Newsletter 24 April 2015 - Kaikorai Valley College

KA I KO RA I VA L L E Y C O L L E G E Newsletter
Sports News
Term 2 is off to a flying start with most sports kicking off next week. All
teams are organised with coaches, managers and practice days. We
are looking for a couple more Yr 9 and 10 Netballers. If your daughter
is interested please get in touch with me ASAP. KVC is combining with
Taieri and Kavanagh to form a Junior Hockey Team (Yr 9 and 10) but as
yet we have no other info as to a start date. Students will be notified
as soon as the information comes to hand.
Listed below are a number of sports/activities which students can
participate in this term. Mrs Johnson has more detailed information,
so any student interested in one of the following should see her early
next week for entry details.
Curling Competition. A coaching day will be held on Wednesday
29 April, at the Dunedin Ice Stadium. (4pm for novices and 5pm for
experienced). Competition begins Wednesdays 6 May through to 26
Futsal South Under 16 and 19 Boys Futsal Trials
NZ Youth Championships in Wellington 10-12 July
Under-16 Futsal Trials will be held on Sunday 3 May from 10am 11.30am Bayfield Gym
Under-19 Futsal Trials will be held on Sunday 3 May from 11.30am
- 1.00pm Bayfield Gym
Entrance to Bayfield Gym is on the corner of Shore Street and
Musselburgh Rise.
For those who are interested you can either email your full name,
date of birth and contact details or fill out the forms on the day. To be
eligible you need to be Under 16 or 19 as of 1 January 2015 and be
playing in our local Futsal competitions. For more information please
contact Mike Clark 027 740 3563
Diggers Development Programme - Term 2
The programme consists of weekly coaching sessions at the Edgar
Centre, where basic fundamentals are introduced, focusing on
skill-based drills and emphasising having FUN. The Development
Programme is designed to supplement/complement the school
Miniball programmes and Otago Representative programme. All
sessions are held at the Edgar Centre. Ages 13 Years and under and
no experience necessary. Tuesdays beginning 12 May for 8 sessions.
Squad: U8s 3.30pm-4.30pm; U11s 4.00pm-5.00pm; U13s 4.00pm5.00pm. Cost: $70.00 per child. Email for
a registration form.
Girls’ Rugby 15s
This will run on Wednesdays at 4.15pm from April 29 to May 6 at Logan
Park. All girls interested must see Mrs Johnson next week.
Indoor Bowls
Coaching sessions will begin again for the winter terms. These sessions
will be held at school from 3-4.14pm one day a week - TBC. Please see
Mrs Johnson next week to register your interest.
The New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Cross Country Championships
will be held in Dunedin on Saturday 20 June. The Lovelock Relays will
be held on Saturday 2 May at the University Oval. Entries close this
Sunday 26 April at 7.00pm.
On Sunday 3 May between 9.30am and 2.00pm an Athletics
Development Day will be held at the Caledonian Ground in Dunedin.
The development day is aimed at all secondary school students
who are interested in developing their skills in middle distance and
cross country running. To register please email your name, school
and/or club to: Registration closes on
Wednesday 29 April.
The Otago Secondary Schools’ Sports Association’s (OSSSA) running
series will kick-off with the Logan Park Road Race on Tuesday 5 May.
Check out their website at: for more details about
the upcoming events.
Attached to this newsletter’s email is a table of important information
relevant to each team. Please make note of your child’s practice and
game days. It is imperative that the Coach or the Sports’ Coordinator
is informed if students cannot attend a game or practice. Students are
expected to attend every practice unless it is impossible to do so.
We are looking forward to a great winter season. See you all on the
Theresa Johnson
Sports’ Coordinator
c: 027 543 4251
Otago Table Tennis
Kaikorai Valley College had eight
players in the twenty six strong
team. Otago won five of the
eight matches; however the final
overall score was 52 matches each
with Southland winning on
countback of games. The school
was represented by Shammah
Ncube, Jasmine Ngatae and Emma
Dingley-Crawford in the U15 Girls.
They lost the match 9 to 3 with
each girl winning one single. The
Southland team had two players in
the NZ training squad. Hamish King
and Jeremy Meldrum-Harris were
in the Boys’ U15B team which lost
9 to 3. Both played well, especially
Hamish, who won one single and a
Emily Roy-Jones and Courtney Power represented the U13 Girls.
Neither girl recorded a
win but showed improved
form. The star of the show
for KVC was Hamish Arthur
the captain of the U13B
team. Hamish won three
singles and a double and
led his team to a great 9 to
7 victory. Well done!
BMX NZ Nationals
Over Easter Kyle Rutherford (12BU) and
Logan Harris (7bd), along with 38 other
Dunedin BMX riders competed at the 2015
BMXNZ nationals being held in Christchurch.
Kyle, competing in the highly competitive
Men’s Junior Elite made it through to the
finals and achieved 5th in New Zealand. A
feat not achieved by any Otago/Southland
rider for many years in this semi-professional
Logan was
to become one of the very few South
Islanders to be selected for the NZ
Test Team for a chance to take on the
Aussies in Australia later this year. After
some intense racing Logan finished just
outside the top 8 qualifiers. Well done
to both riders.
Opportunity and Success for All
500 Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, New Zealand Telephone: 453 6035 Fax: 453 1602 Email: Website:
No. 10 - 24 April 2015
Deputy Principal’s Comment
Kia ora, greetings to all parents, caregivers and friends of the
Welcome back. I trust that students (and staff) have all had an
enjoyable and relaxing break and are looking forward to what
is already shaping up as a busy term ahead.
Mrs Downes and I had
the pleasure of visiting
Pukeahu National War
Memorial Park and I
would commend this
to you if you travel to
in the future. We were
also fortunate enough
to view ‘The Great War’
developed by Sir Peter
Jackson and situated in the old Dominion Memorial Museum,
although we did have to queue for over 90 minutes! We did
reflect, however, on
what a wonderful asset
we have in our very own
Toitu Settlers’ Museum in
Dunedin. If you haven’t
yet managed to see
the current ‘Dunedin’s
Great War 1914-1918’
display, I would certainly
recommend that you do so as it is a stunning and poignant
reminder of the effects of World War One on the Dunedin
Continuing with the war remembrance theme, congratulations
to our Year 13 Academic Leader, Rose
McCulloch, whose essay titled ‘Memorialised
on a Stone Arch’ jointly won the World War
One essay competition for secondary pupils
throughout Otago. Rose’s essay about the High
Street School War Memorial was published in
Wednesday’s edition of the ODT and is a very well crafted and
powerful piece of writing.
Our student leaders ran a special Anzac Day assembly on Friday
and will be attending the Anzac Dawn Parade at the Queen’s
Gardens on Saturday. Other students are most welcome to
parade with the KVC group but full school uniform must be
Special mention must also be made of Mr Burden, Mr
Stevenson and the Year 7 classes who have created a KVC Field
of Remembrance on the grassed area outside the front of the
school with 30 white
crosses commemorating
some of the many young
men from Dunedin who
lost their lives during
World War One.
Many students and staff
were totally committed
over the holiday break
preparing for Stage
Challenge, which will be held in under two weeks’ time. Thanks
to Ms Erwin, Ms Boulton, Ms Wright and Ms Wilson for their
organisation and support of the students and to anyone else
who has contributed in some way.
Next week two of our Year 10 classes head off to Tautuku
Youth Adventure Camp, followed by another two classes the
week after. Thanks to all those staff and parents who are going
down with the students.
We welcomed a number of new international students from
Japan, Germany and China at the start of the week and look
forward to a large group of students from Thailand arriving
today. We appreciate the support of all those families who
have offered to host our overseas visitors.
Congratulations to Ms Sue Cuthbert for her selection to
represent New Zealand, in Adelaide, in the International
Duathalon Championships. Her daughter, Alice, will also
compete at her age level.
Nga mihi nui
John Downes
photos by Keira Harris - 7Bd
Deputy Principal
is ANZAC DAY (observed)
K A I K O R A I V A L L E Y C O L L E G E Opportunity and Success for All
Shooting Club
The Small Bore Rifle Shooting Club starts
Wednesday 29 April from 6pm - 7pm, at the Rifle
Club on Victoria Road.
KVC is keen to build up a team to participate in
schools’ and clubs’ competitions. Club members
are available for coaching.
Entry and equipment are provided for a small
fee of $10 per shooter per session. If any student is interested,
please see Mr Viggo for further details.
Play House Client/Buyer Wanted
The Year 13 Tech-Woodwork
students have entered into a
nationwide Build a “Play house”
We are looking
for a client/s or indications from
anyone who might be interested in
purchasing the Play House when it
is built. We may be able to adapt
the design theme to suit you.
If you think this is you, or
if you know of anyone who
might be interested, please
get in touch with Mr Viggo
at KVC as soon as possible
for further information.
Phone 453 6035 or email
HPV Vaccination Survey
Participants Wanted
Parents and caregivers
of children and young people aged 9 - 23 years are invited to
participate in a survey investigating knowledge and attitudes
around HPV vaccination. The survey is anonymous and should
take 5-10 minutes. Please access the online survey at https://
request a hard copy by calling 04 979 3106.
The researcher is a PhD candidate at the Centre of Public Health
Research, Massey University. For further information please go
or contact
9 Letter Puzzlegram
be 4 letters or more and
contain the letter W. Your list must have
one 9-letter word. Proper names and
F foreign language words are not allowed.
Answers will be in next week’s newsletter. 9
words = good; 19 words = great; 25 words
E = excellent; 34 words = outstanding!
achy, cany, caph, capo, chao, chap, chay, choc, chon, chop, coca,
coco, coho, cony, coon, coop, copy, cyan, nach, paco, pacy, achoo,
capon, choco, coach, cocoa, conch, nacho, napoo, phoca, phony,
poach, poncy, pooch, cacoon, canopy, chancy, coachy, concha,
onycha, poachy, pochay, poncho, poonac, cocopan, CACOPHONY
... Curious Notions ...
 A snail can have 25,000 teeth.
 Shakespeare invented the word “assassination”
and “bump.”
 Butterflies range in size from a tiny 0.3cm to a
huge almost 30cms.
Antarctica is the only continent that does not have land
areas below sea level.
The city of Venice stands on about 120
small islands.
Fur seals get miserably sick when they’re
carried aboard ships.
The Nullarbor Plain of Australia covers 160,900 km without
a tree.
The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the
 In Tennessee, it is against the law to drive a
car while sleeping.
 Termites have been known to eat food twice
as fast when heavy metal music is playing.
In France, there’s a place called Y.
Entomophobia is the fear of insects.
Los Angeles’ full name is “El Pueblo de
Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles
de Porciuncula”.
Mailing an entire building has been illegal in the US since
1916 when a man mailed a 40,000-ton brick house across
Utah to avoid high freight rates.
Career Moves
Sir George Seymour - Information Open Evening:
Wednesday 20 May at 7.00pm For students, parents,
caregivers and teachers. Come along to learn about
rouses and qualifications on offer for 2016. For
more information call 0800 10 20 20 option 6 or 477 6825 or
email RSVP by 15 May 2015.
Got a Trade
Register now on this website for the opportunity to find out
more about trades you are interested in.
Got a Trade week – August 21-28. A focused week to deliberately
celebrate the talent, skills and value of apprentices and trainees
across New Zealand to increase understanding, status, and
demand for practical and vocational learning. Find out more at
Redshirts in Schools Programme
Retail qualifications and experience opportunity for senior
students for the Redshirts in Schools Programme. One day a
week for 10 weeks with some homework requirements. See Mrs
Shields if you want more information.
Health Careers
Are you interested in a career in health, helping people and
science? Find out about one of the fastest growing wellness
professions, Chiropractic, at an information evening Thursday 21
May at 7pm at Knox Rehabilitation Clinic, 483 George Street. For
more information email Dr Anna Heath recruitment@nzchiro. or phone 09 526 2101.
Kaikorai Valley College is proudly sponsored by
OfficeMax NZ Ltd
p: 0800 577 700 w:
K A I K O R A I V A L L E Y C O L L E G E Opportunity and Success for All
Quote of the Week
Libraries allow children to ask questions
about the world and find the answers...
and the wonderful thing is that once a
child learns to use a library, the doors
to learning are always open.
Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa. Nau
mai, haere mai ki te wāhanga tuarua.
Greetings and welcome to Term Two.
Next week’s kupu is MANU. This is our word for bird. Our school
saying “He manu whai huruhuru” representing “Success and
opportunity for all”, refers to a bird being successful in seeking
out food and nesting materials..
Previous kupu o te wiki are
āpōpō, heihei, poitarawhiti, nau mai, engari, waea, rangi, niho,
pahi, awa, kaiako, wahine, Tāwhirimātea, marama, homai. Inu,
Ōtautahi, āporo, Pāremata and Rā Whānau, whare hākinakina,
kaukau, whakatā, maranga, kura, Poihākena, manuhiri, Ipapa,
rū, Pirihimana, Te Waipounamu, ukurere, ngutu, Taihoa,
Aranga, horoi, maumahara and Papatūānuku How many can
you remember?
If you Google search “Te Kupu o te Wiki. Kupu o te Rā” you will
be able to access sound clips for all these words. Kia kaha, e hoa
mā! Mauri ora, whānau.
Entertainment Booklet
Kaikorai Valley College Fundraiser!
Two school productions are happening
this year and we need your help to
improve the sound system for them! It’s so easy to help – in
fact – you get something in return! Just order this years (jam
packed full of coupons) Entertainment Book via KVC! Our aim
is to raise $1,000 and with each book (or online membership)
bought via KVC we will get $12. So please consider purchasing
this book through KVC. Personally my husband and I purchase
the Entertainment Book (as do 3 of our couple friends) and we
use the vouchers to have dinner out together as four couples
throughout the year. It’s seriously a great way to afford some
local entertainment and food! Order online at www.entbook. or return the slip at the bottom of the green flyer
you have received. If you need another copy please contact
the main office. Ruth Harrison 022 139 1574 or ruthharrison@
Words from the Library
Archibald Baxter Memorial Trust Essay
Competition: Open to students in Years 9 to
13 and there is a topic. If you would like more
information about the competition ask at the
Library or email
Dunedin Public Library Schools Wearable Art
Competition: Open to students in Years 7 to 13. Entries close 5
June and judging takes place 19 June. Entry forms available at
the KVC Library.
Great Opportunity!
An opportunity to see the world’s best Under 20
Football players at Stadium Otago!
Purchase tickets through the Student Office for
only $10 (Category B tickets are normally $29
for those aged 15+) in the Ticket Direct (North
Stand). If we sell enough tickets a free bus will
transport you to the game. You must make your
own arrangements to get home afterwards. Wednesday 3 June
at 4pm - Mexico v Uruguay and at 7pm - Serbia v Mali - both
games for the one price... and/or Wednesday 10 June at 4pm
- Round 16 Knockout game. Tickets must be paid for by Monday
11 May. Any questions please contact Mr Scott.
2015 Kaikorai Valley College Dates to Remember
(Some dates may change and be added variously throughout the year.)
28-1 May
ANZAC Day (observed)
Tertiary Information Day
Year 10 Tautuku Camp (10Wm and 10Cg)
Stage Challenge
Year 10 Tautuku Camp (10Fi and 10Ib)
Parent Group AGM (7.00pm)
Strike Performance (Junior College - 10am)
Year 8 HPV Vaccinations
Queen’s Birthday (no school)
Careers’ Expo (Edgar Centre)
School Formal
Brathwaite Centre Art Auction
Riccarton Sports Interchange (Chch)
ANZAC ABC - by Nathan Harris, 8FL
A is for Australians who fought at Gallipoli.
B is for Bazooka, which is deadly.
C is for Crossfire - aiming 2 guns at 1 target.
D is for Damage - lots have felt it.
E is for Equipment - load them up.
F is for Fatal - what their injuries were.
G is for Guns given to soldiers.
H is for Hide “Take cover!”
I is for Infirmary - there are a lot of soldiers there.
J is for Jammed, and so is my gun.
K is for Killed - it’s not very fun.
L is for Leader - salute them.
M is for Machine gun - fires lots of bullets.
N is for North - there we must head.
O is for Over - it is over now.
P is for Pain “Ow! That hurt.”
Q is for Quick “Find the trenches!”
R is for Range, the distance the bullet flies.
S is for Sad. I can’t stop crying.
T is for Tactics, they really help.
U is for Unconscious but likely to wake up.
V is for Violence you’ll see it a lot.
W is for Wail - wailing in pain.
X is for x-ray - there’s a bullet in my skull.
Y is for Young, which the men and women were.
Z is for Zero, that’s how many soldiers left.
Brathwaite Centre News
Our students are settling back into school and are ready for
another term of learning new skills.
Already two of our students have shown that they are taking
responsibility for their learning and participating independently
in specific activities.
‘Respect’ is a focus for the wider school for this term so we have
been discussing as a class, what that looks like and how we can
show respect for our peers and teachers.
This term at Sport Otago students will be learning Cricket skills at
Logan Park, so we are looking forward to some amazing bowlers
and batsmen and women!
The topic for our main class study this term has
been ANZAC this week and then we are going to
learn about Māori language, Art and Music.
Student of the Week: Ionatana Kewene-Masina
for using independent communication skills.
Opportunity and Success for All