M I N D A U G A S K U K I S STRENGTH AND S TA B I L I T Y A N A LY S I S OF CELLULAR PRESSURE VESSELS S U M M A R Y O F D O C T O R A L D I S S E R T A T I O N T E C H N O L O G I C A L S C I E N C E S , M E C H A N I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G ( 0 9 T ) Kaunas 2015 KAUNAS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY MINDAUGAS KUKIS STRENGTH AND STABILITY ANALYSIS OF CELLULAR PRESSURE VESSELS Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Technological Sciences, Mechanical Engineering (09T) 2015, Kaunas The dissertation was carried out in 2010 – 2014 at Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design, Department of Mechanical engineering (of Solids Mechanics). The research was supported by Research Council of Lithuania. Scientific supervisor: Prof. Dr. Habil. ANTANAS ŽILIUKAS, (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Mechanical Engineering – 09T). Dissertation Defense Board of Mechanical Engineering Science Field: Prof. Dr. Habil. Vytautas OSTAŠEVIČIUS (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Mechanical Engineering – 09T) – chairman; Prof. Dr. Habil. Algimantas BUBULIS (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Mechanical Engineering – 09T); Dr. Rolanas DAUKŠEVIČIUS (Kaunas University Technological Sciences, Mechanical Engineering – 09T); of Technology, Prof. Dr. Vytautas GRIGAS (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Mechanical Engineering – 09T); Prof. Dr. Vytenis JANKAUSKAS (Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Technological Sciences, Mechanical Engineering – 09T); Prof. Dr. Habil. Rimantas KAČIANAUSKAS (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Technological Sciences, Mechanical Engineering – 09T). The official defense of the dissertation will be held at 10 a.m. on 22nd of May, 2015 at the Board of Mechanical Engineering Science Field public meeting in the Dissertation Defense Hall at the Central Building of Kaunas University of Technology. Address: K. Donelaičio st. 73 – 403, LT-44029, Kaunas, Lithuania, Phone nr. (+370) 37 300042, Fax. (+370) 37 324144, e-mail: doktorantura@ktu.lt The summary of dissertation was sent on 22nd April, 2015. The dissertation is available at the library of Kaunas University of Technology (K. Donelaičio st. 20, LT-44239, Kaunas, Lithuania). 2 KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS MINDAUGAS KUKIS KORĖTŲ SLĖGIO INDŲ STIPRUMO IR STABILUMO TYRIMAS Daktaro disertacijos santrauka Technologijos mokslai, mechanikos inžinerija (09T) 2015, Kaunas 3 Disertacija rengta 2010-2014 metais Kauno technologijos universitete, Mechanikos ir dizaino fakultete, Mechanikos inžinerijos (Deformuojamų kūnų mechanikos) katedroje, remiant Lietuvos mokslo tarybai. Mokslinis vadovas: Prof. habil. dr. ANTANAS ŽILIUKAS, (Kauno technologijos universitetas, technologijos mokslai, mechanikos inžinerija – 09T) Mechanikos inžinerijos mokslo krypties daktaro disertacijos gynimo taryba: Prof. habil. dr. Vytautas OSTAŠEVIČIUS (Kauno technologijos universitetas, technologijos mokslai, mechanikos inžinerija – 09T) – pirmininkas; Prof. habil. dr. Algimantas BUBULIS (Kauno technologijos universitetas, technologijos mokslai, mechanikos inžinerija – 09T); Dr. Rolanas DAUKŠEVIČIUS (Kauno technologijos technologijos mokslai, mechanikos inžinerija – 09T); universitetas, Prof. dr. Vytautas GRIGAS (Kauno technologijos universitetas, technologijos mokslai, mechanikos inžinerija – 09T); Prof. dr. Vytenis JANKAUSKAS (Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas, technologijos mokslai, mechanikos inžinerija – 09T); Prof. habil. dr. Rimantas Kačianauskas (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, technologijos mokslai, mechanikos inžinerija – 09T). Disertacija bus ginama viešajame Mechanikos inžinerijos mokslo krypties tarybos posėdyje, kuris įvyks 2015 m. gegužės 22d. 10 val., Kauno technologijos universitete, Centrinių rūmų disertacijų gynimo salėje. Adresas: K. Donelaičio g. 73 – 403, LT-44029, Kaunas, Lietuva Tel. (8 - 37) 300042, faksas (8 - 37) 321444, e. paštas doktorantura@ktu.lt Daktaro disertacijos santrauka išsiųsta 2015 m. balandžio 22 d. Disertaciją galima peržiūrėti Kauno technologijos universiteto bibliotekoje (K. Donelaičio g. 20, LT-44239, Kaunas, Lietuva). 4 INTRODUCTION Development of technologies influences the origin of new materials, which usage requires modern, science-based structural solutions. One of such structures – sandwich plates with polymer core. Plates of this type are widely used in construction industry and other fields, as cheap and effective alternative. Whenever there is a need of lightweight structures or energy absorbing properties, this type plates are inappropriate. Metal layered plates are used instead. Cellular plate consists of two surface sheets and core. For the core layer there are used various constructions – two dimensional porous geometry, such as honeycomb with different forms of comb meshes, bended, corrugated metal sheets. Also, for the structure of the core, considering application of plate and necessary characteristics, there is used metal foam or rod construction. Number of different studies was carried out trying to find out application areas of these plates. Research results revealed that such structures not only greatly sustain loads, but also are multi-functional. For example, using this type of plate in car section, as a fire barrier between the engine compartment and the passenger, it is obtained construction, not just limiting the spread of flame, but also absorbing energy and sound. Over the time, there were new benefits discovered of such plates and they became irreplaceable in many industry areas: aviation, shipping, aerospace, the automotive industry and elsewhere. Such plates are particularly acceptable because of multi-functionality, so they can be used for pressure vessel shell design. Then the construction would not only be lightweight, cheap and efficient, capable to sustain intended pressure, but also could be of service technologically – cooling or heating content of the vessel. Currently produced pressure vessels, for example used in food industry, have different type of „jacket“, intended to keep, increase or reduce of the temperature. Whereas, using cellular shell, technological processes can be ensured – apply core insert as „jacket“, thus way to get lighter and cheaper structure. From carried analysis of the works, it is clear that in most cases there is investigated flat type of such structures. Investigated core structures usually are very complex, requiring modern manufacturing technologies. In addition, weak point of such structures – core cells attachment to the surface of the sheets. Due to this defect cellular plates often have lower sustaining capacity, than calculated theoretically. Therefore, in this thesis it is investigated pressure vessel, where walls of the cylindrical part are multilayered having cellular inserts. Simple structures are selected for the core, which does not require sophisticated production techniques and provides qualitative connection of elements to the surface sheets. 5 Aim of the work To create and investigate pressure vessel, which cylindrical part of the wall is multilayered, having cellular insert, featuring better functionality compared to pressure vessels, having monolithic walls and simple manufacturing technology. Out of investigated structures to determine the most rational. Objectives of the study 1. 2. 3. 4. Present calculating models of pressure vessels, having different cylinder and core geometric parameters, to investigate their functional characteristics using numerical models and compare them with each other using different strength criteria; To create pressure vessel, which wall of the cylindrical part of the shell is multilayered, with various structures, of technologically simple porous inserts; Produce assays of new structure pressure vessel and it’s core segment and experimentally investigate their strength and stability; verify calculating models based on the search results; In order to reduce the mass of the produced pressure vessels, to carry out optimization of walls and core elements thickness, to compare optimized structures with pressure vessels having monolithic walls. Research methods Work was carried out by means of theoretical and experimental research methods. Theoretical studies were carried out applying analytical and numerical methods (used software “ANSYS”, based on finite elements method). To verify the results of numerical investigation there were produced specimens of the pressure vessel and core fragment, performed experimental studies. Part of experiments were carried out at Kaunas site industrial base of Panevėžys installation company AB “Montuotojas”, the other part – in strength of materials laboratory in Kaunas University of Technology. Scientific novelty Designed pressure vessel having multilayered walls of the cylindrical part, which functional properties are much better than monolithic walls and manufacturing technology is relatively simple and defectless. Using finite elements system ANSYS for numerical analysis of strength of the designed pressure vessel, there were programmed and used Drucker-Prager and MohrCoulomb strength criteria, that are absent in the program by default. 6 Relevance of the work Designed new construction pressure vessels, which characterize higher stability than vessels having monolithic walls and are more resistance to the effects of the external pressure. In addition, these vessels are good alternative in cases, when seeking to assure run of specific technological processes, there is a need to adjust or maintain required temperature of the medium inside the vessel. Using pressure vessels made of monolithic sheet, they should be covered with particular additional „shirt“, where could circulate medium, keeping proper temperature regime. Defensive statements: 1. 2. 3. Developed numerical research methodology is appropriate to apply for estimation of strength and stability characteristics of cellular pressure vessels; Evaluating characteristics of cellular pressure vessels, Von Mises strength criterion is too conservative, so in order to minimize materials expenditures, it is necessary to use strength criteria, estimating mechanical characteristics of the material; Structure of cellular pressure vessels is rational alternative for vessels made of monolithic sheet, subjected to internal and external pressure. Practical value of the work Created pressure vessels are more stable than the once with monolithic walls, and more resistant to the effects of internal and external pressure. Therefore, avoiding risk to the strength, there could be kept higher pressure of the medium, circulating in the insert, thus ensuring more efficient adjustment and maintenance of the medium thermal regime present in the vessel. In addition, due to specifics and simplicity of the structure, likelihood of vessels manufacturing defects is minimized. Work structure The dissertation consists of an introduction, 4 chapters, conclusions, references and a list of scientific publications on the topic, also appendixes. The dissertation contains 136 pages, 97 figures and 33 tables. References consist of 141 sources. 1. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Due to depletion of metal ore, modern industry aims to use existing metal recourses optimally. In products, where for manufacturing was used metal (ex. pressure vessels), started to apply alternative materials – sandwich plates, composites and etc. When there was noticed utility of sandwich plates, because 7 of their multi-functionality and economical advantages [10-13] comparing to monolithic plates, there was started usage of metal sandwich plates where manufacturing opportunities allow. These plates are also called cellular plates. Cellular plates consist of two high density surface sheets with lower density core between them (fig. 1.1), designed to keep them at a certain distance. Fig. 1.1. Structure of cellular plate [14] According plates’ core structure, i.e. what they are made of, plates can be divided into several groups: plates with cores of metal foam (fig. 1.2, a), sheet metal (fig. 1.2, b) and periodic cellular metal (fig. 1.2, c). a b c Fig. 1.2. Types of cellular plates: a – metal foam core [1]; b – sheet metal core [14]; c – periodic cellular metal [15] Advantages of cellular plates: lightweight, multi-functionality, absorption of sound, vibrations and impacts, isolation and transfer of heat, rigidity, inexpensiveness, ability to change rigidity characteristic depending on the applied load, etc. Comparing mentioned characteristics of such plates with homogeneous sheet, it was observed, that cellular plates are much better. Some of the properties, such as multi-functionality and vibration damping, homogeneous sheet do not have at all. Cellular plates are an acceptable alternative to aforementioned characteristics, but their production requires usage of modern production technologies and equipment. This demands a significant investment. Most of the processes, in some cases even whole production process of certain boards, because of complexity, are performed without human intervention. For this reason, there occur defects, more or less affecting mechanical characteristics of the plates. One defect, that is common for all cellular plates, which significantly 8 influences maximum bearing capacity of cellular plates – core detachment to the surface sheets. After review of the articles, where cellular plates are used for the shell of pressure vessel, noted that only few theoretical analysis have been carried out, where core structure is extremely complex, requiring sophisticated production. Therefore, in such cellular pressure vessel, can occur core detachment to the surface sheets, defect. Pressure vessel – a potentially dangerous device and there are cannot be any defects. Thus, this works proposes simple core structures, not requiring high-tech. All stages of the production are carried out by human, therefore should not be any defects. Proposed core structures are acceptable also in heat transfer aspect – cellular insert can be used for the execution of technological processes, such as heating and cooling of vessel’s content. 2. CELLULAR PRESSURE VESSELS’ RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.1 Numerical research methodology Although there were solved different tasks in the work, but the algorithm of numerical solution of all the tasks was as follows: In preprocess part (Preprocessor) of the ANSYS model, there is formed geometrical model in a way that would be easy to change its geometry, materials; performed segmentation of the geometrical model by finite elements; In a part of ANSYS solution (Solver), there are defined loads and calculation performed; In a part of ANSYS calculation results presentation (Postprocessor), there is performed analysis of obtained results. 2.1.1 Numerical models of pressure vessels The strength and stability, of cellular cylinder with thick-walled blind flanges, is analyzed in the thesis. This is done by using finite elements system „ANSYS“. Thus will be: 1. Designed model of cellular cylinder with different core structures, which would be investigated under pressure load, i.e., performed strength analysis of the vessel and obtained results compared to solid cylinder having the same bearing capacity. The analysis is performed using 3 strength criteria. 2. Estimated stability of the structure under vacuum, and obtained results compared to solid cylinder, having the same bearing capacity Principal scheme of the investigated cylinder presented in figure 2.1. 9 Fig. 2.1. Simplified scheme of a cellular cylinder a b c d Fig. 2.2. Specimen fixing and loading analyzing: a –strength of a cellular cylinder; b – stability of a cellular cylinder; c – strength of a solid cylinder; d – stability of a solid cylinder Since the investigated structure is axis symmetrical, thus to reduce calculations duration, there is used only a tenth of cylinder, i.e. segment with one core element. In order to ensure adequacy of the model to the real stress-strain state, typical in case of the whole cylinder, structure is fixed indicating symmetry conditions to corresponding surfaces (fig .2.2, a and b this is illustrated by the arrows on the sidelong surfaces). Displacements of the structure are restricted by fixing central point rigidly, and allowing for the all lower plane of the lower blind flange to move only horizontally (fig. 2.2 arrow from the bottom). Imitating the impact of the fluid inside the vessel, load, operating the structure, consists of two components – operating pressure and hydrostatic medium (medium inside vessel, which density corresponds to the density of water) pressure. In order to find out how thick there should be walls of the monolithic 10 cylinder to withstand the same pressure load as investigated vessel with cellular walls, there was made calculation model of the vessel segment quarter (fig. 2.2 c and d) with the monolithic walls having same inner diameter (scheme fig. 2.3). Performing case calculations on its basis, when there was changed thickness of the monolithic cylinder wall, there was determined minimum value of this parameter, at which the strength of the vessel corresponds to the strength of cellular wall vessel, what allowed comparing masses of both structures and evaluate production rate. Fig. 2.3. Scheme of solid cylinder to which, there will be compared results of cellular cylinders Since all the components of real investigated object (inner and outer cylinders, core forming partitions, blind flanges and shackles) are basically of flat type, its geometrical model is made from surfaces, while in numerical model these surfaces are split using SHELL63 type finite elements. The grid was regular, without thickening. These elements have 6 degrees of freedom in every nodal point and allow calculating all the parameters, necessary to evaluate the state of elastically and plastically deformable dimensional thin-walls structures. Fig. 2.4 presents numerical models split into finite elements according mentioned type. Designing numerical model, it is considered, that all components of pressure vessel segment joined to form a monolithic solid, made of surface elements with different thicknesses. 11 a b Fig. 2.4. Cylinders with flanges and blind flanges divided into finite elements: a – cellular; b – solid 2.2 Implementation algorithms of cellular cylinders research 2.2.1 Strength research implementation algorithm Chapter 3 presents strength calculation results of 10 cylindrical pressure vessels with cellular walls, of the same dimensions, but with different cores of the cylindrical wall (fig. 2.1), where inner cylinder is under operational and hydrostatic pressure from the inside (fig. 2.2). Each structure will be investigated in 5 different cases trying to find most efficient structure version. First three cases – is changed thickness from 3 to 5 mm of internal cylinder tv, core element tk and external cylinder ti, while remaining elements stay of 2 mm. Then is alternated the width of core elements – proportionally increasing in three steps, at last step core elements touch each other. In case of analysis, thickness of elements tv = tk = ti = 2 mm. Finally it is investigated influence of the core height b to the bearing capacity. Core height increased in three steps as well. In each of the cases the gap between core cylinders increases by 10 mm. Element thickness is the same as in previous case, tv = tk = ti = 2 mm. In order to determine the influence of cylinder geometry change to the maximum bearing capacity was carried out research of diameter and length change influence. Cylinders diameter increases, as in search of effective structure, in three steps. Cross-section was increased by 25 mm in each case. In cylinder extension case, the length was increased by 1000 mm, as well in 3 steps. 12 Fig. 2.5. Algorithm numerical analysis of the cellular pressure vessel strength To figure out cellular plate usage advantages or disadvantages against monolithic ones, it was performed comparison of mass ratios, when given maximum bearing capacity is the same. Obtained ratio compared to the results got by optimizing wall thickness of the cellular vessel. Results are presented in chapter 3. Strength analysis is carried out using 3 criteria of strength: von Mises, Drucker-Prager, and Mohr-Coulomb. 2.2.2 Stability research implementation algorithm In chapter 4 as well as in 3, presented results of 10 cellular cylinders of standard dimensions with different cores, as shown schematically in fig. 2.1, whereas detailed core structures presented in chapter 2.5. In stability research there will be analyzed the same of each cylinder, 22 different cases, according to the dimensions given in the appendixes P1-P10 of the thesis. These cylinders will be loaded and fixed as shown in fig. 2.2. 13 Fig. 2.6. Algorithm for numerical analysis of the cellular pressure vessel stability There will be presented pictures and graphs, when structure is under critical external pressure, at which structure reaches ultimate buckling coeficient value, equal to 1,0. In order to find out if cellular cylinder stumbled because of stability loss, not as result of plastic deformations, there will be carried out non-linear stumbling analysis of every case. There was compared masses of solid and cellular cylinders at the same maximum bearing capacity as well as in the case of strength analysis. Also performed optimization of cellular cylinder elements thickness, which results presented in chaper 5.1. 2.3 Optimization parameters of cellular pressure vessels Cellular cylinders were optimized using „Subproblem“ optimization method. Purpose of the optimization – minimal wall thicknesses of the cellular pressure vessel. The output parameters for optimization performance: Objective function (V – capacity) n min V Vi , t1,t 2,t 3 i 1 14 (2.1) design variables ( t1 , t 2 , t 3 – wall thicknesses of cylinder elements, mm) 0,5 t1 2 0,5 t 2 2 , (2.2) 0,5 t 3 2 state variable, when optimizing the strength ( – strains, MPa) 303 304 , (2.3) state variable, when performing optimization using Drucker-Prager and Mohr-Coulomb strength criteria ( – strains, MPa). Minimum and maximum values of strains define limits, where criteria conditions are met min max , (2.4) state variable, performing optimization of stumbling ( k – stumbling coefficient) 1,000 k 1,001 . (2.5) There were used 100 iterations for optimization, from which 99 could be improper. After optimization of strength analysis, there was verified structure stability, and after stability – nonlinear stumbling analysis. In case of stumbling, or case of nonlinear stumbling analysis, if structure stumbles because of plastic deformations, results are adjusted accordingly, so the structure would be proper according mentioned aspects. 2.4 Experimental research methodology Calculating methodology, of cellular vessels strength and stability analysis using numerical methods, is verified by experiments. Vessel having corrugated core structure is chosen for verification test of strength analysis, as shown in fig. 2.8. The vessel is tested by filling it with water and generating internal pressure with the help of compressed nitrogen cylinder. Pressure is increased to 0,45 MPa every 0,05 MPa. In every stage there is measured displacement of inner cylinder, which is conveyed through the rod, fixed to the cylinder, situated in the center of wavy segment, in the middle of cylinder length. At the other end of the rod there is a plate to which props displacements gauge. The measurement system consists of manometer and displacements gauge. Manometer accuracy class is 1,6, measurement accuracy ±0,01 MPa, measuring range 0-0,6 MPa. Displacement gauge accuracy class 0,2, measurement accuracy ±0,05 μm, and measuring range 0-100 μm. Specimen used in the experiment, was made of 2 mm structural steel ST3PS sheet. 15 Fig. 2.7 Cellular vessel testing-bench scheme Fig. 2.8. Core structure of the tentative cellular pressure vessel Stability analysis verification was performed using nature testing, during which there was stumbled element of corrugated core, fig. 2.9. It was chosen simplified experiment, because to produce cellular vessel, which would stumble at lower that 0,07 MPa external pressure (maximum vacuum, which can be obtained using vacuum pump is 0,1 MPa and it is absolute vacuum) is impossible. Fig. 2.9. Specimen of corrugated core 16 Fig. 2.10. Corrugated core element test scheme Stumbling was performed with a universal testing machine „Amsler’, which speed of vices is 2 mm/min, measurement error ±100 N 2.4 Cylinder structures of investigated cellular pressure vessels a b c Fig. 2.11. Cellular cylinder with the core of: a – „U“ shape; b – double corrugation shape; c – „H“ shape a) b) c) Fig. 2.12. Cellular cylinder with the core of: „I“ (a), „A“ (b), „V with a wall“ (c) shape 17 a) b) c) Fig. 2.13. Cellular cylinder with the core of: corrugated (a), „V“ (b), „X“ (c) shape Fig. 2.14. Cellular cylinder with the core of „Y“ shape 2.7. Chapter summary 1. There were presented algorithm for calculating cellular pressure vessels’ research results, using numerical methods and on their basis operating strength and stability methodologies. 2. Analyzed strengths criteria, used for investigation of mechanical structures strength and chosen the most suitable for evaluation of cellular pressure vessels strength. 3. Presented experimental research methodologies for cellular vessel and its core element, developed and produced testing-benches necessary to perform experimental research. 4. Described measurements methodology, required for experimental research, the number of demand, evaluation of results dispersion and relative error calculation. 3. STRENGTH RESEARCH RESULTS OF CELLULAR CYLINDERS Abbreviations used in the below presented graphs: Drucker-Prager (D.P), Mohr-Coulomb (M.C.) and von Mises (V.M). 18 Fig. 3.1. Maximum bearing capacity dependence on the wall thickness tv of inner cylinder Fig. 3.2. Maximum bearing capacity dependence on the width La of core element 19 Internal pressure (MPa) 1,2 U (V.M.) 1,15 U (D.P.) U (M.C.) 1,1 Doub. cor. (V.M.) 1,05 Doub. cor. (D.P.) Doub. cor. (M.C.) 1 H (V.M.) H (D.P.) 0,95 H (M.C.) 65 75 85 Core height b (mm) 95 Fig. 3.3. Maximum bearing capacity dependence on the height b of core element Internal pressure (MPa) 1,15 U (V.M.) U (D.P.) 1,05 U (M.C.) Doub. cor. (V.M.) 0,95 Doub. cor. (D.P.) Doub. cor. (M.C.) 0,85 H (V.M.) H (D.P.) 0,75 500 525 550 Diameter Dv (mm) 575 H (M.C.) Fig. 3.4. Maximum bearing capacity dependence on the inner diameter Dv 20 Internal pressure (MPa) 1,2 U (V.M.) 1,15 U (D.P.) U (M.C.) Doub. cor. (V.M.) 1,1 Doub. cor. (D.P.) Doub. cor. (M.C.) 1,05 H (V.M.) H (D.P.) 1 700 1700 2700 Length L (mm) 3700 H (M.C.) Fig. 3.5. Maximum bearing capacity dependence on the cylinder length L 3.1 Strength optimization results of cellular pressure vessels Cellular cylinders were optimized for minimum mass according strength (when state variable – strains, load – internal pressure) using methodology described in chapter 2. Their masses compared to masses of monolithic cylinders at the same maximum bearing capacity, as shown in equation (3.1). msant mkor mmon (3.1) here msant – mass ratio between cylinders, mmon – monolithic cylinder mass, mkor – cellular cylinder mass. From the results of mass optimization of cellular cylinders under internal pressure, presented in table 3.1, obvious, that even after optimization of minimum mass, none of them is lighter compared to monolithic. The lightest cellular cylinder – with the core of “I“ shape, applying Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion. The heaviest – with the “X“ shaped core, applying von Mises strength criterion. Comparing the lightest and the heaviest cylinders, applying different strength criteria, obtained that in all strength criteria application cases the lightest one is cylinder with core of “I” shape. In case of Drucker-Prager criterion application, the heaviest cylinders are with the cores of “H” and “U” shapes, and in case of Mohr-Coulomb – “H”. 21 Table 3.1. Optimization summary of cellular cylinders under inner pressure ( msant ) Core von Mises Drucker-Prager Mohr-Coulomb Non-opt. Opt. Non-opt. Opt. Non-opt. Opt. „U“ 2,83 2,12 2,78 2,5 2,83 2,26 Double corr. 2,69 2,21 2,64 1,95 2,79 2,79 „H“ 2,82 2,11 2,78 2,5 2,81 2,81 „I“ 1,96 1,37 1,82 1,64 1,85 1,2 „A“ 2,72 2,44 2,67 1,96 2,88 2,05 „V with a wall“ 2,69 2,21 2,62 1,97 2,88 2,1 Corrugated 2,68 1,75 2,58 2,25 2,58 1,9 „V“ 2,49 2,39 2,45 1,97 2,54 1,71 „X“ 3,01 2,91 2,69 1,54 3,01 1,71 „Y“ 2,69 2,47 2,3 1,39 2,58 1,33 3.2 Verification of cellular cylinders strength calculations using numerical methods In case to verify acceptability of made numerical research methodology and calculating models, there was carried out experimental research (3.7) using cellular pressure vessel, which cylindrical wall is with corrugated core (2.8). The results were compared to the ones of analogous structure pressure vessel calculating analysis (the experiment was repeated 20 times). In both cases there were analyzed displacements of the central point of the inner cylinder generatrix by increasing internal pressure operating cylinder by 0.05 MPa, from 0 to 0.45 MPa (calculating research scheme presented in fig. 2.7). Fig. 3.6. Displacements measurement place in model of finite elements 22 Numerical model and experimental specimen were made as presented in figures 3.6 and 3.7. Fig. 3.7. Testing-bench of pressure vessel with corrugated core cylindrical wall Comparing the results of calculations and experimental investigation, obvious, that they coincide well – difference between numerical simulation and experimental measurements results does not exceed 2,38%, variation coefficient does not exceed 10%, thus can be said, that results, presented in chapter 3 are correct and suitable for both, practical and scientific practice. Numerical results, in research range, were verified by carried experiment, but it cannot be checked pressure vessel limitary states (when density limit is reached), as well as the most suitable criterion. 3.2 Chapter conclusions 1. After strength investigation of designed cellular cylinders, applying three strength criteria, it was determined, that in many experimental cases, maximum bearing capacity of pressure vessels with cellular walls, was obtained using Drucker-Prager strength criterion. Classifying according maximum bearing capacity, Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion was in the second place, and von-Mises criterion was most conservative – according it, maximum bearing capacities were the lowest. Therefore, in order to minimize the weight and effectively use materials – should be used strength criteria, evaluating mechanical characteristics of the material. 2. In case to find most rational cellular vessel structure there were performed its strength (maximum bearing capacity) variant calculations, by changing the thickness of cellular vessel elements walls. In all cases, thickness change of the core walls and outer cylinder wall thickness did not have significant influence on the increase of maximum bearing capacity. Highest strength value of pressure vessel wit cellular cylindrical walls, is obtained 23 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. by manufacturing their inner cylinder from thicker sheet, but in such case inevitably increases the mass of the pressure vessel. Increase of the core element width La of the investigated core structures had significant influence on the maximum bearing capacity. Influence is positive or negative, depends on core structure and applied strength criterion. Increase of the core height b, contrary to core the element width La, didn’t have observable influence on the maximum bearing capacity. Applying von-Mises strength criterion, in most cases, maximum bearing capacity was reducing significantly. Nature of core height influence, as well as increasing core width, depends on the core structure and applied strength criterion. With increasing the inner cylinder diameter Dv of the cellular pressure vessel, maximum bearing capacity significantly decreases, but increasing the length L, in some cases, maximum bearing capacity of cellular cylinders increased. In all the cylinders, highest maximum bearing capacity, using DruckerPrager strength criterion, has cylinder with “X” shaped core, MohrCoulomb – “Y“, and von Mises – „X“. Meanwhile, the lowest: – „I“(applying Drucker-Prager criterion), „H“ (applying Mohr-Coulomb criterion) and „Y“ (applying von Mises criterion). Pressure vessels of all structures (all 10 core variants of different wall thickness and other geometrical parameters of the vessel), were tested for buckling applying critical pressure, when density limit is reached. Analysis was carried out to find out if structure stays stable when strains reach density limit. After verification of this condition there was not recorder any case of cylinder buckling. Cellular cylinders were optimized to minimum mass in case to determine advantages or disadvantages comparing to monolithic cylinder. After optimization in two cases, i.e. when load operating the cylinder is internal or external pressure (respectively optimizing according strength or stability), was obtained that under the same bearing capacity none of the cellular cylinders is lighter than the monolithic. In case of internal pressure load present, the lightest of cellular cylinders is the one with “I” shaped core, the heaviest – with “X” shaped core, while under external pressure load, lightest cylinder is having “H” shaped core, and heaviest – “X” shaped core. In order to verify methodology of compiled numerical research and acceptability of calculating models, there was carried out experiment of pressure vessel with cylindrical wall having corrugated core, which results were compared to calculating analysis results of analogous structure pressure vessel. Experimental results have confirmed the ones obtained by 24 numerical methods (difference between numerical modeling and experimental measurements results does not exceed 2,38%), however in this case calculating methodology tested just with pressure vessel nonreaching limiting states, because it is impossible verify experimentally which criterion is most suitable when density limit is reached. 4. STABILITY RESEARCH RESULTS OF CELLULAR CYLINDERS Stability results are presented in the same format as strength analysis, thus obtained graphs will not be presented in this chapter, just research verification results. Stability results will be discussed in general in the conclusions of the chapter. Cellular cylinders were optimized to minimum mass according stability (when state variable – buckling coefficient, load – external pressure) applying methodology described in chapter 2. Table 4.1. Optimization summary of cellular cylinders exposed to external pressure ( msant (formula 3.1)). Core Non-opt. Opt. „U“ 2,02 2,02 Double corr. 2,14 2,14 „H“ 1,97 1,97 „I“ 2,2 2,18 „A“ 2,28 2,28 „V with a wall“ 2,14 2,14 Corrugated 2,12 2,11 „V“ 2,15 2,14 „X“ 2,57 2,57 „Y“ 2,23 2,23 According mass optimization results (presented in table 4.1) of cellular cylinders exposed to external pressure, clear that even after optimization them to minimum mass none is lighter than monolithic. Stability optimization compared to the strength analysis optimization does not give significant results, thus it can be concluded that exposed to external pressure initial thicknesses of cellular cylinders elements are optimal and further optimization is unnecessary. The lightest cellular cylinder – with “H” shaped core, the heaviest – with “X”. 25 4.1 Verification of cellular cylinder stability calculations, using numerical methods Fig. 4.1. The specimen „Amsler“ in testing machine During the experiments, there was obtained critical force at which specimen have stumbled – Fcr 7000 N. This force fells to one oblique plate of the core. The same experiment was carried out using numerical analysis package „ANSYS“. Fig. 4.2 presents, how numerical model was loaded and fixed. Arrows from the bottom illustrates fixings, and arrows from the top – acting force. Fig.4.2. Fixings and loads of the core element with oblique plates for investigation of buckling Using numerical analysis it was obtained critical force Fcr 7200 N. In order to compare the results of numerical research, critical force was calculated using analytical formula of critical buckling force: Fcr cr A 26 (4.1) here Fcr – critical force, cr – critical stumbling strain, A – cross-section area of the plate. After calculations obtained – Fcr 6780 N. After calculation of relative error (i.e. inadequacy of calculation results with numerical research data) obtained, that the value of critical buckling force attained by different methods, coincides well – relative error of experimental result – 2,78%, and of analytical – 5,83%. Therefore =, it can be stated, that results presented in chapter 4 are correct and suitable for both, practical and scientific use. 4.2 Chapter conclusions 1. After stability investigation of the designed cellular cylinders, it was obtained, that cylinder with a core of „V shape with a wall“, has highest maximum bearing capacity, and the smallest with „I“shape core. 2. Looking for most rational construction of cellular vessel, there were performed variant stability calculations by modifying thicknesses of the cylinder elements: inner cylinder, core elements and outer cylinder. In all cases, change of the thicknesses of the core elements and the outer cylinder, does not have significant influence on the maximum bearing capacity. Therefore, seeking for bigger bearing capacity, cellular pressure vessel should be manufactured with thicker walls of inner cylinder. 3. After stability calculations, during which there was investigated influence of cellular cylinders members’ width La and height b to the bearing capacity of pressure vessels, obtained, that core member width La, of all investigated structures, do not have significant influence on it. Influence is positive or negative, differs depending on core structure. Value of core height b as well does not have substantial effect to the maximum bearing capacity. 4. In order to find out the impact of cellular cylinders’ magnitude changes on the maximum bearing capacity there were performed stability calculations for different diameter and length cylinders. It was obtained, that the lager the diameter of the cylinder, the smaller is bearing capacity (except the one, having “I“ shape core, when it is the smallest and stays the same in all the cases examined). When the length of the cylinder increases, in some cellular cylinders, maximum bearing capacity decreases gradually, but in some cases, increasing length from 700mm to 1700mm – decreases, if length increases further – bearing capacity remains unchanged. 5. Each structure case exposed to critical pressure, when stability limit is reached, was tested with nonlinear buckling. Analysis was carried out to determine if structure buckles, when stability loss limit is reached, due to structure slenderness or due to plastic deformations. After verification of 27 this condition there was not recorder any case of cylinder buckling because of plastic deformations. 6. After the optimization, it was discovered, that optimization according stability (cylinder under external pressure) results are not as significant as in the case of optimization according the strength. Therefore, initial thicknesses of cellular cylinders’ elements, under external pressure, are optimal and further optimization is unnecessary. Although cellular cylinders are heavier than monolithic, however they are considerably stiffer. Adjusting monolithic cylinder for operation of technological processes (cooling, heating), there should be formed additional “jacket”, therefore it would become heavier. 7. In order to verify cellular pressure vessels stability calculating analysis methodology and calculating models acceptability, there was produced one of three cellular cylinders’ core segment – corrugated core, and experimentally determined critical force, under which specimen have buckled. Numerical research result was compared to analytical solution and results of experiment, which determined critical buckling force of analogical structure (obtained, that difference does not exceed 6%). 28 6. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. There was designed pressure vessel, which cylindrical part is multilayered with cellular insert. Vessel insert consists of technologically simple partitions, characterized by simple production technology. Investigations for strength and stability of 10 cellular pressure vessels with various core constructions operating under internal and external pressure revealed that the highest maximum bearing capacity using the Drucker-Prager strength criterion was a cylinder with an „X“ shaped core, Mohr-Coulomb - „Y“ and von Mises - „X“. Minimum strength using Drucker-Prager strength criterion - the vessel with the „I“ shaped core, Mohr-Coulomb – „H“, von Mises - „Y“ shaped core. Numerical stability study showed that the cylinders with „I“ shaped core has a minimum bearing capacity and „V with a wall“ - the maximum. The most rational core parameters analysis revealed that both for strength and stability studies, the core member height b has no major effect on the maximum bearing capacity of cellular pressure vessels. Core element increase in width La affect the maximum bearing capacity, however increase or decrease is determined by the core structure. Evaluating the impact of changes in cylinder diameter and length on the maximum bearing capacity one may note that the increase in diameter reduces the maximum bearing capacity, and the influence of the length of the cylinder depends on the core structure. New design pressure vessel and it’s core segment samples were produced and experimentally tested for their strength and stability; experimental study results were used for verification of numerical models. Comparison of numerical and experimental study results of cellular cylinder with corrugated core strength confirmed the acceptability of evaluation of strength via numerical methods, because the difference between numerical studies and experimental measurements does not exceed 2,38 %. Acceptability of using numerical methods to assess cellular cylinder stability was confirmed by calculations with relative error not exceeding 6 %. Comparison of monolithic and cellular cylinders masses at the same maximum bearing capacity determined that no cellular cylinder, in both strength and stability study cases, is better than a monolithic with regards to the mass, even optimized for minimal mass. From multifunctionality aspect, the cellular insert can be used to ensure the technological processes, cellular pressure vessel is preferable both economically and technologically. 29 LITERATURE 1. Simone, A. E.; Gibson, L. J. Aluminium foams produced by liqui –state processes. Acta mater, 1998, vol. 46, no. 9, p. 3109-3123. 2. Sriram, R.; Vaidya U. K.; Kim J. – E. Blast impact response of aluminum foam sandwich composites. Journal of Materials Science, 2006, vol. 41, p. 4023-4039. 3. Andrews, E.; Sanders, W.; Gibson L. J. Compressive and tensile behaviour of aluminum foams. Material Science and Engineering, 1999, vol. A270, p. 113-124. 4. Bart – Smith, H. et al. 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Acta Materialia, 2005, vol. 53, p. 303-313. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Articles in journals from Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) list: 1. Žiliukas, Antanas; Kukis, Mindaugas. Pressure vessel with corrugated core numerical strength and experimental analysis // Mechanika / Kauno technologijos universitetas, Lietuvos mokslų akademija, Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas. Kaunas : KTU. ISSN 1392–1207. 2013, T. 19, nr. 4, p. 374–379. [Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science); INSPEC; Compendex; Academic Search Complete; FLUIDEX; Scopus]. [0,500]. [IF (E): 0,336 (2013)]. Articles in other international database list 1. Žiliukas, Antanas; Kukis, Mindaugas. Determination of non stability force of sloping plates // Mechanika 2013 : proceedings of the 18th international conference, 4, 5 April 2013, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania / Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuanian Academy of Science, IFTOMM National Committee of Lithuania, Baltic Association of Mechanical Engineering. Kaunas : Technologija. ISSN 1822–2951. 2013, p. 252–254. [Conference Proceedings Citation Index]. [0,500] 2. Žiliukas, Antanas; Kukis, Mindaugas. Determination of rational geometrical parameters of cellular cylinders according to characteristics of strength and stability // International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME). London : Publishing Division. ISSN 1970–8734. 2014, Vol. 8, no. 1, p. 100–110. [Academic Search Complete; IndexCopernicus; Scopus]. [0,500] Articles in other referred science publications Material from conference papers 1. Žiliukas, Antanas; Kukis, Mindaugas. Application of strength criteria for cellular pressure vessels // [ICME 2014 : International Conference on Mechanical Engineering] : International Science Conference, May 26–27, 2014, London, United Kingdom. London : WASET, 2014. p. 1359–1361. [0,500]. 31 INFORMATION ABOUT AUTHOR OF THE DISSERTATION Name, Surname: Mindaugas Kukis Date and place of birth: 27 October 1984, Kaunas, Lithuania. E-mail: mindaugas.kukis@gmail.com Education and training 2010-09 – 2014-08 2007-09 – 2009-07 2003-09 – 2007-07 Doctoral student at Kaunas University of Technology in the field of Mechanical Engineering Sciences. Kaunas University of Technology, Master of Sciences in Mechanical engineering, Mechanical engineering. Kaunas University of Technology, Bachelor of Sciences in Mechanical engineering, Mechanical engineering. REZIUMĖ Disertacijos apimtis ir struktūra Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, 4 skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas bei mokslinių publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašas ir priedai. Disertacijos apimtis 136 puslapiai, 97 paveikslai ir 33 lentelių. Literatūros sarašą sudaro 141 šaltinių. Pirmame skyriuje pateikiama literatūros apžvalga, apžvelgiami atlikti tyrimai su korėtomis plokštėmis, jų privalumai lyginant su monolitiniais lakštais, jų gamyba ir galimi defektai, išryškinamos problemos ir uždaviniai. Korėtos plokštės daugeliu aspektu yra pranašesnės nei monolitiniai lakštai, tačiau jų gamyba yra itin sudėtinga, reikalaujanti didelių investicijų. Visos korėtos plokštės turi vieną visoms bendrą defektą – korio neprivirinimą prie paviršiaus lakštų. Slėginiai indai yra potencialiai pavojingi gaminiai, todėl toks defektas mažinantis maksimalią laikomąją gebą yra neleistinas norint korėtą plokštę panaudoti slėginio indo kevalui. Skyriuje pristatomas bedefektis korėtų cilindrų gamybos, pagal kurį būtų nesudėtingai pagaminami tiriami korėti cilindrai. Antrame skyriuje pristatomas tyrimo objektas, sudaroma skaitinio tyrimo metodika, išvesta pasvirusių plokštelių nestabilumo jėgos nustatymo formulė, apžvelgiami stiprumo kriterijai ir pateikiamos taikomų kriterijų formulės - Drukerio-Pragerio, Moro-Kulono, von Mizeso. Pateikimi korėtų slėgio indų stiprumo ir stabilumo tyrimo algoritmai. Pristatoma optimizavimo atlikimo metodika, pateikiami korėtų slėgio indų optimizavimo parametrai, aprašomas optimizavimui naudojamas „Subproblem“ optimizavimo operatorius. Skaitinės stiprumo ir stabilumo tyrimo rezultatų verifikavimui pateikiami verifikavimo metodai. Skaitiniai tyrimai atliekami su skaičiavimo baigtiniais 32 elementais paketu ANSYS. Stiprumo skaitinės analizės verifikavimui pagaminamas korėtas slėgio indas su gofruoto korio konstrukcija. Stabilumo tyrimų verifikacijai pasirinktas supaprastintas bandymas, kadangi pagaminti korėtą indą, kuris sukluptų esant mažesniam išoriniam slėgiui nei 0.07 MPa (maksimalus vakuumas, kurį galima sukelti vakuuminiu siurbliu. 0.1 MPa yra absoliutus vakuumas) neįmanoma. Trečiame skyriuje pateikiami stiprumo tyrimo ir optimizavimo rezultatai, o skyriaus gale stiprumo analizės rezultatų verifikavimas. Atliktas bandymas su korėtu slėgio indu, kurio korys gofruotas, patvirtino skaitinių tyrimų rezultatų priimtinumą. Ketvirtame skyriuje pateikiami stabilumo tyrimo ir optimizavimo rezultatai, o skyriaus gale stabilumo analizės rezultatų verifikavimas. Atliktas supaprastintas bandymas gofruoto korio segmentu patvirtino skaitinių tyrimų priimtinumą. Darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai Sukurti ir ištirti slėgio indą, kurio cilindrinės dalies sienelės yra daugiasluoksnės su korėtu intarpu, pasižymintį geresnėmis funkcinėmis savybėmis, negu slėgio indai su monolitinėmis sienelėmis, ir paprasta gamybos technologija. Iš tiriamų korio konstrukcijų nustatyti racionaliausią. Šiam tikslui pasiekti iškelti tokie uždaviniai: 1. sukurti slėgio indą, kurio kevalo cilindrinės dalies sienelės yra daugiasluoksnės su įvairios konstrukcijos technologiškai nesudėtingais korėtais intarpais; 2. sudaryti skirtingų cilindro ir korio geometrinių parametrų slėgio indo skaičiuojamuosius modelius ir skaitiniais metodais ištirti jų funkcines charakteristikas bei palyginti jas tarpusavyje naudojant skirtingus stiprumo kriterijus; 3. pagaminti naujos konstrukcijos slėgio indo bei jo korio segmento bandomuosius pavyzdžius ir eksperimentiškai ištirti jų stiprumą bei stabilumą; tyrimo rezultatų pagrindu verifikuoti skaičiuojamuosius modelius; 4. siekiant sumažinti sukurtų slėgio indų masę atlikti jų sienelių ir korio elementų storio optimizavimą, optimizuotas konstrukcijas palyginti su slėgio indais monolitinėmis sienelėmis. Darbo naujumas Sukurtas slėgio indas su daugiasluoksnėmis cilindrinės dalies sienelėmis, kurio funkcinės savybės geresnės, negu slėgio indų su monolitinėmis sienelėmis, o gamybos technologija palyginti paprasta ir bedefektė. Skaitiškai tiriant sukurto slėgio indo stiprumą baigtinių elementų analizės sistema ANSYS suprogramuoti 33 ir panaudoti joje standartiškai nesantys Drukerio-Pragerio bei Moro-Kulono stiprumo kriterijai. Darbo aktualumas Sukurtas naujos konstrukcijos slėgio indas, pasižymintis didesniu stabilumu, negu indas su monolitine sienele, ir atsparesnis išorinio slėgio poveikiui. Be to, toks indas yra gera alternatyva tais atvejais, kai siekiant užtikrinti specifinių technologinių procesų vyksmą būtina reguliuoti ar palaikyti reikiamą inde esančios terpės temperatūrą. Naudojant slėgio indus iš monolitinio lakšto juos reikia apgaubti tam tikrais papildomais „marškiniais“, kuriuose galėtų cirkuliuoti reikiamą temperatūros režimą palaikanti terpė. UDK 621.772-419.5(043.3) SL344. 2015-04-02, 2,25 leidyb. apsk. l. Tiražas 70 egz. Užsakymas 126. Išleido leidykla „Technologija“, Studentų g. 54, 51424 Kaunas Spausdino leidyklos „Technologija“ spaustuvė, Studentų g. 54, 51424 Kaunas 34
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