HOME ASSIGNMENTS FOR CLASSES VI ,VII, VIII and IX. SUBJECT: ENGLISH CLASS VI 1. Find out 20 difficult words from the first and second chapter of your text book and write their meanings. 2. Make sentences using any ten words. 3. Write the summary of the story How the dog found himself a new master. 4. Add suffixes like – (less ,ly, ness, ful) to the words given below to form meaningful words. i)care ii)harm iii)pain iv)end v)kind vi)lazy vii)sleep viii)colour ix)fit x)price CLASS VII 1.Write a paragraph about the best gift you have ever received. 2 .After reading the story A Gift of Chappals , do you think Mridu and the other children were right in giving away the chappal of the music teacher to the beggar? Give reason. 3. Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him to grant you leave for 7days on account of your uncle’s marriage. 4. Write the antonyms of the following words: i)Difficult ii)Sweet iii)interior iv)Coward v)Broad vi)Empty vii)Equal viii)Honest ix)Positive x)Beautiful CLASS VIII 1. Write an essay on the topic “Natural Disaster”. 2. Write a letter to your friend describing about how you spent your summer vacation. 3. Prepare a project on the topic “child labour” CLASS IX 1. Write the summary of chapter 1 to 5 of the novel Three men in a boat. 2. Collect biographical information about Robert Frost and write a paragraph on it. 3. Write an email to your best friend describing how you spent your summer vacation. कक्षा- सप्तम संस्कृत- परियोजना काययम ् ‘एतद्’ - ‘तद्’- ‘किम ्’ शब्दरूपाणि त्रिषु लिङ्गेषु त्रिषु वचनेषु च लिखत।(In stick file) संस्कृत-अवकाशग़ह्ृ काययम ् 1.िृ, वस ्, दृश ् , गम ् , भू इतत धातो: रूपाणि िट् ,िोट् ,िट् ृ ,िङ् ववधधलिङ् इतत पञ्चििारे षु लिखत। 2. एित: पञ ्चाशत ् पर्यन्तम ् अंिातन पदे षू लिखत। 3. परीक्षार्ा: िृते उपररलिणखता: प्रश्ना: िण्ठस्थं िुरूत। -------------------------------------कक्षा-अष्टम संस्कृत- परियोजनाकाययम ् 1. एित: शतम ् पर्यन्तम ् अंिातन पदे षू लिखत।(Chart paper) संस्कृत-अवकाशग़ह्ृ काययम ् 1. . िृ, पठ् , गम ् , स्था धातो: रूपाणि िट् ,िोट् ,िट् ृ ,िङ् ,ववधधलिङ्ििारे षु लिखत । 2. ’अस्मद्’ – ‘र्ष्ु मद्’ शब्दर्ो: रूपाणि त्रिषु वचनेषु च ‘किम’ शब्दरूपाणि त्रिषु लिङ्गेषु त्रिषु वचनेषु च लिखत3.परीक्षार्ा: िृते उपररलिणखता: प्रश्ना: िण्ठस्थं िुरूत। -------------------------------------------------------------------------------संस्कृत- परियोजनाकाययम ् कक्षा-षष्ठी 1. िीणि लिङ्गाणि िातन? पंग ु लिङ्गशब्दानां स्िीलिङ्गशब्दानां नपङ् ु सिलिङ्गशब्दानां च नामातन लिखत धचिाणि च अङ्िनं िुरुतसंस्कृत-अवकाशग़ह्ृ काययम ् 1. पठ् , गम ् , दृश ् धातो: रूपाणि िट् ,िोट् ,िट् ृ ,िङ्ििारे लिखत । 2.’बािि’ ‘बालििा’ ‘पुष्प’ इतत शब्दानां सप्तववभक्ततषु त्रिषु वचनेषु च रूपाणि लिखत- 3.परीक्षार्ा: िृते उपररलिणखता: प्रश्ना: िण्ठस्थं िुरूत। ------------------------------------------------ कक्षा-IX परियोजनाकाययम ् ’अस्मद्’ – ‘र्ष्ु मद्’ शब्दर्ो: रूपाणि त्रिषु वचनेषु च ‘किम’, ’तद्’ शब्दरूपाणि त्रिषु लिङ्गेषु त्रिषु वचनेषु च लिखत। अवकाशग़ह्ृ काययम ् 1.अधोलिणखतानां परस्मैपददन: धातुनां िट् ,िोट् ,िट् ु षेशु लिखत ृ ,िङ् ििारे षु त्रिषु च परु ि)अस ् ख)हन ् ग)क्रूध घ)िृ ङ)ज्ञा च)भक्ष 2.अधोलिणखतानां आत्मनेपददन: धातुनां िट् ,िोट् ,िट् ृ ,िङ् ििारे षु त्रिषु च पुरुषेशु लिखत ि)सेव ् ख)िभ ् ग)रूच ् घ)मद् ु ङ)र्ाच ् 3.’पाथेर्म ्’ इतत पाठस्र् श्िोिानां अन्वर्: श्िोिै: सह लिखत । कक्षा-X परियोजनाकाययम ् ‘वाङ््मर्म ् तप:’ इत्र्स्र् श्िोिानां अन्वर्: श्िोिै: सह लिखत ।(Chart paper) अवकाशग़ह्ृ काययम ् 1.अधोलिणखतानां परस्मैपददन: धातुनां िट् ,िोट् ,िट् ु षेशु लिखत ृ ,िङ् ििारे षु त्रिषु च परु ि)अस ् ख)हन ् ग)क्रूध घ)िृ ङ)ज्ञा च)भक्ष 2.अधोलिणखतानां आत्मनेपददन: धातुनां िट् ,िोट् ,िट् ृ ,िङ् ििारे षु त्रिषु च पुरुषेशु लिखत ि)सेव ् ख)िभ ् ग)रूच ् घ)मद् ु ङ)र्ाच ् 3.’छािप्रततज्ञा’ सद ंु रे ि हस्ताक्षरे ि लिखत। ग्रीष्म कालीन गह ृ कायय कक्षा – vi हहन्दी परियोजना कायय 1. तीन एसे आश्चर्यजनि चीजो िे बारे मे लिखे और धचि बनाए र्ा धचपिाए जो तम् ु हें आिवषयत िरती हो | गह ृ कायय 1. संज्ञा िे भेदो िो उदाहरि सदहत लिखे | 2. पररमािवाचि और संख्र्ावाचि ववशेषि िी पररभाषा उदाहरि सदहत लिखे | 3. दस वविोम शब्द लिखे | 4. एि िहानी लिख िर संज्ञा, सवयनाम और ववशेषि शब्दो िो छाटॅँ िर लिखे | ग्रीष्म कालीन गह ृ कायय कक्षा – viii हहन्दी परियोजना कायय नेहरू जी िी धचि िगािर उनिी जीवनी लिणखए | गह ृ कायय 1. वसंत ऋतु पर अनछ ु े द लिखे (80-100) शब्दो मे | 2. ववशेषि िे भेदो िी पररभाषा उदाहरि सदहत लिखे | 3. इिा, आहट, इि प्रत्र्र् ज़ोङिर दो-दो शब्द लिखे | 4. हमारे खान-पान, रहन-सहन और िपड़ो मे भी बदिाव आ रहे है इस बदिाव िे पक्ष-ववपक्ष िे आधार पर एि िेख लिखे | 08.5.15 Holiday Homework Mathematics Class V1 2015-16 1. Write all the rules and formulas of chapters knowing our numbers, whole numbers, playing With numbers in A-4 papers 2. Project work- using one-fourth chart . I Multiplication table 1-20 II Subn 1-20 3. Complete C.W, H.W, Activity copy. 5. Prepare FA-1 at rough copy(daily 1 hr) V111 1. Write all the rules/formulas of chapters Rational numbers, linear equation, quadrilateral 2. Draw and define in ¼ th chart. Also comparea) Square b) Rhombus c) Rectangle d) Parallelogram 3. Complete C.,W, H.W, activity copy. 4. Practice for FA at rough copy(Daily 1 hour) 08.5.15 Holiday Homework Mathematics Class 1X 2015-16 1. Assignment- Write all the rules and definitions /formulas from the chapters Number systems, Polynomials, Co-ordinate Geometry and Euclid’s geometry in A-4 size papers. 2. Project work- using one-fourth chart . I Complementary angles II Supplementary angles III Linear pair and IV Adjacent pair. 3. Prepare sample paper for SA-1 4. Complete C.W, H.W, practical copy. 5. Do practice at rough copy daily 1 hour for FA-1 test. Class VII MATHEMATICS Q.1 Represent integers on number line. Q.2 Write true or false a) When two positive number are added we get positive integer b) −10 + 3 = 10 − 3 c) Additive inverse of 8 is (−8) and( − 8) is 8. d) 8 + (−7) − (−4) = 8 + 7 − 4 Q.3 Write the properties of addition and subtraction of integer with examples. Q.4 Find a) 98 × 583 b) 1002 × 625 c) 25 × 83 × 4 d) (−36) ÷ (−4) e) (−325) ÷ 13 Q.5 Write the formulae for area and perimeter of circle, triangle, rectangle and square. Q.6 Give five examples each of proper and improper fraction. 2 3 5 2 2 2 8 Arrange , , in 9 3 21 5 Solve 288 × 9 Q.7 Solve Q.8 Q.9 7 10 + + ascending and descending order. 3 4 Q.10 A car 16 km using 1L petrol. How much distance will it cover using 2 L of petrol? Convert next three questions into: Q.11 5 𝑟𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑠 35 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑠𝑒 Into decimal. Q.12 10𝑚𝑚 into 𝐾𝑚 Q.13 5.08 𝑐𝑚 into 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠 Expand the following question Q.14 132.31 Q.15 20.201 Q.16 355.31 Q.17 4089.003 Simplify to the lowest form Q.18 Q.19 Q.20 5 ÷ 25 9 81 1 7 ÷ 5 9 225 15 ÷ 7 343 Find the reciprocal of the following Q.21 2 3 Q.22 1 Q.23 1 81 Which is greater Q.24 5.003 𝑜𝑟5.030 Q.25 2.08 𝑜𝑟 208 1000 ----------------------------------------- HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS VII SUB: SCIENCE SESSION: 2015-16 Q1. Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph. Q2. Give a brief description of the process of synthesis of food by green plants. Q3. Why are leaves generally green? Q4. Give the structure of cell. Q5. How are carbohydrates consumed by our body? Q6. Write the importance of saliva in the mouth. Q7. Describe the absorption of food in small intestine. Q8. What is pseudopodia? Q9. How does amoeba capture food? Q10. What is meant by the following terms (i)rearing (ii) shearing (iii)sericulture. Q11. Write a short note on the food habit of sheep. Q12. Write a short note on ‘ sorter’s disease’. Q13. What is cocoon? Q14. Explain briefly the life history of a silk moth. -----------
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