Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007, 14, 199-212 199 Medicinal Chemistry of Fetal Hemoglobin Inducers for Treatment of -Thalassemia Roberto Gambari*,1,2 and Eitan Fibach3 1ER-GenTech, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Section of Molecular Biology, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy 2GenTech-for-Thal, Laboratory for the Development of Pharmacological and Pharmacogenomic Therapy of Thalassaemia, Biotechnology Centre, Ferrara, Italy 3Department of Haematology, Hadassah - Hebrew University Medical Centre, Jerusalem, Israel Abstract: In this review we summarize the achievements of medicinal chemistry in the field of pharmacological approaches to the therapy of β-thalassemia using molecules able to stimulate the production of fetal hemoglobin (HbF). We first describe the molecular basis of the pathology and the biochemical rational of using HbF inducers for therapy; we then outlined the in vitro and in vivo experimental systems suitable for screening of such potential drugs, and finally we describe the different classes of compounds with emphasis on their advantages and disadvantages in the treatment. The results of these reviewed studies indicate that: (a) HbF inducers can be grouped in several classes based on their chemical structure and mechanism of action; (b) clinical trials with some of these inducers demonstrate that they are effective in ameliorating the symptoms of β-thalassemia; (c) a good correlation was found between HbF stimulation in vivo and in vitro indicating that in vitro testing might be predictive of the in vivo response; (d) combined use of different inducers might maximize the effect, both in vitro and in vivo. However, (e) the response to HbF inducers, evaluated in vitro and in vivo, is variable, and some patients might be refractory to HbF induction by certain inducers; in addition, (f) several considerations call for caution, including the fact that most of the inducers exhibit in vitro cytotoxicity, predicting side effects in vivo following prolonged treatments. Keywords: Fetal hemoglobin; β-thalassemia; Histone deacethylases; Hydroxyurea; DNA-binding drugs; Rapamycin. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Professor Panos Ioannou. INTRODUCTION The objective of this review is to summarize the achievements of medicinal chemistry in the field of pharmacological approaches to the therapy of β-thalassemia. We will shortly describe the molecular basis of the pathology and the experimental systems suitable for the screening of potential therapeutic compounds. Major emphasis will be dedicated to the description of the different classes of molecules employed in in vitro and in vivo preclinical studies, as well as recently performed clinical trials. 1. HEMOGLOBINS AND THEIR SWITCH DURING ONTOGENY Hemoglobin (Hb) is a tetramer of two α-like and two βlike globin polypeptide chains. In human, the genes for αglobins are clustered on chromosome 16, which contains one gene for ζ and two genes for α (α 1 and α 2, the proteins of which are identical). The genes for β-like globins are clustered on chromosome 11, that contains genes for ε, β and δ, one gene for each, and two slightly different genes for γ (Gγ and Aγ , the proteins of which differ in one amino *Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Via L.Borsari n.46, 44100 Ferrara, Italy; Tel: +39532-424443; Fax: +39-532-424500; E-mail: 0929-8673/07 $50.00+.00 acid). In addition, these clusters contain various sites that are responsible for the regulation of the expression of each gene [1]. The expression of the globin genes is regulated during ontogeny. In humans, globin production is characterized by two major "switches" [2]. Production of embryonic Hbs switches after the first two months of gestation into fetal Hb (HbF) (α 2γ 2), and then again, before and immediately after birth, into adult Hb (HbA) (α 2β2). Since both HbA and HbF contain α chains, the switch from the former to the latter represents a decrease in the expression of the γ -globin genes, associated with an increase of β-globin gene expression. The prevalence of HbF during embryonic life is explained by its high affinity to oxygen, a property that allows it to remove oxygen from HbA in the maternal red blood cells (RBCs) through the placenta. Immediately after birth the newborn has 85-98% HbF, which gradually decreases to < 5% at the age of one year. In adult life HbA is the major Hb, a small < 5% is HbA2 (α 2δ2) and the rest (<5%) is HbF which is concentrated in a few RBC [3-5]. 2. -THALASSEMIAS In β-thalassemias, mutations affecting the β-globin gene or its regulatory regions cause absence (β0) or reduced (β+ ) synthesis of β-globin chains [1-4]. This is associated with a corresponding excess of the complementary α-globin. The © 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. 200 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007, Vol. 14, No. 2 outcome of this unbalanced globin production is the destruction by apoptosis of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow and at extramedullary sites (ineffective erythropoiesis) and short survival of RBCs in the peripheral blood [5-10]. The disease is associated with morbidity and mortality due to severe chronic anemia and treatment-related complications (such as multi-organ failure due to iron overload which is caused by increased absorption and therapeutic blood transfusion). More than 200 mutations have been found to cause βthalassemia [10]. In contrast to α-thalassemia, where deletions in the α-globin gene cluster account for the disease, the molecular defects causing β-thalassemia are usually point mutations involving only one or few nucleotide(s) [10,11]. For instance, β°39-thalassemia is caused by a stop codon mutation that leads to premature termination of β-globin chain synthesis [12,13]; the β°IVSI1 mutation suppresses correct maturation of the β-globin RNA precursor [14], while in thalassemia with the β+ IVSI110 mutation normal and abnormal spliced β-globin RNA precursor coexist [15]. 3. FETAL HEMOGLOBIN AMELIORATES THE CLINICAL SYMPTOMS OF -THALASSEMIA The proportion of HbF in postnatal life is influenced by various physiological [6] and genetic [7,8] factors. An increase in HbF may be acquired, e.g., in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia [9] or during acute erythropoietic stress [10] and is frequently observed in β-hemoglobinopathies [11,12]. Epidemiological findings have shown that increased HbF in β-thalassemia ameliorates the clinical symptoms [16,17]. The most convincing finding was found in individuals with mutations associated with hereditary persistence of HbF (HPFH) in adults [22-25]. Coexistence of homozygous βthalassemia with HPFH is asymptomatic. It seems that HbF can functionally compensate for the absence of β-globin chains [16-21]. These findings have generated conside-rable interest in identifying molecular and pharmacological ways to increase the production of HbF [26-36]. Indeed, several groups of compounds were found to reactivate the γ -globin genes in post-natal erythroid cells. However, many of these drugs have low efficacy and specificity, while some are potentially toxic or carcinogenic. There is therefore an urgent need for new agents that can induce HbF production with greater efficiency and lower toxicity. 4. IN VITRO MODEL SYSTEMS FOR SCREENING OF POTENTIAL INDUCERS OF FETAL HEMOGLOBIN Cells Expressing Reporter Genes Under the Control of the -Globin Promoter In order to screen for HbF inducers, several groups have used cells transfected with reporter genes that are under the transcriptional control of the Gγ -globin gene promoter. The main advantage of these systems is that they can potentially be automated and thus serve for high-throughput screening of HbF inducers. For instance, Skarpidi et al. [37] used Gambari and Fibach recombinant DNA constructs in which the coding sequences of two different luciferase reporter genes, firefly and renilla, were substituted for those of human Gγ -globin and β-globin genes, respectively. When HbF inducers were added to cultures of cells stably transfected with these constructs, the activity of their human globin genes could be determined by a sensitive enzymatic assay of the two luciferases in the cell lysates. The specificity of the inducers was determined by their ability to increase the activity γ -globin/firefly luciferase gene more than that of the β-globin/renilla luciferase. Other groups introduced reporter genes within an intact β-globin gene locus. Thus, Vadolas et al. [38] developed a stable cellular genomic reporter assay based on a variant of the green fluorescence protein (EGFP) gene under the Gγ globin promoter in the intact human β-globin locus. They demonstrated that K562 cells stably transfected with this construct maintain a uniform basal level of EGFP expression over long periods of continuous culture and that induction of EGFP expression is associated with the induction of the endogenous γ -globin genes. Furthermore, they compared the GFP-induction potency of several agents, demonstrating that this system might help in identifying novel HbF inducers [38,39]. Fig. (1) reports results obtained using cells stably transfected with a Gγ -Aγ -EGFP β-globin locus construct [38] (Fig. 1A) or with reporter genes (coding green EGFP and far-red fluorescent protein, red-FP) under the control of the human γ -globin or β-globin promoters, respectively (Breveglieri, G.; Salvatori, F.; Feriotto, G.; Gambari, R., manuscript in preparation) (Fig. 1B). Human Erythroid-Like Cell Lines Human erythroid-like cell lines, such as K562 [40], HEL [41] and UT-7 [42], were derived from cells explanted from patients with various forms of myeloid leukemia. The cells grow in suspension cultures as single, undifferentiated cells, with low production of Hbs. When stimulated by various agents, they respond within few days with a significant increase in the production of Hbs and the expression of other erythroid-specific differentiation markers. Among these erythroid-like cell lines, K562 cells, isolated and characterized by Lozzio & Lozzio [40] from a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia in blast crisis, have been extensively employed as a useful in vitro model to study the molecular mechanism(s) regulating the expression of embryonic and fetal human globin genes [43-46], as well as for screening of new differentiation-inducing compounds [47-55]. Rutherford et al. first reported in 1979 [47] that hemin induces a reversible accumulation of embryonic and fetal Hbs without affecting the rate of cell growth; the cells can be indefinitely subcultured in the presence of the inducer. Thus, this cell line appears to be committed along the embryo-fetal erythroid differentiation pathway and, when induced by hemin, produces Hb independently of terminal differentiation. Since then, many inducers of erythroid differentiation were described, such as cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) [54], butyrates [56], 5-azacytidine [57], chromomycin and mithramycin [51], tallimustine [49,58], cisplatin and cisplatin analogs [50]. Unlike hemin, most of these inducers inhibit cell growth and activate terminal cell division. When K562 cells committed to differentiation by these inducers Fetal Hemoglobin Inducers and -Thalassemia Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 Vol. 14, No. 2 201 Fig. (1). Screening of HbF-inducers – The use of cells expressing reporter genes under the control of the γ-globin promoter. A. The green fluorescence protein (EGFP) gene is under the transcriptional control of the Gγ-globin promoter in the intact human βglobin locus [38]. B. A construct was generated, cloning the EGFP and red-FP under the control of γ-globin and β-globin promoters, respectively. The constructs in (A) and (B) were stably transfected into K562 cells, which were treated with HbF-inducers. C. The effect of hydroxyurea (a), mithramycin (b), cisplatin (c), carboplatin (d), butyrate (e) and trichostatin (f) are shown as percent increase in EGFP expression (data from Vadolas et al. [38]). D. The selective γ-globin inducing effect of angelicin is indicated by the increase in EGFP (which is under the control of the γ-globin promoter), but not of red-FP (which is under the control of the β-globin promoter). Cells were examined and photographs with a fluorescence microscope. were cloned in semi-solid culture, they generated small colonies of Hb-containing cells that could not be subcultured [55]. Fig. (2) demonstrates the induction of Hb synthesis by cytosine arabinoside in K562 cells. Quantitative methods to follow erythroid induction in K562 and other cells include (a) benzidine-staining to measure the proportion of Hbcontaining cells (Fig. 2, C-E), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (b) cellulose-acetate gel electrophoresis to characterize the produced embryonic Hbs usually Hb Portland, ζ2γ 2, and Hb Gower 1, ζ2ε 2, and (c) Northern blotting (Fig. 2, F and G) and RT-PCR analyses to determine the expression of globin genes [55]. Although these cell lines serve as convenient experimental models, because of their leukemic origin and long history in culture, they do not recapitulate all aspects of erythroid cell development. For example, K562 cells do not respond to erythropoietin (EPO), the physiological erythroid hormone and they do not produce adult Hbs. Therefore, in the absence of expression of β-globin, this model does not recapitulate certain aspects of the pathology of β-thalassemia cells (e.g., excess of α-chains). Finally, although many agents have been shown to increase Hb production in such cell lines, not all are effective on primary cultures of erythroid cells, and, vice versa, other agents (e.g., cytokines), that affect primary cultures, fail to stimulate these cell lines. Cultures of Human Erythroid Progenitors It is possible to obtain large cultures of relatively pure and synchronized erythroid cell population and compounds can be added on different days when the culture consists of 202 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007, Vol. 14, No. 2 Gambari and Fibach Fig. (2). Screening of HbF-inducers – The use of human erythroid cells. A-G. K562 cells were treated with 250 nM cytosine arabinoside for 7 days. The pellets of un-treated (A) and treated (B) cells. The red color of the pellet in (B) indicates hemoglobin production. C-D. Uninduced (C) and induced (D) cells stained with dihydrobenzidine (representative hemoglobin-containing blue cells are arrowed). E. Kinetics of the increase of benzidine-positive, hemoglobincontaining cells treated with 50 (¡) and 100 (l) nM rapamycin. n = control uniduced cells. F-G. Northern blotting analysis of uninduced (left side) and erythroid induced (right side) cells. Hybridization was carried out with a γ-globin (F) or a β-actin (G) probe. The increase of signal in erythroid induced cells (F) indicates an increase of production of γ-globin mRNA. No major changes are observed studying β-actin mRNA (G). H-M. Cultures of human erythroid progenitors. Peripheral blood progenitors derived from normal donors were cultured according to the two-phase liquid culture protocol [59,60]. (H) Large aggregates of erythroid precursors on day 6 of phase II. Unstained cells were photographed in situ using an inverted microscope. I. A red pellet of erythroid precursor cells harvested from day-12 phase II cultures. (L) Benzidine staining of cells from day 8 phase II cultures. Cells were smeared on a glass slide using a cytocentrifuge, and stained with 3,3'-dimethoxybenzidine. Mature erythroid hemoglobin-containing cells, which are benzidine positive, (representative cells arrowed) and early erythroid precursors, which are benzidine negative, are seen. M. HPLC chromatogram of hemoglobins produced by cultured erythroid cells. Control (upper chromatogram) and rapamycin-treated (lower chromatogram) cells were harvested on day 12, washed and lysed. The hemoglobins in the lysate were separated on cation-exchange HPLC. The peaks are labeled with the corresponding hemoglobin type. Increase in the proportion of HbF is detectable in lysates from treated cells. cells at specific stages of maturation. In a procedure developed by Fibach et al. [59], the procedure is divided into two phases: an EPO-independent phase, in which peripheral blood cells are first cultured in the presence of a combination of growth factors, but in the absence of EPO. In the second phase, the culture, supplemented with EPO, generates orthochromatic normoblasts and enucleated erythrocytes (Fig. 2, H-L) [65]. During phase I, erythroid, myeloid and megakaryocytic progenitors proliferate and differentiate. The early erythroid-committed progenitors, BFUe, proliferate and differentiate into CFUe-like progenitors. At this stage, the cultures contain some adherent cells (mainly macrophages) and non-adherent cells (mainly lymphocytes). After one week, the non-adherent cells are harvested, washed and re-cultured in fresh medium supplemented with EPO. In the absence of necessary cytokines to support their proliferation and differentiation, non-erythroid progenitors cease their development. The CFUe proliferate and differentiate into erythroid precursors. Proerythroblasts are discernible by inverted microscopy on Fetal Hemoglobin Inducers and -Thalassemia Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 Vol. 14, No. 2 days 4-5 of phase II as large, round and smooth cells. At this stage they may be purified from remaining lymphocytes and erythrocytes on Percoll gradient and re-cultured in the same medium. As the proerythroblasts continue to multiply, they form clusters and then large aggregates which, when undisturbed, can reach hundreds of cells (Fig. 2H). As these cells differentiate, they decrease in size and accumulate Hb (Fig. 2L, arrowed cells), and the aggregates assume a reddish color (Fig. 2I). Peripheral blood cells are employed in this procedure for the following reasons: (a) the availability of blood from normal individuals and patients; (b) the homogeneity of the peripheral blood erythroid progenitors, namely early BFUe, as opposed to the bone marrow which contains progenitors at various developmental stages. Good results can be obtained with cells derived from other sources, including CD34+ cells purified by immuno-magnetic bead technologies, but, in these cases, some modifications of the procedure are required. This system recapitulates many aspects of in vivo erythropoesis including globin RNA metabolism, cell cycle kinetics, expression of cell surface antigens, iron and ferritin metabolism and transcription factors [60-62]. Several research groups have used this system to study the effects of hundreds of compounds, including butyrate derivatives [63,19], hemin [65], EPO [64]. For studying their potential to enhance HbF production, compounds can be added to phase I, phase II or both. Non-toxic drugs, such as cytokines and hemin, may be added to the cultures at any time. With cytotoxic drugs, such as hydroxyurea (HU) and 5-azacytidine, because of their cytotoxic/cytostatic effects, they are usually added on day 4-8 of phase II. Since the erythroid cells in phase II are grown in suspension, samples of cells can be withdrawn at any time without disturbing the cultures and assayed for morphology, size, number, cell viability and apoptosis, cell cycle or expression of surface antigens. Hemoglobinization can be easily followed by staining the cells with benzidine. The Hb content of the developing erythroid cells can be measured by a variety of techniques, such as alkaline denaturation, benzidine staining, cation-exchange HPLC for hemoglobins (Fig. 2M) and reverse-phase HPLC for globin chains. Using the HPLC techniques, Hb is measurable in culture as early as 5 days in phase II. On day 12, one ml culture is sufficient for multiple measurements. The mean cellular Hb or HbF concentrations of erythroid cells are calculated from the values of the HPLC determinations divided by the number of benzidine-positive cells. The distribution of the erythroid cell population with respect to intracellular content of HbF can be analyzed by flow cytometry using monoclonal antibodies directed specifically against HbF [60]. Dual/triple staining with the corresponding antibodies can be used for simultaneous analysis of both HbA and HbF, or Hb and another marker of interest such as glycophorin A or CD34 surface antigens [60]. 5. MOUSE MODELS FOR -THALASSEMIA Murine models mimicking β°-thalassemia are very difficult to be obtained [66]. This is due to the fact that the mouse β-globin locus contains four functional β-globin genes: βh1 and ε y, which are transcribed only during the embryonic development and become silenced in 14-15 dayold embryos, and the b1 (βmajor ) and b2 (βminor) genes, Table 1. In Vivo Experimental Model Systems for Studying the Effects of HbF Inducers Genotype Phenotype Reference HbbTh1/Th1 (a) Mild anemia Skow et al., 1983 [68] HbbTh2/Th2 (b) Severe anemia Sheehee et al., 1993 [70] HbbTh3/- (c) Thalassemia intermedia Yang et al., 1995 [71] HbbTh3/Th3(c) Death in utero Yang et al., 1995 [71] HbbTh3/Th3 fetal liver cells Adult thalassemia major Rivella et al., 2005 [73] HbbTh3/- carrying human globin locus Recapitulates β-IVS-110 with a β-IVSI-110 globin gene splicing mutation Vadolas et al., 2006 [74] HbbTh3/- carrying human globin locus Recapitulates β°39 Jamsai et al., 2005 [75] with a β°39 globin gene stop mutation HbbTh3/- carrying human globin locus Recapitulates HbE with a β-thal/HbE globin gene phenotype Irradiated mouse transplanted with (a) Deletion including the b1 gene. (b)Targeted deletions of b1 gene with the insertion of a non-globin promoter. (c) Deletion of both b1 and b2 genes. 203 Jamsai et al., 2006 [76] 204 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007, Vol. 14, No. 2 Gambari and Fibach Fig. (3). Strategies for screening and developing of HbF-inducers for treatment of β-thalassemia. which are activated around 11 days after conception and in adults produce 80% and 20%, respectively, of the total (1315 g/dl) Hb [66]. Notably, unlike humans, mice lack γ -like globin genes, and the embryonic to adult Hb switch occurs before birth, rather than during the first 6 months after birth. Accordingly, no naturally occurring mutations that completely inhibit expression of the b genes have ever been observed, as mice homozygous for such β° mutations are expected to die prenatally of severe anemia [66]. However, a few adult mouse models of β-thalassemia intermedia have been described (Table 1). In the th1 model, a spontaneous DNA deletion includes the b1 gene and its adjacent upstream sequence, including the promoter [67]. Mice that are homozygous (Hbbth1/th1) have reduced Hb levels but only a mild anemia, possibly due to a translational compensatory mechanism that increases b2 (βminor) globin synthesis [66,68]. Another mouse model (th2) was generated by targeted deletion of the b1 gene, introducing a non-globin promoter into the disrupted b1 locus. Homozygous Hbbth2/th2 mice are severely anemic and do not survive more than a few hours after birth, while heterozygous mice show a very mild phenotype [69]. The th3 model was generated by deletion of both the βmajor and βminor genes [70,71]. Mice homozygous for this deletion die late in gestation, as expected by the absence of the b1 and b2 gene products. Heterozygotes (Hbbth3/+ ), however, are viable but exhibit severe anemia (7 to 9 g/dL of Hb), abnormal RBC morphology, splenomegaly and hepatic iron deposition similar to that found in patients with βthalassemia intermedia. Recently, an adult mouse model of β0-thalassemia was generated by engrafting wild-type mice, after myelo-ablation, with β-globin-null fetal liver cells harvested from 14.5- day Hbbth3/th3 embryos which lack both the βmajor and βminor genes. After 6-7 weeks, these mice exhibited a severe anemia (2-4 g Hb/dL), low RBC and reticulocyte counts and hematocrit values. The profound anemia settled in after 50 days, consistent with the clearance rate of the recipient’s normal RBCs, and the mice succumbed to ineffective erythropoiesis within 60 days [72]. Post mortem Fetal Hemoglobin Inducers and -Thalassemia Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 Vol. 14, No. 2 examination demonstrated severe body mass reduction with massive splenomegaly due to erythroid hyperplasia as well as extensive hepatic extra-medullary hematopoiesis and iron overload [66,72]. Since the work by Tariq et al. [73], showing the crucial role of the human Locus Control Region (LCR) in reproducing the correct switch from γ -globin to β-globin gene expression, β-thalassemic mouse models were generated which, in addition to deletion of the mouse β-like globin genes, carry a mutated human β-globin gene cluster. For instance, Vadolas et al. [74] generated a "humanized" mouse model carrying the common thalassemic β+ -IVSI-110 splicing mutation on a bacterial artificial chromosome that contains the human β-globin locus. They examined heterozygous murine β-globin knock-out mice carrying either the IVSI-110 or the normal human β-globin locus. A 90% decrease in human β-globin chain synthesis was observed in mice with the IVSI-110 mutation compared to mice with normal human β-globin cluster. This difference has been attributed to aberrant splicing; therefore, the humanized IVSI-110 mice recapitulate the splicing defect found in comparable β-thalassemia patients. This model can therefore serve as a platform for testing strategies for restoration of normal splicing. Other examples of “humanized” transgenic β-thalassemia mice are listed in Table (1) [75,76]. 6. INDUCERS OF FETAL HEMOGLOBIN HbF inducers can be grouped in several classes according to their chemical structure and mechanism of action (Table 2) [77-115]. Fig. (3) shows a flow-chart of the necessary Table 2. steps for screening, characterization and developing of a useful clinical HbF inducer. Hypomethylating Agents Decreased HbF production after birth is associated with DNA methylation at the γ -globin gene promoter by DNA methyltransferases [77-79]. These enzymes are inhibited by the cytosine analogs, 5-azacytidine and 5-aza-2'deoxycytidine (decitabine) [80]. In early studies, 5azacytidine significantly increased HbF in thalassemia patients, but clinical development of these analogs was halted after a poorly controlled animal study that suggested that 5-azacytidine might be carcinogenic. However, the majority of the preclinical studies with decitabine have suggested a chemopreventive rather than carcinogenic effect [81]. Furthermore, decitabine, unlike 5-azacytidine, is not incorporated into RNA and is a more directed DNAhypomethylating agent [82]. Accordingly, this class of HbF inducers should be carefully reexamined for their therapeutic potential. Hydroxyurea One of the first studies showing a clear effect of hydroxyurea [HU] was published in 1993 by Fibach et al. [63] using the two-phase liquid culture in which, as previously described, human peripheral blood-derived progenitor cells undergo proliferation and differentiation. HU was found to have multiple effects on these cultured cells: (a) an increase in the proportion of HbF produced; (b) a decrease in cell number due to inhibition of cell Inducers of Fetal Hemoglobin in Erythroid Precursor Cells from Human Donors Inducer Mechanism of action References (a) Hydroxyurea Inhibition of DNA synthesis Fibach et al., 2003 [63] 5-azacytidine Hypomethylation of DNA De Simone, 2004 [82] Citarabine Hypomethylation of DNA Sauthararajah et al, 2003 [80] Butyrates HDAC inhibitors Cao et al., 2004 [86] Trichostatin HDAC inhibitor Marianna et al., 2001[84] Apicidin HDAC inhibitors Witt et al., 2003 [88] Scriptaid HDAC inhibitors Johnson et al., 2005 [90] Mithramycin DNA-binding drug Fibach et al., 2003 [108] Cisplatin and analogues DNA-binding drugs Bianchi et al., 2000 [50] Tallimustine and analogues DNA-binding drugs Bianchi et al., 2001 [49] Angelicin DNA-binding drug Lampronti et al., 2003 [107] Rapamycin FRAP-mTOR signal transduction Mischiati et al., 2003 [111] Fibach et al., 2006 [113] Triple-helix oligodeoxynucleotides Peptiole nucleic acids (PNAs) (a) In some cases, only a representative reference in given. 205 Activation of γ-globin gene promoter Xu et al., 2000 [118] Artificial promoters Wang et al., 1999 [122] 206 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007, Vol. 14, No. 2 proliferation; (c) an increase in Hb content per cell (mean corpuscular hemoglobin, MCH); and (d) an increase in cell size (mean corpuscular volume). The extent of these effects was related to the HU dose and time of addition. When added to cell cultures from normal individuals 4 days following their exposure to EPO, HU caused a 1.3- to 3.5fold increase in the proportion of HbF, from 0.4% to 5.2% (mean 1.6%) in untreated to 1.5% to 8.2% (mean 3.1%) in HU-treated cultures. Addition of HU to cells isolated from four patients with β-thalassemia showed a 1.3- to 6.2-fold increase. When HU was administered to thalassemic mice it improved the β-thalassemic phenotype. Sauvage te al. reported [93] that the hematocrit rose from 29 ± 3% at day 0 to 37 ± 4% at day 30, despite myelo-suppression and decreased reticulocyte counts. The βminor/α ratio of globin chain synthesis increased from 0.78 at day 0 to 0.97 at day 30. Membrane defects improved: the proportion of bound α chains decreased, the proportion of spectrin and ankyrin increased as did the deformability of RBC. Several reports confirmed the HbF augmenting effect of HU both in vitro and in vivo [94-104]. For example, Yavarian et al. [105] reported the treatment with HU of 133 patients with transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia. After one year of treatment these patients were classified into: good responders (61%) who shifted from monthly blood transfusion dependency to a stable transfusion-free condition; moderate responers (23%) who remained transfusion dependent but at longer intervals (6 months or more), and non responders, who remained at the same level of transfusion dependency. Table (3) summarizes the clinical studies with HU in βthalassemia patients. The results indicate that a significant proportion of the patients became transfusion-free after treatment. Inhibitors of Histone Deacetylases Several findings suggest that inhibition of the activity of histone deacetylases (HDACs) is associated with an Table 3. Gambari and Fibach increased expression of the γ -globin genes [83-92]. HDAC inhibition leads to hyperacetylation of ε-amino groups of lysine residues in histones [92]. This in turn causes a decreased association of basic core histone proteins with the DNA, rendering certain genes more accessible to the transcriptional machinery. Among HDAC inhibitors, trichostatin was found to possess high HbF-inducing activity in human and mouse erythroleukemia cells. In a recent report, Witt et al. [64] have showed that, among several specific HDAC inhibitors tested, apicidin was by far the most efficient HbF-inducer (at nM to µM concentrations) in K562 cells [88], and that its effect involved, in addition to HDAC inhibition, p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling [64]. Scriptaid, a novel HDAC inhibitor, was shown to induce γ -globin in K562 cells and human erythroid progenitors in vitro. Treatment with scriptaid of βYAC transgenic mice, where the γ -globin gene is completely silenced, caused reticulocytosis and synthesis of human γ -globin mRNA [90]. In a recent report, Johnson et al. [90] demonstrated that scriptaid induces γ -globin expression via the p38 MAPK signaling; the p38-selective inhibitor SB203580 completely reversed the ability to induce HbF. Further HDAC inhibitors were recently characterized for their effect on human γ -globin gene expression in transgenic mice. Among the hydroxamic acid derivatives of short-chain fatty acids studied, butyryl and propionyl hydroxamate were most effective, increasing the human γ /murine α-globin mRNA ratios by 33.9% and 71%, respectively. This was associated with an increase in reticulocytes hematocrit, and the in vivo levels of BFU-E [91]. DNA-Binding Drugs Figs. (4 and 5) show the molecular structures and representative results of two DNA-binding drugs (DBDs) (mithramycin and angelicin) found to increase HbF in erythroid precursor cells. Interestingly, several DBDs are or have been used in therapy. Chromomycin and mithramycin were used in cancer and in hypercalcemia; tallimustine and Clinical Trials Employing Hydroxyurea as In Vivo Inducer of Fetal Hemoglobin Number of patients treated(a) Genotype/phenotype(b) Number of patients responding to the treatment(c) 5 β-thalassemia intermedia 3 (60%) Hoppe et al., 1999 [123] 7 β-thalassemia intermedia 3 (43%) de Paula et al., 2003 [124] References 4 β-thalassemia major 1 (25%) de Paula et al., 2003 [124] 2 β-thalassemia intermedia 2 (100%) Bradai et al., 2003 [125] 5 β-thalassemia major 5 (100%) Bradai et al., 2003 [125] 36 β-thalassemia major 25 (69%) Alebouyeh et al., 2004 [126] 133 β-thalassemia major 81 (61%) Yavarian et al., 2004 [105] 37 H-β-thalassemia intermedia 26 (70%) Dixit et al., 2005 [127] 166 β-thalassemia intermedia 83 (50%) Karimi et al., 2005 [128] 42 HbE/β°-thalassemia 50% Singer et al., 2005 [132] (a) Dosages were between 5-20 mg/kg/day. (b)Only transfusion-dependent patients are included. (c) Transfusion independence or reduction of the transfusion frequency. Fetal Hemoglobin Inducers and -Thalassemia tallimustine analogues are anticancer and antiviral agents; angelicin and the analogue bergaptene are used in PUVA (psoralen plus UVA) therapy. Many reports demonstrated that some DBDs display DNA sequence selectivity, and that even similar DBDs differ with respect to stability of their complexes with DNA. In any case, DBDs interacting with the major groove of DNA are expected to inhibit complex formation between transcription factors and target DNA elements [106]. Our group has recently demonstrated that tallimustine [49-58] and some cisplatin analogues [50,107] as well as the GC-rich binders chromomycin and mithramycin [51] are powerful inducers of differentiation of K562 cells, suggesting that the expression of crucial genes involved in erythroid differentiation of these cells are influenced by DBDs. Several DBDs, such as tallimustine, mithramycin, cisplatin and angelicin, increase HbF production in erythroid precursor cells from normal human subjects. The extent of induction was found to be higher than that of HU. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 Vol. 14, No. 2 207 Since, among the DBDs studied, mithramycin displayed the lowest cytotoxicity, we compared it to HU on HbF production by thalassemic erythroid precursors [108]. The results demonstrated that in cultures derived from 12 patients, mithramycin increased HbF production in all cases, while HU was not effective in two cases and was toxic in one. In the majority of cases the activity of mithramycin was higher than HU. In all cases, HU strongly inhibited cell proliferation, while, at concentrations able to induce HbF production, mithramycin had minimal effect on cell growth. Rapamycin Rapamycin (Fig. 6) is a lipophilic macrolide also called sirolimus, isolated from a strain of Streptomyces hygroscopicus found in a soil from Easter Island (known by the inhabitants as Rapa Nui) [109,110]. We recently demonstrated that rapamycin induces erythroid differentiation of K562 cells and increases HbF production Fig. (4). HbF-inducers – the DNA-binding drug mithramycin. A. Molecular structure of mithramycin. B. Structure of molecular interaction between mithramycin and 5'-AAGGCCTT-3' DNA (PDP code: 1D83, Image Library of Biological Macromolecules, C. Effects of mithramycin on the interaction between Sp1 and its target DNA, evaluated by gel-shift analysis. A 32 P-labelled Sp1 mer was incubated with purified Sp1 in the presence of the indicated concentrations of mithramycin. After binding, gel electrophoresis and autoradiography were performed. D. Effects of mithramycin on HbF production by erythroid precursor cells from three β-thalassemia patients [108]. Open boxes represent control cells, grey boxes mithramycin-treated cells. 208 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007, Vol. 14, No. 2 Gambari and Fibach Fig. (5). HbF-inducers – the DNA-binding drugs bergapten and angelicin. A. Molecular structure of the compounds. B. C. Effects of angelicin on HbF production (C) and γ-globin mRNA expression (B). HbF was analyzed by HPLC, γ-globin mRNA accumulation by real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Open boxes represent control cells, black boxes hydroxyurea-treated cells, grey boxes angelicin-treated cells [107]. in erythroid cultures derived from normal donors [111] as well as from β-thalassaemia patients who differ widely with respect to their HbF levels, ranging from 4.6% to 93.7% of the total Hb. The results indicated that: (a) rapamycin increases HbF in cultures with different basal HbF levels; (b) rapamycin increases the overall Hb content/cell; (c) rapamycin selectively induces γ -globin mRNA accumulation, with only a minor effect on β-globin and no effect on α-globin mRNAs; (d) there is a strong correlation between the increase by rapamycin of HbF and the increase in γ -globin mRNA content [113]. As for the mechanism of action of this and related compounds, we found that rapamycin-mediated erythroid induction is associated with a hypophosphorylation of α-pS6 ribosomal protein and with hyper-phosphorylation of 4EBP-1 [113]. Furthermore, we found that inactivation of both 4E-BP1 and p70-S6K are sufficient steps, since we induced differentiation when these molecular events were simultaneously produced by a mixture of drugs involved in downstream alterations of the FRAP-mTOR signal transduction pathway [113]. The interest in rapamycin as an HbF-inducer is related to the fact that its effect is not associated with cytotoxicity and cell growth inhibition, in contrast to other inducers [111]. Interestingly, Rapamycin (as Sirolimus or Rapamune) was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for prevention of acute rejection in renal transplant recipients. Moreover, the drug levels in the blood of these patients are very similar to those effective in HbF stimulation in vitro [112]. We, therefore, suggest that this, and structurally related molecules, warrant careful evaluation as potential drugs for stimulation of γ -globin gene expression and increased HbF in patients with β-thalassaemia and sickle cell anemia [111,113] . Oligonucleotides and Peptide Nucleic Acids Several strategies have been developed for increasing γ globin gene expression using oligonucleotides (ODN) or their analogs [116-122]. One approach, described by Xu et al., is based on the use of triple-helix forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) [118]. Using a psoralen-conjugated Fetal Hemoglobin Inducers and -Thalassemia Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 Vol. 14, No. 2 209 Fig. (6). HbF-inducers – the DNA-binding drug rapamycin. A. Molecular structure of rapamycin. B. Effects of rapamycin on HbF production in erythroid precursor cells from four β-thalassemic patients with different starting levels of HbF. HbF was analyzed by HPLC [113]. Open boxes represent control cells, grey boxes rapamycin-treated cells. TFO designed to bind to a site overlapping with an Oct-1 binding site at the -280 region of the γ -globin gene resulted in targeted mutagenesis with a frequency of 20%. In vitro protein binding assays indicated that these mutations reduced Oct-1 binding to its target site. In vivo gene expression assays in mouse erythroleukemia cells demonstrated activation of γ -globin gene expression by these mutations. These findings suggest that this site negatively regulates γ -globin gene expression, and that mutations at the site can activate the γ -globin gene. We attempted to apply a transcription factor decoy strategy for targeting putative repressor factors. One decoy oligonucleotide was able to induce erythroid differentiation in K562 cells, and increased γ -globin mRNA expression and HbF production in erythroid precursor cells from normal donors [119]. Activation of γ -globin genes was recently proposed with the aid of “artificial promoters”, as recently reviewed [120,121]. Using peptide-nucleic acids (PNAs) designed to bind to the 5' flanking region of the γ -globin gene, induction of expression of a reporter gene construct was demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo. In this case, PNAs are designed for a stable triple helix targeting the sense strand of DNA, allowing RNA polymerase to start transcription [122]. Interestingly, PNA-mediated induction of endogenous γ -globin gene expression was also demonstrated in K562 cells. In summary, these molecular technologies provide novel approaches for induction of γ -globin gene expression and treatment of β-thalassemia. Erythropoietin The rationale for in vivo treatment with recombinant human EPO in thalassemia comes from studies in baboons, thalassemic mice and in erythroid cultures of β-thalassemia patients. The results demonstrated an increase in γ -globin synthesis and consequently in HbF, resulting in improvement in erythropoietic parameters. Studies with EPO, mainly in patients with β-thalassemia intermedia, showed a significant, dose-related increase in thalassemia erythropoiesis without changes in the proportion of HbF, in MCV and in MCH, and no major side effects during 9 months of continuous treatment. Accordingly, the use of EPO in combination with true HbF inducers is expected to cause both increased erythropoiesis and preferential induction of HbF. Indeed, EPO was reported to be required to maximize HbF induction by inducers such as HU and HDAC inhibitors [114,115]. 7. COMBINED USE OF VARIOUS INDUCERS OF FETAL HEMOGLOBIN Several recent reports show that a combined use of HbF inducers might maximize the effect on HbF with lower 210 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007, Vol. 14, No. 2 toxicity than each individual inducer. For example, Marianna et al. [131] investigated the effects of the butyrate anaolg valproic acid and the HDAC inhibitor trichostatin in combination with hemin. They showed that the combination had a significant higher γ -globin enhancing capacity with lower toxicity in human erythroid liquid cultures. These findings suggest that combination of these drugs (all FDAapproved) might be helpful for the treatment of hemoglobinopathies. This and similar studies are very important, in consideration of the concerns about the doselimiting myelotoxicity and potential carcinogenicity of HbF inducing agents. Gambari and Fibach 9. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES Several conclusions should be drawn following the comparative analysis of the data found in the literature on HbF inducers as potential drugs for pharmacological treatment of β-thalassemia. 1 The approach is reasonable, on the basis of the clinical parameters exhibited by HPFH patients. 2 Clinical trials (even if still limited) employing HbF inducers were effective in ameliorating in vivo clinical parameters of β-thalassemia patients. 3 Good correlation of in vivo and in vitro results of HbF synthesis and globin mRNA accumulation indicates that in vitro testing might be predictive of in vivo responses. 4 A combined use of HbF inducers might be useful to maximize HbF induction, both in vitro and in vivo. 8. CLINICAL TRIALS Clinical trials aimed at increasing HbF synthesis in βthalassemia have included administration of cell-cycle specific agents (e.g., HU), hematopoietic growth factors (e.g., EPO) and short-chain fatty acids (e.g., butyrate and its analogues), all of which stimulate γ -globin synthesis by different mechanisms. HU is the most studied drug and it is currently the only HbF-inducing drug in routine use [105, 125-134] (Table 3). For example, Dixit et al. studied the response to HU of thirty-seven patients with β-thalassemia intermedia [127]. Major response was defined as transfusion independence or Hb rise of more than 20g/l, and minor response as rise in Hb of 10-20 g/l or reduction in transfusion frequency by 50%. Twenty-six patients (70.2%) showed response to HU therapy. Seventeen patients (45.9%) were major responders, and nine patients (24.3%) showed minor response. Mean HbF levels rose on HU therapy. Older age, low baseline F cell percent, and low baseline HbF levels (below 10%) were predictors of poor response. Response was evident within 1 month of starting HU therapy in the majority of responders. Thus, a short trial of HU therapy can predict durable response [127]. Singer et al. [132] reported a multicenter trial of 42 patients treated with HU for two years; almost half the patients demonstrated a significant increase in steady-state Hb level. Combined treatment of HU with EPO benefited selected patients, but the addition of sodium phenyl butyrate was ineffective. After 5 years of follow-up, a subset of patients remained off transfusions. As for demethylatying agents, in phase I/II studies, decitabine, at DNA hypomethylating but noncytotoxic doses, was well tolerated and effective in increasing HbF and total Hb levels both in patients who had and had not responded to prior HU therapy [81,82]. Therapy with butyrates has been also reported [135,136]. As for the possibility to predict in vivo response, the data suggest a correlation between the in vitro results on erythroid precursor cells isolated from β-thalassemia patients and the patients' response to treatment (e.g., [134]). If this correlation is confirmed, it will be possible by testing cultures of cells derived from the patient's peripheral blood to design the optimal treatment for each patient. This will prevent both expensive and potentially risky treatment from patients who do no respond to treatment and suggest an alternative treatment with other agents. However, several considerations introduce cautions. 1 Most of the HbF inducers exhibit in vitro cytotoxicity, predicting side effects in vivo during prolonged treatment (as expected for the therapy of the β-thalassemia). 2 The response to HbF inducers, evaluated in vitro and in vivo, is variable, and some β-thalassemia patients (and the erythroid cells derived from them) might be refractory to induction; the reasons for this phenomenon are largely unknown. Accordingly, several approaches need to be followed, including gene expression profiling and proteomic studies to fully characterize the pharmacogenomic effects of HbF inducers. In addition, medicinal chemistry will continue to play a pivotal role in the development of novel HbF inducers, with the aim to identify agents acting through different mechanisms and exhibiting low toxic effects. Finally, a strict collaboration between clinicians and researchers is required to bring the most interesting HbF inducers from the laboratory to the clinic. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS R.G. is granted by AIRC, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, Cofin-2005, by UE obiettivo 2, by UE ITHANET Project and by the STAMINA Project of Ferrara University. This research is also supported by Regione Emilia-Romagna (Spinner Project) and by Associazione Veneta per la Lotta alla Talassemia, Rovigo (AVLT). ABBREVIATIONS Hb = Hemoglobin HbF = Fetal hemoglobin HPFH = High persistence of fetal hemoglobin EPO = Erythropoietin GFP = Green fluorescence protein RFP = Red fluorescence protein Fetal Hemoglobin Inducers and -Thalassemia HDAC = Histone deacethylase HU Hydroxyurea = HPLC = High performance liquid chromatography CML Chronic myelogenous leukemia = DNMT = DNA methyltransferases RBC Red blood cell = Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 Vol. 14, No. 2 [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] REFERENCES [50] [1] [51] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] Steinberg, M.H.; Forget, B.G.; Higgs, D.R.; Nagel, R.L. Disorders of Hemoglobin: Genetics, Pathophysiology and Clinical Management, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2001. Thein, S.L. Br. J. Haematol., 2004, 124, 264. Old, J.M. Blood Rev ., 2003, 17, 43. Bank, A. 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