Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Editor-in Chief: Marc E. Lippman, Vincent T. Lombardi Cancer Research Center, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA Editors: Gary C. Chamness, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, TX, USA; Robert B. Dickson, Vincent T. Lombardi Cancer Research Center, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA Associate Editors: C. Kent Osborne, and Gary M. Clark, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, TX, USA; I. Craig Henderson, San Francisco, USA; Edison Liu, Chapel Hill, USA Already considered one of the most respected publications in Oncology Breast Cancer Research and Treatment is now being edited by distinguished researcher and physician Marc E. Lippman, MD. His leadership will ensure that the journal provides its readers with details on the most significant developments occuring in the study of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment provides the surgeon, radiotherapist, medical oncologist, endocrinologist, epidemiologist, immunologist or cell biologist investigating problems in breast cancer a single forum for communication. The journal creates a 'market place' for breast cancer topics which cuts across all the usual lines of disciplines, providing a site for presenting pertinent investigations and for discussing critical questions relevant to the entire field. It seeks to develop a new focus and new perspectives for all those concerned with breast cancer. Oncology is undoubtedly the most rapidly growing subspecialty in the field of medicine, and breast cancer is one of the most serious problems of oncology. It is the leading cause of death of women in many countries and is truly a multidisciplinary problem without geographic restrictions. Yet this very multidisciplinary aspect accounts for breast cancer literature appearing in any of the dozens of existing medical journals. None of these journals provides a focus on the unique problems of breast cancer. There has been no convenient arena for the discussion and resolution of ongoing controversies in breast cancer treatment, or for the consideration of thoughtful speculation and comments on current work. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment aims to fill this need. Each issue contains several articles dealing with original laboratory investigations and articles dealing with clinical studies. There are sections devoted to invited review articles, pro and con discussions of controversial subjects, book reviews, meeting reports, and editorials. Panel discussions are presented which bring together experts to consider important topics. There is a section for letters to the editor, which provides for a lively exchange of opinions on previously published articles or other topics of interest. There is also an opportunity to publish the proceedings of special workshops, symposia, etc., devoted to breast cancer. All manuscripts are peer reviewed by a distinguished group of advisory editors from many countries covering all of the various disciplines of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment is listed in Current Contents/Clinical Practice, Current Contents/Life Sciences, Reference Update, the Index Medicus and Science Citation Index. Subscription Information ISSN 0167-6806 1993, Volumes 25-28 (12 issues) Subscription rate: Dfl.1052.00/USS658.00 incl. postage and handling P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands P.O. Box 358, Accord Station, Hingham, MA 02018-0358, U.S.A. Journal Highlight KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS The Role of lnterleukin-2 in the Treatment of Cancer Patients edited by J. Wagstaff Recombinant human interleukin-2 became available for clinical use in the mid 1980s. Recent years have seen an enormous amount of clinical research with this cytokine and interleukin-2 has now been registered for use in a number of European countries for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. This book is designed to provide the clinical oncologist wishing to use interleukin-2 with a basic background concerning the biology of the agent, a discussion concerning practical aspects, of its clinical use including management of toxicity and an overview of the clinical results together with a description of how this interesting cytokine might be developed in the future. New Publication Contents and Contributors Preface. 1. Introduction; J. Wagstaff. 2. Interleukin-2 as a single Agent: Dose, Scheduling and Optimum Immunomodularity Dose; L.M. Jost, R.A. Stahel. 3. Interleukin-2 and Lymphokine Activated Killer (LAK) Cells; S. Negrier, T.P Philip. 4. Interleukin-2 Toxicity: Mechanisms and Management; J.W. Baars. 5. Interleukin-2: Biology and Immunology; G. Parmiani, C. Gambacorti-Passerini. 6. Interleukin-2 and Tumour Eradication by Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes; C.J.M. Melief, W.M. Kast. 7 Combination Treatment with Interleukin-2 and Chemotherapeutic Agents; A. von Rohr, N. Thatcher. 8. Interleukin-2, Lymphocytes and Monoclonal Antibodies; R.L.H. Bolhuis, G. Stoter. 9. Inter- KLUWER leukin-2 and Other Cytokines; J. Atzpodien. 10. Future Prospects for Interleukin-2 Therapy; C.R. Franks, PR. Palmer. Index. ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS 1993,200 pp. ISBN 0-7923-2164-2 Hardbound $99.00/Dfl. 165.00/C67.00 P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands P.O. Box 358. Accord Station. Hingham. MA 02018-0358, U.S.A. Classified advertisements from ESMO members and meeting announcements These spaces are available for personal advertisements of ESMO members (free of charge), and for meeting announcements (Dfl. 200,- per space). Maximum approximately 130 words per space. Please contact: ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY Kluwer Academic Publishers P.O. 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ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY Q Please start my subscription from Vol (insert volume number) Q Regular Q ASCO and EACR members Vol. 5 (1994): Dfl. 388.00AJS$202.00 including postage and handling Vol. 5 (1994): Dfl. 599.00AJS$312.5O including postage and handling Prepayment is required. ASCO and EACR members are requested to add a copy of their most recent membershlpcard or payment In order to be eligible for the ASCO or EACR rate. Order ref.: Insert 94 Q My cheque Is sent herewith Q Please charge my credit card account Q Access Q American Express Q Bank Americard Q Diners Club Q Master Charge Card No • Eurocard a Visa Expiry Date Signature Name Address City -Country A Publication of Kluwer Academic Publishers. . Postcode KYTRIL GRANISETRON Making Tbugh Times Easier ONCE DAILY KfTRIL FOR USE IN CYTOSTATIC-INDUCED EMESIS Prescribing information Presentation Kytril' Infusion, each ampoule containing 3 mg granisetron present as the hydrochloride in 3 ml isotonic saline. Uses Prevention or treatment of nausea and vomiting induced by cytostatic therapy. Dosage and administration for intravenous infusion only. Adults (including elderly) 3 mg Kytril'. diluted in 20 to 50 ml infusion fluid and administered over 5 minutes Prevention In clinical trials, most patients have required only a single dose of Kytril' over 24 hours Up to two additional 5-minute infusions of 3 mg may be given within a 24-hour period Patients have received daily administration for up to 5 consecutive days in one course of therapy Give 'Kytril1 prior to the start of cytostatic therapy. Treatment Dosage as for prevention, with additional infusions at least 10 minutes apart Maximum daily dosage Do not exceed 3 doses (9 mg) within 24 hours Children Insufficient SB data for use. For details of administration, including suitable infusion fluids, see Data Sheet. Contra-indfcation Hypersensitivity to granisetron or related substances. Precautions Monitor patients with signs of subacute intestinal obstruction For details of various toxicology studies, see Data Sheet Drug interactions No evidence of drug interactions in clinical trials Use in pregnancy and lactation No experience in human pregnancy: do not give to pregnant women unless compelling clinical reasons Breast feeding should be stopped during therapy Adverse reactions Generally well tolerated. Mild or moderate headache and constipation most frequent In clinical trials transient rises in mean levels ot hepatic transaminases within normal range. Overdosage No specific antidote Symptomatic treatment Kytril' is a trade mark. ? 1991 SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals. SmttftKbne B—cbam Pharmaceuticals New Horizons Court, Brentford, 7W8 9EP, UK. Tomorrow's Promise Today (paclitaxel) Please reter to Official Package Circular for full prescribing information TAXOL* is a trademark of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Bristol-Myers Squibb
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