Printing Component Functional Specifications for PARAS Personalization Software Version History Version No. Prepared By Description Date Action 0.1 MoLE/NIC Draft 06/05/2015 Created 0.2 MoLE/NIC Draft 18/05/2015 Update 1) Fascia with Measurement Printing Component Functional Specifications v2.0 Index Scope....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Notes ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Initialize Printer ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Move To Chip Station ............................................................................................................................. 4 Eject Card ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Move to Print Station ............................................................................................................................. 5 Print Card ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Release Printer ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Check Ribbon Status ............................................................................................................................... 7 Flow Chart of functions .......................................................................................................................... 8 Appendix A : Error Messages ................................................................................................................. 9 Appendix B : Data Structure for Printing ............................................................................................. 10 Appendix C : Data Elements on Card for Printing ............................................................................... 10 Fonts ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Certification .......................................................................................................................................... 11 SSID Card Registration Software| Ministry of Labour and Employment 2 Printing Component Functional Specifications v2.0 SCOPE This document lists the functional specifications of the printing component to be developed for PARAS Personalization Software by MoLE/NIC. The printing component will enable the service providers to integrate their Smart Card Printer’s with the software. This document describes the functions required in the component for printing, card movement and error handling. Specification only includes printing of dynamic content on chip side of card. Artwork of the smart card should be as per PARAS Personalization Specification and it is out of scope of this document. NOTES Printing Component should be developed in C#.Net and compatible to .Net Framework 3.5. It should be in the form of Dynamic Linked Library [DLL] which can be used by the host EPI Software. The namespace of Printing Component should be SSID64KLibrary and class name should be PrintingComponent. The class and methods should be made public. The name of DLL should be SSIDPrintingComponent.dll It is assumed that the smart card printer will be using full panel ribbon for printing on plain white smart cards. SSID Card Registration Software| Ministry of Labour and Employment 3 Printing Component Functional Specifications v2.0 LIST OF FUNCTIONS AND THEIR SPECIFICATIONS 1. Initialize Printer Function Name InitializePrinter Definition public bool InitializePrinter(string printerName, ref string errorMessage) Argument printerName: Name of the Smart Card Printer errorMessage: If there is an error, appropriate message should be assigned to this variable. Description This function should check for printer availability and initialize the smart card printer. Initialization may include creating handle for smart card printer, starting communication channel, etc. Return Value If the function is successfully executed, it should return True, else False with the appropriate error assigned to reference variable errorMessage. Please refer Appendix A for list of common errors. 2. Move To Chip Station Function Name MoveToChipStation Definition public bool MoveToChipStation (ref string errorMessage) Argument errorMessage: If there is an error, appropriate message should be assigned to this variable. Description This function should move the smart card to the printer’s encoding station. Function should return error if the card does not reach the encoding station before time out period. Time out may vary based on printer and it is up to the vendor to define the time out period. Once the card reaches the contact station or time out occurs, the function should return the appropriate value to the calling application. SSID Card Registration Software| Ministry of Labour and Employment 4 Printing Component Functional Specifications v2.0 Return Value If the function is successfully executed, it should return True, else False with the appropriate error assigned to reference variable errorMessage. Please refer Appendix A for list of common errors. 3. Move to Print Station Function Name MoveToPrintStation Definition public bool MoveToPrintStation (ref string errorMessage) Argument errorMessage: If there is an error, appropriate message should be assigned to this variable. Description This function should move the smart card to the printer’s printing station. Function should return error if the card does not reach the printing station before time out period. Time out may vary based on printer and it is up to the vendor to define the time out period. Once the card reaches the printing station or time out occurs, the function should return the appropriate value to the calling application. Return Value If the function is successfully executed, it should return True, else False with the appropriate error assigned to reference variable errorMessage. Please refer Appendix A for list of common errors. 4. Eject Card Function Name EjectCard Definition public bool EjectCard (ref string errorMessage) Argument errorMessage: If there is an error, appropriate message should be assigned to this variable. Description This function should eject the card from printer. In case of any error during personalization, this function will be called to eject the card from printer. It should release all handles/resources occupied by the printing component. SSID Card Registration Software| Ministry of Labour and Employment 5 Printing Component Functional Specifications v2.0 Return Value If the function is successfully executed, it should return True, else False with the appropriate error assigned to reference variable errorMessage. Please refer Appendix A for list of common errors. 5. Release Printer Function Name ReleasePrinter Definition public bool ReleasePrinter (ref string errorMessage) Argument errorMessage: If there is an error, appropriate message should be assigned to this variable. Description This function should release all the handles/resources occupied by the printer component. Return Value If the function is successfully executed, it should return True, else False with the appropriate error assigned to reference variable errorMessage. Please refer Appendix A for list of common errors. 6. Print Card Function Name PrintCard Definition public bool PrintCard (SSIDPrintDetails dataToPrint, ref string errorMessage) Argument dataToPrint: This parameter is an object of class SSIDPrintDetails which will have various properties required for printing. Please refer Appendix B for the structure of SSIDPrintDetails. errorMessage: If there is an error, appropriate message should be assigned to this variable. SSID Card Registration Software| Ministry of Labour and Employment 6 Printing Component Functional Specifications v2.0 Description Return Value This function should print the card as per the values assigned to object of SSIDPrintDetails class. Please refer Appendix C for the positions of each data element on card for printing. Appropriate error messages should be returned if it fails to print the card. If the function is successfully executed, it should return True, else False with the appropriate error assigned to reference variable errorMessage. Please refer Appendix A for list of common errors. 7. Check Ribbon Status Function Name CheckRibbonStatus Definition public bool CheckRibbonStatus (ref bool isRibbonLow, ref int remainingCount, ref string errorMessage) isRibbonLow: Assigns True if the ribbon is low, else False Argument remainingCount: If the printer can provide the remaining count of ribbon, assign number of prints remaining in the ribbon which can still be printed; else return -1; errorMessage: If there is an error, appropriate message should be assigned to this variable. Description This function should give the print count which can still be printed using the ribbon present in the printer. The remaining print count should be set to remainingCount variable, if the facility is available in printer. If no count facility is available, then the printer should at least indicate low ribbon by assigning isRibbonLow = True. Low Ribbon threshold may vary from printer to printer, but ideally it should be 10. Return Value If the function is successfully executed, it should return True, else False with the appropriate error assigned to reference variable errorMessage. Please refer Appendix A for list of common errors. SSID Card Registration Software| Ministry of Labour and Employment 7 Printing Component Functional Specifications v2.0 Flow Chart of functions InitializePrinter On Error CheckRibbonStatus On Error MoveToChipStation On Error MoveToPrintStation On Error PrintCard On Error ReleasePrinter On Error Error Message Error Message EjectCard Error Message Error Message Error Message Error Message SSID Card Registration Software| Ministry of Labour and Employment 8 Printing Component Functional Specifications v2.0 Appendix A : Error Messages List of common printer errors are stated below. These are minimum errors which need to be returned by the printing component. Any other error not listed below and specific to a printer, should be mandatorily returned by the printing component. Error No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Error Message Error while connecting printer Mechanical/Hardware error Ribbon is broken Printer out of ribbon Printer is out of cards Invalid ribbon used Error while sending card to chip station Error while sending card to print station Error while ejecting card Error while printing card Invalid command sent to printer Print head is not in print ready position Printer is busy Communication Error Printer Spooler Error Note: The above error mechanism will help identify the error on field which will improve the overall efficiency. Appendix B : Data Structure for Printing Class: SSIDPrintDetails Field Name SSID AadhaarNo Name MotherName DOB Gender HOFImage IsPrintBackground Description SSID Aadhaar No Name Mother’s Name DOB Gender HOF Image If yes, print the background artwork, else only dynamic fields. Artwork name will be background.jpg and it will be in application directory Data Type String String String String String String Image Boolean SSID Card Registration Software| Ministry of Labour and Employment 9 Printing Component Functional Specifications v2.0 Appendix C : Data Elements Placement on Card for Printing Measurement in mm A) 23.68 mm (x axis) B) 25.00 mm (x axis) C) 23.68 mm (x axis) D) 08.50 mm (x axis) E) 01.70 mm (line spacing) F) 62.53 mm (x axis) G) 35.95 mm (y axis) H) 22.80 mm (y axis) I) 29.90 mm (y axis) J) 24.25 mm (y axis) K) 29.90 mm (y axis) L) 17.85 mm (height) M) 16.25 mm (width) Note : Vendor need to Use the background for background printing ( which is available with the printing component specification) and details such as SSID, Aadhar No., Name, Mother’s Name, DOB/Age, Gender, HOFImage details to be placed as per above layout SSID Card Registration Software| Ministry of Labour and Employment 10 Printing Component Functional Specifications v2.0 Fonts: “Ek Mukta” Font to be used for Printing (available with Printing Component) Certification The component has to be tested and signed by MoLE/NIC before it can be used with PARAS Personalization Software. SSID Card Registration Software| Ministry of Labour and Employment 11
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