VISION S Vol. 19 No. 2 March/April 2013 NAATP will host Adolescent/ Young Adult Summit 8:30 – 10:00 John Kelly, Ph.D. - “Social Recovery Model: Adolescent and young adult recovery outcomes in relation to 12-step mutual-help participation” Relapse following treatment is common, yet participation in professionallydelivered continuing care and recovery focused mutual-help organizations, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) have been shown to reduce relapse rates. While young people have also been shown to benefit from 12-step mutual-help participation they face additional barriers to engagement compared to adults. This talk reviews the evidence regarding the clinical utility of 12-step mutual-help resources for young people and discusses clinical recommendations to facilitate their use. 10:15- 11:15 “THE NETWORK...Rewiring the Young Adult Brain to Achieve Mental Health”, presented by M. David Lewis MD, FSAM – Medical Director/ Psychiatrist In Addition to the Annual Conference, NAATP will be hosting a Preconference which will focus on Adolescent and Young Adult Treatment Issues. The Precon will be held Friday, May 17 at the La Cantera Resort in San Antonio, Texas. Preconference 5.5 Hours NAATP Members $199 Non-Members $225 REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NAATP.ORG In the wake of the tragedy in Connecticut, it is imperative that we better understand young adult mental health. The Medical Director of Visions Treatment Centers presents on young adult mental health to help shed light on its importance for the individual and society. 11:45 – 1:15 Lunch Panel: Please join us for lunch and discussion with industry professionals about adolescent and yound adult assessment and treatment options. Moderator: Bob Ferguson, founder and CEO of Jaywalker Lodge Dave Rotenberg, MA, MBA, CAC Diplomate, Vice President of Treatment at Caron Hugh Nash, Director of Business Development, Cumberland Heights Treatment Center John D. Lieberman, Director of Operations, Visions Adolescent Treatment Centers Jack L. Kline, MS, LPC, LCAS, CCS, LPCS, founder and executive director of Four Circles Recovery Center 1:30- 3:00 “Going system-wide: The Center for Students in Recovery at The University of Texas” Presented by Ivana Grahovac, MSW, Director of The Center for Students in Recovery at the University of Texas at Austin 3:15 – 3:00 Wrap up Sponsored by Capstone Treatment Center and Turning Point Extended Care Sober Living, Northbound Treatment Services, Ferguson Behavioral Health, Cumberland Heights, Caron, Visions Adolescent, Jaywalker Lodge, La Hacienda, Four Circles and Talbott Recovery In this Issue • NAATP Annual Conference P. 3 • Welcome New Members P. 4 • Controlling Workers Compensation Costs P. 8 • From the Board Room P. 12 La Cantera Resort San Antonio, Texas John F. Kelly, Ph.D. Dr. Kelly is an Associate Professor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the Program Director of the Addiction Recovery Management Service (ARMS) and Associate Director of the Center for Addiction Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). He has served as a consultant to U.S. federal agencies such as the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and the national Institutes of Health (NIH); to non-Federal institutions, such as the Betty Ford Institute and the Hazelden Foundation; and internationally to the British Parliament Drugs Misuse Taskforce. He has published more than 100 peerreviewed articles, reviews, and chapters in the field of addiction. His clinical and research work has focused on addiction treatment and the recovery process which has included specific research on the effectiveness of mutual-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, as adjuncts to formal care. His additional research endeavors have focused on the translation and implementation of evidencebased practice, addiction and criminal justice, addiction treatment theories and mechanisms of action, and reducing stigma associated with addiction. He is a licensed clinical psychologist actively working with individuals and families with alcohol and other drug use disorders. Through the Looking Glass Over the last few months, a group of Board members along with some NAATP members met to discuss concerns about issues including, but not limited to Parity Implementation, the ACA, and the emergence of medication only treatment philosophies affecting our industry. We started meeting in Nashville and then moved to Dallas to address these concerns and begin executing an action plan. At the expense of these concerned professionals they hired a consultant and invited me to participate in a process which resulted in a “statement of Values” and an action plan designed to address research/outcomes, communication, ethics and other important industry specific topics. NAATP Nashville Summit Statement of Values · We value the history of significant contributions made by Sincerely, 12-Step abstinence-based treatment to the sobriety of over twenty million Americans in recovery. · We value residential treatment’s vital, necessary and essential place in the full continuum of care as a viable choice for the treatment of the disease of addiction. · We value a comprehensive model of care that addresses the medical, biopsychosocial and spiritual needs of individuals and families impacted by the disease of addiction. In January, the work of the group was presented to the NAATP Board and we voted to adopt the values statement as NAATP’s and continue the work begun by this group now known as NAATP Nashville Summitt Committee as a Board committee. The Board Committee will be chaired by Jim Moore of Cumberland Heights and consists of work groups chaired by various board members which will continue to be actively engaged in furthering developing and executing the NAATP Agenda. · We value research-driven, evidence-based treatment interventions that integrate the sciences of medicine, therapy and spirituality. (For example, pharmaceutical interventions including medications for reducing craving and withdrawal symptoms; psychosocial interventions including cognitivebehavioral therapy and motivational interviewing; spiritual interventions including 12-Step facilitated therapy and mindfulness meditation; behavioral interventions including nutrition and exercise). We will be hosting another “Town Hall” meeting at this years national conference in May and I encourage anyone who wants to get involved in the important tasks at hand to join us at this meeting. Also, over the next few months we will update you with issues regarding parity implementation and other items via eblast and encourage all of you to share this information with your staff, alumni, board and other related interested parties. · We value abstinence from all abusable drugs as an optimal component of wellness and lifelong recovery. Depending on biopsychosocial and economic factors, there may be persons who might require medication-assisted treatment for extended periods of time and perhaps indefinitely. However, medication alone is never sufficient to maintain long-term recovery. There are many related efforts under way to get the message of treatment and recovery and I encourage you to stay involved with efforts such as Americans for Recovery and other advocacy initiatives to share our stories of hope. · We value outcome data that assesses the efficacy of treatment interventions. I will be in Washington DC in March and April for meetings with key partners and visiting Capitol Hill, ONDCP, ASAM, NAPHS, SAAS, Legal Action and others to share our support, struggles, concerns and insight as we continue to move NAATP’s Agenda and be your voice. · We value education and training that promotes understanding of a continuum of care that embraces these values. Please join us in the fight to make sure all have the option for the quality care we know changes lives, families and communities. Michael E. Walsh President/CEO 2 “The Challenge of Change” The Future of Addiction Treatment May 18-21, 2013 SATURDAY, MAY 18 Golf Breakfast Golf Outing & Lunch Opening Celebration Town Hall Meeting La Cantera Resort San Antonio, Texas SUNDAY, MAY 19 Twelve Step Meeting Continental Breakfast Opening Plenary - Chris Herren - “The Game Has Changed” Workshop A - Bipolar, Borderline and Substance Treating the Most Difficult Cases: - Debra Meehl, DD, MSW Concurrent Treatment of Substance Abuse and Eating Disorders - Michael E. Berrett, PhD & Melissa K. Taylor, LMFT Workshop B- ROUNDTABLE LUNCHEONS: Clinical Roundtable: Changing the Way We Approach and Treat Addiction - Jason Z.W. Powers, MD, DABFP, DASAM, Chief Medical Officer, San Cristobal, Spirit Lodge & Right Step CEO / Board Roundtable: The Art of Inspired Leadership: How Culture Can Transform Our Organizations, Move Our Field, and Improve Client Care -Miles Adcox, MS, CEO of Onsite Marketing Roundtable: “Communicating Now and Then: Using Technology & Social Media to Enhance Treatment, Aftercare, and Alumni Services” - Dorothy Dorman, CEO of Harmony Foundation and Marvin Ventrell, Director of Harmony’s Community & Alumni Relations Office Insurance Roundtable: Privacy / Cyber Liability Risks in the Treatment Industry ~ Are your Organization’s Financial Assets Protected? Sean F. Conaboy , Broker-NSM Insurance Group – Phila. Pa. and Richard Willetts, CPCU, ARM Workshop A - Abstinent 12 Step Oriented Treatment as Part of the Continuum - It is not us against them! Charles W. Morgan, MD, FASAM, FAAFP Medical Director, Seabrook House, Inc. Chapman Sledge, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Cumberland Heights Addiction Treatment Center Kenneth W. Thompson, MD, FASAM, Medical Director, Caron Treatment Centers Workshop B - Treating Co-Occurring Disorders - Tina Black, LCSW Clinical Services Director Board Reception - Dinner and Entertainment by Tejas Brothers MONDAY, MAY 20 Twelve Step Meeting Continental Breakfast Workshop A - Women and the Impact of Addiction: Special Issues in Treatment and Recovery - Cheryl Knepper, MA, LPC, ATR-BC, CSAT-S, ICCDPD, Vice President of Caron Continuum Services Workshop B - Advanced Techniques in Understanding and Treating Chronic Relapse in Adults - Heidi Voet Smith, MA, LPC Plenary Session – A Comprehensive Response to the Opioid Crisis - Marvin D. Seppala, MD, Chief Medical Officer Hazelden Foundation Scott Hesseltine, Chemical Dependency Program Supervisor, Hazelden Center City Fred Holmquist, Director of The Lodge at Hazelden Workshop A Systemic Recovery: Assessment, Support, Accountability, & Outcome Research for the Entire Family System - John Southworth, Southworth Associates and Caroline Smith, Pine Grove Behavioral Health Workshop B “Back from the Abyss – How On-Campus Collegiate Recovery Programs Are Changing the Face of Treatment and Higher Education.” - Bob Ferguson, Founder & Director of Jaywalker Lodge Annual Awards Luncheon/Welcome New Members Workshop A - Taking Men’s Addiction Services to the Next Level Effectively Engaging Men and Addressing Their Unique Exerience of Trauma - Dan Griffin, MA, Griffin Recovery Enterprises Workshop B - Healing the Addicted Brain - Dr. Harold C. Urschel, III MD, MMA TUESDAY, MAY 21 Twelve Step Meeting Closing Plenary Breakfast - Affordable Care Act REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NAATP.ORG Welcome New Members Vita Novus, Onc. John Haines, CEO 125 Edward St Aurora, ON L4G 1C3 CANADA,, Infinity Behavioral Health Services, Inc. Ryan Collison 2699 Stirling Road, Suite 304-A Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 The Control Center provides state of the art mental health and addiction treatment in an intensive outpatient setting as an alternative to inpatient rehab. We offer a comprehensive treatment model that incorporates neuroscience, specialty psychotherapy, trauma work, holistic medicine, psychiatric services, individual/ group/family therapy and either 12 step or an alternative program. Our distinguished team of doctors and therapists specialize in chemical and behavioral addictions, dual diagnosis and relationship therapy. The Control Center offers personalized care that features a complimentary assessment, customized treatment plan, flexible length of stay and we accept insurance. Our staff is dedicated to your success and recovery. Support Services: Billing Services, Consulting, Insurance Infinity Behavioral Health Services provides end-to-end billing services for behavioral healthcare facilities. We bring your receivables as close to billable amounts as possible and we minimize your turn around time to the tightest window available. Our mission is to improve your reimbursement so that you can focus on treating your patients.Collectively, we have decades of experience in the substance abuse and mental health field. Our areas of expertise include utilization review, out of network billing, medical coding, claims management and revenue flow improvement. New Beginnings at Lake Charles LLC Diana Drake, CEO 145 Victoria Dr. Lake Charles, LA 70611 The Control Center Arif Karim, CEO 9777 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 704 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Specialty Programs: Alcohol/Drug Addiction, Coed Program, Dual Diagnosis, Gender Separate, Opiate Detox, Psychiatric Services, Specialized Intensive Relapse PreventionTrack; Medically supported opiate detox; specialized Life skills enhancement program Dimensions of Treatment Offered: Consulting, Inpatient Detox, Intensive Outpatient, Intervention, Outpatient Treatment, Partial Hospitalization, Primary Residential For Profit, 30+ days, Insurance, Private/Self Pay, licensed New Beginnings Lake Charles LLC has been providing excellence in the treatment of addiction for almost half a century. Our program is unique in it’s approach as an intensive 12 Step Model along with specialized Cognitive Behavioral Restructuring, Relapse Prevention and Customized Treatment Planning. New Beginnings Lake Charles has an individualized length of stay based on each clients unique situation and needs. We have a life skills enhancement component that is unique to the field and greatly contributes to a successful transition into a lifetime of recovery. Specialty Programs: Alcohol/Drug Addiction, Compulsive Gambling, Dual Diagnosis, Eating Disorders, Holistic, Medication Management, Opiate Detox, Psychiatric Services, Sexual Addictions, Trauma/PTSD Deminesions of Treatment: Consulting, Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient Treatment Private/Self Pay, Insurance, Licensed The Control Center provides state of the art mental health and addiction treatment in an intensive outpatient setting as an alternative to inpatient rehab. We offer a comprehensive treatment model that incorporates neuroscience, specialty psychotherapy, trauma work, holistic medicine, psychiatric services, individual/group/family therapy and either 12 step or an alternative program. Our distinguished team of doctors and therapists specialize in chemical and behavioral addictions, dual diagnosis and relationship therapy. The Control Center offers personalized care that features a complimentary assessment, customized treatment plan, flexible length of stay and we accept insurance. Our staff is dedicated to your success and recovery. 4 Novus Medical Detox Center Kent Runyon, CEO 9270 Royal Palm Avenue New Port Richley, FL 34654 Wayside House George McElroy, CEO 378 NE 6th Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33483 Inpatient Detox, up to 30 Days, Insurance, Private/Self Pay, Licensed Specialty Programs: Alcohol/Drug Addiction, Dual Diagnosis, Medication Management, Psychiatric Services, Women Only Dimensions of Treatment Offered: Extended Care, Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient Treatment, Primary Residential, Sober Living 90 +day, Not-for-profit, Insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Private/ Self Pay, State Funded, Licensed Novus personally tailors their detox program to the patient’s exacting needs and requirements. We take into account all facets of the addiction, including patient’s body, metabolism and circumstance. Accomplished in a relaxed “at home” environment that is supervised 24/7, we provide the most competent, professional care, we utilize state-ofthe-art medical protocols with our nutritional IVs and supplements, all designed to speed the body’s healing process. Novus is the ideal place for someone to begin the healing process from their addiction or dependency. HARP Palm Beach Gino Cicerchia, CEO 2655 North Ocean Drive, Suite 103 Singer Island, FL 33404 Specialty Programs: Alcohol/Drug Addiction, Coed Program, Holistic, Medication Management, Older Adult Recovery Dimensions of Treatment: Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient Treatment, Partial Hospitalization, Primary Residential For Profit, 30, 60, 90 Day, Insurance, Private/Self Pay, Licensed The vision of HARP Palm Beach is to become the best alternative treatment program possible. The HARP model was developed in 1970 and has been in practice ever since. It is a client-centered, eclectic treatment approach that carefully integrates various forms of treatment modalities such as cognitive therapy, behavioral modification, interpersonal therapy, and social integration. Our treatment program places a heavy emphasis on daily intensive psychotherapy groups and unlimited individual counseling. This ensures that each and every client is given the necessary therapeutic attention they need in order to achieve and maintain a sober lifestyle. By carefully combining our model with this highly individualized level of care, clients are given the very best chance to achieve sobriety. 5 Nationally recognized, Wayside House is a non-profit 501 (C) (3) treatment program for women who struggle with substance abuse and co-occurring conditions. As part of its continuum of care, Wayside House provides residential and extended residential treatment as well as outpatient services. From our Recovery Campus in Delray Beach, Florida, Wayside House has, since 1974, helped countless women regain and sustain their sobriety. With emphasis on how addiction specifically effects women, the Wayside House program strives to foster sobriety, prevent relapse, promote character development and ultimately reunify families. Phoenix Houses of Texas, Inc. Maeve O’Neill, VP & Deputy Region Div 2351 W. Northwest Hwy. #3265 Dallas, TS 75009 Specialty Programs: Adolescent, Alcohol/Drug Addiction Dimensions of Treatment: Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient Treatment, Partial Hospitalization, Primary Residential, Not-for Profit, Insurance, Medicaid, Private/Self Pay, State Funded, CARF, Licensed Welcome New Members Transformations Treatment Center Mark Gerhardt, Owner 14000 S. Military Trail, Suite 202 Delray Beach, FL 33484 Specialty Programs: Alcohol/Drug Addiction, Coed Program, Compulsive Gambling, Dual Diagnosis, Gender Separate, Holistic, Medication Management, Psychiatric Services, Sexual Addictions, Trauma/PTSD, Christian 12-Step Program as well as Traditional 12-Step Program Dimensions of treatment Offered: Consulting, Inpatient Detox, Intensive Outpatient, Intervention, Outpatient Treatment, Partial Hospitalization, Primary Residential, Coordinate detox arrangements, coordinate interventions, 30+ Day, For-Profit, Insurance, Privte/Self Pay, Licensed Transformations Treatment Center, located in Delray Beach, Florida, is committed to ending the revolving door, by providing each person dignity, individual choices in recovery, and all the attention and tools needed to be successful - including two sessions with individual Master Degree level counselor each week along with over 15 - 20 group and case load sessions. All special therapy needs are addressed on a individual basis. Our Traditional 12 step Program as well as our popular Christian 12 Step Program also incorporate Holistic protocols. Our Programs offer life skills training and relapse prevention skills. After a 30 day program, the client is welcomed back to our aftercare program for a full year. We also offer a very successful 3 or 5 day Intensive Out Patient Treatment Program, and an Evening Out Patient Program. Transformations offers condo homes (72 beds) consisting of a beautiful private bedroom and bath for each client, up to date kitchens, laundry in each condo, unlimited long distance. cable TV, and computer. We also offer a 12 person, semi private bedroom residence for those who struggle financially for under $10,000 per month. Life skills such as resume writing and interview skills are taught. NA/AA/CR meetings off and on site. All this designed to help the recovering person balance physical, mental and spiritual well-being. We incorporate family counseling individualized for each client, and a weekend Family Program. We provide a chiropractor and specifically designed nutrient supplementation (with testing) to all, which helps greatly in feeling better as one recovers, along with alleviating the need for meds. Further holistic choices include diet planning skills, gym and trainer visits and our pool, on the serene, lakeside setting. Transformations incorporates neurofeedback through Brain Paint and relaxation through The Serenity Lounge. All this for a industry average price, and we work with many insurances. Specialties: Drug, alcohol, dual diagnosis treatment programs. Effective, individualized, real life training along with dignified therapy and setting. Christian Program available. St. John’s Counselling Service Dr. Mark L. Gandolfi Suite 7/D - On Hing Building - Central Hong Kong, HK Specialty Programs: Adolescent, Alcohol/Drug Addiction, Compulsive Gambling, Drunk Driving Program, Dual Diagnosis, Eating Disorders, Medication Management, Sexual Addictions Dimensions of Treatment Offered: Extended Care, Intensive Outpatient, Intervention, Outpatient Detox, Outpatient Treatment Insurance, Private/Self Pay, State Funded Working in collaboration with DARA - Thailand, St. John’s Counselling Service and DARA Thailand provide seamless intervention - detox - inpatient - outpatient - aftercare substance abuse - addiction disorder healthcare program that employs CBT, 12 step, and St. John’s Counselling Service dual diagnosis WellNess - Mindfulness program. A dedicated team of qualified clinicians to include nutritionist, substance abuse counsellors, psychotherapists, family therapy, infectious disease and psychiatric healthcare professionals. Hope Homes, Inc. Beth Fisher, Founder, Executive Director 1741 Spring Street Smyrna, GA 30080 Specialty Programs: Alcohol/Drug Addiction, Dual Diagnosis, Eating Disorders, Gender Separate, Older Adult Recovery, Sexual Addictions, GLBT, mothers and children Dimensions of Treatment Offered: Extended Care, Sober Living 120+ day, Not-for-profit, Privat/Self Pay Hope Homes, Inc. is an extended care recovery residence designed to bridge the gap from early recovery to independent living. Our program is for adult men and women, 18 years and above, who live in appropriately separate communities. Our mission is to bring lasting recovery to a wide demographic range of individuals in a residential, community setting. We provide the highest caliber of rehabilitative service to those in early recovery by providing: * Safe residences in comfortable home settings * Professional, fulltime staff to provide holistic life skill development and support * An environment where collaborative community networking is emphasized Hope Homes has locations in Atlanta, GA, Charlotte, NC, and Greenville, SC . 6 Lake View 1900 Corporate Square Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32216 Roy Serpa, President / CEO Recovery Associates of the Palm Beaches Jim Rapp, CEO 2801 N. Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33407 US Dimensions of Treatment Offered: Extended Care, Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient Treatment Specialty Programs: Adolescent, Alcohol/Drug Addiction, Dual Diagnosis, 30+, 60+, 90+, 120+, Insurance, Private / Self Pay, Licensed 30+ day, for-profit, Insurance, Private/Self-Pay, JCAHO, Licensed Our alcohol and drug rehab center in Florida is located in Jacksonville, Florida. We are licensed by the state of Florida and nationally accredited by The Joint Commission, the nation’s premier accrediting body for hospitals and institutions. We have successfully treated thousands of men and women from across the country. We specialize in providing every patient with personalized and comprehensive care from doctors, nurses and therapists who are specially trained to treat addictions. Entering drug or alcohol rehab is a life-affirming decision. It is also an effort that demands rigorous attention and work. Choosing a rehab center away from distractions allows you to get the most out of your stay. The Florida climate offers comfortable conditions year round, which aids in keeping the focus on restoring your health. Traveling away from home also eliminates any distractions you may get from local hangouts, friends and addiction-related habits. The most successful drug rehab centers include detox, immediately followed by treatment. Our detox center in Florida is in the same facility as treatment, which will allow you to effectively make the transition from detox to treatment. Detox alone will not alter the pattern of drug abuse in the long term. Only the combination of detox and rehab provides you with the highest chances of living drug free. Recovery Associates of the Palm Beaches is a drug and alcohol treatment center for men, women and teens. We strive to continuously evolve our program to reflect advances in the treatment of addiction and incorporate new evidence-based approaches to healing the wounds of substance abuse, while still including the proven, effective methods that have helped our clients achieve lasting sobriety. Higher Ground Women’s Residential Recovery Center Beatrice Carroll, Owner and Executive Director 17626 Deer Flat Rd. Caldwell, ID 83607 30, 60, 90 day, non-profit, Insurance, Self-Pay, Licensed Higher Ground is a co-occurring recovery center who treats women who are suffering from alcoholism, prescription pill addiction, opiate addiction, meth addiction, cocaine addiction, marijuana and other substances. We incorporate both traditional and non-traditional treatment methods with current evidence based approaches. We recognize alcoholism and addiction as an individual illness and family illness. We recognize the addicted resident as a woman of dignity and value whom we honor in a spirit of truth and confidence. We specialize in trauma work with women (PTSD), and addressing core issues that lead to the addiction and/or alcoholism. We also address process addictions such as sex addiction, love addiction, food addiction, and gambling addiction. We accept women who are pregnant or have bio medical conditions. Oceanside Detox Michael Kulick 461 Venus Drive Juno Beach, FL 33408 30+ day, For-profit, Insurance, Private/Self Pay, Licensed Oceanside is the east coast’s only detox facility nestled by the sea located in a tranquil setting in Juno Beach, FL favorably positioned on the Atlantic Ocean. We are a state of the art detox program that specializes in drug and alcohol addiction. Services provided through individualized treatment modalities include 24-hour medically managed detox services, nursing care, comprehensive assessments, individual/group therapies, and discharge planning. Open to a diversified population, we offer clients the ability to explore and address issues in a relaxing therapeutic environment while striving to enhance wellness. It is time to Sea Yourself healing and free, at Oceanside Detox, YOUR Detox by the Sea. 7 Treatment Providers -“Don’t be a Victim” TEN PROVEN STRATEGIES TO CONTROL WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COSTS Background Worker’s Compensation coverage has fast become the most costly Coverage for many Treatment Providers! Due to a “hardening” of the Market & many Work Comp Carriers exiting the Marketplace, premiums are at an all-time high. Escalating Medical costs associated with employee injuries and the Loss of time at work are reeking havoc with a Programs ability to predict Work Comp costs! What many Program Administrators do not realize however is the level of control they can actually have on the variables that drive $ costs … NSM typically outlines a program for clients, consisting of 10 proven methods to control Workers’ Compensation costs. We call it managing risks because it offers a clear path to control costs using three types of strategies. Preventing, Managing and Financing. A district advantage of this program is that any company can implement each strategy without hiring a consultant or making a large financial investment. The real investment is long- term commitment. Once you are committed, the next step to achieving your goals is finding a partner to help you create a plan that fits your unique environment and needs. An insurance broker experienced in risk management with expertise in your industry is required. Strategy 1: Build a totally accountable safety culture from the top-down to establish the driving force behind controlling your costs Strategy 2: Educate your employees on the factors that influence the company’s Experience Modification Factor. Strategy 3: Establish effective hiring and orientation procedures that reduce the likelihood of accidents caused by new hires. This is the catalyst of any successful loss control program. Your leadership team must set the tone for the culture by exemplifying the standards to which you expect all your employees to adhere. There are many facets of a company’s culture, but it all boils down to your ability to establish “What is Normal?” This is the baseline for behaviors within your organization. Your experience mod is the number insurance companies use in the determination of your premium. Share your mod as well as the cause, cost and impact of an injury with your employees. You will build awareness and see a major difference in behaviors and their individual commitment to helping the company improve. Studies indicate that more than 40% of all workplace injuries occur within the first year of employment. You can control this number through consistent policies such as: pre-employment physicals including drug and alcohol tests; detailed job descriptions; training/mentoring with “ideal” employees; and safety orientation tests Strategy 4: Designate a Workers Compensation Coordinator. Creating these strategies and putting them in writing is one thing, but implementing and following through is the most difficult task. Your coordinator should be someone within your current leadership team, and should of course fully endorse your philosophy. Strategy 5: Develop a system to actively manage claims to ensure proper reporting and filing. Both frequency and severity impact your costs and each claim should be proactively managed to minimize its impact. At minimum, conduct quarterly claims reviews including status reports and action items. Work with your Risk Advisor and claims adjuster to mitigate the cost of each claim. Strategy 6: Conduct thorough accident investigations to strengthen loss control efforts. Aside from regulatory reasons, thoroughly investigating the cause of each accident will allow you to prevent recurrences. Your coordinator and/or supervisors should be the first contact upon an accident. Establishing accident review teams (including management) is also effective in ensuring corrective action and compliance. Another function of the review team is to research the legitimacy of the claim to protect your company from fraud. 8 Strategy 7: Establish an effective EarlyReturn-To-Work program. Getting an employee back to work after an accident can be paramount in controlling your overall costs. A claim with lost work time impacts your costs considerably more than a medical-only claim. Utilize modified duties and communicate your program to physicians and clinics. A qualified Risk Advisor will assist you with the many elements of a successful return-to-work program. This program will have a tremendous impact on your company’s culture as well. Strategy 8: Implement an incentive program. Although sharing the impact of your costs with employees and mandating policies is effective, most employees respond to incentives for safe behaviors. Many organizations use company-wide challenges for no lost-time injuries within a certain time period or accident frequency goals. You will find that employees will make a strong effort not to be the individual who ruins it for everyone else! Strategy 9: Conduct thorough audit verifications Many experience mods are incorrect due to clerical errors. Most often the errors are found in payroll classifications. Each classification is associated with a different rate, so be sure each of your employees is properly designated. There are other auditing methods that your Risk advisor should provide on annual basis. Strategy 10: Establish systems and procedures to lower the medical costs of each claim. Conclusion The most common procedure in this strategy is the use of preferred physicians and/or occupational health clinics. These providers are trained in occupational injuries and often have unique treatment practices that minimize costs and work with employers to return employees back to work as soon as possible. Promoting wellness in your company is also critical to the success in this strategy. NSM has found the most success with managing Workers’ Compensation when it is integrated with a company’s unique dynamics and specific needs. It is more important to identify and develop the strategies that will have the most impact on your bottom line rather than attempting to implement all 10 at once. Sean Conaboy, is a Licensed Property/ Casualty Broker specializing in the Design of Insurance and Risk Management programs exclusively for Addiction Treatment & Behavioral Healthcare Providers. Questions about the article or to find out more Sean can be reached through NAATP or 9 CAREER Opportunities Chief Clinical Officer Gosnold on Cape Cod is a leading provider of addiction treatment with inpatient, residential, outpatient, and family services. Treatment is provided in four inpatient locations and seven outpatient clinics. The Chief Clinical Officer oversees clinical activities, develops, implements, directs and evaluates clinical programs and services. He/she has the responsibility to advance Gosnold’s mission and vision to provide high quality, evidenced base care, and to enhance partnerships and integration with mainstream medical care. A medical degree, Ph.D or comparable degree is required. Significant leadership qualities, knowledge of current trends in behavioral health, experience improving clinical care, public advocacy skills, research interests, and a passion to make a difference in addiction treatment are desired attributes. Letters of interest and resume may be sent to: Director of Human Resources Gosnold on Cape Cod 200 Ter Heun Drive Falmouth, MA 02540 Did you know? The NEW NAATP WEBSITE now allows Members to update their own facility information, search for products and services, register for the annual conference, and much more? Looking for the Right Employee? Post your positions on the NAATP website and reach the most qualified candidates. Members can post a position for 90 days for just $50! (non-members $150) Email your your position in a Word document to aabshire@ Check out available positions at 013! 2 , 7 1 & 6 1 IL R P A – S E SAVE THE DAT The Advocacy Leadership Summit will provide up-to-date information on current national issues that impact how you do business and provide services. This includes the Affordable Care Act, Parity implementation and other policies affecting the field of addiction. The agenda is designed to prepare you for face-to-face meetings with your members of Congress to help re-shape how they view addiction. Help shape the national agenda on addiction and health care policy at the • EVENT CO-HOSTS Holiday Inn & Suites Alexandria–Historic District 625 First Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 • toll-free 877-504-0047 Supporters Rosecrance opens office in Waukesha County for outpatient substance abuse treatment Programs in Pewaukee office focus on adolescent services PEWAUKEE – Rosecrance, a leading provider of substance abuse treatment for adolescents and adults, began offering services for teens at a new office that opened Monday, Jan. 21, 2013, in Pewaukee. Rosecrance Waukesha County is located at N27 W23957 Paul Road, Suite 101, Pewaukee. Rosecrance has long served residents of Waukesha County through residential services at adolescent and adult treatment campuses in Rockford, IL. The local office in Pewaukee will provide a full continuum of outpatient services -- from prevention and early intervention to treatment -- to address the needs of families with adolescents. Services to be offered in Waukesha County include: • • • • • • • Intensive Outpatient Program Continuing Care Group Free, confidential drug and alcohol evaluations Early intervention services Assistance to families who need help finding resources Prevention resources and presentations for parents and students Student Assistance Program for local schools 11 • • Substance abuse awareness training and education for professionals, community organizations and parents Urine drug screens Rosecrance President/CEO Philip W. Eaton said the organization has received an increasing number of calls for service from Wisconsin families in recent years. The new office will allow families to access services for their children close to home. “We are excited to be able to offer an array of programs to help families deal with a critical issue – the health and safety of their children,” Eaton said. “We’re familiar to residents of Waukesha County, and we’re familiar with this area. “This new office improves our ability to serve families at the very time they need help.” Rosecrance, a nationally recognized treatment provider, offers quality, evidence-based programs. The organization holds a Gold Seal accreditation from The Joint Commission and is approved for coverage by most insurance companies. For more information about services or to make a referral, call 262.278.9764. Rethinking Why We Want Research on Addiction Treatment During my years of involvement with National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP), I have witnessed and been an active participant in many calls for research studies on addiction treatment. The timing of such advocacy, in both our conversations and formal resolutions, has generally been when the field of addiction treatment was under some form or external threat to its legitimacy and effectiveness. Like many of us during such periods, I felt we needed a greater body of scientific research to validate what we were doing. In short, we each started from the position that our methods of treatment were effective and that what we needed were scientists to come in to prove that premise. That was, in fact, part of my own thinking and motivation when we launched a research division within Chestnut Health Systems (Chestnut) in the mid1980s. What subsequently unfolded in the interaction between administrators, clinical supervisors, clinicians, and this expanding group of scientists has been nothing short of a revolution in my own thinking about the relationship between addiction treatment and the research community—and my relationship with our research division. There are several important lessons we have learned through the research studies conducted within the clinical divisions of Chestnut. Two are of particular note for NAATP members. First, the methods required to even conduct such studies significantly improved the rigor of our clinical designs through such activities as reviewing the state of evidencebased practices in the field, defining the active ingredients and theoretical rationale of our treatment methods and elevating staff training and supervision (fidelity monitoring) practices to ensure consistent delivery of those ingredients. As a result, our clinical practice was elevated (particularly in the areas of clinical assessment, competency-based delivery of clinical interventions, and fidelity-based clinical supervision) even before we began to compare our primary approach with promising new clinical interventions. Second, our involvement in research studies forced us to cast our eyes beyond the repeated activities of admission, treatment, and discharge toward what happens to the individuals and families we serve beyond the stage of recovery initiation and stabilization. This shift in view improved our understanding of the need for support across the stages of long-term recovery and the roles addiction professionals can and should potentially play in that support process. The purpose of research is not to serve as a subsidiary of the marketing function that promotes addiction treatment as a cultural institution or promotes a particular treatment approach. Its role is not to defend current institutional practices. Its role is instead to rigorously evaluate the effects of particular service practices on short- and long-term recovery outcomes for individuals and families as well as the cost-effectiveness of different service practices. To commit ourselves to such rigorous evaluations of our treatment protocols is to commit ourselves to following through on the conclusions that arise from such evaluation studies—even if the findings challenge some of our most institutionalized practices. If the history and science of addiction treatment have left any legacy of knowledge, it is that prevailing treatment practices within an era may have no effects, minimal effects, quite potent and positive effects, or harmful effects on individuals and families. A parallel lesson is that it is very hard for those closest to the delivery of those services to see (in the present tense) which practices fall in which of these four respective categories. Science then must be the lens through which we make such determinations and speed the refinement of practices that both elevate long-term recovery outcomes and weed out practices that have minimal or harmful effects. Since the founding of Chestnut’s research division, my understanding of the role of science in addiction treatment has shifted dramatically. Today, I suggest the following stance for NAATP members. We need to collectively shift from seeing science as a way to defend and market what we do to seeing science as our clinical conscience. We must enter into a relationship with the scientific community with an uncompromising commitment to long-term recovery for individuals and families, the enhancement of public safety, and improved quality of life for those we serve—while keeping our methods forever on probation. The rigorous honesty required in the recovery process also applies to the evaluation of our clinical methods and services, because in the long run, the very stance that assures the ever-increasing effectiveness of addiction treatment will assure the future survival of addiction treatment. Russ Hagen, CEO Chestnut Health Systems NAATP Board Member 12 U p c om in g E ven t s The American Academy of Pain Medicine will hold its annual meeting April 11-14 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Go to for more information. The annual medical-scientific conference of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) will be held April 25-28 in Chicago. For more information, go to V I SI O N S Our Office Has Moved! The New address and contact information for the NAATP office is as follows: 11380 Prosperity Farms Road, Suite 209A Palm Beach Gardens, FL. 33410 Phone (561) 429-4527 Fax (561) 429-4650 The UK/EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON ADDICTIVE DISORDERS (UKESAD) will be held May 9-11, 2013 in London. For more information visit The NAATP Annual Addiction Treatment Leadership Conference will be held May 18-21, 2013 at the La Cantera Resort in San Antonia, Texas. For more information visit NAATP VISIONS NAATP VISIONS is published six times a year by NAATP. Information printed in NAATP Visions does not represent official NAATP policy or positions. The editorial office is located at: 11380 Prosperity Farms Road, Suite 209A Palm Beach Gardens, FL. 33410 Editor Angela Abshire NAATP NAATP President/CEO Michael E. Walsh, MS, CAP, BRI I President/CEO Phone (561) 429-4527 Fax (561) 429-4650 Cell: 561-346-2005 Newsletter Submissions may be sent to Angela Abshire at
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