Treatment Options for Graves Disease: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Haejin In, MD, MBA, Elizabeth N Pearce, MD, MSc, Arthur K Wong, MBA, MSc, James F Burgess, PhD, David B McAneny, MD, FACS, Jennifer E Rosen, MD, FACS First-line treatment for Graves disease is frequently 18 months of antithyroid medication (ATM). Controversy exists concerning the next best line of treatment for patients who have failed to achieve euthyroidism; options include lifelong ATM, radioactive iodine (RAI), or total thyroidectomy (TT). We aim to determine the most cost-effective option. STUDY DESIGN: We performed a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing these different strategies. Treatment efficacy and complication data were derived from a literature review. Costs were examined from a health-care system perspective using actual Medicare reimbursement rates to an urban university hospital. Outcomes were measured in quality-adjusted life-years (QALY). Costs and effectiveness were converted to present values; all key variables were subjected to sensitivity analysis. RESULTS: TT was the most cost-effective strategy, resulting in a gain of 1.32 QALYs compared with RAI (at an additional cost of $9,594) and an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $7,240/QALY. RAI was the least costly option at $23,600 but also provided the least QALY (25.08 QALY). Once the cost of TT exceeds $19,300, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of lifelong ATM and TT reverse and lifelong ATM becomes the more cost-effective strategy at $15,000/QALY. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first formal cost-effectiveness study in the US of the optimal treatment for patients with Graves disease who fail to achieve euthyroidism after 18 months of ATM. Our findings demonstrate that TT is more cost effective than RAI or lifelong ATM in these patients; this continues until the cost of TT becomes ⬎ $19,300. (J Am Coll Surg 2009;209:170–179. © 2009 by the American College of Surgeons) BACKGROUND: thalmopathy, or in the presence of thyroid nodules. US guidelines state that RAI should be the next step.2,3 Yet, in much of the rest of the world, including Europe, Japan, and South America, continuation of ATM is the modality of choice.4 Treatment options seem to be influenced by patient, physician, institutional, and geographical preferences. One reason for this regional discrepancy might be that previous analyses have suggested that there is no clear benefit or harm when comparing outcomes among these therapeutic alternatives. One method of assessing Graves disease management options is by using cost-effectiveness analysis for treatment of Graves disease, which has not been examined in the US context. We aim to add cost-effectiveness analysis to a decision model to shed light on the optimal next step after failure of initial ATM. Our objective is to compare the costs and outcomes of the therapeutic strategies for Graves disease in patients failing to become euthyroid after an 18month course of ATM (Fig. 1). This analysis was used to identify treatment options that will give patients the best quality of life relative to the additional cost to the US health A course of antithyroid medication (ATM) is often used as the initial treatment for patients with newly diagnosed Graves disease.1 ATM is typically attempted for 12 to 18 months. This results in remission in about 50% of patients, with the next step for the others being a choice between continued ATM, definitive treatment with radioactive iodine (RAI), or total thyroidectomy (TT). There seems to be no consensus about the next best line of treatment if ATM fails to induce remission, except for special circumstances such as children, pregnant women, in the setting of ophDisclosure Information: Nothing to disclose. Abstract presented at the American College of Surgeons 94th Annual Clinical Congress, San Francisco, CA, October 2008. Received November 27, 2008; Revised March 20, 2009; Accepted March 23, 2009. From the Department of Surgery (In, Wong, McAneny, Rosen) and Department of Endocrinology (Pearce), Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA; and Veterans Administration Boston Healthcare System, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA (Burgess). Correspondence address: Haejin In, MD, Department of Surgery, Boston Medical Center, 88 East Newton St, #C515, Boston, MA 02118. email: © 2009 by the American College of Surgeons Published by Elsevier Inc. 170 ISSN 1072-7515/09/$36.00 doi:10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2009.03.025 Vol. 209, No. 2, August 2009 In et al Abbreviations and Acronyms ATM QALY RAI TT ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ antithyroid medication quality-adjusted life-years radioactive iodine total thyroidectomy care system. Throughout our analysis, we took a healthcare system perspective to build our reference patient. The reference patient was derived from the most common subset of patients with Graves disease. Data estimates of treatment efficacies and complications were derived from a thorough literature review (Table 1). Cost measures were obtained from actual Medicare reimbursements to a large urban university hospital (Tables 2, 3). Outcomes were measured in quality-adjusted life-years (QALY). Costs and effectiveness were both converted to present values. Sensitivity analysis was used to examine the robustness of the model to changes in relevant parameters. METHODS Case definition The decision tree model used for analysis adhered to the reference-patient scenario recommended by the Panel on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Treatment for Graves Disease 171 Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine.5,6 The most common scenario was used. Confounders were taken out of the reference patient by limiting it to a narrow subset of patients. Graves disease is more common in the female population and most commonly develops between the second and fourth decades of life.7 Our reference patient is a 30-year-old nonpregnant woman without large goiter, ophthalmopathy, or palpable nodules who has failed to remain euthyroid after completion of 18 months of ATM. Decision model A decision tree model was used to examine the cost effectiveness of the three treatment options. Decision software (TreeAge Pro 2008 Healthcare; TreeAge Software) was used in the construction of our decision model. Each treatment option incorporated all associated events, their probabilities, and costs, including medications; laboratory tests; clinic visits; treatment costs; costs associated with adverse events, such as agranulocytosis and recurrent laryngeal nerve damage; and costs associated with change in treatment for failed intervention. All major side effects were included in the analysis. Minor side effects that did not lead to additional cost or major changes in treatment, such as development of rash (urticaria) or arthralgia, were ex- Figure 1. Decision analysis of the management of Graves disease. The boxed areas indicate our focus of analysis. “Fail” and “succeed” refer to the induction of initial remission after 18 months of antithyroid medication. 172 In et al Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Treatment for Graves Disease J Am Coll Surg Table 1. Probabilities and Quality-Life Adjustment Life expectancy quality adjustment factor Variable Probability for reference patient (%) Short-term Antithyroid medication Agranulocytosis‡ 0.3 Hepatotoxicity 0.2 Radioactive iodine Failure of first dose§ 15.0 Failure of second dose§ 18.0 Failure of third dose§ 6.5 Operation (total thyroidectomy) Hematoma requiring reoperation储 0.8 Transient dysphonia (needing bronchoscopy)储 5.5 Single vocal cord paralysis (need vocal cord training)储 0.4 Bilateral vocal cord paralysis (requiring tracheostomy/ICU/vocal cord medianization)储 0.0 Hypothyroidism 100.0 Hypoparathyroidism (initial hypocalcemia)储 10.0 Reoperation for recurrent Graves disease 0.0 Longterm Antithyroid medication Euthyroid on medications (continuous need for medication) Becomes hypothyroid 2–3 every y Agranulocytosis‡ 0.25 Graves not controlled with medications (need for other treatment, eg, development of ophthalmopathy, uncontrolled Graves, goiter, nodule)¶ 3.5 Missed thyroid cancer# 0.10 Radioactive iodine Longterm hypothyroidism 90 plus 2–3 every y Missed thyroid cancer/RAI-induced cancer#** Operation (total thyroidectomy) (Permanent) hypothyroidism (Permanent) hypoparathyroidism 0.10 100.0 1.0 Range of probabilities (%) Supporting references for probability* 0.1–0.5 0.1–0.2 11,14,15 11,12,19 10–38 10–20 6.5 11,18,20,21,22 11,22 22 Longterm (y) Short-term (d)† Supporting references for QALY* 39 39 39 39,41 39,41 39,41 39 39 0.8 26 30 30 7 95 95 95 15 0.25 5.5 26 0.25 39 0.25 39 0.3–0.9 28,31,34 0.957 0.0–0.4 100.0 26,28,31 33 0.979 0.99 3.7–10 0.0 26,28 33 0.95 41 0.95 0.99 0.1–0.5 32 11,22,29,30,32,35 11,14,15 30 39,41 39 39,41 3.5 0.0–5.1 32 16,17,18,42,43 0.9 9 30 39 39,41 11,22,31,36 0.99 0.0–5.1 16,17,18,42,43 0.9 100.0 0.6–1.9 33 26,27,31 0.99 0.95 92.8 90 plus 2–3 per y or 50 at 5 y and 70 at 10 y 30 39 39 39 30 39,41 39 40 *Reference numbers as from reference list; 1 year is calculated as 365.25 for cost calculations and 365 for quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) calculations. † Calculated in days lost (days lost/365). ‡ Of the lifetime complication risk of agranulocytosis, one-third mostly occur soon after drugs are first initiated, and the remaining risk is during the remaining lifetime. In the calculations, one-third of the 0.25% complication rate was calculated as complication in year 1, and remaining risk was distributed during the remaining lifetime. § Interval between treatments is 2 to 3 months. All 3 reattempts at radioactive iodine (RAI) were calculated to be year-1 events. After failure of third dose, proceed to operation or longterm medication. 储 All complications related to operations are evident immediately after operation and calculated with initial cost. ¶ Calculated as occurrence in year 10. # All cancers were calculated as occurrence in year 20. **Missed cancer and RAI-induced cancers were calculated together, because both probabilities were extremely small and many times difficult to distinguish cause. Vol. 209, No. 2, August 2009 In et al Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Treatment for Graves Disease 173 Table 2. Cost of Specific Events (Medicare 2007) Variable Routine visit Office visit Laboratory tests ( TSH, free T4, total T3, total T4) Agranulocytosis Hospital cost Antibiotics‡ Laboratory tests‡ Consultants‡ Hepatotoxicity Laboratory tests (CBC, BMP, LFT) Ultrasonography Office visits Thyroidectomy Operation consultation (initial outpatient visit) Preoperative laboratory tests (CBC, BMP, T&S) Operation (total thyroidectomy) Hospital admission‡ Endocrine consult‡ Laboratory tests (Ca, Mg, Phos)‡ Postoperative visit*** Vocal cord palsy Transient ENT consult Laryngoscopy Followup office visit Permanent single vocal cord paralysis ENT consult Laryngoscopy Followup office visit Voice reeducation treatment Permanent bilateral vocal cord paralysis ENT consult Laryngoscopy Emergency tracheostomy Ventilator support‡ ICU admission‡ Vocal cord medianization Followup office visit Voice reeducation treatment Hypoparathyroid Office visit Laboratory tests (TSH, free T4, total T3, total T4) Laboratory tests (calcium, PTH level) Radioactive iodine Pre-RAI laboratory tests (-HCG, repeat thyroid function tests) RAIU RAI treatment Office visits (same as above but different schedule) Subtotal cost ($) Cost category* Total cost ($) 114.75 49.82 64.93 99213 † 5,830.98 5,830.98 DRG 420 193.67 35.29 108.56 49.82 † 76700 99213 8,783.85 72.50 91.64 8,619.71 99244 † DRG 290 138.17 43.31 51.55 43.31 99241 31505 99212 43.31 51.55 43.31 105.00 99241 31505 99212 92507 243.17 34,508.67 43.31 51.55 32,781.53 99241 31505 DRG 482 1,483.97 43.31 105.00 31571 99212 92507 49.82 64.93 64.87 99213 179.62 † † 435.48 75.42 95.78 214.46 49.82 † 78000 79005 99213 174 In et al Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Treatment for Graves Disease J Am Coll Surg Table 2. Continued Variable Thyroid cancer Thyroid US FNA with US Surgical consultation (initial outpatient visit) Preoperative laboratory tests (CBC, BMP, T&S) Operation (total thyroidectomy) Hospital admission‡ Endocrine consult‡ Laboratory tests (Ca, Mg, Phos)‡ Postoperative visit‡ Pre-RAI laboratory tests (-HCG, repeat thyroid function tests) RAIU RAI treatment Thyroid nuclear scan Subtotal cost ($) Cost category* 108.56 81.46 72.50 91.64 8,619.71 76536 76942 99244 Total cost ($) 9,627.62 75.42 95.78 214.46 268.09 † DRG 290 † 78000 79005 78015 *Cost category will refer to Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code unless denoted DRG. † See summation of laboratory and test costs as listed in Table 3. ‡ Included in the cost of DRG above. BMP, basic metabolic panel; Ca, calcium; CBC, complete blood count; FNA, fine-needle aspiration biopsy; LFT, liver function test; Mg, magnesium; Phos, phosphate; PTH, parathyroid; RAI, radioactive iodine; RAIU, radioactive iodine uptake; T&S, type and screen blood; T4, thyroxine; T3, triiodothyronine; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone. cluded. Treatment options and their corresponding monitoring strategies were derived from the American Thyroid Association,2 the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist guidelines,3 and literature review. The time horizon for the analysis was the patient’s remaining life expectancy and was calculated to be 50 years using data from 2004 Social Security Administration Actuarial life tables.8 Table 3. Cost of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests (Medicare 2007) Variable Complete blood count Basic metabolic panel Liver function panel Hepatic function panel Type and screen blood Thyroid-stimulating hormone Free thyroxine Total triiodothyronine Total thyroxine Assay of thyroid (triiodothyronine or thyroxine) -HCG Assay of vitamin D Calcium Parathyroid hormone Venipuncture ECG Chest x-ray Cost ($) Current Procedural Terminology 9.04 11.83 11.42 11.42 13.19 23.47 12.60 19.81 9.61 85027 80048 80076 80076 86903 84443 84439 84480 84436 9.04 10.49 41.36 7.20 57.67 3.00 19.61 37.97 84479 84703 82306 82310 83970 36415 93005 71010 (The decision tree is available by request from Dr In at Costs, effectiveness, quality of life data, and cost-effectiveness analysis Costs were examined from the health-care system perspective (third-party payor perspective) and did not include societal costs (non-health care costs), such as opportunity cost, loss of productivity, wages, or transportation cost. Cost of treatment was based on the reimbursement structure for Medicare as representative of US payors with some augmentation. Actual 2007 Medicare reimbursements to a large urban university hospital were used to calculate cost of treatment (Tables 2, 3). Actual billing data for the corresponding disease entities according to their DRG or Current Procedural Terminology codes were used to identify and verify use of health-care resources corresponding to the choices in treatment options. Medication costs were obtained from average US wholesale prices (Table 4).9 Consumer price index was used to compute an inflation rate of 5% for future health-care costs.10 A standard discount rate of 3% for both cost and effectiveness was used in accordance with the recommendations of the Panel on CostEffectiveness in Health and Medicine.5,6 Treatment effectiveness, probabilities, and quality-adjusted life expectancy data were derived from a systematic literature search. We reviewed medical literature from 1980 to 2007 using a structured Medline search supplemented by manual search of bibliographies of selected articles (Table 1).11-43 Lifetime probabilities were con- Vol. 209, No. 2, August 2009 In et al Table 4. Average Drug Costs (Red Book 2008) Drug Name Methimazole 5-mg tabs 10-mg tabs Potassium iodide 1 bottle (30 mL) Levothyroxine 50-g tabs 100-g tabs Propylthiouracil 50-mg tabs Calcium 1,000-mg tabs 500-mg tabs Calcitriol 25-g tabs Price ($) 0.44 0.77 12.10 0.30 0.34 0.16 0.06 0.07 1.21 verted to yearly probabilities using a reversal of the Markov process. Quality-adjusted life expectancy was used to calculate QALY. Future QALY were also discounted at 3%, as recommended by the Panel on CostEffectiveness in Health and Medicine.5,6 Results were focused on incremental cost-effectiveness ratio to obtain the most cost-effective treatment option. Data with a wide variation or uncertainty of probability were subjected to sensitivity analysis to examine the impact of the uncertainty of variables used in the analysis on the output of the decision model. Variables were examined by using extreme values of reported data or estimated 95% confidence interval levels. Sensitivity analysis was also applied to key variables that would influence medical decisions or have substantial medical consequences. Resource use/event pathway Lifelong ATM Patients who do not become euthyroid after 18 months of antithyroid medication can be treated with lifelong lowdose ATM. This treatment is effective but requires continuous monitoring for possible side effects and potential conversion to hypothyroidism. Patients will incur ATM costs. All patients were assumed to be started on methimazole and changed to propylthiouracil if a change in ATMs was needed. Possible side effects of ATMs include agranulocytosis and hepatotoxicity. The probabilities of these occurrences and the costs associated with each complication, including additional office visits, laboratory tests, and hospitalization for agranulocytosis, were taken into account. Other effects of choosing longterm ATM, including risk of missed thyroid cancer; need for additional treatment be- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Treatment for Graves Disease 175 cause of uncontrolled Graves disease; and development of goiter, nodules, or ophthalmopathy, were all taken into account. RAI An evaluation, including laboratory tests and RAI uptake scan, is done before RAI treatment. Dosage of RAI used for treatment was not relevant to this analysis, as payment did not differ, but differences in failure rates of RAI treatment were examined in the sensitivity analysis. After the first dose of RAI, the followup schedule is typically every 2 months for up to 6 months, until the patient becomes euthyroid, hypothyroid, or it is determined that RAI needs to be repeated. RAI can be repeated up to two additional times. In a small number of patients, RAI will not be effective, and these patients will need an operation or will remain on lifelong medication for control of their disease. The possibility of missed thyroid cancer or development of thyroid cancer was also estimated. Although transient thyrotoxicosis or radiation thyroiditis has been known to occur after RAI, this usually occurs in patients much older than our reference patient, and there is no or minimal associated cost, so these conditions were not included in our analysis. Patients who were euthyroid after RAI were assessed semiannually until they became hypothyroid, at which time they were changed to an annual followup schedule. TT Cost of TT includes a consultation visit, laboratory tests, and bundled costs of operation, including hospital admission associated with the procedure and a followup clinic visit. Possible complications of operation, including hematoma requiring reoperation, dysphonia, vocal cord paralysis, and hypoparathyroidism, were taken into account. Transient dysphonia is reported in a greater number of patients than is vocal cord paralysis, and these patients were assumed to be evaluated by laryngoscopy. Patients with true vocal cord paralysis underwent additional voiceretraining treatment. Patients with bilateral vocal cord paralysis were considered to require ICU admission and emergency tracheostomy, laryngoplasty, and voice reeducation. All patients were placed on levothyroxine for life and were monitored annually. Patients showing signs of hypoparathyroidism postoperatively were started on calcium supplements (calcitriol) and seen in 2 to 4 weeks. For permanently hypoparathyroid patients, frequent visits are initially necessary to adjust medications and check calcium levels, then annual followup visits were required for life (Appendix 1, available online). 176 In et al Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Treatment for Graves Disease J Am Coll Surg Table 5. Reference Patient Analysis Strategy RAI TT Cost ($) 23,610 33,195 Incremental cost ($) Effectiveness (QALY) Incremental effectiveness (QALY) ICER ($/QALY) 9,594 25.084 26.407 1.329 7,250 The strategy of antithyroid medication is dominated by a blend of RAI and TT. The dominated option (simple or extended) has been excluded. ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; QALY, quality-adjusted life-years; RAI, radioactive iodine treatment; TT, total thyroidectomy. RESULTS Reference patient TT was both the most effective (by having the most QALY) and cost-effective (by incremental cost-effectiveness ratio) strategy for uncomplicated Graves disease in the 30-year-old reference patient who failed initial 18-month treatment with ATM. RAI was the least costly option at $23,610 in present value but also provided the least QALY (25.08 QALY). TT resulted in a gain of 1.32 QALY compared with RAI, at an additional cost of $9,593, resulting in an incremental cost effectiveness ratio of $7,250/QALY (Table 5). This remains well under the $50,000 cut-off for cost effectiveness, as suggested by the Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine,5,6 and is the most cost-effective option. The continued medication strategy (ATM) provided a less cost-effective option than TT, with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $15,697/QALY over RAI. Sensitivity analysis The greatest influence on the outcomes of the results is the cost of TT. When the cost of TT is ⬍ $19,300, TT is the most cost-effective option through dominance or extended dominance. When the cost of TT is ⬎ $19,300, continued medication becomes the most cost-effective choice at $15,000/QALY (Fig. 2). All other variables, including cost of medication, cost of RAI, patient age, probability of cancer with medication or RAI, success rate of RAI, rate of hypothyroidism with RAI, and complication rates of TT, did not influence the overall result, and TT remained the most cost-effective option (Appendix 2, available online). DISCUSSION Although treatment choices vary by geographical location, antithyroid medication is often used as initial therapy for uncomplicated Graves disease.1 There seems to be no consensus about the next best line of treatment if antithyroid medication fails to induce remission. Current US practice guidelines, including those set by the American Thyroid Association;2 the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists;3 and textbooks, including Werner & Ingbar’s The Thyroid: A Fundamental and Clinical Text,4 list the treatment choices and clearly define their role in special circumstances, such as pregnant women, children, in the setting of ophthalmopathy, or in the presence of thyroid nodules. In the absence of these Figure 2. Sensitivity analysis for cost of total thyroidectomy (TT). The best strategy is indicated by the solid line. *When cost of TT is ⬍ $5,500, the TT strategy dominates all other options. **When cost of TT is between $5,500 and $19,300, TT is the better option through extended dominance. ***When cost of TT is ⬎ $19,300, antithyroid medication (ATM) strategy becomes more cost effective (lower incremental cost-effectiveness ratio [ICER]) and is the better strategy. Vol. 209, No. 2, August 2009 In et al situations, the best treatment option is unclear, but RAI is used frequently in the US. Contrary to the US context, clinicians in much of the rest of the world, including Europe, Japan, and South America, prefer to use longterm antithyroid therapy as the treatment of choice.4 It is unclear why there is a discrepancy between treatments preferences in the US compared with the rest of the world. One reason might be the US culture of choosing treatments that are focused on “cure” or efficacy over effectiveness. Another possible reason for avoiding lifelong ATM is fear of severe, potentially lethal, side effects, such as agranulocytosis and toxic hepatic failure. Several factors need to be considered when defining optimal treatment choices for Graves disease. Many initial fears about the complications of the various treatments have been mitigated. ATM side effects, such as agranulocytosis and toxic hepatic failure, although occasionally lethal, are extremely rare, with most being reversed by discontinuation of the drug. The fear of RAI because of its implication in cancer development has yet to be substantiated (although this was included in the sensitivity analysis). Although unacceptably high rates of vocal cord paralysis (at least 25%) were reported when surgical techniques were first developed, in experienced hands, thyroid operations now have minimal complication rates, with vocal cord paralysis rates occurring in ⬍ 1% of TT patients.33 Although controversy still exists, most surgeons now regard TT as the treatment of choice over subtotal thyroidectomy for surgical management of Graves disease.44-46 This is because subtotal thyroidectomy has been unable to produce reliable rates of euthyroidism without risk of recurrent disease, and these patients also have been found to inevitably end up hypothyroid during longterm followup. With TT as the operation of choice, failure rates, recurrence rates, and complications associated with reoperation have all decreased, and TT is a safe and reliable treatment choice. It is now understood that Graves disease usually leads to hypothyroidism, regardless of treatment modality. With ATM or RAI therapy, frequent monitoring of thyroid function is required to monitor for clinical or subclinical hypothyroidism, at which time levothyroxine is indicated. When a stable dose has been established, followup can occur at longer intervals. WithTT, patients become permanently hypothyroid and are started on thyroid hormone supplements, which they will require for life. Followup can occur in longer intervals once dose is stabilized, because they do not need to be monitored for development of hypothyroidism. This awareness of inevitable hypothyroidism with Graves disease has led to a change in the objective of treatment. Previously, iodine 131 doses and the extent of surgical thyroid excision were selected with the goal of achieving Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Treatment for Graves Disease 177 euthyroidism. Instead, hypothyroidism is now the goal of treatment, to ensure that hyperthyroidism does not recur. This philosophy challenges the clinician to reexamine the best treatment algorithm and creates the opportunity for using cost-effectiveness analyses to discern the optimal choice. Notably, there were several factors not included in our analysis that would make TT more favorable. We assumed that all patients who had bilateral vocal cord paralysis would need tracheostomy, ventilatory support, and laryngoplasty. This is an overestimation of the amount of treatment that this complication of TT would require, as most bilateral vocal cord paralysis patients do not need all or most of these interventions. This has made the cost of TT greater in our analysis than likely would actually be realized in practice. Another factor is that RAI can make the cytologic interpretation of thyroid cancer more difficult, in addition to possibly playing a role in its development.47,48 This difficulty in the interpretation of cytology for thyroid nodules creates a greater need for thyroidectomy for diagnosis of thyroid cancer and can diminish the benefit of initially avoiding TT for RAI. Our decision analysis has several limitations. The study was performed retrospectively and used current literature to generate probabilities and quality of life adjustment factors. Data were collected from multiple sources, which included different time frames and locations. We attempted to diminish this influence by supplementing the analysis with expert opinion and by testing wide sensitivity analysis ranges to illustrate the stability of our results. In addition, Medicare data from a large urban university hospital and payment structure based on DRG were used in this analysis. The formal usefulness of the study is limited geographically to the US in terms of the extent of reimbursement of medical services and to payment structures that used the DRG system or systems similar to that of Medicare, although much of these costs would be roughly proportional across wider international contexts. A wide range of prices was investigated with sensitivity analysis, but the DRG structure of payment was maintained throughout the study. It is difficult to translate this particular type of episode of care bundled payment structure to other payment methods seen globally, such as capitation or government budgeting systems. Personal influences, such as risk aversion to operations or RAI and cultural bias, were not considered when comparing treatment options, except through short-term quality-adjustment factors. Importantly, this analysis was from a health systems perspective and did not include societal costs from lost work productivity or other sources. 178 In et al Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Treatment for Graves Disease This study demonstrates that TT is the most costeffective treatment strategy in the US in patients whose Graves disease has not remitted after 18 months of ATM. TT can also afford patients a higher quality of life than other treatment options. The sensitivity analysis of the decision model shows that this conclusion holds true until the cost of TT reaches $19,300, more than twice the actual observed Medicare cost, at which time continued lifelong ATM becomes the most cost-effective choice. Author Contributions Study conception and design: In, Rosen Acquisition of data: In, Pearce Analysis and interpretation of data: In, Pearce, Wong, Burgess Drafting of manuscript: In, Wong, Rosen Critical revision: Pearce, Burgess, McAneny, Rosen REFERENCES 1. Brent GA. 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Followup Schedules Initiation of ATM Initial Then Then Continue life-long ATM Then Hypothyroidism after ATM treatment Initial Then Then After RAI Initial Then Then Then Repeat RAI needed for treatment failure (up to 3 times) Initial Then Then Then Then Then Then Then After TT Initial Initial Then Then HypoPTH (permanent) after TT Initial Initial Then Then Then HypoPTH (transient) after TT Initial Initial Then Then After TT for thyroid cancer Initial Then Then Then Then Then Every 4–6 wk for 3–6 mo Every 2–3 mo Every 4–6 mo Every 6 mo Every 4–6 wk for 3–6 mo Every 6 mo Yearly Every 4–6 wk for 3 mo Every 2–3 mo Every 4–6 mo Every 6 mo RAI F/u every 2 wk until wk 6 RAI F/u every 2 wk until wk 6 RAI F/u every 2 wk until wk 6 F/u every 4–6 wk until decide lifelong ATM versus TT surgery Initiate medication or surgery 1 visit 2 mo postoperative Every 4–6 wk for 3–6 mo Every 6 mo Yearly 1 visit 2 mo post-operatively Every 4–6 wk for 3–6 mo Every 3 mo Every 6 mo Yearly (after 2nd y) 1 visit 2 mo postoperative Every 4–6 wk for 3–6 mo Every 3 mo Yearly At 2 wk RAI at 6–8 wk Post-treatment scan 1 wk after RAI Every 4–6 wk for 3–6 mo Every 6 mo for 10 y Yearly (after 10 y) ATM, antithyroid medications; HypoPTH, hypoparathyroid; RAI, radioactive iodine; TT, total thyroidectomy. Vol. 209, No. 2, August 2009 In et al Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Treatment for Graves Disease 179.e2 Appendix 2. Select Details of the Sensitivity Analysis Range of variables examined Cost (in dollars) ATM RAI TT Age at presentation Probabilities ATM Agranulocytosis Hepatotoxicity Rate of hypothyroidism Uncontrolled Graves disease Thyroid cancer RAI Failure of RAI Thyroid cancer TT Hematoma Transient dysphonia Single cord paralysis Bilateral vocal cord paralysis Permanent hypoparathyroidism Results 100–1000 50–500 5000–50000 20–50 No difference No difference Different No difference 0.001–0.005/year 0.001–0.002/year 0.01–0.03/year 0.001–0.01/year 0.0–0.0021/year No difference No difference No difference No difference No difference 0.0–0.5 No difference 0.0–0.0021/year No difference 0.0–0.05 0.0–0.1 0.001–0.05 0.0–0.05 No difference No difference No difference No difference 0.0–0.1 No difference Details See text The analysis was limited to minimize cofounders that occur at extremes of age. In this age range, no difference in outcome was observed. As the age of presentation became greater, there was a trend towards lower ICER, suggesting that TT continues to be the most cost-effective option even at older ages. TT continued to be the most effective strategy even when failure rates of RAI approached 0%. As the rate of failure of RAI decreased, the incremental cost needed to gain 1 QALY with the TT strategy became greater, but still remained well above the threshold of changing the dominance of the strategy. Increase in probability caused increase in ICER but did not change the dominant strategy. As rates of bilateral vocal cord paralysis reached 1%, the ICER was $7,530/QALY and reached $8,674/QALY at 5%. Increase in probability caused an increase in ICER but did not change the dominant strategy. As the rate of permanent hypoparathyroidism after TT reached 10%, the ICER reached $13,823/QALY. ATM, antithyroid medications; ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; QALY, quality adjusted life years; RAI, radioactive iodine; TT, total thyroidectomy.
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