Supporting the mission of ICRISAT using Geospatial tools Identifying the opportunities for intensifying drylands Murali Krishna Gumma RS-GIS laboratory Resilient Dryland Systems ICRISAT, Patancheru KSI, May 08th , 2015 RS/GIS team South Asia ESA Anthony Whitbread Murali K Gumma Irshad Ahmed Deepika Uppala Ismail Rafi Andre Van Rooen PCS Traore & Team Albert Chirima Gizachew Legasse WCA Outline 1. How Geospatial data can contribute to agricultural research? 2. Crop type / crop intensity mapping / changes 3. Contributions to CRPs Geospatial products for the SAT Land use changes Crop LGP Crop type / intensity maps Research groups Tracking adoption of NRM Technologies • Breeders • System modelers • Social scientists • Hydrologists • Planning departments Impact assessment Simulated yield estimations and impact Abiotic stresses Spatial modeling (Prioritization) Remote sensing imagery: Global to local at resolution Satellite Spatial resolution (m) Spectral bands Pixels/ha $/ AVHRR 1000 4 0.01 Free MODIS 500/250 36 (7) 0.04 Free Landsat ETM+ 30 7 11.1 Free Landsat 8* 30 11 11.1 Free NAIP-AP AWiFS IRS Liss3 ASTER IRS Liss4 RapidEye IKNONOS Cartosat1 GeoEye1 SPOT 1 56.5 23.5 15 5.6 5 4 2.5 2 10 1 4 4 4 3 5 3 PAN 4 4 10000 207 18.1 44.4 400 400 625 1600 2500 100 Free 0.01 0.15 0.04 1.19 1.23 5.02 6.59 12.05 1.01 … we now get very high quality data (e.g., Landsat 8 for free!!!). * Landsat 8 effective from March 2013 (up to date free satellite images) Field to global scale mapping WS level @ 1m River basin – Krishna @ 30m Country – Ghana @ 30m 30 m Legend level3_50cls-to-14cls_atankwidi.img Class_Names Barrenlands lands Barrenlands mix with Rangleands Irrigated-Shallow Groundwater-Vegetables Rainfed-LS-mixed crops Rainfed-MS-mixed crops Rangelands mix with fallows, Short shrubs Rangelands-Rainfed fallows Rangelnads Mix with Barren ladns Riverbed and bare soils Savannah, Forest (Trees) Savannah, Trees, Short shrubs Settlements Short shrubs, trees Water bodies Regional – Africa @250m 60°0'0"E Global scale @ 10km Continental wise – Asia @ 500m 90°0'0"E 120°0'0"E 150°0'0"E Soviet Union Mongolia Korea D P Rp China Korea Rep Japan 30°0'0"N 30°0'0"N Afghanistan Iran Pakistan Nepal Untd Arab Em India Bhutan Bangladesh Taiwan Burma Oman Laos Philippines Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Asia rice map (2010) 01. Rainfed - rice 02. Irrigated - surface water-rice 03. Irrigated - groundwater - rice 04. Irrigated - conjunctive use - rice 60°0'0"E 90°0'0"E Brunei Malaysia 0°0'0" 0°0'0" Sri Lanka Indonesia Papua N Guin Australia 120°0'0"E 150°0'0"E Methods and approaches for mapping cropland extent Temporal satellite images(MODIS 250m) Rescaled NDVI 0 1 Jan 2014 Feb 2014 Mar 2014 Apr 2014 May 2014 Jun 2014 Jul 2014 Aug 2014 Nov 2014 Oct 2014 Sep 2014 Feb 2011_MVC Mar 2011_MVC Apr 2011_MVC Dec 2014 May 2011_MVC Ground data collection Ideal Spectral signatures Band1 Band2 Band3 Band4 Band5 Band6 Band7 Band8 Band9 Band10 Band11 Band12 Band13 Band14 Band15 Band16 Band17 17-Jan-14 18-Feb-14 18-Mar-14 18-Apr-14 18-May-14 18-Jun-14 18-Jul-14 18-Aug-14 18-Sep-14 18-Oct-14 18-Nov-14 18-Dec-14 2-Jan-15 18-Jan-15 2-Feb-15 18-Feb-15 5-Mar-15 Mapping crop land areas in Africa(2014) Major crops (2014) 01. Rainfed-sc-sorghum 02. Rainfed-sc-millets/sorghum 03. Rainfed-sc-groundnut 04. Rainfed-sc-pigeonpea 05. Rainfed-SC-maize/sorghum/millet 06. Other crops Mapping crop land areas in Ethiopia (2014) Land use / land cover 01.Rainfed-DC Maize/mixed crops 02.Rainfed-SC Maize/sorghum 03.Rainfed-SC tef, sorghum, Maize 04.Rainfee-SC-tef/wheat,barly 05.Rainfed mixed Crops (vegetables etc) 06.Irrigated-SC-sugarcane-VLS 07.Irrigated_mixedcrops 08.Rainfed_Rice 09.Rangeland/fallow 10.Range lands/Shrublands 11.Shrublands/Wasteland tress 12.Barenlands/Sanddunes 13.Forest 14.Waterbodies 15.Builtup Area (ha) 6372292 1815141 2001659 2479437 3245085 742929 3885358 425107 8707126 31388136 33157504 13747506 4671170 697645 40946 11,33,77,041 Level5_mod250_2014_lulc_15cls.img 01.Rainfed-DC Maize/mixed crops 02.Rainfed-SC Maize/sorghum 03.Rainfed-SC tef, sorghum, Maize 04.Rainfee-SC-tef/wheat,barly 05.Rainfed mixed Crops 06.Irrigated-SC-sugarcane-VLS 07.Irrigated_mixedcrops 08.Rainfed_Rice 09.Rangeland/fallow 10.Range lands/Shrublands 11.Shrublands/Wasteland tress 12.Barenlands/Sanddunes 13.Forest Gumma et al., (Preparation) 14.Waterbodies 15.Builtup LULC Mapping in Ethiopia (Amhara region) West site East site Gonji qolella Mapping crop land areas in Malawi (2014) (Gumma et al., Prep) Mapping crop land areas in Tanzania Mapping crop land areas in Mali (2014) Land Use Land Cover changes in Kani Village of Mali (1991, 2002 and 2013) SC = Single crop Birhanu & Gumma., 2015 Mapping of Crop Land During 2014 Mapping of Crop Land During 2014 Methods and approaches Spatial analysis for Prioritization Gumma et al., 2015 Prioritization of watersheds: Semi-arid tropcs 1st Priority ! Gumma et al., 2014 Kechema ! Adulala Methods and approaches for delineating groundwater potential zones Gumma et al., 2013 Inland valley area and % area cultivated in Ghana 1. IV wetland area: 11.4 % (2,714,946 hectares) of the total geographic area of Ghana which is 23,853,300 hectares. Color key 2. IV wetland cultivation: < 5% (130,000 ha) of IV wetlands are currently cultivated. Colors indicate characteristically similar inland valley wetlands in biophysical terms. Gumma et al., 2009 Croplands of South Asia 2014-2015 Total land area = 446 Mha Total cropland area = 205 Mha Land use / land cover (area in 000'ha): 2014-15 01. Irrigated-TC-Rice-Rice-Fallows/Mixedcrops (4477) 19. Rainfed-DC-Rice-Fallows (2176) 02. Irrigated-TC-Rice-Wheat-Pulses (219) 20. Rainfed-DC-Maize-Pigeonpea (102) 03. Irrigated-TC-Rice/Mixedcrops-Rice-Rice/Mixedcrops (3046) 04. Irrigated-DC-Rice-Rice (6975) 21. Rainfed-Rice/Maize/Mixedcrops (5107) 22. Rainfed-SC-Cotton/Pigeonpea/Chilli/Mixedcrops (21511) 05. Irrigated-DC-Rice-Wheat/Chickpea (21358) 23. Rainfed-SC-Wheat/Mustard/Chickpea (1142) 06. Irrigated-DC-Rice-Maize/Beans/Pulses (8293) 07. Irrigated-DC-Rice/Sorghum-Pulses/Chickpea (2238) 24. Rainfed-SC-Maize/Beans/Mixedcrops (5050) 25. Rainfed-SC-Millet/Beans/Sorghum/Fallow (32793) 08. Irrigated-DC-Rice/Maize/Beans-Mixedcrops (3697) 09. Irrigated-DC-Cotton/Pigeonpea-Mixedcrops (2686) 26. Rainfed-SC-Sorghum/Millet/Maize/Rice (4885) 27. Rainfed-SC-Pulses/Fallows (16516) 10. Irrigated-DC-Beans-Mustard (1427) 28. Rainfed-SC-Mustard/Maize/Chickpea-mix (500) 11. Rainfed-Supplemental-DC-Maize-Wheat/Chickpea (11554) 12. Irrigated-Conjunctive-DC-Millet/Sorghum/Beans-Wheat/Chickpea (17212) 29. Rainfed-SC-Mixedcrops (4709) 30. Irrigated-SC-Sugarcane/Banana (4141) 13. Rainfed-Supplemental-DC-Pigeonpea-Chickpea/Mixedcrops (141) 31. Rangelands/Shrublands/Rainfed-Fallows (19328) 14. Rainfed-Supplemental-DC-Pulses-Wheat/Chickpea/Mixedcrops (4812) 15. Irrigated-DC-Sorghum/Maize/Beans/Gnut-Wheat/Chickpea (22699) 32. Barrenlands/Shrublands/Wastelands (104544) 33. Forest (89149) 16. Irrigated-DC-vegetables/rice- fallow (225) 34. Waterbodies (1818) 17. Irrigated-DC-Mixedcrops-Chickpea (9898) 18. Irrigated-DC-Mixedcrops/Sugarcane (8221) 35. Built-up (3336) ICRISAT Mandate crops in South Asia Groundnut (774300 hectares) Class_Name Millet (5348103 hectares) ICRISAT Crops (2013-14) Sorghum Millets Groundnut Kharif + Rabi sorghum ( 4322140 hectares) Pigeonpea Chickpea Groundnut (1.67 Mha) Chickpea crop extent: India Land use / land cover (2014-15) Rainfed - supplemental - chickpea Irrigated - croplands Rainfed - croplands Water bodies Urban areas Other LULC Rice – fallows (rabi fallows) in India (2014-15) Country Pakistan Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh Sri Lanka India Net rice area (000'ha) 2,173 1,665 28 8,306 744 43,439 Rainfed- rice- Irrigatedfallows rice-fallows (000'ha) (000'ha) 23 2 13 102 0 2 83 2,275 2 2 4,941 3,258 level6_2014-15_rice-fallow-12cls.img 01. Rainfed-SC-rice-fallows 02. Rainfed-supplemental-rice-fallows 03. Irrigated-SW-SC-rice-fallows 04. Rainfed-SC-rice/mixedcrops-fallow 05. Rainfed-DC-rice-pupses 06. Irrigated-DC-rice-pulses 07. Irrigated-DC-rice-rice 08. Irrigated-DC-rice-wheat/maize 09. Irrigated-TC-rice-rice-mixed crops 10. Irrigated-SC-banana/rice/sugarcane 11. Rainfed-Lowlands-rice 12. Rainfed-SC-mixedcrops-fallows 13. Other LULC 14. Water bodies 15. Urban areas Identifying rice-fallows Nomalized difference vegetation index 0.9 Fallow window Monsoon rice Summer rice 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 LSWI 0.1 0 Dec-11 Feb-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jul-12 Month Aug-12 NDVI Oct-12 Dec-12 Crop intensity Crop intensity Single crop Double crop Triple crop Kharif: Length of growing periods (LGP) LGP (Kharif) 01. Jun-Oct 02. Jun-Nov 03. Jul-Sep 04. Jul-Oct 05. Jul-Nov 06. Jul-Dec 07. Aug-dec Rabi: Length of growing periods (LGP) LGP (Rabi) 01. Oct-Feb 02. Oct-Jan 03. Nov-Apr 04. Nov-Feb 05. Dec-Mar 06. Dec-Apr 07. Jan-Mar 08. Feb-Apr Summer: Length of growing periods (LGP) LGP (Summer) 01. Feb-Apr 02. Feb-May 03. Mar-Jun Planting dates NDVI & LSWI 1 NDVI LSWI 0.8 Harvesting Planting 0.6 0.4 Planting dates 01. Jun, 1st to 30th 0.2 02. Jul, 1st to 15th 0 May-13 Aug-13 Nov-13 Date 03. Jul, 16th to 30th Mar-14 Jun-14 04. Aug, 1st to 15th 05. Aug, 16th to 30th 06. Sept, 1st to 15th 07. Sept, 16th to 30th Temporal changes due to various stresses in agriculture areas Abiotic stresses Flood damage Mild drought Moderate drought Severe drought Abiotic stresses: 2002 a) Abiotic stresses Abiotic stresses Flood damage Mild drought Moderate drought Gumma et al., 2014 Severe drought Mapping crop land areas in Myanmar (2013 -14) Pulses Net rice area 6,660,577 Gross rice area 8,474,177 Pulses area 3,651,316 Land use /Land land usecover / land cover Area (ha) 01. Rainfed - lowlands-flood-rice-LS 01. Rainfed-lowlands-flood-rice-LS 407230 02. Rainfed - SC-rice-fallow-LS 02. Rainfed-SC-rice-fallow-LS 788431 03. Rainfed - DC-rice-pulses-LS 03. Rainfed-DC-rice-pulses-LS 3233464 04. Rainfed / irrigated-SW-DC-rice-rice-LS 1813600 04. Rainfed/irrigated-SW-DC-rice-rice-LS 05. Irrigated - SW-DC-rice-pulses/mixed crops 05. Irrigated-SW-DC-rice-pulses/mixed 417852 crops 06. Rainfed-SC-mixed crops-LS(30% shrubs) 06. Rainfed – SC - mixed crops-LS(30% shrubs) 5547140 07. Rainfed-GW-SC-mixedcrops 07. Rainfed-GW-SC-mixed crops 777788 08. Shrub mixmixed withcrops rainfed 08. Shrub lands mixlands with rainfed mixedcrops 3400884 099. 09. WaterWater bodies bodies 10. Built-up 10. Built-up lands 574173 lands 96840 11. Evergreen forests/shrub lands/other 50222483 land co 11. Evergreen forests/shrub lands/other land cover Potential areas for grain legumes: Myanmar Regions / Province Ayeyarwady Bago East Bago West Chin Kachin Kayah Kayin Magway Mandalay Mon Rakhine Sagaing Shan (East) Shan (North) Shan (South) Tanintharyi Yangon Rice-fallows (ha) 33900 13204 36078 1017 10618 4560 5026 70722 91006 4683 25353 281352 3131 14697 43250 2756 25877 Expansion of Chickpea in AP Year 2000-01 Year 2012-13 Land use / land cover Groundnut / sorghum / fallows Maize / mixed crops Cotton-chilli Orchards / mixed crops Rice-mixed crops Other LULC Chickpea Expansion of Chickpea 168,362 ha 389,361 ha Area (ha) MODIS-2000 MODIS-2005 Modis-2012 Anantapur 34777 51304 84493 Cuddapah 30343 69258 117903 Kurnool 68113 140511 196793 Prakasam 35129 128288 159524 168362 389361 558713 Districts 558,713 ha Gumma et al., (review) Contribution to CRP: Dryland systems Land use / land cover changes at the action sites Contribution to CRP: Dryland systems Land use / land cover at the action sites Contribution to CRP: Dryland systems Biomass estimation (Bijapur sites) Crop Wet Biomass (Mannur and Balaganur) Crop Wet Biomass (Nandihal ) No data No data 1,001 - 2,000 1 - 750 2,001 - 3,000 751 - 1,500 3,001 - 4,000 1,501 - 2,000 > 4,000 2,001 - 2,805 Contribution to CRP: Water, land and ecosystems Land use / land cover maps for the action sites Net rice area: 1.1 mha Rice growing areas (2012-13) 01. Irrigated-SW-DC-rice-rice-TP 02. Irrigated-SW-DC-rice-rice (50%)-TP 03. Irrigated-SW-SC-rice-DS 04. Irrigated-SW-SC-rice-TP 05. Irrigated-SW-DC-rice-moxedcrops/fallow-DS 06. Irrigated-SW-DC-rice-rice-DS 07. Rainfed-supplemental-SC-rice/mixedcrops-TP 08. Irrigated-SC-rice with mixedcrops-TP 09. Rainfed-SC-rice with mixedcrops-TP/DS 10. Plantaions/orchards 11. Water bodies Direct Seeded Rice (30-35 days crop) 12. Urban areas Other land use / land cover Districts SIRVAR KALLUR KAVITAL MANVI Transplanted Rice (25-30 days crop) Gumma et al., (review) Contribution to CRP: CCAFS Mapping crop land areas in Laos (2014) Land use / land cover (2014) 01. Rainfed-SC-rice 02. Rainfed-SC-mixed crops, rice / shrubs mix 03. Rainfed-supplemental-DC-rice-pulses 04. Rainfed-SC-mixed crops/shrubs mix 05. Rangelands / fallows 06. Shrub lands / Rainfed-SC-mixed crops 07. Shrub lands/forest 08. Forests 09. Waterbodies / wetlands 10. Built-up lands Note: SC = Single crop; DC= Double crop Conclusions • Mapped agriculture areas for Asia and Africa • Conducted intensive ground data for priority countries • Tested methods at country level • Support to multidisciplinary teams Next steps 1. Map cropland areas for Africa 2. Develop automated techniques using open source software 3. Dissemination of geospatial outputs across institute 4. Conducting capacity building courses at institute wide 5. Collaborations with other CG centres and other research organizations Thank you
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