IMMEDIATE LOKPAL AND LOYAYUKTAS ACT No.C-3 I0I5 17 120 I 4-Vig. Government of India/Bharut Sarkar Ministry of Labour and Employment/Shram Aur Rozgar Mantralaya ***** New Delhi, Dated the 15# April, 2015 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 - Online submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by CSS officers for each year - regarding. The undersigned is directed to refer to DoP&T's O.M. No. 211212014-CS.I(PR/CMS) dated 9th April, 2015 (available on DoP&T's website i.e. 'what new') on the above noted subject and to say that for filing annual return under the Lokpal and Loyayuktas Act, new forms have been developed in the Web Based Cadre Management Systems which is hosted as Returns under Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act are to be submitted by all CSS officers (from Assistant onwards) through Web Based Cadre Management System. DGE&T etc. may also forward a print out of the returns submitted online by the CSS officers/officials (from Assistant onwards) to Vigilance Section(MS). Encl: As above tr ffii',., ( -TJ nder S ecretary(Vig. ) Telefax No. 23711582 1. DGE&T, CLC(C), DGFASLI, DGLB, for necessary action. 2. All CSS Officers/Officials (from 3. NIC Assistant onwards) in the Ministry of Labour & Employment (MS) for filing the return online and to submit a print out of the same to Vigilance Section(MS). - MoL&E. It is requested that this O.M. may be uploaded on the web-site under 'What's New' section. o lmrncdiatc | 12,20 I 4-C lip Rltlh,tS) (iovernllisnt tlf' Inclia Ministr:1' o1'' flersonneI" L'uhlic (ir:iervances and Pensinns l)*p*rirncltt ()1. Personncl und "l"riri ning (lSi. | [)ivisiorr N r:^ 2 S. -rlltl r-.r r 7"" liloor^ l.ok Na1,'ak llhau'nn. Khan i\,{arket. Nnv Ue l}ri- l i fi0{13 |)atcd th* (} .\trh.i*ct: (,)"' Apr-il. :(lI 5 u rc Ii LIJ ti i\{ () ti{ N D"tiM 'l'h* [,okpnl nncl l,okayr.rktas Acr" 2013- $utrrnissinn ol ci*ciar"atiolt o1'as$et$ ancl liahilities hv C'$.$ otlicers {i:r esu}: \,*iu.regrardingi. \ S. I \@ S- C Scl (i\ { ul \lirristries,'l)ii["]artnreuls nri'n' rcl'cr 1o []3i.i Division. I]iil]&I'':; O.fu{. 6f il\'qrlt ltttttllr*r clatcr"J 7- 1.2{ll5 on th* subfect melrtiuned airtvc. I "\s \'{it'tistt'its"l)cpnr:tn:enfs *re fl\.vflre thal all (iovt:t'nnisrrt scrvnnts urc inftrrnttion antJ rctt.rrns rcuartling nt*r,1$1c 3nii ir^ltrnpyllllc ttttti*r lhc l.tllipnl nr'tcl [,ol',avulilas Act" ?{}13. Ip this rcgu16" irll fl1'irf;1'11 Iir)1\ I't:rllLiretl ltllc { ir}\ L'l'iun*n{ Serr,unl.r F iil riii hal't i:**n aclvis*ci thnt: I'lr* first letlrrn unlJer the l-r.rk1.:ral and L,ckavuktas Act. ?0li (as orr il L{}8.1(} l,}} slr*uld lrc filed on or [-rc.ltire j0.{},t.2fi | 5: nnd llr* n*xt illlitt.tnl rctnrn unrJcr thc Lnkpi'll nnil l,oki.n,lrktr*s;\ct" Jil13" ltlr" lh* .y-*itr *ncling I I .{}.}.:i} i5. should be titr*ci i}n ol' hrft;r1c: i r ft7.:{i15. i- l:;{}t'liling *ttuual return uriclcr the l".okpal nnd l,oknvuktas Acr. nc\\', iii1 1ii. ltrtt'c ht:cll tlcvcklperl ir: the \\juh l{nseiJ {'adrc IVlanag,*nrcnl $r,srcrrr rllti,.:it is lttistci-l rt l{cturns uncler Ltlkpal arrcl l,ollavLllita,; .\cl :iltrrttlrl trtr suhrnitlcrl l,), lll C$S gl'licr*r"s thi:6ugh Wch ll*su4 ('rdrc: \'lriltrti:*tlldlll SvsLcttt. llriltt ttut ol'thc rrfilrn$ sublnitte{ *nlinc irr respett gl' lrnrJ*r'.\reretarv antl above level ofljgerr.s of'CSti shtluld alsa be submitted iti {'S.I l]ivisit]tl ilri it trcirlg tltc custocliiln *f r*turns of'thrsc olliccrs. l'5c l)i'rrtr(iirn'* frtr lllilrg retlrrn is ;rs rrndcr. (z ( o -.j,^ qi t [,rtgill f rl tht' st'stcnl :lt br, ilsirrg r]:c gscyirl u*d llr c*sc of,nn_v cJlljicLrlt_v in ir:gin plcase cont;rct thc, nodal trifjc:cr rtf''thc h{inistri.,il}epartment frlr assistapcc. 'l'he gcncr1. l lxcricl is eight cligir date r;{' birth follorvecl tr",r' {jrst {irrrr- te{t*rs .,1" rr*rnc. Ijsr:rid is niso thc cnrplo.1,'gg ct'icie assigned fil inclividuatr ol'[lr*r's ip thc rvcir hnscil r-\,str:nr. ll'the pa$$lvor.ij is l;louk*d. noclnl r:f'l,iucr"r r:tn t'cscI fllc p&ssu'tt'd tl' intiiviriLral *urplotccs hy usirrg llr* "r-cssl pfissrl'ilt'r-i" l'ircilit-v ilr tlti: I'ciols \'lenrr fin fho tup *l''th* $d1c$*. l'hcrr, cai: illstt pt'i:r'icle 'l:tnplovee ['ticle' fi'oln tlle s],sti:pt tri ilclivirlurl tri'flecrs t* cnahle thcm tc login to the svsr.em. Verilv r'r'ltL:lltcr personnl details are rcflcutecl in thc sl,stcrn c'rr-*r:llv. 'l'* r,r:r"ifv thc rlctails click ofi ths 'l.inrplovcr, D*tails' lruilcn. ll.the tlr:t;tils iiI'c tlol c{}l"t'dcl" llrst. har,c thcm rci-:liflcrJ t.hruiiuli ,,\.lnrirr^ l)ir'isitr; ili"ili)l'lcornoil []cpnrtutcnl tr*lix'c: pli.rc*crling lurth*r'. {'lieli'll}l{'buttott ritt tlt* lop aritl then ciirk r;n'l.ghpal l{.etu*rso pilss\4,ilrr.J" {ii} tiiil icrirr. {ir'} Clicli 'tt'llflte ntw Pll' } * i1 {r button and sel*ct property rcrurp _\,*gr- th*n *:lit:li on rreate lllt" ItcnEl {,lccl*rnticn p:rgc csrc{lll.v :lnd clirk a1n onoxt, hutt6n. fn'ol'ttt*1,: Add *ne ht *ne dettils sf. llublic $e l.r'ant, his/husp{}rlsc *nd tleJrentltnt shildr*n *nd sa\/r dctnils evll rv tinr*. r\itcr ;ldtling of defnils clirk *n ,nexto frutton. {r'ii) |,'n.r'nr-il: $.lol arrrr: prupcrtics {}rvncd l}r sel# Spousr:l l")ependettt one bv onc h,v clichipg Altl) lluttgn ilnrl $:t'f then e lick $n .ncxt, hutton. Adcl qriiil liurrn-lll: -Stlttemenf tf lmlnor':rhlc llropr:rt1, ,tdd*)$t-le rt IllK l'cur"-)Arld ne$ ;:r-t,per"t-r' rletairs rlrre lx' {)no b"r' t:licliing AI)l) lluttorr * clicli sn ,ncxt' huttnn. {ix} f'rlrnr-IY:. Atltl Sfnterncnf ol' l}ebts and Other Linbilifies tlne hl'ono bv cliching AIID button then click $n,l,rlNl$lt' : but[*n. {hi {llie lt 't"inish' ltutfcn. l}rup*rfy ld*furn l}ctails Fnsr Ittltntttitfic:lll.v opens. [is*rs rfifiy *rlcct tht, lrlr hy clicli g}n {h* Jtttl'ticulirr' )'(filr and then cliek on "Final subnrissiun ol' ll)lt' button" "i. \lirristr"i*siilcpnrtntullls arc rcquested rhnt thc cnntunts o{'this t)"h{. il}*v i'r: iriil*lr uircuial*il to thc ntttice ul'' all LISS ollicurs r,rrlrliins. urrdcr"rhcir" ,. ril ;{;"i",}. l'ltr:',' Slli,ttlCl a -'?,itnd ilntnovable prtlpertv ultrJer the Lokpal ancl l,okayuktiis Act stthrttittecl h"v alt $fllcers within the stipulatecl periclcl L.itecl abclve without lail. l]1{r\'i:tl}lc is ln cnsc of anv difficulty, nodal officers mfly contact CMC *fficials hilve develupecl weh llased (ladrs Management $iystem *rt Telephone \("l. 2d629fl$0. w'lro 'l"'ele.: 246294 | \ll l'tinistr:ies/Departme nts of (iovt. of Indin through llap&T's rvchsite |
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