के ीय िव ालय न. न. 1धनबाद िजला KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1 DHANBAD Dist. Dhanbad – 826001 (Jharkhand) Phone: (0326)-2310551 FAX – (0326)-2310551 Website: www.kv1dhanbad.org E-Mail: kv1dhanbad@yahoo.com – धनबाद – 826001 (झारखंड) - (0326)-2310551 - (0326)-2310551 वेवसाइट : www.kv1dhanbad.org ई-मेल : kv1dhanbad@yahoo.com दूरभाष फैस केय वधालय नं0 1 बनोद नगर, धनबाद नवदा सूचना केय वधालयनं1 ,बनोदनगर, धनबाद उपकर(Furniture)/खेलकूद साम*ी/टे सनर एवं .ं/टंग /.योगशाल1 के 2लए साम3*य1 /क45युटर ए0एम0सी /डुि5लकेटर(रसोके 2लए ए0एम0सी) /बजल एवं 5लि4बंग काय; के 2लए ए0एम0सी0/ आ/द के 2लए पंजीकृत एवं .ति?ठत संथान1 से नवदा आमंBत करता है | नवदा कE शतF आ/द के 2लए वधालय काय; /दवस1 मG /दन 17 जन ू 2015 तक I॰ 250 नकद या “Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1,Dhanbad, VVN A/c के नाम KाLट जमाकर नवदा .पB .ा5त Mकया जा सकता है | नवदा .पB जमा करने कE अंतम त3थ 17 जन ू 2015 बजे तक होगी और उसी /दन नवदा 2.30 बजे खोल जाएगी| नवदा सूचना वधालय वैबसाइट www.kv1dhanbad.org.in पर भी उपलRध होगी| नवदा वेबसाइट से भी डाउनलोड Mकया जा सकता है और नवदा जमा करते समय नवदा कE कEमत अलग से KाLट के Iप मG जमा करना होगा| नोट : नवदा .पB .ा5त करने का समय -9.00 बजे से 1.00 बजे तक का है | ( रं जन Mकशोर ) .ाचाय; के ीय िव ालय न. न. 1धनबाद िजला – धनबाद – 826001 (झारखंड) - (0326)-2310551 - (0326)-2310551 वेवसाइट : www.kv1dhanbad.org ई-मेल : kv1dhanbad@yahoo.com दूरभाष फैस Ref.F.40029/17/2014/DHN (1163)/ KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1 DHANBAD Dist. Dhanbad – 826001 (Jharkhand) Phone: (0326)-2310551 FAX – (0326)-2310551 Website: www.kv1dhanbad.org E-Mail: kv1dhanbad@yahoo.com Date: __________ TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF FURNITURE/SPORTS/STATIONARY & PRINTING / AMC OF COMPUTER / AMC OF DUPLICATOR (RISO) / LAB. EQUIPMENTS & CONSUMABLE ITEMS / AMC of Electricity & PLUMBER / COMPUTER TABLE FITTED ON WALL- 2015-16. Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Dhanbad invites sealed Tender from the Registered & Reputed firm for the supply of Furniture/ Sports/ Stationary & Printing / AMC of Computer / AMC of Duplicator (RISO) / Lab. Equipments & Consumable Items/ AMC of Electricity & Plumber/ Computer Table fitted on wall. The detailed Tender document containing terms & conditions governing the award of ordersmay be obtained from Vidyalaya Office on any working day from the date ofthe publication of this notice to 17th June , 2015 between 9.00 a.m. to 1 p.m. on payment of Demand Draft / Cheque of Rs.250.00 (Rupees Two Hundred Fifty only) in favour of “Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1, Dhanbad, VVN account payable at Dhanbad (Non-refundable) OR by Cash. Details of Tender are also available on Vidyalaya website ”www.kv1dhanbad.org.in. It can be down loaded but at the time of submission the party will have to deposit 250/(Rupees Two Hundred Fifty only) in form of DD or Cash. The tender offer in the prescribed tender form with stipulated EMD (by mean of Demand Draft) may be submitted in favour of “KendriyaVidyalayaNo.1 Dhanbad, VVN A/c” payable at Dhanbad along with all relevant documents latest by 17th June, 2015 up to 02.00 p.m. at the above address by speed post or by Hand in the Vidyalaya Office . The tenderwill be opened at KendriyaVidyalayaNo.1,Dhanbad on 17th June,2015 at 2.30P.M. Representative of the firm are requested to be present on the occasion. Firms are required to submit technical & financial bid in separate envelopes. The financial bid will be open only when the firm qualifies in technical bid. KendriyaVidyalayaNo.1,Dhanbad reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason whatsoever. (RANJAN KISHORE) PRINCIPAL KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1, DHANBAD SYNOPSIS SHEET (For Furniture / Sports / Lab. Equipment’s/ Printing &Stationary) The following details/documents/ certificates issued by the concerned authorities in respect of the bidder are required to be submitted: 1. Name of Firm/Agency: : _______________________________ 2. Name of the Proprietor/Partner : _______________________________ 3. Postal Address of the Firm : _______________________________ 4. Telephone/ Fax No./e-mail ID : _______________________________ 5. PAN Number (Attach Photocopy) : _______________________________ 6. VAT/TIN No. (Attach Photocopy : _______________________________ 7. Attested copy of ITR for the last 3 Years : _______________________________ : _______________________________ : _____________________________ : _____________________________ (i.e. Assessment Year 2012-13, 2013-14 & 2014-15). 8. A. Attested Copies of Balance sheet dully Certified/audited by CA showing minimum Average annual turnover of 5 Lac (Trading, Profit & Loss A/c & Balance sheet) during last 3 years i.e. 012-13, 2013-14 &. 2014-15. B. Solvency Status of 5 Lacs from their Banker 9. Details of clients to whom the materials were supplied. (Copy of award letter enclosed): 10. Details of EMD: Name of the Bank _________________________________ Demand Draft No._____________dated________________Amount_________________________________ (________________________________________________________________________only) 11. Declaration of the bidder that no case/dispute/claim with arbitration court/consumer forum etc. pending on a stamp paper of 100.00. 12. The certificate for OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)/ Authorized Dealer valid during the currency of transaction. 13. Successful bidder has to give delivery challan/Invoice from OEM in respect of goods supplied. (SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER) WITH ADDRESS & SEAL TENDER DOCUMENT Sealed tenders are invited for supply Furniture/ Sports/Stationary & Printing / AMC of Computer/AMC of Duplicator(RISO)/Lab. Equipments & Consumable Items/ AMC of Electricity & Plumber/Computer Table fitted on wall , from the registered firms, manufacturers. The firms/manufacturers are also required to carry adequate financial status with an average turnover of about 5 Lacs for the last three years and a solvency status of about 5 Lacs from their bankers The work is of highly significant nature and hence utmost integrity and competency has to be ensured. 1. Description of work : Supply of Furniture/Sports/Stationary & Printing / AMC of Computer/ AMC of Duplicator (RISO)/ Lab. Equipment’s & Consumable Items/AMC of Electricity & Plumber Services/Computer Table fitted on wall for the Vidyalaya. 2. Volume of work : As given in the pricing document 3. Specifications of the items : As given in the pricing document 4. Earnest Money Deposit : 20, 000 ( Twenty Thousand Only), By Demand Draft drawn in favour of “KV No.1,Dhanbad VVN ACCOUNT” Payable at DHANBAD. 5. Time of completion : 20-25 days from the date of placing the supply order. 6. Performance security deposit : The EMD of successful bidder will be Converted into performance security for the period of contract. 7. Schedule of submission of tender : 17th June,2015 upto 02:00 P.M. 8. Opening of Tender : 17thJune ,2015 at 2.30 P.M. itself. 9. Date, Time& Venue for display : 18th June,2015at 02.00 P.M. on Notice Board of Of successful bidder. KendriyaVidyalaya, No.1,Dhanbad. PIN –826001. in the Vidyalaya TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SUPPLY OF Furniture/Sports/Stationary & Printing / AMC of Computer/AMC of Duplicator(RISO)/Lab. Equipments&Consumable Items/AMC of Electricity&Plumber Services/ Computer Table fitted on wall. 1.Tenders are invited by KendriyaVidyalaya, No.1, Dhanbad from the manufactures/Suppliers/ dealers for the supply of Furniture / Sports / Stationary & Printing / AMC of Computer / AMC of Duplicator (RISO) / Lab. Equipments & Consumable Items /AMC of Electricity & Plumber Services / Computer Table fitted on wall. The goods to be supplied to KendriyaVidyalaya No.1, Dhanbad. 2. The word Tender for supply of Furniture/Sports/Stationary & Printing / AMC ofComputer/AMC of Duplicator(RISO)/Lab.Equipment’s&Consumable Items/AMC ofElectricity & Plumber Services/Computer fitted on wall should be super scribed on the top left corner of the envelope bearing the name & address of the tenderer. The sealed tender should accompany with the following. a) Tender document completed in all respect duly signed by the tenderer along with Earnest money in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “KnedriyaVidyalaya No.1, Dhanbad VVN ACCOUNT,” payable at DHANBAD should be submitted in the sealed envelope super scribed “TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF Furniture/ Sports/ Stationary & Printing / AMC of Computer/ AMC of Duplicator (RISO)/ Lab. Equipment’s & Consumable Items/ AMC of Electricity & Plumber Services/Computer fitted on wall. In case, the amount of EMD deposited by the cheque, the tender of the bidders will be rejected. b) The Synopsis Sheet enclosed highlights the mandatory condition, which the firms have to comply in order to participate in the Bidding process. 3. The tender shall be submitted in separate envelope for Technical & Financial Bid, in the office of the Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya,No.1, Dhanbad by Speed Post or By Hand. 4. The evaluation would be done for items of same category put together. The items for which no rates have been quoted would be treated as zero and the total amount would be computed accordingly. The bidder who has quoted for partial quantity of any one or more item(s) would be treated as non-responsive. Purchaser will award the contract to the responsive bidder whose total cost for the same category items put together is the lowest provided the successful bidder agrees to supply the items at the lowest quoted for the same item. 5. The tenders received without the EMD will summarily be rejected. 6. The suppliers are required to submit one sample of consumable goods to be supplied, as and when specified by the purchaser. 7. If even after approval, information/facts submitted by the tenderer are found to be misleading/ incorrect etc, KV No.1,Dhanbad reserved the right to disapprove the goods for the current/future supplies or may impose penalties as deemed fit. Noncompliance with any of the terms/conditions of the tender will also warrant above penalties. 8. Competitive rates are inclusive of all taxes/VAT and freight charges. F.O.R. Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1,Dhanbad (Jharkhand). 9. EMD to the unsuccessful bidder will be refunded after finalization of the Tender. 10.Interest free performance security deposit equivalent to 10% of the total estimated value of the supply order will be deposited by the successful bidder, within seven days of award of supply order. The EMD of successful bidder will be converted in to the performance security for the period of contract. Any shortfalls have to be deposited by the successful bidder. 11.Technical specification of the Furniture/Sports/ Stationary & Printing / Lab. Equipment’s& Consumable Items/AMC of Electricity &Plumber Services/Computer Table fitted on wallshould be as per rule of the Federation/ Association International/ National of concerned disciplines/ sports /Furniture. 12. Material indented for shall be supplied in full quantity within 20-25days of the receipt of supply order. 13. Subject to the provision of Force Majeure, if the supplier fails to deliver any of all of the goods or fails in perform the services within the time frame(s) incorporated in the contract the purchaser shall, without prejudice to other rights and remedies available to the purchaser under the contract, deduct from the contract price/security deposit, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to 0.5% per week of delay or part thereof on delayed supply of goods and/or services until actual delivery or performance subject to a maximum of 10% of the contract price. 14. Each bidder shall submit only one quotation. 15. Telex or facsimile quotations are not acceptable. 16. Evaluation of quotations: the purchaser will evaluate and compare the quotations determined to be substantially responsive, i.e. which are a) Properly signed and b) Conform to the terms and conditions and specifications. 17. Tolerance Clause: it is further clarified that the quantities for the said materials and its pages as shown in the volume of work, may get varied. Hence the purchaser reserves the right for ten percent(10%) plus/minus in the quantities of the items while placing the supply order as the rates to be quoted are for the estimated quantities only. 18. Unresponsive tenders: the following kind of tenders will be treated as unresponsive tenders which will be liable for rejection. i) Not meeting the qualifying criteria i.e. carrying required financial/solvency status, regd with the appropriate authorities for carrying out the described works furnishing the Declaration regarding blacklisting on stamp paper etc .ii) Tender not enclosed with the required DD of EMD amount and fee amount of 250/-(Two Hundred Fifty Only), if applied on downloaded document. iii) Unsigned tender document/terms & conditions/pricing bid document. iv) The specification of the paper attached with the tender document not found of the quality asked for. v) The tenderer not agreeing to any of the terms & conditions so listed. 19. The Principal will have the right to reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason. 20. The supplies received, if not found as per specification of tendered items, are liable to be rejected. 21.The Principal,KenriyaVidyalaya,No.1,Dhanbad will be legally competent to cancel the supply order and also to take any other action against the supplier including imposing of any penalty on the supplier during pendency and till the final execution of the contract of the supply, in case the supplier is ever found to have committed any fraud against KV,No.1,Dhanbad in supplying the material or indulge in any other malpractices thereof causing any financial losses during contract period. 22. The tenderers will give an affidavit certifying that the quality and brand of sports goods used in competitions and quoted in the tender are correct and as per rule of International/National/ Associations of concerned disciplines. Further the successful bidder has to give proof that goods supplied are obtained from OEM. 23. KVS taking in to account the past performance of party, reserved the right to reject tender. 24. In case any dispute arises in regard to the Tender, the decision of the The Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, No.1, Dhanbad, will be final and binding. 25.In case of litigation, the courts at DHANBAD only will have jurisdiction for deciding case according to Indian law in force. 26.It must be noted that this is just an enquiry and does not amount to any Commitment on the part of KendriyaVidyalaya,No.1,Dhanbad to order any products offered. The decision of Principal, KendriyaVidyalaya, No.1, Dhanbad in this regard would be final and be entirely at his discretion. 27. The Principal, KendriyaVidyalaya,No.1,Dhanbad, JHARKHAND, reserves the right to reject tender without assigning any reasons. If the goods are found to be defective in material, size, quality or any other defect of specification or manufacturing defect, the penalty of 10% of total price of the Furniture will be deducted from the security deposit.In addition to that KV No.1 Dhanbad, is not liable to make payment for the goods supplied. 28.The supplier is required to apply to the purchaser for extension of delivery period and obtain the same before dispatch. In case the supplier dispatches the goods without obtaining an extension, it would be doing so at its own risk and no claim for payment for such supply and/or any other expense related to such supply shall lie against the purchaser. 29.The purchaser, without prejudice to any other contractual rights and remedies available to it (the purchaser), may, by written notice of default sent to the supplier, terminate the contract in whole or in part, if the supplier fails to deliver any or all of the goods or fails to perform any other contractual obligation(s) with in the time period specified in the contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the purchaser. 30. Award of contract: a) The purchaser will award the contract to the bidder whose quotation has been determined to be substantially responsive and who has offered the lowest price as per para 4 above: b) The bidder whose bid is accepted will be notified of the award of the contract by theOffice prior to expiration of the quotation validity period: c) Payment shall be made within 30 days after the completion of assignment as specified by KV No.1,Dhanbad. d) Notwithstanding the above, the purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation and to cancel the bidding process and reject all quotations at any time prior to the award of the contract. e) The EMD of successful bidder will be converted to performance security for the period of contract. 31. The warranty period of the equipment should be for a minimum period of one year. 32. All tenderers will submit samples as per schedule specified by the KV No.1,Dhanbad. 33. Supply will be made within 25 days from the date of Supply Order. 34. Rates should be valid for 12 months. No escalation in price on any account will be acceptable. I have read the terms & conditions mentioned in the tender document and undertake to abide the same during the contractual period and the information given in the technical bid by the undersigned is correct. (SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER) WITH ADDRESS & SEAL के ीय . 1धनबाद, KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1 DHANBAD ीय िव ालय न. न KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN – धनबाद –NO.1, 826001 (झारखंड)Dist. Dhanbad – 826001 (Jharkhand) KENDRIYA िजला VIDYALAYA DHANBAD SYNOPSIS Phone: SHEET (0326)-2310551 FAX – (0326)-2310551 Website: www.kv1dhanbad.org (For AMC of Computer/ Duplicator & Electricity) The following details/documents/ certificates issued by the concerned authorities in respect of the bidder are required to be submitted: 1. Name of Firm/Agency: : ________________________________ 2. Name of the Proprietor/Partner : ________________________________ 3. Postal Address of the Firm : ________________________________ 4. Telephone/ Fax No./e-mail ID : ________________________________ 5. PAN Number (Attach Photocopy) : ________________________________ 6. VAT/TIN No. (Attach Photocopy : ________________________________ 7. Attested copy of ITR for the last 3 Years : ________________________________ (i.e.Assessment Year 2012-13, 2013-14 & 2014-15). 8. A. Attested Copies of Balance sheet dully Certified / audited by CA showing minimum Average annual turnover of 2 Lac (Trading, Profit & Loss A/c & Balance sheet) during last 3 years i.e. 2012-13, 2013-14 &. 2014-15. B. Solvency Status of 2 Lacs from their Banker : ________________________________ 9. Details of clients to whom the materials : were supplied. (Copy of award letter enclosed): ________________________________ 10. Details of EMD: Name of the Bank___________________________________ Demand Draft No._____________dated________________Amount___________________________________ (__________________________________________________________only) 11. Declaration of the bidder that no case/dispute/claim with arbitration court/consumer forum etc. pending on a stamp paper of 100.00. 12. The certificate for OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)/ Authorized Dealer valid during the currency of transaction. 13. Successful bidder has to give delivery challan/Invoice from OEM in respect of goods supplied. (SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER) WITH ADDRESS & SEAL TENDER DOCUMENT Sealed tenders are invited for supply AMC of Computer/AMC of Duplicator(RISO)& AMC of Electricity & Plumber , from the registered firms, manufacturers. The firms/manufacturers are also required to carry adequate financial status with an average turnover of about 1 Lacs for the last three years and a solvency status of about 1 Lacs from their bankers The work is of highly significant nature and hence utmost integrity and competency has to be ensured. 1. Description of work : AMC of Computer/AMC of Duplicator(RISO)/AMC of Electricity & Plumber Services for theVidyalaya. 2. Volume of work : As given in the pricing document 3. Specifications of the items : As given in the pricing document 4. Earnest Money Deposit 5. Time of completion : 20-25 days from the date of placing the supply order. 6. Performance security deposit : The EMD of successful bidder will be Converted into performance security for the period of contract. 7. Schedule of submission of tender : 17th June,2015 upto 02:00 P.M. 8. Opening of Tender : 20, 000( Twenty Thousand Only) for AMC of Computer & 10,000/-(Ten Thousand Only) for AMC of Duplicator /AMC of Electricity & Plumber Services, By Demand Draft drawn in favour of “KV No.1,Dhanbad VVN ACCOUNT” Payable at DHANBAD. : 17thJune ,2015 at 2.30 P.M. in the Vidyalaya itself. 9. Date, Time& Venue for display : 18th June,2015at 02.00 P.M. on Notice Board of Of successful bidder. KendriyaVidyalaya, No.1,Dhanbad. PIN –826001. के ीय िव ालय न. न.1धनबाद िजला – धनबाद – 826001 (झारखंड) - (0326)-2310551 फैस - (0326)-2310551 वेवसाइट : www.kv1dhanbad.org ई-मेल : kv1dhanbad@yahoo.com दूरभाष Ref.F.40029/17/2014/DHN (1163)/ KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1 DHANBAD Dist. Dhanbad – 826001 (Jharkhand) Phone: (0326)-2310551 FAX – (0326)-2310551 Website: www.kv1dhanbad.org E-Mail: kv1dhanbad@yahoo.com Date: __________ Sub: Invitation for sealed Quotations for Annual maintenance Contract (AMC) for various brands of Computers,Printers,UPS,Duplicator(RISO)/Electricity & Plumber services installed in K.V.No.1,Dhanbad-reg. Sir/Madam, KendriyaVidyalaya No.1, Binod Nagar, Dhanbad is a unit of KendriyaVidyalayaSangathan which is a society under societies’ registration Act1860. It is an autonomous body under Ministry of HRD, Government of India . You are invited to submit your most competitive quotation for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for various brands of Computers, Printers,UPS,Duplicator(RISO)/Electricity & Plumber services installed in KendriyaVidyalaya No.1, Dhanbad as per Schedule 1 of the Model Maintenance Agreement attached with this letter. Bid Price: a) The AMC Shall be for various brands of Computers, Printers, UPS, Duplicator(RISO)/Electricity & Plumber services , installed in K.V.No.1, Dhanbad as described in schedule I of the Model Maintenance Agreement. The bidder may quote rate for items in the format of quotation attached. Corrections, if any , shall be made by crossing out, initialing, dating and rewriting. b) The other terms and conditions will be regulated as per the Terms and Conditions of the Model Maintenance Agreement attached with this letter of Invitation for Quotation. c) The Prices should be quoted in Indian Rupees only. d) Each bidder shall submit only one quotation . e) Telex or facsimile quotations are not acceptable. Validity of quotations: The quotation shall remain valid for a period of one year after the deadline specified for submission of quotations. Evaluation of quotations: This office will evaluate and compare the quotations determined to be substantially responsive i.e.which are. a) Properly signed, and b) Conform to the terms and conditions and specification. The evaluation would be done for all the items put together. The bidder who has quoted for partial quantity of any one or more item(s) would be treated as non- responsive. The office will award the contract to the responsive bidder whose total cost for all the items put together is the lowest. Award of contract The Competent Authority will award the contract to the bidder whose quotation has been determined to be substantially responsive and who has offered the lowest price as per para 5 above. a) The bidder whose bid is accepted will be notified of the award of the contract by the officer prior to expiry of the quotation validity period. b) Notwithstanding the above, the competent Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any quotations and to cancel the bidding process and reject all quotations at any time prior to the award of the contract. You are advised to visit the office to see the hardware from 05.06.2015 to 09.06.2015 between 9.00A.M. to 13.00 P.M. Last date and time of receipt of quotations: You are requested to submit the sealed tender papers in the Vidyalaya officer Super Scribed on the envelope as “ Quotations for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for various brands of Computer, Printers, UPS,Duplicator(RISO)/Electricity & Plumber services ” latest by 17th June,2015 before 2.00P.M. at the above address by speed post or by hand. The tender will be opened at K.V.No.1, Dhanbad on 17th June,2015 at 2.30 P.M. Principal K.V.No.1, Dhanbad KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1, BINOD NAGAR, DHANBAD FORMAT OF QUOTATION SI.No. Description equipment 1 AMC for HCL/ Computer/Laptop ZIENT (Approx. 50 Computer & 01 Laptop) AMC for HP Printer HP 1.HP Laser Jet 1020 Plus-02 no. 2. HP office Jet V40-01No. 3. HP Laser Jet P1007-01No. 2 3 UPS -25 Nos. of Make Unit Rate Taxes, (Rs.) without if any Peripherals Total amount without Tax Total Amount with taxes Microtek/ Intel/hcl TOTAL: Name of Shop with Address:__________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Reg.No. _________________ BST/JST No. _____________ Tin No. __________________ PAN No._________________ Signature:_________ Mobile No._______________ Name of Proprietor/owner:_________ Seal: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1, BINOD NAGAR, DHANBAD FORMAT OF QUOTATION The Vidyalaya building is constructed in 3(Three Blocks) with 2nd Floor / 21 staff Quarters & Approx. 40 Street lights. The area of the Vidyalaya campus is 15 acre. SI. No. Description equipment 1 AMC for Electric wiring/Fan’s & switches etc. ofVidyalaya Building. 1.Approx. 36 Class Rooms. 2.Approx.30 Labs./ Office & other departments. 3. Corridor of all 3 Block ) 4. Approx. 19 Toilets. AMC for Electric wiring/Fan’s & Switches etc. of 21 staff Quarters/01 Motor Room & 01 Guard Room. 2 3 of Unit Rate (Rs.) Taxes, if Total amount Total without Peripherals any without Tax Amount with taxes AMC for Street Lights. (Approx. 40 Poles). TOTAL: Name of Shop with Address:__________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Reg.No. _________________ BST/JST No. _____________ Tin No. __________________ PAN No._________________ Signature:_________ Mobile No._______________ Name of Proprietor/owner:_________ Seal: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1, BINOD NAGAR, DHANBAD FORMAT OF QUOTATION SI.No. Description equipment of Make 1 AMC for RISO Duplicator(01 No.) Unit Rate Taxes, (Rs.) without if any Peripherals Total amount without Tax Total Amount with taxes TOTAL: Name of Shop with Address:__________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Reg.No. _________________ BST/JST No. _____________ Tin No. __________________ PAN No._________________ Signature:_________ Mobile No._______________ Name of Proprietor/owner:_________ Seal: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1, BINOD NAGAR, DHANBAD FORMAT OF QUOTATION The Vidyalaya building is constructed in 3(Three Blocks) with 2nd Floor / 21 staff Quarters. The area of the Vidyalaya campus is 15 acre. SI. No. 1 Description of Unit Rate (Rs.) Total Amount equipment without Peripherals AMC for Plumber work in approx.. 19 Toilets of the Vidyalaya Building & other places as per requirements. 2 AMC for Plumber work in 21 Staff Quarters. TOTAL: Name of Shop with Address:__________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Reg.No. _________________ BST/JST No. _____________ Tin No. __________________ PAN No._________________ Signature:_________ Mobile No._______________ Name of Proprietor/owner:_________ Seal: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA No.1,BINOD NAGAR,DHANBAD Details of Furniture: 1. A. Single Desk : Frame made up of 1”x1”x5MM iron angle, Top & Self made up of 18MM Pre-laminated ( Sun mica) board. Size & design as per diagram. B. Single Desk : Frame made up of 1”x1”x5MM iron angle, Top & Self made up of 18MM with 75MM Green Plywood & Sun mica pasted on top. Size & design as per diagram(A). A. Chair: Frame made up of 1”x1” x 5MM iron angle Seat & back made up of 18MM Pre-laminated ( Sunmica ) board. Size & design as per diagram. 2. Duel Desk- Frame made up of 1”x1”x5MM iron angle, Top/Seat/Self/Back rest made up of 18MM Pre-laminated ( Sunmica) board. Size & design as Per diagram. 3. Duel Desk- Frame made up of 1”x1”x5MM iron angle, Top/Seat/Self/Back rest made up of 18MM with 75MM Green Plywood & Sun mica pasted on top. Size & design as per diagram(A). 4. A.Teacher’s Table: Frame made up of 1”x1”5MM iron angle , Top Made up of 18MM Pre-laminated ( Sunmica) board, Size & design as per diagram. B. Teacher’s Table: Frame made up of 1”x1”5MM iron angle , Top Made up of 18MM with 75MM Green Plywood & Sun mica pasted on top. Size & design as per diagram . B. Teacher’s Chair: Frame made up of 1” x1’’x5MM iron angle, Seat/back made up of 18MM Pre-laminated ( Sunmica) board. Size & design as per diagram. C. Teacher’s Chair: Frame made up of 1” x1’’x5MM iron angle, Seat/back made up of 18MM with 75MM Green Plywood & Sun mica pasted on top. Size & design as per diagram . 4. Hexagonal Table: Frame made up of 1”x1”x5MM iron angle, Top made up of 18mm with 75MM Green Plywood & Sun mica pasted on top. Size & design as per diagram . 5. Hexagonal Table: Frame made up of 1”x1”x5MM iron angle, Top made up of 18mm Pre-laminated ( Sunmica) Board. Size & design as per diagram. 6. Hexagonal Table: Frame made up of 1”x1”x5MM iron angle, Top made up of 18mm Pre-laminated ( Sunmica) Board. Size & design as per diagram. 7. Hexagonal Table: Frame made up of 1”x1”x5MM iron angle, Top made up of 18mm with 75MM Green Plywood & Sun mica pasted on top. Size & design as per diagram . 8. Small Chair for Hexagonal Table: Frame made up of 1”x1’’x5MM iron angle seat back made up of 18MM pre-laminated ( Sunmica) board, Size & design as per diagram. 9. Small Chair for Hexagonal Table: Frame made up of 1”x1’’x5MM iron angle seat back made up of 18MM 75MM Green Plywood & Sun mica pasted on top. Size & design as per diagram . 10. Visitor 3 Seater Steel sofa: Made up of chrome nickel, Design as per Photograph. 11. Dust Bin : 110 Ltrs. Neelkamal company / Supreme. 12. Dust Bin Stand : Dust bin stand made up of iron angle 1”x1’x5MM 13. Computer Table Fitted on Wall: Made up of 19mm water proof board Sunmica pasted on top & side teak beating facility to keep. Key board , CPU etc. & polishing ( Channel Size-30” height & 24” depth Godrej company) 14. Steel Almirah : Made up of 18 mm sheet outside and 20mm sheet inside with full locker with 12” height in shelf no.5th of 6th shelf from the bottom.(Almirah Size- 72” height/34” Width & 18” side) Before supply of the items it will mandatory for the firm to present unpolished sample of the items in the Vidyalaya. Supply will be made only after the approval of the sample. PRINCIPAL KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1,BINOD NAGAR, DHANBAD RATES OF STATIONARY MATERIALS Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Name of Items Quantity Xerox Paper-A4(Century)-75GSM Xerox Paper-A4(Century)-75 GSM Xerox Paper-A3(Century)-75 GSM Per packet Xerox Paper-A4(Century)-130GSM Colour Per packet Xerox Paper-Legal (Century)-75GSM Per packet Xerox Paper-Legal (Century)-130GSM-Colour Per packet Rulled Paper (Best quality) Clip Board (Camel) Sketch pen (Camel) Carbon (Half)-Blue -100sheet(Kores) Per Zistta Per piece Per packet Per packet Carbon (Half)-Blue-100sheet (Kores) Per (10Pkt.) Rate Per cartoon Per packet Carbon (Full)-Blue-100sheet (Kores) Per packet Carbon (Full)-Blue-100sheet (Kores) Per (10Pkt.) Paper Pin-60gm. (Camel/King) Paper clip-20gm. (Dayal) Per packet Per packet Per dozen Per packet Per piece Per dozen Per dozen Cello tape -small (Wonder-1/2”X15mtr.) Drawing Pin-brass (Camel/King) Stapler(small) (Kangaru) Chart Paper(white) Chart Paper(colure) Chalk(white) (Kores) Chalk(colure)(Kores) Per cartoon Punching Machine (Kangaru/kores) Register- 2 No. (Classmate) Register- 4 No. (Classmate) Register- 8 No.(Classmate) Marker (Camlin) Scale(plastic) (Camel) Pencil (Natraj/Classmate) Pen(both side) (Linc) Pen(small ) (Reynolds) Pen(big ) (Reynolds) Per piece Per dozen Per dozen Per dozen Per packet Per dozen Per packet Per packet Per packet Per packet Per piece Per dozen Per roll Per piece Per piece Per packet 500 gm. Per Kg. Pen(Zel)-Blue/Red/Green(Linc/ Reynolds) Brown Paper(plastic coted) Cover Roll(Plastic coted) Paper knife Fevi Stick Super-8mg./15gm. Fevi Stick Super-8mg./15gm. Rubber Band(Big)-Best quality Rubber Band(Big)-Best quality Per cartoon Vat Total 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. Rubber Band(Small)-Best quality Sutli (Jute/Nylon) Sutli (Jute/Nylon) Sealing Wax(Camel/Paradise) Thread (Thick) Pencil Rubber (Natraj) Whitener (Correction Pen)-Camlin Gum bottle (Camel) Gum(Small bottle with brush)(Camel) Brown Tape-2” (Wonder-555) White Tape-2” (APEX Pack-365) Brown Tape-11/2” (Wonder-555) White Tape-11/2” (APEX Pack-365) Brown Tape-1” (Wonder-555) White Tape-1” (APEX Pack-365) Paper weight Pen stand with 2Pen/4 pen(Wilson) Wooden Duster(Best Quality) Stapler Pin(small) -Kangaro Riffle(Blue/Black/Red/ Green)-Small-Link/Reynolds Riffle(Big)-Red Zel Riffle (Blue/Red/ Green)-Small Stick file Practical sheet Guard file/Box file Plastic coated file Board file Flat file Envelope-4’’x 9’’(Snow white)-AERO) -120GSM Enlelope-5”x11”-AERO(Snow white)-120 GSM Cloth Envelope-10” X 12”(AERO)-120 GSM Cloth Envelope-12” X16”(AERO)-120 GSM Calculator(Orpat)-OT-512T Map (India Physical) Map( World Physical) Graph paper File Tag (colour cotton) Calculator-10 Digit (Casio) Calculator-12 Digit(Casio) Pen AD -Gel Achiever-Green Pen AD-Gel Achiever-Black Pen Cello fine Grip (Blue/Red/Black) Pocker steel (Medium) Stamp Pad –Fiber Castle (Medium) 500 gm. Per Kg. Per Gola Per packet Per packet Per packet Per packet 700 ml. 200ml. Per packet Per packet Per packet Per packet Per packet Per packet Per piece Per piece Per packet Per packet Per packet Per packet Per packet Per dozen Per packet Per piece Per dozen Per dozen Per dozen Per 100pc. Per 100pc. Per 100Pc. Per 100Pc. Per pc. Per 1000Pc Per 1000Pc. Per 1000pc. Per bunch Per Pc. Per Pc. Per Pc. Per Pc. Per Pc. Per Pc. Per Pc. Name of Shop with Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Reg.No. _____________ BST/JST No. __________ Tin No. ______________ PAN No. _____________ Signature:_________ Mobile No._____________ Name of Proprietor/owner:_________ Seal: Sl. No. 1. KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1,BINOD NAGAR, DHANBAD RATES OF PRINTING MATERIALS Name of the Article Description Unit Rate Student’s Diary th Size: 1/8 Dummy ,150 pages(including cover), Cover: 2 page Multicolour on 300GSM Art board cover lamination(Glass/Mirror),Inner page on 75GSM Maplitho paper in Black & white. th Size: 1/4 Dummy,Total -100 Page including 4 cover page, Multicolour on 300GSM art board cover lamination (Glass/Mirror) 4 pages Messages and 6 pages photo pages multicolour on 130GSM Art paper. Inner pages on maplitho paper of 90GSM. th Size: 1/4 Dummy- 300 GSM Art board Total page:16, cover: Multicolour-8pages, Inner-8 pages Black & white. Each Diary 2. VidyalayaPatrika 3. Newsletter 4. Brochure Size: 1/4th Dummy, Total page:16, cover: Multicolour-4pages, Other-12 pages-single colour-with/without pictures on 130GSM. 5. Question Paper Size:1/4th Dummy, 54 GSM(Ballarpur) i)Cost of Master Copy i) ii)Cost of Printing per page per 100 copies ii) iii)Cost of printing per page per next 50 copies Size: 1/4th Dummy,65 GSM Paper with the details printed on 1st page as per the sample enclosed. Cost should be quoted for a unit of 1000 copies. i) 4 pages(Additional) ii) 8 Pages (Main) iii) 12 Pages(Main) iv) 16 Pages (Main) iii) 6. 7. Examination Answer Books Invitation Card Per 1000 Per 1200 Per 1300 Per 1500 Per 500 Per 700 Per 1000 Per 100 Per 500 Per 700 Per 1000 i) ii) iii) iv) Size: 1/8th Dummy, Both side printing with envelope. Cost should be quoted for a unit of 500 cards.300 GSM Art board. i) Single colour ii) Double Colour Size: 1/4thDummy ,300 GSM Art Board, Multicolour. Cost should be quoted for a unit of 100 certificates. Per 500 Size: 1/4th Dummy,75 GSM Maplitho Paper (Both side Printing)-2 Pages. Cost should quoted for a unit of 500 copies. Size: 1/4th Dummy,100GSM Maplitho Paper(Both side Printing)-2 Pages i)Per 500 i) ii) 8. Certificates 9. Registration Form 10. Admission Form 11. White Envelope Size: 4”X9”:120 GSM ,Printed address with Monogram 12. Cloth Envelope Size: 10”X12”:,120 GSM,Printed address with Monogram(Brown) Size: 12”X16”:,120 GSM,Printed address with Monogram(Brown) Per 100 Size: 1/4th Dummy, 100 GSM-100 Pages Each Book 13. Character Per 100 i)Per 100 ii)Per 500 Per 500 Per 100 Vat Total 14. Certificate Book Office file 15. Office file(Kobra) 16. Medical Card 17. Letter Pad Size:10” X 14” with Printed address and Mongram, Light Blue. As per sample. Size:10” X 14”, Kobra file(Sona) with Printed address and Monogram, Maroon colour Size: 1/4thDummy , 2 page, single colour on 130 GSM ,Both side printed.As per Sample. Size: 1/8th Dummy, 100GSM Maplitho Paper, a book of 100 leafs. Per 100 Per 100 Per 500 Per Book Note: Firms are requested to enclose the paper sample along with Financial bid. Name of Shop with Address:__________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Reg.No. ______________ BST/JST No. __________ Tin No. _______________ PAN No.______________ Mobile No.: _______________ Signature:_________ Name of Proprietor/owner:_________ Seal: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1, BINOD NAGAR, DHANBAD I LIST OF GAMES & SPORTS ITEMS Sl No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Paticulars of Items Company /Brand Quality Volley Ball Volley Ball Volley Ball Net (Cotton) Handball Net (Nylone) Handball (Men) Handball (Women) Throw Ball Throw Ball Net Hockey Stick (Jonex –Boss) Cricket Ball (Tennis) Cricket Ball (Dues) Cricket Bat No.03 Cricket Bat No.04(Kashmir Willow) Cricket Bat No.05(Kashmir Willow) Cricket Bat (English Willow) Cricket Bat (Kashmir Willow) Cricket Stump (28” Size) Cricket Pad (Batting) Cricket Pad (Kipping) Cricket Bating Gloves Cricket Wicket Kipping Gloves Cricket Helmet (CH05) Football No. 3 Football No. 4 Football No. 5 Badminton Racket Badminton Racket Shuttle Cock Shuttle Cock Shuttle Cock (Feather)-Outdoor Badminton Net (Cotton) Table Tennis Bat Table Tennis Bat Table Tennis Ball Table Tennis Board (Fullset)Weatherproof Table Tennis Net (Nylon)-18mm Top Handball Goalkeeping Gloves Cricket Shoes Football Studs (Boot) Sports Shoes Athletic Spike Starting Block Starting Gun Sports Stop Watch High Jump Bar with Set Shot-put (04-KG) Cosco Niva Cosco Cosco Cosco Cosco Nivia Cosco Fenta Khanna SG Reebok SS SS BDM BDM BDM SS SS SG SG BDM Viccky Cosco Cosco Yonex Yonex Yonex Yonex Yonex Gupta STIGA STIGA STIGA STIGA Supper Volley Volley Supper Cosco Match Quality SS SEGA Cosco Nivia Nivia Nelco Nelco Racer Nelco Nelco Match Quality Goal Quality Official Size Match Quality Oxford Supper Club Reetone Sunridges Sunridges Master Blaster Club Master Match Quality Club Plus Club Plus County Life Supper Club Commander Gold Star Milano Milano CS-006 GR-303 MAVIS-500 MAVIS-350 ASI LIMCA TORNADO FIGHT Cup Ultimate PREDATOR DELTA Iron Rate per unit/ Packet Vat Total 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Shot-put (05-KG) Shot-put (06-KG) Discuss (1-KG) Discuss (1.50-KG) Discuss (1.75-KG) Discuss (2-KG) Javeline (600gm) Javeline (700gm) Javeline (800gm) Jersey Set (36”,38”,40”) Jersey Set (28”,30”,32”,34”) Carom Board with Coins-36”X36” Nelco Nelco Nelco Nelco Nelco Nelco Nelco Nelco Nelco NNN NNN CSI 59. Ludo (Plastic Coated) CSI 60. 61. 62. 63. Royal Techno Techno Viccky Chess (Plastic Coated) Flying Disc (Midium) Flying Disc (Large) Skipping Rope (Nylone) 64. Nylone Socks Prince 65. Anklet 66. Kneep 67. Volley Ball Pole (Set) Galaxy Galaxy 68. Hand Ball Goal Post Khalsa Exports /Visin Khalsa Exports 69. Foot Ball Goal Post Khalsa Exports 70. Khokho Pole (Wooden) - 4” Khalsa Exports 71. Throw Ball Pole Khalsa Exports 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. Cosco Cosco Cosco Nelco BDM BDM Techno NNN/Shiv Naresh NNN/Shiv Naresh Basket Ball No.05 -Super Basket Ball No.07 -Super Basket Ball Net (Set) Hurdles Thigh Gard Cricket Elbow Gard Cricket Tennikoit Ring Cricket Jersey (Set) 80. Football Jersey (Set) 81. PRIZE CUP – 4”,5”,6”(Brass Cup Plastic Base) 82. MEDAL – 2” Heavy (with printed Logo & Name) 83. TROPHY – 8”,10”,12”,14”(Gold Plated with wooden base) Iron Iron Metro-12mm ply Match Quality Tournament Match Quality Extra Large Wooden(BalBearing Adjustable) Double Knitting Appr Match -oved Quty. Appr Match -oved Quty. Appr Match -oved Quty. Appr Match -oved Quty. Appr Match -oved Quty. Official Size Official Size Nylone School Model Armstrong Admiral Rubber Gold 84. Cap 85. PARRAREL BAR AE – 809(Kalsha Export / RKN Engineering/Wassim) 86. WIDE SLIDE CODE NO. 302 8 FT. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. (Kalsha Export / RKN Engineering/Wassim) WIDE SLIDE CODE NO. 302. 16 FT. (Kalsha Export / RKN Engineering/Wassim) TRIPLE SWING AE (Kalsha Export / RKN Engineering/Wassim) DOUBLE SWING AE 402(Kalsha Export / RKN Engineering/Wassim) ARCH SWING AE 412 (Kalsha Export / RKN Engineering/Wassim) JUNGLE GYMNASIUM AE 605 6 FT. (Kalsha Export / RKN Engineering/Wassim) VICTORIAN BENCH AE 1001(Kalsha Export / RKN Engineering/Wassim) Best Quality Kalsha Export /Vasin Kalsha Export /Vasin Kalsha Export /Vasin Kalsha Export /Vasin Kalsha Export /Vasin Kalsha Export /Vasin Kalsha Export /Vasin Kalsha Export /Vasin Name of Shop with Address:__________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Reg.No. _________ BST/JST No. __________ Tin No. __________ PAN NO. _____________ Signature:_________ Name of Proprietor/owner:_________ Seal: KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.1, BINOD NAGAR,DHANBAD. LIST OF ITEMS FOR CHEMISTRY LAB.(CONSUMABLE) S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ITEM Sulphuric Acid Hydrochloric Acid Nitric Acid Distilled Water Aluminum Nitrate Ammonium Chloride Ammonium Carbonate Ammonium ferrous sulphate Ammonium Phosphate Barium Chloride Calcium carbonate Copper metal thrnigs Copper sulphate Ferric Chloride Lead Actete Lead Nitrate Magnesium Chloride Nickel Chloride Potassium Chromate Potassium Dichromate Potassium Permanganate Potassium ferrocynide Potassium ferricyanide Potassimthircynate Sodium Chloride Sodium Carbonate Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Hydroxide Sodium Sulphide Strontium chloride Zinc metal (Grangulated ) Zinc Chloride Zinc oxide Oxalic Acid Sodium metal Sodium Iodide Potassium Iodide Cobalt Nitrate Ammonium Molybydate Dimethyl glyoxime Magnesium metal Ribbon Silver nitrate Phenolphthalein powder Acetic Acid Formic Acid Ethanol Fehling solution Make SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH QTY 2.5 Liter 5 Liter 2.5 liter 10 letter 500 gram 500 gram 500 gram 1000 gram SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH 500 gram 500 gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 1000gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 1000gram 100gram 100gram 100gram 100gram 100gram 100gram 100gram SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH 100gram 100gram 500gram 500gram 500gram 500gram RATE VAT AMOUNT 48 49 50 51 52 53 Nesslers Reagent Bendict Solution Aniline Filter paper Litmus paper Chromatographic paper 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Burette Pipette Reagent Bottle 250ml Separating funnel Periodic Table Chart Atomic Model Set Blow Pipe S.No. 1 2 3 ITEM Centrifuge Machine Electronic Balance Repair of Refrigerator S.No. ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D.C ammeter D.C. Voltmeter Slandered Resistance Wire Meter bridge Galvanometer Resistance box Potentiometer Primary Cell Daniel Cell Optical bench (1.5 meter /lateral Screw ) Optical needles Travelling microscope SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH SDS/LOBA/BDH 125ml 500ml 500ml 12 packet 12 packet LIST OF ITEMS FOR CHEMISTRY LAB.(NON-CONSUMABLE) Borosil Borosil Borosil Borosil 50 piece 50 piece 50 piece 10 piece 1 piece 1 piece 10 piece LIST OF ITEMS FOR BIOLOGY LABORATORY Make QTY per unit RATE AMOUNT LIST OF ITEMS FOR PHYSICS LABORATORY 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Glass Slabe Polaroid Convex & Concave mirror Vernier Callipers of steel Screw Gauge of steel Spherical body ( 04am diameter) Clamp stand with clamp Gravesand’ s apparatus Metallic bole (Brass steel ) Make by INSIF/OMEGA/T ECH-NU 0-500ma 0-3Volt 0-100 omega 0-5volt 0-5volt With three up rights two holder With high RISOlving & magnifying power 15cm focal-length Iron or aluminum Steel With complete set Rate Per unit VAT Total 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Wooden Block with hook Horizontal plane with a glass top and frictionless pulley attached at one of its edge ( frictional table) Spring balance Weight box A scale pan A helical Spring with rigid support and weight hanger comected with it. Slotted weights (05gram, 10gram, 20gram) Vertical wooden Scale Boyle’s law apparatus Capillary tubes with different radie Stop Watch Rubber cork with whole in middle Sonometer with complete set A set of six tuning fork of different frequencies Paper rider & slotted weight ( 1/2kg & 1kg) RISOnance tube apparatus complete set Repairing of Physics lab gig tables 05 lab stools (wooden ) Electrical wiring in beg tables with power plugs With hanger & weight With rubber pad Name of Shop with Address:___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Date: _______________ Reg. No._____________ BST/JST No.__________ Tin No.______________ PAN No._____________ Mobile No.:______________ Signature: __________ Name of Proprietor/owner:__________ Seal:
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