Franca J, Cooke DF, Soares J, Rosa M, Fiorani Jr M, Gattass R, Krubitzer L (2007) Parallel evolution of cortical areas involved in skilled hand use. J Neurosci 27, 10106-10115. Graziano MSA, Aflalo TNS, Cooke DF (2005) Arm movements evoked by electrical stimulation in the motor cortex of monkeys. J Neurophysiol 94, 4209-4223. Epub 2005 Aug 24. Cooke DF & Graziano MSA (2004) Super-flinchers and nerves of steel: Defensive movements altered by chemical manipulation of a cortical motor area. Neuron 43, 585-593. Cooke DF & Graziano MSA (2004) Sensorimotor integration in the precentral gyrus: polysensory neurons and defensive movements. J Neurophysiol 91, 1648-1660. Epub 2003 Oct 29. Graziano MSA, Cooke DF, Taylor CSR, Moore T (2004) Distribution of hand location in monkeys during spontaneous behavior. Exp Brain Res 155, 30-36. Epub 2003 Nov 8. Cooke DF & Graziano MSA (2003) Defensive movements evoked by air puff in monkeys. J Neurophysiol 90, 3317-29. Epub 2003 Jun 11. 2 Curriculum vitae and Bibliography: D.F. Cooke 3/18/2015 Cooke DF, Taylor CSR, Moore T, Graziano MSA (2003) Complex movements evoked by microstimulation of the ventral intraparietal area. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 100, 6163-8. Graziano MSA, Cooke DF, Taylor CSR (2000) Coding the location of the arm by sight. Science 290, 1782-6. Reviews and Book Chapters Cooke DF, Goldring A, Recanzone GH, Krubitzer L (2014) The evolution of parietal areas associated with visuomanual behavior: From grasping to tool use. In: The visual neurosciences (Chalupa L and Werner J, eds). MIT Press, Chapter 73, 1049-1063. Krubitzer L, Campi KL, Cooke DF (2011) All rodents are not the same: A modern synthesis of cortical organization. Brain Behav Evol, 78, 51-93. Epub 2011 Jun 23. Graziano MSA & Cooke DF (2006) Parieto-frontal interactions, personal space, and defensive behavior. Neuropsychologia, 44, 845-859. Epub 2005 Nov 5. Graziano MSA, Taylor CSR, Cooke DF, Moore T (2005) A map of complex movements in motor cortex of primates. In Humphries and Riddoch (Eds.) Action and Attention. Oxford University Press, 211-232. Graziano MSA, Taylor CSR, Moore T, and Cooke DF (2002) The cortical control of movement revisited. Neuron 36, 349-62. Abstracts (* indicates an undergraduate trained by Dylan Cooke) Krubitzer L, Cooke DF, Stepniewska I, Miller DJ, Kaas JH (2015) Reversible deactivation of motor cortex reveals functional connectivity with posterior parietal cortex in the prosimian galago (Otolemur garnetti). IBRO, 599. Stolzenberg DS, Cooke DF (2015) Laboratory rats gone wild: Complex seminatural experience shapes brain organization and subsequent behavioral development in male and female rats. Society for Behavioral Neuroscience. Cooke DF, Stepniewska I, Miller DJ, Kaas JH, Krubitzer L (2014) Reversible deactivation of motor cortex reveals functional connectivity with posterior parietal cortex in the prosimian galago (Otolemur garnetti). Neurosci Abs 432.12. Baldwin MK, Cooke DF, Gordon A*, Krubitzer L (2014) Revealing functional organization of frontoparietal networks in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) using reversible inactivation. Neurosci Abs 446.02. Cooke DF, Padberg J, Cerkevich CM, Kaas JH, Krubitzer L (2013) Corticocortical connections of area 5 in macaque monkeys support the existence of functionally distinct medial and lateral regions. Neurosci Abs 551.09. Goldring AB, Cooke DF, Weatherford CB*, Recanzone GH, Pan T, Simon SI, Krubitzer L (2012) Reversible deactivation of motor cortex and posterior parietal cortex in macaques by cooling induces shifts in receptive field size and location in anterior parietal neurons. Neurosci Abs. 883.04. Grunewald R, Seelke AMH, Perkeybile A, Cooke DF, Bales, KL, Krubitzer L (2012) Effects of early parenting experience on cortical connections in prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). Neurosci Abs. 483.24. Cooke DF, Goldring A, Weatherford CB*, Yamayoshi I, Recanzone GH, Simon SI, Krubitzer L (2011) Reversible brain deactivation by focal cooling in an awake behaving monkey: Effects of deactivation of area 2, area 5, and area 7b on unimanual and bimanual reaching tasks. Neurosci Abs. 82.02. Goldring A, Cooke DF, Weatherford CB*, Yamayoshi I, Pan T, Recanzone GH, Tsourkas P, Simon SI, Krubitzer L (2011) Reversible brain deactivation by focal cooling in an awake behaving monkey: Materials and methods. Neurosci Abs. 82.01. Franca J, Cooke DF, Krubitzer L (2010) Organization of the parietal cortical areas in the marsupial short-tailed opossum, Monodelphis domestica. Neurosci Abs 690.10. Seelke AMH, Cooke DF, Krubitzer LA (2010) Development of functional and anatomical maps of the body in the somatosensory cortex of infant rats. Neurosci Abs 285.10. Amancio GJO, Bittencourt Navarrete RE, Oliveira AM, Soares JG, Cooke DF, Padberg J, Fiorani M, Gattass R, Krubtizer L, Franca JG (2010) Thalamic Projections to the Representation of the Hand and Forepaw in the Parietal Cortex of the Primate Cebus apella. Brazilian Society of Neurosciences and Behavior. Amancio, GJO, Pereira PVL, Bittencourt Navarrete RE, Padberg J, Soares JG, Cooke DF, Fiorani M, Gattass R, Krubtizer L, Franca JG (2009) Bases neurais da habilidade manual em primatas: conexões tálamocorticais no macaco Cebus paella.[Neural basis for manual dexterity in primates: thalamocortical connections of the monkey Cebus apella.] In: XXIVth Reunião Anual de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental - FeSBE, Águas de Lindóia, Brazil. Abstract #02.182. Bittencourt-Navarrete RE, Padberg J, Cooke DF, Rajan AT, Furr T, Soares J, Fiorani M, Gattass R, Krubitzer L, Franca JG (2009) Connectivity of the hand representation in areas 3b, 1, 2 and 5 of the parietal cortex 3 Curriculum vitae and Bibliography: D.F. Cooke 3/18/2015 in the cebus monkey. In: XXIVth Reunião Anual de Sociedades de Biologia Experimental - FeSBE, Águas de Lindóia, Brazil. Abstract #02.223 Cooke DF, Tiriac A*, Yamayoshi I, Padberg J, Pan T, Recanzone GH, Tsourkas P, Simon SI, Krubitzer L (2009) Fabrication of a lightweight and inexpensive implantable cooling device for reversible brain deactivation in animals ranging from rodents to primates. Neurosci Abs 105.13. Cooke DF, Padberg J, Zahner T*, Grunewald B, Krubitzer L (2008) Complex movements evoked by microstimulation of motor cortex in the California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi). Neurosci Abs 277.18. Franca JG, Padberg J, Bittencourt-Navarrete RE, Soares JG, Amancio GJO, Cooke DF, Rajan AT, Fiorani M, Gattass R, Krubitzer L (2008) Thalamocortical connections of areas 1, 2, and 5 in the New World cebus monkey (Cebus apella). Neurosci Abs 370.1. Padberg JJ, Cooke DF, Rajan AT, Furr TN, Engle JR, Recanzone GH, Krubitzer L (2008) Effects of area 5 lesions upon visually and nonvisually guided reaching and grasping behaviors in the Old World Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta). Neurosci Abs 177.18. Amancio GJO, de Bittencourt Navarrete RE, Padberg J, Soares JGM, Cooke DF, Rajan AT, Fiorani M, Gattass R, Krubitzer L, Franca JG. (2008) Thalamocortical connections of areas 1 and 2 in the New World cebus monkey (Cebus apella). In: NEUROLATAM - I Congresso IBRO/LARC de Neurociências da América Latina, Caribe e Península Ibérica, 2008, Búzios. NEUROLATAM - Abstracts. São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociências e Comportamento (SBNeC). Cooke DF, Padberg J, Zahner T*, Krubitzer L (2007) Thalamocortical connections of motor and sensorimotor cortical fields in California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi). Neurosci Abs 193.18. Padberg J, Cooke DF, Rajan AT, Krubitzer L, Soares JGM, de Franca JG, Rosa MPG, Fiorani M & Gatass R (2007) Corticocortical connections of areas 3b, 1, 2, and 5 in the New World cebus monkey (Cebus apella). Neurosci Abs 620.3. Cooke DF, Padberg J, Krubitzer L (2006) Cortical and callosal connections of motor cortex in the California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi). Neurosci Abs 806.15. Padberg J, Cooke DF, Krubitzer L, Soares J, de Franca J, Rosa M, Fiorani M & Gatass R (2006) Functional organization of somatosensory cortex in the New World cebus monkey (Cebus apella). Neurosci Abs 804.18. Aflalo TNS, Graziano MSA & Cooke DF (2005) The relationship between unconstrained arm movements and single-neuron firing in the macaque motor cortex. Neurosci Abs 990.3. Graziano MSA, Aflalo TNS & Cooke DF (2005) Properties of arm movements evoked by electrical stimulation of monkey motor cortex. Neurosci Abs 990.4. Cooke DF & Graziano MSA (2004) Super-flinchers and nerves of steel: Defensive movements altered by chemical activation or inactivation of a polysensory zone in motor cortex of monkeys. Neurosci Abs 177.1. Cooke DF & Graziano MSA (2003) Defensive movements evoked by air puff in monkeys resemble movements evoked by electrical stimulation in areas VIP and PZ. Neurosci Abs 912.5. Taylor CSR, Cooke DF, & Graziano MSA (2003) The EMG signature of complex movement is evoked within 20 ms by microstimulation of motor cortex. Neurosci Abs 708.12. Cooke DF, Taylor CSR, Moore T, & Graziano MSA (2002) Electrical microstimulation in monkey area VIP evokes defensive movements. Neurosci Abs 560.1. Graziano MSA & Cooke DF (2002) A manual “fovea”: distribution of monkey hand use in different regions of space. Neurosci Abs 268.9. Taylor CSF, Cooke DF, & Graziano MSA (2002) Complex mapping from precentral cortex to muscles. Neurosci Abs 61.12. Cooke DF & Graziano MSA (2001) Neurons in monkey area 5 are modulated by the positions of the eyes, the head, and both arms. Neurosci Abs 511.22. Cooke DF, Taylor CSR, & Graziano MSA (2000) Neurons in the monkey parietal lobe code arm position by integrating visual and somatosensory inputs. Neurosci Abs 249.4. Bharucha JJ, Saykin AJ, Peterson DV, Justus TC, Gibson LA, Cooke D, Moritz CH, & Wessinger CM (1998) Processing of tonal versus random musical sequences examined with FMRI. Neurosci Abs 170.9. 4
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