Christopher Stretch - Keller, Sloan, Roman and Holland

 Christopher Stretch
Keller, Sloan, Roman & Holland LLP
555 Montgomery Street, 17th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94111
Chris Stretch has extensive experience in complex litigation that includes high
stakes patent cases before the district courts and the ITC, inventorship disputes,
anti-trust claims, trade secret misappropriation and all manner of other
intellectual property disputes.
He has represented clients throughout the United States in litigation at the trial and appellate
court levels, in arbitration and in other alternative dispute resolution proceedings.
Prior to joining the firm, Chris clerked for the Honorable Edward A. Panelli of the California
Supreme Court, was an associate at Cooley Godward Kronish LLP, and a partner at Day
Casebeer Madrid & Batchelder LLP before he joined Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan in
2007. He joined Keller Sloan Roman & Holland as Special Counsel in 2013.
Chris currently represents Facebook in its patent litigation, and has represented many of the
best known companies across a variety of industries, including Samsung in its worldwide
litigation against Apple. He has successfully represented a variety of semiconductor
manufacturers, as well as electronics and software companies over the last decade, including
Motorola, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, SAP, Qualcomm, Google, Yahoo!, EMC, Solidworks, and
Siliconix among others. In the biotech field, Chris has represented Amgen extensively in patent
litigation related to two of its flagship products, Epogen® and Neupogen®, as well as Johnson
& Johnson.
University of San Francisco School of Law, J.D., cum laude (1993)
University of California at Berkeley, B.A., with honors, in Economics (1990)
Admitted to Practice
California State Courts (1993)
Northern District of California (1993)
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (1993)
Federal Circuit Court of Appeals (2004)
Professional Affiliations and Activities
American Bar Association
San Francisco Bar Association
Notable Engagements
The following are examples of matters Chris has handled:
Apple, Inc. v. Samsung Electronics (N.D. California)(Represented Samsung
in this seminal case involving trademark, trade dress, utility and design patents
on the iPhone, iPad, and certain iPods.)
Verizon v. Cablevision (ITC) (Represented Cablevision with respect to utility
patents related to television set-top box hardware.)
Perfect 10 v. Google (C.D. Cal.)(Represented Google in its dispute over
whether it’s display of thumbnail images of Perfect 10’s images (when a user
searched for images) constituted fair use.)
Personalized Media Communications v. Motorola (E.D. Texas)
(Represented Motorola in its dispute with PMC over PMC patents related to
television signal transmission and reception.)
3M v. Tredegar Corp. (D. Minn)(Fed. Cir.) (Represented Tredegar after it was
sued by 3M alleging infringement of 3M patents involving elastomeric
DiscLink v. Oracle Corp. (E.D. Texas) (Represented Oracle in its dispute with
DiscLink over the use of compact disk technology.)
ePlus v. SAP (E.D. Virginia) (Represented SAP against claims that certain of its
core offerings infringed patents related to basic internet functionality.)
Qualcomm v. Skyworks Solutions (S.D. Cal) (Represented Qualcomm in
this litigation involving claims of trade secret theft and patent infringement by
Skyworks Solutions.)
Affymax v. Johnson and Johnson (AAA arbitration)(Represented Johnson &
Johnson in an inventorship dispute over the discovery of a peptide that binds to
the human erythropoietin receptor.)
Amgen v. Johnson and Johnson (AAA arbitration) (Represented Amgen is a
series of disputes regarding the appropriate manner to market and allocate sales
of the blockbuster drug “EPO”, sold by Amgen as Epogen and Johnson &
Johnson as Procrit.)
Amgen v. Transkaryotic Therapies (D. Mass) (Represented Amgen in its
allegations of patent infringement regarding EPO production in mammalian