GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY ABSTRACT Labour Department - The Puducherry Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Amendment -Order - lssued. LABOUR DEPARTMENT Empfoyment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2001 c.o.Ms.*"6 - Puducherry,,n"3-4, A f tAtLtLabtctzols Read: This Department L D.Note No.789/AlULABlGlzOl 1 dated i t' f$t$j 31 .03.201 5 ORDER: The following notification shall be published in Part ll of the Extraordinary Gazette:NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by section 62 of the Building and Other Construction Workers of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 (Central Ad 27 of 1996), the (Regulation Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Puducherry Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2001, issued in G.O.Ms.No.25l2O01lLab/AlUG, dated 20hAugust,2001 of the OfficialGazette No.14, dated 29h August 2001, namely:- - (1)These rules may be called the Puducherry Building and 1. Short title and commencement. Other Construc{ion Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Amendment Rules, 2015. (2) They shall come into force on and from the date of publication in the Official Gazefte. 2. Amendment to rule 260 - In the said rules, in sub-rule (1) of rule 260, for the existing words "five hundred rupees" the words "one thousand rupees' shall be substituted. 3. Amendment to rule 269 substituted, namely;. - In the said rules, in sub-rule (1) of rule 269 the following shall be "Contribution to the Fund.- (1) A beneficiary of the fund shall contribute to the fund of Rs. 3004 at the time of registration /renewal in advance for every 3 years towards and annual subscription'. 4. Amendment to rule 283.- In the said rules, for the existing rule 283, the following shall be substituted, namely;(l)The wards of beneficiaries who have secured highest marks in the Higher Secondary @urse or its equivalent examination or eligible for cash benefits as detailed below. An application in form XLV-I shall be submitted with such documents within such time as may be prescribed. I. il. STATE LEVEL CASH BENEFIT a) First prize : Rs.1,00,000/b) Second prize : Rs.80,000/c) Third prize : Rs.60,000/REGION WISE CASH BENEFIT a) First : Rs.60,000/b) Second : Rs.40,000/c) Third : Rs.20,000/- prize prize prize (2) The wards of beneficiaries who get admission through CENTAC shall be eligible for the financial assistance for studying the following courses as onetime payment. An application in Form No. XLV -ll shall be submitted with such documents and within such time as may be specified by the board M.B.BS./B.D.S. Engg. (8.E./bffech.) :Rs.1,00,000/: Rs.50,000/- In respect of other courses the wards of beneficiaries shall be eligible for educational assistance for doing the following c,ourses:a) b) b) c) d) Diploma in Engineering Degree courses Post Graduate Courses Diploma courses P.G Diploma : Rs.20,OOO/-onetime payment : Rs. 4,000/- per annum : Rs. 4,000/- per annum : Rs. 8,000/- per annum : Rs 3p00/- per annum :2: :2r (3) The wards of beneficiaries shall be eligible for the financial assistance for studying the following courses as onetime payment. An application in form No.XlV -ll shall be submitted with such documents and within such time as may be specified by the Board. (1) PG ""0'"11";;:;era ueoicine, Radiorosy, Family Medicine, Anatomy, Pathology, Ayurvedic Medicine and any other PG Medical Courses b) M.S Orthopedics, Obstetrics, Gynecology, General Surgery, Anatomy and any other PG MedicalCourses c) Rs.1,00,000/- Rs.1,00,000/- DM Clinicat pharmacology, Cardiology, Neurology, MCh oncology, Hand Surgery, and any other PG Super Speciality Courses Rs.1,50,000/- (2) PG. Engineering Courses M.Tech/M.E in any branch of Engineering Courses Rs. 75,000/- (4). The wards of beneficiaries who are studying Higher Secondary course (120'Std. only) or its equivalent courses in Government Higher Secondary Schools/Aided Institutions shall be eligible for oblaining Laptops on onetime basis. The beneficiary having continuous membership of two years or more shall be eligible to avail this benefit for one time. An application in form No.XlV -lll shall be submifted with such documents and within such time as may be specified by the Board. (5). lf both parents registered as beneficiaries in the Board only one is eligible to avail in the aforesaid benefits. 5. Insertion of new rule 285 - A: - 'ln the said rules, after rule 285, the following shall be inserted, namely:- "285 -A The Board may extend various social welf;are benefits given by various Departments/Government Bodies to the construction workers and their families on pro rata basis and providing of loan to the construction workers ". Amendment of Form - XLV : ln the said rules, for the existing Form -XLV the following forms shall be substituted namely:- FORM-XLV-I (See rule 283) APPLICATION FOR CASH BENEFITS (H.Sc. or Equivalent Examination) 1. DETAILS OF BENEFICIARY (a) Name : (b) Registration No. (lD card Xerox to be (c) (d) Date of payment of first (e) Date of payment of last (Receipt Xdrox to be t Region enclosed) subscription subscription enclosed) -l : : Puducherry/Karaikal/Mahel/anam : '. :' a .a :3: :3: (f) Permanent address (g) Contact Number Number : (h) Bank Account : (i) Bank Name, Address and IFSC (Proof to be encfosed) 0) Aadhaar card (Xerox to be enclosed) code : ' 2. SPN/DAUGHTER (a) Name (b) Age and date of (c) Ultefemate (d) Whether birth : . betonging to (Proof to be attached) SC/ST 3.Name and Address of the School 4-Details of qualifying examination Name of the examination ; : passed : Name of the affiliated Board/State Month and year of passing qualifying examination Total 5. Marks scored in the quafifying Examination (copy of mark certificate attested by Gazetted officer or Principal of the school to be enclosed) Subiect Marks obtained Maximutn Percentage i/larks Total The facts mentioned above are true to my knowledge. Pface: Name and Signature of the beneficiary. Date: cERTtF|CATE 1..................................Head ...............j...-...:..r.........(Name ":"':':" " and I have examined the particulars of of institution) hereby certify that Shri/Smf " are found to be correct. submited in serial No.2 to 5 of thl appiication and Prace: Date 3t#K:ilPinciPat/Head : """'."""' OfficialDesignation ""."""""""":""'. 'i :" .:.""""'."'.":':...':":" ""...,.. _i -.. :4: :4: Shri/Smf...... No.............. For office use a live member of this Board, having registralion .and has paid subscription uplo-date and the details furnished above are correct. Dealing clerk. FORM-XLV-II (See rule 283) APPLICATION FOR EDUCATIONAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 1. DETAILS OF BENEFICIARY (a) Name (b) Registration No. (lD card Xerox to be enclosed) (c) Region (d) Date of payment of first subscription (e) Date of payment of last subscription (Receipt Xerox to be enclosed) : Pud ucherry/Karaikal/Ma hef/anam (f) Permanent address (g) Contact Number (h) Bank Account Number (i) Bank Name, Address and IFSC code (Proof to be enclosed 0) Aadhaar card Xerox to be enclosed) 2. DETAILS OF BENEFICIARY'S SON/DAUGHTER (a) Name (b) Age and date of birth (c) Male/Female (d) Whether belonging to SC/ST (Proof to be attached) 3.Name of the : : : Course : 4.Month and Year of admission to the course : 5. (a) Name of the college and affiliated University : (b) Whether admitted through CENTAC, Government of Puducherry 6. Details of Qualifying examination passed Name of the examination : YES/NO : Name of the affiliated Board/State Month and year of passing qualifying examination The facts mentioned above are true to my knowledge. Place: Date Name and Signature of the beneficiary. : :5: :5: CERTIFICATE 1............ .......Head of ......;_...................(Name of institutionl nereov cirrtifv ii.,"i sr,iyC.i is a student of ............ ......... @urse durini ftre year io _ and I have examined the particulars .uuritt"o in serial ruo: io o of the application and are found to be conect. Place Date signature of PrincipaUliead of the tnstitution (Office Seat) Name Official Designation : : Shri/Smt.... No. are correct. For office use . _.rS a tive member of this Board, having registration . .and has paid subsciption upio-date and the defals furnished above Dealing clerk. FORM-XLV-III (See rule 2S3) 1. PETAfLS OF (a) Name BENEFTCTARY (b) Registration No. (lD card Xerox to be . enclosed) : (c) Region (d) Date of payment of first subscription (e) Pate of payment of last subscription: _ F""eipt Xerox to be enclosed) (f) Permanent address : Puducherry/Ka raika l/M ahef/anam : (g) Contact Number (h) Bank Account Number : (i) Bank Name, Address and IFSC code (Proof to be enclosed) 0) Aadhaar card (Xerox to be enclosed) SQN/DAUGHTER (a) Name (b) Age and date of birth (c) Male/Female (d) Whether betonging to SC/ST (Proof to be attached) : : 3.Name and Address of the School 4.Details of Study : Name of the Gourse Name of the affiliated Board/State Year of Study The facts mentioned above are true to my knowledge. Place: Dste Name trg : .r {t i Signature of the beneficiary. t a a a a -a' a :6: :6: a CERTIFICATE 1............ ..........Head """""";-......r..r.........(Name ......... parricurars rs a student of :fr"ill}rf## Place Date the of of insritutionl "uoritt"o nereov il,fv in"i sni/srr course aurini tnele;;;;..| tn-e apprication ano in seriar rrro: to + of Signatu re of pri nci pat/Head (Office Seal) Name Official Designation : : are correct. Dealing clerk. IIBY ORDER OF THE LIEUTENANT-GOVER Rtl NF5 (YASAM LAKSHMf NARAYANA\hEDDY) JOINT SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT (LABOUR) loq\ri| To ^ -/ The Director of Stationery & printing, Puducherry - with a request to pubilsh the said notification in the Official Gazette and to suppty 100 copies thereof to this Deparbnent for reference and record, Copv to: 1.The Commissioner of Labour, Labour Department, puducherry. 2.The Labour Officer (Wetfare Board), pgC'Unrug, puducherry. ' 3.The Labour officer, perunthalaivar Kamaraj Admin istrative'complex, Madagadi, Karaikat -609 602. 4. The Assistant Inspe'ctors of Labour, puducherry. 5' The Assistant lnspectors of Labour, Pondicheiry/KaraikaUMahef/anam.(in respect of Regional ;Offic of the Board) 6. The Web Master, Labour Departnent, puducherry. 7.G.O.Copy 8. Spare. l I a t a '
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