“KAR” Kansas Amateur Radio “KAR” May 2015 newsletter w0oyh@arrl.net Hi gang, I am vy vy sick. I am going thro the 2ed urinary infection this month and this one is horrible. No food for a 3 days. I need to get this out so be short. But what ever you do don't miss KØBJ's 2 photo albums to Italy below. Orlan u The Navy's new rail gun http://blog.theveteranssite.com/navy-railgun/?utm_source=social&utm_medium=vetfan&utm_campaign=navyrailgun&utm_term=20150321#84s7ia7JEsH2YWF4.01 u ARRL Field Day is June 27-28, 2015 It is not TOOoooo soon to start planning this year's FD! Do you have your site secured? Is the generator in gud working condition? Is ?????? u Subject: Yes, I remember this. Click here: http://safeshare.tv/w/FEDEwZHZXu Check out Graphene on The One Show - YouTube Graphene on The One Show - YouTube u u Where the Heck Do Cashews Come From? u Space travel around the coorner? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdMjW3W6SAY http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=36313.1860 u Larry’s List subscribers: This video is really worth watching… I realize that this is a bit of a digression from the amateur radio topic. There are many senior citizens who are subscribers to Larry’s List, who may appreciate this video too. Our daughter-in-law is a native Japanese, so this plus my own memory (I was 10 in 1941) of the war makes this even more special to me. <https://www.dvidshub.net/video/395572/jerry-wellin-world-war-ii-veteran-interview > Larry Staples, W0AIB <larrystaples@mac.com> _______________________________________________ To post a message to all the list members, send email directly to <lstaples@kc.rr.com> Hi Orlan, Here is some local coverage regarding the communications efforts in Nepal. http://www.wfsb.com/story/28919508/amateur-radio-assisting-the-relief-effort-in-nepal All the best to you and Liz. 73, Chuck, KØBOG At ARL Hq Newington, Ct Links for Kansas hams! ARRL http://www.arrl.org http://ksarrl.org Kansas Section Pages and KAR's ARRL Midwest Director's newsletter Kansas ARES Pages http://www.arrlmidwest.org/newsletter/newsletter.pdf http://ksarrl.org/ares Kansas ARES Printable Map http://ksarrl.org/ares/printit/ Skywarn is Wichita NWS Skywarn http://www.ict-skywarn.org Kansas QSO Party http://ksqsoparty.org Newton ARC http://www.newtonarc.org Wichita ARC http://www.warc1.org Ensor Museum http://www.ensorparkandmuseum.org/ S. A. T. E. R. N. http://www.SATERN.salvationarmy.us Kansas ARRL Section News http://www.arrl.org/Groups/view/kansas KC ham Info http://www.kchams.net/larrys_list.html NF9L KC page http://kchamradio.com/ BCNU Next month! ARRL Midwest Director Roderick K. Blocksome KØDAS The ARRL Midwest Division May 2015 Newsletter is now available on the Division's Web page. Here's the direct link: http://www.arrlmidwest.org/newsletter/newsletter.pdf This link always takes you to the current month's newsletter. If this month's newsletter doesn't open, try refreshing the page or clearing your browser's cache, in case your browser is loading a copy of a previous newsletter. Previous newsletters are available at: http://www.arrlmidwest.org/ and click on the Newsletter Archives link. Highlights this month: - Centennial Observance of World War I: Sinking of RMS Lusitania by Larry Staples, W0AIB - Roxanne Baxter, AA7RX - New Assistant Director in Nebraska by Rod Blocksome, K0DAS - HR-1301: The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015 - Demon Dash for Cash by Mark Lukins, AB0DX - One-day Technician Classes in Iowa by Tim Busch, N0CKR - Around the Midwest Division - Midwest Division Special Events - ARRL State Conventions in the Midwest Division - Midwest Division ARRL Hamfests - Midwest Division Leadership The newsletter is a PDF file which contains a number of pictures, graphics, and links to Web pages and email addresses. If you have trouble opening the PDF file, you can download the latest version of the free Adobe Reader software at: http://get.adobe.com/reader/. 73's, Rod Blocksome, K0DAS -------------------------------------------------------------------ARRL Midwest Division Director: Roderick K Blocksome, K0DAS k0das@arrl.org -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Honary Vice President Bruce KØBJ Orlan, I had a great time attending the Pordenone Italy hamfest, computer and car stereo fair. I had been to this event in 2012, and they invited me back for their 50th fair this April. I spent two days in Tuscany with my friend IZ5DKJ and family, then met IV3TDM and IV3VSC. These OMs took me to the Ferrari museum, the city of Modena, the lake region and Dolomite Alps, and we had a visit at the Begali key factory and lunch with I2RTF. I also made short trips to Slovenia S5 and Croatia 9A. The hamfest had about 30K attendance of which 3K were hams. I checked about 20 DXCC and WAS submissions totaling 1000+ cards. The Italians are wonderful hosts, and know how to enjoy food and life. Here is a link to my Italy photo album https://plus.google.com/photos/111515057687619621489/albums/6137290690340222385?banner=pwa and the Bagali factory trip https://plus.google.com/photos/111515057687619621489/albums/6140302515675928865?banner=pwa Pordenone's club call is IQ3PN and they had a special call for their 50th fair -- II3FPN KC0BS arrived in Italy shortly after I returned home, attending a wedding and sightseeing not far from where the hamfest was held. Too bad the timing didn't work for an eyeball QSO over there. Here Is Orlan's ham friend Orlin KØOJ Oj, Orlin who lives in Greeley, Colorado sent this to KAR to share an old old “film” on how crystals were made for WWII. OJ is also a gud friend of Tom who writes KARs “Tom's Key Strokes”. Subject: CRYSTALS GO TO WAR Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 21:46:28 -0600 HOW CRYSTALS WERE MADE IN 1943. HOPE THIS WILL BE A GOOD ONE FOR KAR OC. I HAVE NOT SEEN THIS ONE BEFORE. IF SO USE IT IN NEXT MONTHS. OJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b--FKHCFjOM Western Kansas 160 meter net The Western Kansas 160m net will be tonight at 8 PM mountain time on 1.960 LSB. The topic tonight: are you active on your local repeater? if not, what would it take to make you active? see you on the air! 73, Matt, KD0EZS The Western Kansas 160m Net meets every tuesday night at 8PM mountain time on or near 1.960 LSB. we have a different (usually ham radio related) topic every week. Matt Hello Orlan, Happy May Day! That’s a fun little holiday ya don’t hear much about anymore. When I was a kid we made May baskets and took them over to several of the neighbors house's, set them on the stoop and ring the bell and run..... Later as we got older, We just rang the bell and run, left no basket of candy. them poor folks. The Western Kansas 160m net is held on Tuesday evenings at 9 PM Central time on or near 1.960 LSB. All Amateurs are welcome and encouraged to check in. Net reports for April 2015: 4/7/2015: Topic: what topic suggestions do you have? we generated 17 new topics for upcoming nets. We had 21 stations from 11 states check in. Stations Checking in: W7JSC N3LRH N0IGU N0IGZ KG5DX WB0RSP N0NB WA7KYM KB0MSB K9GAJ K0OJ K0AS N7OO K0VET W5VXE KD0ZS N0BF AC5HM NO0A KD0UEK W0KRT 4/14/2015: Topic: Where did you learn CW? We had 24 stations from 8 states check in. W7JSC NO0A N0NB KD0UEK W5VXE W0ZZS N0BF KD0YOR AC5HM K0OJ KD0ZS K9GAJ KG5DX N0IGZ K0VET KI0ID WA7KYM N0XRS N0IGU WD0ESF K0BJ KC7GOL N7JYS AC0KC 4/21/2015: Topic: where and how far did you go for your first test? We had 27 stations check in from 9 states. AC5HM WD0ESF K0HYD KD0UEK WA7KYM W5VXE KD0ZS W7JSC NO0A N0GMT KD0YOR N0NB W0KRT KC7GOL N0BF K5ZG K0OJ N0XRS N0DQS W0SBS WB0SRP N0IGZ N7OO KD0NQM K9GAJ W0EM AF9O 4/28/2015 K0OJ was guest NCS. no report received yet. thank you everyone for supporting this net! see you on the air! 73, Matt, KD0EZS u Hi Orlan, K0OJ was guest net control for 4/28/2015, there was no topic. His report is as follows: We had 20 stations from 8 states, K0OJ N3LRH K0VET W5VXE K9GAJ N0BF N0IGU KD0ZS N0NB AG5S W7JSC KD0YOR K0AS WA7KYM KF5QGD AC5HM K5ZG KC7GOL KD0UEK N7AOK A big thank you to K0OJ for calling the net! see you on the air! 73, Matt, KD0EZS u Please check this out . go to our S.M.A.R.T. www.smartrving.org site. , left side scroll down to LINKS OF INTEREST. My Kansas Ham Radio www. page will be there for all to see. Thank you Hams KCONDG Sherwin SEEING THE COUNTRY WE DEFEND Go to www.smartrving.org Click to Left on -- TRAVELER Click down on MARCH TRAVELER This TRAVELER is posted Bi-Monthly on www We also Post a E-News each mo. Again thank you for posting our S.M.A.R.T. on our KAR page. KCONDG Sherwin Thank you Orlan Again: Thank you Orlan for your support along with all of our Kansas Ham operators. 73’s to all my Ham friends. I would enjoy-- giving a talk to one of our NCK operators meeting ] about S.M.A.R.T.. What our S.M.A.R.T. Veterans stand for and what we do as an organization. Thank you in advance. KCONDG Sherwin www.smartrving.org SEEING THE COUNTRY WE DEFEND ARES – Amateur Radio Emergency Service! Complete list of ECs and a printable State Ares map at http://ksarrl.org/ares/alphaks.php/ http://ksarrl.org/distks.pnp u Zone 2F – Stan WDØEUF u Zone 3B – Eric KCØARW Dist 3B Phillips and Norton Co. ARES Net report for April 2015. The net is held every Monday night at 8:30 pm on 147.120 AA0HJ/R and 442.725 KD0ARW/R, both located in Phillipsburg 4 net sessions QNI 18 QTC 0 31 Mins on air No further activity for April Thanks Eric Melton KD0ARW u Zone 4A – Brian KCØBS APRIL 2015 MONTHLY ARES REPORT TO DEC & SEC Total of ACTIVE ARES members: 150 +0 Local Net Name: Johnson County ARES Emergency Coordinator = Brian Short KC0BS 913-638-7373 Alternate Emergency Coordinator = Jim Andera K0NK 913-884-6613 Assistant Emergency Coordinators: Steve Rainey WD0DPB - Spec Events George McCarville WB0CNK - Training, Drills Matt May KC4WCG - IDs, MECC Bill Gery KA2FNK - Recruiting, Technology Darren Martin N0MZW - Net Manager Stan Frear KA5WEI - Membership Del Sawyer K0DDS - CERT Chuck Simpson KC0NUG - Rapid Response Denny Healzer KC0ZDS - KCHEART NTS liaison is maintained with the KS SSB Net: Jim Andera K0NK Terry Reim WA0DTH George McCarville WB0CNK Jim Cordill KI0BK Debbie Britain AB0UY Rich Britain N0ENO Wretha Galeener KC0HHO Net Sessions: 37 QNI: 324 QTC: 0 4 nets = 2 Meter Voice 4 nets = CW 4 nets = 6 Meter 4 nets = 2 Meter Voice Simplex 4 nets = PSK 31 SATERN 4 nets = APRS Packet 5 nets = 70CM 4 nets = 1.25 Meter 4 nets = SATERN 80 meter SSB Report prepared by: Darren Martin N0MZW Johnson County Kansas u Zone 4I - Mike KCØNFG APRIL, 2015 ARES 4-I NET REPORT ARES 4-I NETS: 4; CHECK IN-56; TRAFFIC-0 ARES 4-I NET HELD SUNDAY EVENINGS 9:00PM / 146.985 t88.5 K0HAM REPEATER BACKUP FREQ. SIMPLEX 146.580; 443.000 t103.5 K0ESU REPEATER; 147.045 t88.5 KOHAM/K-LINK REPEATER SYS 73, MIKE PATE/KC0NFG ARES 4-I EC THE 146.985 K0HAM REPEATER WAS DOWN FOR SEVERAL WEEKS AND IS NOW BACK ON LINE. (THANK YOU KC0BS, ON THE FLY AND ACROSS THE PASTURES!! HIHI) THIS WAS GOOD PRACTICE FOR USING OTHER MEANS, SUCH AS SIMPLEX AND BACKUP REPEATERS! AR u Zone 6E – Rod KØEQH Kansas ARES Zones 6A, E & G April 2015 Net report Total Nets................5 Total QNI................35 No traffic... Two announcements. Stations participating: ACØE, NØOMC, NØKQX, NØOXQ, KDØTWO, WBØQYA WØOAG, KØEQH Alt N/C: NØOMC Rod KØEQH NC Scott City Latest newsletter http://ksarrl.org/satern The SATERN Communication Vehicle made a stop in Pittsburg for the January meeting of the SEKARC! <http://www.sekarc.net/2015/01/satern-visits-sekarc.html> A special thanks to the SATERN team that took time out of their Saturday to come to Pittsburg and talk with us! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! -Jeff Chancey, KAØEGE <jwchancey@gmail.com> <http://www.SEKARC.net> The Kansas State Convention - Salina Kansas August 16, 2015 Home pg http://www.centralksarc.com/ Convention pg http://www.centralksarc.com/12_kansas_convention.pdf Central Kansas Amateur Radio Club - <http://centralksarc.com> STATE CONVENTION - HAMFEST 2016 - August 16, Salina, Kansas, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Webster Conference Center - At exit 253, I-70, go north on Ohio Street about 150 yards. ARRL VE testing - starts 9:00 a.m. Commercial Vendors: Associated Radio, D&L Antennas and B&S Sales (Radio Shack), plus lots of Flea Market tables. Reserve a table - ($20) - Each table includes one free admission. Meeting rooms are available for your presentation. Age 10 and higher, admission - $7.00 per person. Tom Blackshere, N0MOK - <salinahamfest@cox,net - 785-452-1873 The February 2015 Issue of QSP has been posted to the CKARC's Web Site. http://www.centralksarc.com/ Sid NØOBM QSP Editor -Sid Ashen-Brenner sid.ashenbrenner@gmail.com SILENT KEYS “SK” u Orlan: Hope you get feeling better. A ham from my home town of Hoxie became a silent key last week. K0MXU was know by his middle name Allen. The Obit is below. I remember after I was first licensed in the late 70's I was visiting his plumbing shop and saw this antenna made up of two copper helix coils. Allen said he had built this to listen to Sputnik. Obituary for Charles Neal Charles “Allen” Neal passed away on Thursday, April 9, 2015, at the Hays Medical Center, Hays, Kansas, at the age of 93. He was born March 3, 1922, in Sheridan County, Parnell Township, Hoxie, Kansas, to Charles English and Nellie Anna (Shea) Neal. He attended Hoxie Grade School and graduated from Sheridan Community High School with the class of 1940. He attended The University of Kansas for two and a half years before enlisting in the Army. While in the Army, he served as a radio repairman with the 1146th and 252nd Combat Engineer Battalion in England, France, Holland, Belgium and Germany for 20 months. He installed, inspected, tested, and repaired communications equipment. While serving in Germany, Allen met his future bride, Ingrid. It took two long years for Allen to get her to the United States from her home in Berlin. When Ingrid arrived in Hoxie, they were united in marriage on May 2, 1948. In 1945, while stationed in Germany, Allen received a letter from his dad, Charles E. Neal, stating he had an opportunity to buy the plumbing portion of Mickey Hardware. He asked his son to join him. Allen and his dad made the purchase and started Neal Plumbing Shop. He was partners with his father until 1960 when his father retired. Allen continued, with Ingrid’s help, to own and operate Neal Plumbing Heating and Air Conditioning for a total of forty-five years. On October 1, 1990 Allen and Ingrid retired and sold the business. Allen’s retirement did not slow him down. He enjoyed his hobbies of genealogy, photography, distance running, and amateur radio. He took great pleasure in bird watching. Allen was a busy person and served his community in many ways. He was Sheridan County Civil Defense Director, a storm spotter, volunteer fire fighter, and EMT. He served on the Sheridan County Hospital Board. He was past president of the Sheridan County Historical Society. He was also a member of the Friends of Cottonwood Ranch, Ham Radio Operator Club, and Sheridan County Council on Aging. He represented Sheridan County on the Northwest Kansas Area Transit Coordinating Council, and was involved in many other organizations. Allen was a faithful member of the United Methodist Church of Hoxie. He was very involved and instrumental in the video ministry of the church. He was a man with a kind spirit and loving heart. Most of all, Allen loved and cherished his family. The quiet legacy this man left us can be seen in many ways in the Hoxie community. As he and many others of his generation are quietly vanishing from the plains of Kansas, it should be remembered that they helped form the foundation of this community. Allen is survived by his son Norbert and wife Catherine of Elk City, KS; daughters, Karin Knight and husband Jim of Aiken, South Carolina; Belinda Cullen and husband Patrick of Berryton, KS; and brother Varlan Neal and wife Catherine of Oberlin, KS; sister, Mary Karnes of Hoxie, KS; grandchildren, Stacy Winchester, Ryan Knight, and Neal Cullen; and great-grandchildren, Caroline and Bergen Winchester, and Kane Cullen. He was preceded in death by his wife, Ingrid; parents Charles and Nellie (Shea) Neal; brothers, James and William Neal; and sister, Ruby Holmes. Finally, like good ground wave propagation, Allen’s life and legacy extend way beyond the horizon of his own life to the generations that follow. His radio call sign, K0MXU has signed off for now, but his love and memories will transmit forever in our hearts until we meet again. Donations may be made to the United Methodist Church of Hoxie or the Sheridan County Health Complex and may be sent in care of Mickey-Leopold Funeral Home, P.O. Box 987, Hoxie, Kansas 67740. Online condolences may be left at www.mickeyleopoldfuneral.com. ----- Original Message ----From: "Larry Staples" <larrystaples@mac.com> To: "Larry's List" <larryslist@k0jpr.net> Sent: Sunday, May 03, 2015 11:00 AM Subject: [LarrysList] Lots Epperson Obituary > Lora Epperson was Bill Epperson's (WB0CEF) wife. They lived across the street from me, and before Bill became a SK, I would visit with them almost every evening as they passed my house on their daily walk. > > http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/kansascity/obituary.aspx?n=lora-june-epperson&pid=174771526&fhid=20460 > > In 2005 Larry Staples posted Bill’s obituary in the "Central States Ham Radio and Amateur Radio Group" on Yahoo Groups: > > https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Central_States_Hams/conversations/topics/57 > > >— > John Morse, N0EI > n0ei@arrlnet.org > _______________________________________________ > To post a message to all the list members, send email directly to <lstaples@kc.rr.com> Letters to the Ed u Thanks for the latest KAR. You and Liz have had enough “downs” , time for a bunch of “ups”. I hope you enjoy this bit of humor! -Chuck KØBOG u An old geezer, who had been a retired farmer for a long time, became very bored and decided to open a medical clinic. He put a sign up outside that said: Dr. Geezer's clinic. "Get your treatment for $500, if not cured get back $1,000." u > The April 2015 KAR newsletter is available to you at > to read and or save to your computer. http://ksarrl.org Thanks for the pointer, but I notice the "April 2015" KAR still says "February 2015 Newsletter". Also, the link < http://ksarrl.org/ares/alphaks.php/ > sends me to a webpage last updated in January, 201FOUR! Maybe you can give a hint to someone to update that page? -- 73, Myron A. Calhoun, <W0PBV@ARRL.net>. RACES Radio Officer for Riley County and ARES Emergency Coordinator for Riley, Clay, and Geary Counties Five boxes preserve our freedoms: soap, ballot, witness, jury, and cartridge SRI abt that agn. With the wife and I both fresh out of the hospital I have TOO much on my plate. Hope she can walk agn May 5th. Orlan u ----- Original Message ----From: "Larry Staples" <larrystaples@mac.com> To: "Larry's List" <larryslist@k0jpr.net> Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 5:24 AM Subject: [LarrysList] Old technology, Ham Radio! > <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J1jdx83_AE&feature=youtu.be> > _______________________________________________ > To post a message to all the list members, send email directly to <lstaples@kc.rr.com> u For those interested in printed circuit boards: <http://issuu.com/eeweb/docs/08-2014-modern_printed_circuits_2_p/27?e=7607911/12319739> Mike Barelli W0MAF <mbarelli@gmail.com> 816-213-0479C _______________________________________________ To post a message to all the list members, send email directly to <lstaples@kc.rr.com> u The April issue of QSP is "finally" on-line. As usual of late, it's been a "Zoo" of a month. In short, I'm spread too thin (as usual) Sid NØOBM If I've got your email address wrong, please send me an update! -Sid Ashen-Brenner sid.ashenbrenner@gmail.com u This was an ARRL production. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CVnzNNSsdU> Dave Ross, KA0VXR <ka0vxrarrl@gmail.com> _______________________________________________ To post a message to all the list members, send email directly to < lstaples@kc.rr.com> u Larry Here is an excellent website for electronics. http://www.changpuak.ch/electronics/index.php RC Electronics LLC Robin Cross, w0fen ret CE KCUR, WNIJ/WNIU <robin@kcur.org> _______________________________________________ To post a message to all the list members, send email directly to < lstaples@kc.rr.com> u This one is in South Dakota. https://www.youtube.com/embed/f1BgzIZRfT8?feature=player_embedded u Subject: [LarrysList] I remember Henry Radio Sure do! I bought my Viking Ranger in Butler in 1955. Orlan w0oyh <http://www.henryradio.com/ourhistory.html> Charlie Mudge, NO0P <mailformudge@gmail.com> (That’s where my TS-930S came from. Larry, W0AIB) _______________________________________________ To post a message to all the list members, send email directly to <lstaples@kc.rr.com> HA- HA - HA - HA - HA u Doctor "Young," who was positive that this old geezer didn't know beans about medicine, thought this would be a great opportunity to get $1,000. So he went to Dr. Geezer's clinic. This is what transpired. Dr. Young: --- "Dr. Geezer, I have lost all taste in my mouth." can you please help me ?? Dr. Geezer: --- "Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in Dr. Young's mouth." Dr. Young: --- Aaagh !! -- "This is Gasoline!" Dr. Geezer: "Congratulations! You've got your taste back. That will be $500." Dr. Young gets annoyed and goes back after a couple of days figuring to recover his money. Dr Young: "I have lost my memory, I cannot remember anything." Dr. Geezer: "Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient's mouth." Doctor Young: "Oh no you don't, -- that is Gasoline!" Dr. Geezer: "Congratulations! You've got your memory back. That will be $500." Dr. Young (after having lost $1000) leaves angrily and comes back after several more days. Dr. Young: "My eyesight has become weak --- I can hardly see !!!! Dr. Geezer: "Well, I don't have any medicine for that so -- " Here's your $1000 back." Dr. Young: "But this is only $500..." Dr. Geezer: "Congratulations! You got your vision back! That will be $500." Moral of story -- Just because you're "Young" doesn't mean that you can outsmart an old "Geezer " !!!! Tom's Key Strokes - WØEAJ Denver, Co. Displaced Kansas Neighbor and very gud friend.! *** daileyservices@centurylink.net u <http://www.ohio.edu/people/postr/bapix/pyramid3.htm > There ara a multitude of these around, and many "dead" ones can be obtained pretty inexpensively. Here's how they work and how to fix 'em. Tom - WØEAJ u Just an add to the lightning info: Overwhelmingly, more gear is damaged by "zorches" up the POWER LINES than via antennae. It's good to unhook the "skywires", but UNPLUG that stuff from the mains too. Down where my place is, we DO have quite a bit of sparky stuff, and being at 6,320 msl, the air density is less, so it's more frequent, as well! Tom Dailey - WØEAJ <radio@daileyservices.com> _______________________________________________ To post a message to all the list members, send email directly to <lstaples@kc.rr.com> u Many of us occasionally pull a trailer, and having just had an interface-jack and brake-controller installed on my '02 Toyota Tundra... AND discovering that the morons who installed it didn't wire it correctly, I did some research into proper connections and wire colors, related thereto. One will notice that the function-connection pin-locations remained the same, but the newer SAE-32863 standard switched the wire colors. I thought this might help somebody avoid what I went through. so - I put together a couple of docs with the proper coding - for reference only - available from Tom (see his email address below). The information URL I based the ‘word’ documents upon is: <http://howto.curtmfg.com/Pages/index.cfm.27.html> Tom Dailey, W0EAJ <radio@daileyservices.com> _______________________________________________ To post a message to all the list members, send email directly to <lstaples@kc.rr.com> Yep, that is Kansas for you! wwwwwwwwwwww KAR w0oyh@arrl.net The Kansas Amateur Radio w0oyh@arrl.net KAR wwwwwwwwwwww
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