Central Garden & Pet Packaging & Graphics 1340 Treat Blvd. Suite 600, Walnut Creek, CA 94597 PET DIVISION PROJECT LINKED IMAGES Four Paws/First Aid Remedies - Elite Aloe Ear Mite Treatment Cat-Box Pet Care FILE NAME SCALE SPOT COLORS 100% FP_100514900_Box_041303.ai CYAN START DATE FILE RELEASE DATE VERSION ITEM NUMBER RM NUMBER 04.03.13 00.00.13 5 100514900 300514542 MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK FONTS Helvetica Condensed Medium Helvetica Condensed-Bold Helvetica 77 Bold Condensed Helvetica 57 Condensed Helvetica Neue LT Pro 57 Condensed Trajan Pro Bold Helvetica 87 Heavy Condensed OCRB Trajan Pro Helvetica 47 Light Condensed Helvetica 55 Roman Courier SPEC CHANGE NUMBER N/A SOFTWARE CREATIVE SERVICE NUMBER UPC CODE DIELINE SPEC Adobe Illust. CS6 12-50019 45663017323 311.2mm (12.253”) x 198.2 mm (7.804”) Final Art Prepared by Oksana Teicholz T 925-948-2718 E oteicholz@central.com Aloe Ear Mite Treatment READ ENTIRE LABEL BEFORE EACH USE. USE ONLY ON CATS. for cats Four Paws® Aloe Ear Mite Treatment for Cats offers relief for cats suffering from ear mites. Cats that have ear mites will typically shake their heads and scratch their ears frequently. Ear mites live in the ear canal of the animal and cause a brownish, waxy debris to be formed. Ear mites may be detected by placing some of the waxy debris on a dark surface and carefully watching for the movement of tiny white specks away from the debris. Inflamed, watery, or blocked ear canals indicate a more serious condition which requires the services of a veterinarian. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS CAUTION HUMANS: Avoid contact with skin or clothing. Prolonged or To Kill Ear Mites frequently repeated skin contact may cause allergic Clean ears to remove built-up wax and dirt. While firmly holding reactions in some individuals. Wash hands thoroughly with pet, fill ear canal with labeled number of drops in each ear. soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, Massage base of ear to insure insecticidal action penetrates ear wax. Gently dry ear with a cotton ball, soft cloth, or cotton chewing gum, using tobacco, or using the toilet. swab. This product may be applied daily for 7 to 10 days. ANIMALS: Do not use on kittens less than 12 weeks old. Repeat treatment in two weeks if necessary. Consult a veterinarian before using this product on debilitated, aged, pregnant or nursing animals, or animals on medications. Body Weight Dosage Avoid contact with eyes. Sensitivities may occur after using < 15 lbs. 4-5 drops/day/ear ANY pesticide product for pets. If signs of sensitivity occur, bathe your pet with mild soap and rinse with large amounts of 16-30 lbs. 5-10 drops/day/ear water. If signs continue, consult a veterinarian immediately. Aloe FIRST AID Ear Mite IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING Treatment for cats ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Pyrethrins................................................... 0.05% Piperonyl Butoxide* .................................... 0.50% OTHER INGREDIENTS: ........................... 99.45% Total ......................................................100.00% * Butylcarbityl 6-propylpiperonyl ether and related compounds See Back Panel For Precautionary Statements • Take off contaminated clothing. • Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. • Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also contact 1-866-987-4110 for emergency medical treatment information. DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. USE RESTRICTIONS: The maximum application rate depends on animal weight and is 5 drops/day for animals 5-15 lbs, or 10 drops/day for animals 16 - 30 lbs. Treatment can be applied daily for 7 to 10 days, then repeated 2 weeks after the last treatment, if necessary. Manufactured for: Central Garden & Pet Company 1501 East Woodfield Road 200W Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 If conditions for which this preparation is used persist or if an irritation develops, discontinue use and consult a veterinarian. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PESTICIDE STORAGE: Store in a cool, dry area away from heat or open flame. PESTICIDE DISPOSAL AND CONTAINER HANDLING: If empty: Do not reuse this container. Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. If partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain. In case of emergency or for product use information call 1-866-987-4110 To learn more, visit www.fourpaws.com To the extent consistent with applicable law, Seller makes no warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the use and handling of this product other than indicated on the label. To the extent consistent with applicable law, Buyer assumes all risks of use and handling of this material when such use and handling are contrary to label instructions. Made in USA EPA Reg. No. 2724-734-89459 EPA Est. No. 84830-IA-01 Kills Ear Mites on Contact Kills Ear Mites on Contact Kills Ear Mites on Contact Contains Aloe to Help Soothe Irritated Skin Contains Aloe to Help Soothe Irritated Skin Contains Aloe to Help Soothe Irritated Skin Aloe Aloe Aloe Treatment Treatment Treatment Ear Ear Ear Mite Mite Mite for cats for cats for cats KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN ©2013 Four Paws Products Ltd. Four Paws and Four Paws with design are registered trademarks of Four Paws Products Ltd. Central Garden & Pet and Central Garden & Pet with design are trademarks of Central Garden & Pet Company. CAUTION NET CONTENTS 0.75 FL OZ (22 CC) 300514542 D13 De pa r t me nto fAgr i c ul t ur e STATEOFHAWAI I LI CENSED 0142016LIC.NO. PERI OD2 0 8910.19 45663 01732 3 Central Garden & Pet Packaging & Graphics 1340 Treat Blvd. Suite 600, Walnut Creek, CA 94597 PET DIVISION PROJECT LINKED IMAGES SPOT COLORS Four Paws/First Aid Remedies - Elite Aloe Ear Mite Treatment Cat-Label Pet Care FILE NAME SCALE 100% FP_100202112_EarMite_Cat_label_041303.ai START DATE FILE RELEASE DATE VERSION ITEM NUMBER RM NUMBER 04.03.13 00.00.13 7 100514900 300513956 PMS 300 FONTS Helvetica Condensed Medium Helvetica Condensed-Bold Helvetica 77 Bold Condensed Helvetica 57 Condensed Helvetica Neue LT Pro 57 Condensed Trajan Pro Bold Helvetica 87 Heavy Condensed OCRB Trajan Pro Helvetica 47 Light Condensed Helvetica 55 Roman Courier SPEC CHANGE NUMBER N/A SOFTWARE CREATIVE SERVICE NUMBER UPC CODE DIELINE SPEC Adobe Illust. CS6 13-50035 NA 311.2mm (12.253”) x 198.2 mm (7.804”) Final Art Prepared by Oksana Teicholz T 925-948-2718 E oteicholz@central.com Four Paws® Aloe Ear Mite 300513956 Item No. 100514900 13-50035 Treatment for cats Pyrethrins.............................. 0.05% Piperonyl Butoxide* ............... 0.50% * Butylcarbityl 6-propylpiperonyl ether and related compounds KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Manufactured for: Central Garden & Pet Company 1501 East Woodfield Road 200W Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 CAUTION See label for Precautionary Statements and Directions for Use EPA Reg. No. 2724-734-89459 EPA Est. No. 84830-IA-01 NET CONTENTS: 0.75 fl oz (22 cc)
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