Technology Enhanced Learning TEL network meeting Thursday 14th May Sofitel Hotel, Gatwick Welcome and introduction Technology Enhanced Learning • Fire Alarm • Please switch off mobiles or place on silent • Car parking tickets will be provided at the end of the morning 2 Time Item 08:45 Registration- Refreshments & Networking 09.15 09.25 09.45 11:00 Welcome and Introductions KSS TEL update ESR update South Thames Foundation School (STFS) Streamlining/ Induction Project (SLIP) 10.40 Refreshments 11.00 e-QUAL Programme and Articulate/Captivate training 11.40 e-LfH 12:15 Local content development 12.50 AOB 13:00 Lunch 14:00 SIMNET meeting 16:00 Close Who e-learning leads/TEL Technology Enhanced Learning leads/L&D leads Edward Thomas Rebecca Burden Richard Bussey Andrea Taylor Louise Talbot Martin Sinclair e-learning leads/TEL leads/L&D leads ALL Simulation leads and technicians National Update Technology Enhanced Learning • e-Learning for Healthcare • Skills for Health • National TEL Programme (including the Hub) • New Content Skills for Health Technology Enhanced Learning • Clarification on provision of statutory and mandatory e-learning • The section 64 Grant awarded to Skills for health by the Department of Health expires at the end of March 2015. From the 1st of April 2015 Skills for Health will apply a charging mechanism for access to its suite of statutory and mandatory e-learning. Because of this, LETB e-learning leads are being approached by NHS organisations to understand their options. This communication is to clarify these options. • It is the individual NHS organisations responsibility to ensure that their workforce have the appropriate level of training to comply with the Core Skills Framework to deliver high quality, safe patient care and services. It is also the organisations responsibility to determine the best mode of delivering that training, whether that is face-toface, e-learning or a blended approach. Skills for Health Technology Enhanced Learning • Skills for Health suite of statutory and mandatory training – Skills for Health suite of statutory and mandatory training continues to be available for use by any organisation that wishes to enter into contract with Skills for Health. Any organisation wishing to use this package should make direct contact with Skills for Health. • NHS developed programmes – The principle of sharing access to e-learning content developed or commissioned from NHS/DH funds has been well established for the past 6 years. Sharing access reduces duplication of development and costs. Where licencing allows, mechanisms for sharing content include ESR OLM e-Learning, National eLearning Repository and HEE e-Learning for Healthcare. Alternative statutory and mandatory eLearning Technology Enhanced Learning The OLM catalogue will be updated to include nationally available statutory and mandatory e-Learning content. The content has been developed by a regional programme supported within the North West LETB region and is available following a nationally agreed process with LETB e-Learning leads to promote NHS developed material within ESR. The e-Learning content is available for NHS Organisations to evaluate and use as best fits local needs where it complements their policies and requirements to deliver statutory and mandatory training. • • • • • • • • 000 Conflict Resolution - Level 1 000 Equality, Diversity and Human Rights - Level 1 000 Fire Safety - Level 1 000 Health, Safety and Welfare - Level 1 000 Infection Prevention and Control - Level 1 000 Moving and Handling - Level 1 000 Resuscitation Adult - Level 2 000 Resuscitation Paediatric - Level 2 Technology Enhanced Learning Technology Enhanced Learning National TEL Programme Enablers Technology Enhanced Learning Barriers and solutions To reduce/remove those barriers in the NHS to the easy, equitable, cost effective and innovative use of learning technologies and techniques. To develop processes/mechanisms that can help identify, prevent and/or resolve any emerging barriers. Commissioning guidelines To develop clear commissioning guidelines for TEL technologies, techniques and maintenance contracts to inform all future TEL commissioning decisions and help reduce duplication, offer greater value for money, enhance innovation and drive up quality. Futures Expert groups To establish expert groups in the key modalities for TEL (simulation, e-Learning and m-Learning) to act in an advisory capacity to inform the work of the TEL programme and projects and inform HEE on TEL activities and future plans. Horizon scanning system To ensure that HEE has established appropriate processes and mechanisms at national and regional levels for TEL horizon scanning that is robust and effective. Skills and competencies Digital literacy To ensure the adoption of clear education, training and development strategies which help ensure that all healthcare learners are technologically literate and able to promote and sustain the adoption and spread of new technologies and techniques. Curricula and training pathways To ensure that TEL is integral to every curriculum and training pathway and that HEE has identified and established processes whereby data on TEL in curricula/pathways can be obtained. Core Programme team TEL Hub To develop and launch a central Hub for individuals to lodge, find, sample, access, co-create, experience and comment on a wide range of resources, technologies and techniques in healthcare education. Integration To ensure that the TEL Programme engages and integrates with external HEE Programmes and workstreams where appropriate. National TEL Programme Technology Enhanced Learning National Content Technology Enhanced Learning • The NHS Constitution, along with the Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009, provide a right for patients to provide feedback, comments, raise concerns and make complaints. Guidance produced by NHS Choices and the Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman supports NHS staff in implementing the complaints procedure, and specifically requires all NHS staff to be appropriately trained to enable them to respond efficiently and effectively to feedback. • This e-Learning has been developed to support staff in meeting their responsibilities. National Content Technology Enhanced Learning This e-Learning tool is designed to assist NHS Hospital Pharmacy procurement staff with the task of changing the details for the sourcing of medicines in a timely manner. This package provides training to assist with some of the repetitive processes to ensure that the NHS benefits from the new contract arrangements starting from November 2014. This programme consists of two separate training packages for users of PowerGate software, produced by GHX Europe and Medecator software, produced by AAH Pharmaceuticals. National Content Technology Enhanced Learning e-dermatology is an on-line learning resource which focuses on the diagnosis and management of common dermatological disorders. National Content Technology Enhanced Learning • The two-part e-learning module, ‘The ASQ-3™ and the 2 year review’, is an interactive resource commissioned by Health Education England in partnership with the Department of Health and other professional bodies. • The module was developed by the University of Hertfordshire and eLearning for Healthcare and is designed to support health professionals using the Ages and Stages Questionnaires®: A Parent-Completed Monitoring System, Third Edition, (ASQ-3™) as part of the Healthy Child Programme (HCP) health and development review at age 2-2½. National Content Technology Enhanced Learning Image Interpretation is available to a wide range of health professionals including radiographers, doctors, nurses and allied health professionals, helping to ensure they are all working to nationally agreed standards, and ultimately delivering high quality patient care. • • • • • • 000 Image Interpretation 107: Nuclear Medicine: Introduction 000 Image Interpretation 108: Nuclear Medicine: Common Applications 000 Image Interpretation 109: Nuclear Medicine: Positron Emission Tomography 000 Image Interpretation 110: Nuclear Medicine: Other Applications 000 Image Interpretation 111: Breast Imaging: Introduction 000 Image Interpretation 112: Breast Imaging: Pathology National Content Technology Enhanced Learning The aim of this course is to give you the knowledge to identify risk factors for inpatient falls and how to reduce them, to safely give guidance on moving patients if they have fallen and assess them for a serious injury. It has primarily been developed for foundation level doctors working in acute or community hospitals, but other staff members with an interest in falls risk reduction are welcome to use it. National Content Technology Enhanced Learning • The existing 000 Venous Thromboembolism course is being split into 4 separate courses 000 VTE Prevention in Secondary Care HEE e-Learning for Healthcare 000 VTE Prevention for Healthcare Undergraduate Students 000 VTE Prevention in Primary Care 000 VTE Prevention: A Guide for Commissioners National Content Technology Enhanced Learning Fe male Ge ni tal Muti lati on According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), there are an estimated 130 million women and girls living with FGM worldwide. Most of these women are located in 29 African countries. In the UK, FGM is increasingly identified amongst migrants from FGM -practising countries. There are an estimated 137 000 women in the UK affected by FGM. In July 2014, the UK hosted the first Girl Summit which emphasised the need to end the practice of FG M within a generation. Health Education England is committed to training frontline healthcare professionals to recognise and support women and girls who may have undergone FGM. The e-FGM educational programme has been developed by HEE e -Learning for Healthcare and is provided free to all healthcare professionals, including school nurses, practice nurses, health visitors and GPs. Developed in collaboration with key stakeholders, and supported by the Department of Health’s FGM Prevention team, the material de als with the issues posed by FGM at all stages of a girl or woman’s life. Local Initiative Technology Enhanced Learning The Health Equalities Framework (HEF) e-learning resource is designed to provide practitioners with a practical introduction to the Health Equalities Framework tool, along with an understanding of the health inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities, and the reasons or determinants of those health inequalities. The programme is delivered through a partnership between the Learning Disability Nurse Consultant Group, the National Development Team for Inclusion and HEE e-Learning for Healthcare. Local Content – Clinical Pathways for Sick Children Technology Enhanced Learning Local Content – Gender Variance Technology Enhanced Learning Local Update • New Content to be developed – SABR – NICE guidelines Technology Enhanced Learning Other Local Content Technology Enhanced Learning TEL Programme Priorities Technology Enhanced Learning • Developing capacity of e-learning developers • Education for the trainee/student representative – eLearning, mLearning, simulation • Simulated Ambulance • Continuing developing simulation faculty • Supporting education in the area of mental health with TEL • Supporting long term conditions such as diabetes with TEL • Transferring training records using technology such as open badges e,g. care certificate • Using TEL to support and improve digital literacy and the ability to use spread/use new technology and innovations Cultivating Compassion Digital Stories Technology Enhanced Learning • tal-stories/ • THE TOOLKIT The Cultivating Compassion Toolkit was constructed on a Wordpress platform and housed a range of resources that can be utilised by individuals or groups. • Digital Stories The participants found the digital stories were a quick really easy way of instigating a conversation about compassion. Some who expressed initial anxiety about introducing the idea of compassion gained confidence from using the Toolkit. ESR Programme Update KSS TEL Richard Bussey ESR Account Manager 14th May 2015 Agenda • ESR Usage Statistics • Operational Information • ESR Enhance Programme Update ESR Utilisation: IAT IAT Requests – automated and non-automated Allocation of IAT Stat/Mand Competencies Ntf Role Allocation of IAT Reference Roles February: 259 Reference Approver and 308 Reference Receipt role holders ESR Utilisation: OLM & e-Learning OLM Course Enrolments February: 641,697 enrolments – 146,799 were e-Learning e-Learning Course Completion - Year on Year February 2015 Completions – 122,201 1 November 2014 to 31 January 2015 23.6% e-learning completions Operational Information Release 26.1 – 24 April 2015 Ref Title Source 992 Changes to list of Right to Work documents NHSCT 993 New competence frameworks and types NHSCT • The list of acceptable Right to Work documents will be amended in line with Home Office changes. Forms reports and notifications will be amended as necessary to enable use of the updated document list. • New competence frameworks will be made available in ESR to support Care Certificate and Higher Care Certificate. The new frameworks will be included in the pre-hire IAT process which delivers competence information to the Stat and Mand role holder. Planned downtime • UN2043, 31st March 2015 • The next Advance Notification of Downtime will be published in June 2015 Recent Kbase updates • UN2047 - Changes to National Competencies April 2015.pdf – Care Certificate • ESR-NHS0203 - New User Requirements for ESR Solution v1.0.pdf • ESR-NHS0167 - NLMS Content Guidance and Standards 7 0.pdf • PMP functionality.ppt • Using Adobe Captivate with ESR.pdf • Using Articulate Products with ESR.pdf • Using Lectora with ESR.pdf eLearning national content updates • Skills for Health courses removed from OLM • catalogue • Replaced with • Updates to certifications were required • More detail in UN2029 of 17th March eLearning national content updates • Further details in UN2052 of 21st April. New national stat/mand competencies • Existing CSTF Safeguarding Adults competencies renamed to Level 1 • CSTF Safeguarding Adults Level 2 competencies added • CSTF Safeguarding Children competencies updated to Version 2 • New NHS MAND competencies added • For more information, see UN1996 and UN2000 on KBase ESR Programme Updates ESR Enhancement Programme Recap on background • NHS Requirements determined with User Groups and through communications to HRDs from NHS Employers • Recorded in NHS-0116 document - ranked as Essential, Important, Aspirational • Work Packages 1-16 created to group together the enhancements to deliver all requirements • WP 1-9 delivered in Tranche 1 – All delivered by August 16 (all Essential requirements) • Work Package 1-3 developed and deployed through Pilot process • Remaining Work Packages will use existing User Networks Focus on Work Packages 1-3 • Development of a new Portal page for all ESR Users: • Improved navigation; Embedded BI; Broadcast messages • Development of new User Interface for all Self Service, HR Users and Learning Administrators. • Delivery of ESR capability to mobiles and tablets. • To be delivered with two phases of Pilot activity – working with NHS Focus and Test pilot sites. • Mobile applications development. Workshops Design process High level • High level design Three 2 day workshops 1st day Self-service 2nd day OLM • 1st workshop Overall look of user interface/portal page What headings/data groupings required Wireframes, portlets Workshops Design process High level • 2nd workshop Checking headings from workshop 1 correct Grouping of data beneath headings • 3rd workshop More detail onto wireframes Flow of functions e.g. creating a class Mobile app – high level High level design sign-off with IBM on 30th April Design Process - next steps • Detailed design Two 2 day workshops in May • Process champions sessions Focus and pilot groups Self-service 13th May OLM 14th May • User engagement workshop on 9th June • Testing starts October 2015 • Pilots go-live Feb 2016 • All sites go-live April 2016 Andrea Taylor Streamlining/Induction Passport Project Manager South Thames Foundation School A pilot project to: ◦ identify the induction requirements of one professional group (foundation doctors) ◦ agree a standard for delivery ◦ develop a system for a transferable ‘passport’ Reduced time for trust induction Less duplication of training Less confusion about what needs to be completed Reduces information overload Optimises educational relevance Provides evidence of completion Improves patient safety Standardises interpretation of statutory and mandatory training Improves quality and consistency Allows for better compliance reporting (e.g. CQC, NHSLA) Reduces operational costs Patient Safety Relevance Consistenc y Quality Financial Benefits SLIP Steering group established in November 2014 Project Scoping (Sept – Dec 2014) ◦ Review of current induction arrangements and support for project ◦ Review national/regional developments Recommendations What is covered in induction? How is induction delivered? What are the pros and cons of current induction? What are the benefits and constraints for an induction passport? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 5 Premier IT 4 ESR/OLM Training Tracker 3 Moodle 2 AT-Learning Combination of Moodle and 1 OLM LMS eLearning 0 Delivery of clinical information and training Combination of online induction and shadowing for FY1 Well organised events Opportunities to meet staff face-to-face E-learning modules completed prior to induction Welcomes – eg CEO/DME Time to deliver induction Long e-learning packages Lack of clarity of who is starting and therefore needs induction Too much time spent on corporate induction - less on local induction Strength More time for Constraints Saves Money More time for 3% departmental Responsibility induction for 3% administration FY1 Shadowing Would be6% IT requirement for Trusts 4% of passport welcomed by 9% doctors and trainers 6% Reduced time None for induction 9% 32% Difference in More time for local trust specific topics/hands on training 19% Costs standards/ 13% requirements 52% Eliminates duplication of Link to induction ESR/OLM content 13% 31% Better understanding of induction provided by lead employer Access to information about completion rates Opportunity to inform clinical aspects Opportunity to review local induction More seamless rotation Induction for medical students at placements Support transition from medical school to foundation training North Western Deanery Yorkshire and Humber South East Scotland (SES) VIP induction passport West Midland - DITOGI East Midlands KSS Statutory and Mandatory (SaM) passport Thames Valley 1. 2. 3. 4. Adopt the Skills for Health Core Skills Framework – statutory and mandatory Develop, agree, implement standardised minimum clinical induction content Develop/or adopt an induction delivery/induction record system Promote Dr Toolbox FY1 Start workplace training FY2 Start workplace training Local Induction FY1 Start workplace training FY2 Start workplace training Local Induction Trust Induction Trust Induction Local Induction Shadowing Trust Induction Local Induction Shadowing Trust Induction Medical Student Hospital Training FY1 Start workplace training FY2 Start workplace training Local Induction Local Induction Trust Induction Shadowing Local Induction Trust Induction Trust Induction Adopt the Skills for Health Core Skills Framework (CSF) across the region Obtain agreement from DMEs (Feb 2015) Align all current trust programmes (Feb-Jul 2015) Obtain agreement refresher periods (Feb – Jul 2015) Agree systems of certification of completion (Jun 2015) Roll out the CFS across the region (Aug 2015) Don’t design something you aren’t prepared to sit through yourself! The e-QUAL Programme enabling Quality-Assured eLearning across the NHS Louise Talbot e-QUAL Superhero powers! Background ‘Taster’ Activity Next steps What eLearning Superhero power would you wish for at your Trust? Developing a Technology Enabled Learning Strategy THE BRIEF UP-SKILLING NHS tutors to design effective and engaging blended learning Building and SUPPORTING WORKING PRACTICES with NHS subject matter experts Develop BITE-SIZED E-LEARNING self-study modules DEVELOPING A TEAM of L&D professionals across NHS Wales to support the new strategy Creating robust QUALITY ASSURANCE STANDARDS Quality Assurance Design skills Assessor skills LEARNER ENGAGEMENT LEARNING DESIGN VISUAL LEARNER DESIGN ENGAGEMENT What is ‘true’ ? THINK and DO all the way through What makes a GREAT story? Rule of Thirds Rule of Thirds Registering new patients PIMS Start PIMS Registering new patients Start PIMS Registering new patients Start PIMS Registering new patients Start x Next steps The e-QUAL Programme enabling Quality-Assured eLearning across the NHS THANK YOU e-LfH Update for HE KSS TEL Network Martin Sinclair 13 May 2015 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. e-LfH Hub 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is it? Why do we need it? What do users want? Preview of the system Future Plans 3. Local systems 4. Content pipeline Who am I? ►Martin Sinclair ►Technical Lead for e-Learning for Healthcare ►e-LfH is part of HEE ►We develop and deliver e-learning content to the healthcare workforce in the UK What is the e-LfH Hub? ►The e-LfH Hub is the new platform for delivering e-learning content to our users o You should all be entitled to free access ►It is a bespoke system specifically designed for e-LfH’s users ►Went live on Tuesday 24 March Old Set Up Data Warehouse e-LfH Portal Clix LMS Learning Content New Set Up Learning Content e-LfH Hub Limitations in old LMS ►Multiple systems o Users get confused navigating between them o Too many clicks o Overnight delay in registration and in activity reporting ►Poorly designed third party software o Slow performance o Very limited third party integration o Only works on a small number of browsers o Confusing interface (e.g. tab system) o Random weirdness ►Unresponsive supplier o Bug fixes take ages We asked what users want ►User Survey with over 1,000 responses ►10 years of queries in to the Service Desk ►User feedback ►Consultation with our stakeholders So what do users want? ►They want an intuitive system that they can just use ►They want to launch content quickly and easily ►They want to be able to demonstrate their activity to managers etc ►They want a system that works on any device and on any browser Preview of the Hub ►This is live so it is bound to go wrong. Any questions or comments? Future Plans ►Currently working on: o Fixing minor bugs and known issues o Alternative view of My e-Learning ►Will shortly start work on: o Better reporting suite o Expanded Favourites functionality o ‘Local’ content area o Enhancements to content delivery via local systems o Improved Support facilities ►All needs to be prioritised and scheduled LETB Migrations ►GDS has stopped funding for some LETB systems and pushed them towards e-LfH ►New ground for e-LfH – we have always been a national platform ►We have a dedicated resource for this (Moz Cammack – who will work with LETBs to migrate users and content to the e-LfH Hub Local Systems ►We are happy for you to launch our content off your own system o Content stays on our content server o We need activity data ►Currently requires some work on your behalf to get around cross domain scripting issue ►In Phase 2, we plan to address this to make it easier for you (similar to Skills for Health’s interop solution) Content Pipeline ►This is published at ►HE NW Statutory and Mandatory content went live in April ►Safeguarding Adults has been updated to reflect PREVENT Strategy ►Working on a Care Certificates project – due for delivery towards the end of the year TEL Programme ► ►Multiple workstreams: o TEL Hub o Curricula and training Pathways o Horizon Scanning o Barriers and Solutions o Digital Literacy o Expert Groups o Commissioning TEL Hub ►TEL Hub is a repository for any TEL resources to be shared to prevent duplication ►Expected to go live later this year or early 2016 ►Will include physical TEL resources such as simulation suits ►Trip Advisor style reviews will identify the best resources ►Will allow commercial content ►Will either host actual resources or metadata ‘signposts’ The End Local content development Technology Enhanced Learning Any other business? Technology Enhanced Learning
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