Curriculum Vitae - Faculty Research Labs Directory

Curriculum Vitae – Rafael Grytz, PhD
Curriculum Vitae
revised April 15, 2015
Rafael Grytz, PhD
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
Date of Birth
December 8, 1976
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Ophthalmology
1670 University Blvd., VH 371
Birmingham, AL 35294
Research Interests
Our eyes are composed of living tissues, which are constantly remodeling in response to mechanical, chemical, and
visual stimuli. In particular, the loadbearing collagenous structures of the eye can undergo substantial growth and
remodeling during physiological and pathophysiological conditions. I seek to elucidate the biomechanical
mechanisms that underlie growth and remodeling in ocular diseases. My laboratory is currently focused on
establishing quantitative experimental methods and predictive computational simulation tools for growth and
remodeling mechanisms in glaucoma, keratoconus and myopia. My laboratory’s goal is to provide computational
simulation tools that support the development of new diagnostics and therapeutics in ocular diseases and conditions.
Apr. 2009 – July 2010
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Ocular Biomechanics Laboratory, Devers Eye Institute, Portland, OR, USA
Dec. 2008
Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D.), graduation with distinction
Civil Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Thesis: Computational Modeling and Remodeling of Human Eye Tissues as
Biomechanical Structures at Multiple Scales.
Shaker Verlag, Aachen ISBN 978-3-8322-7958-5.
Oct. 2002
Dipl.-Ing. (M.S.), graduation with distinction
Civil Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Full Time Employment
Dec. 2012 – present
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Alabama at
Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
Aug. 2010 – Nov. 2012
Research Associate, Bioengineering, Ocular Biomechanics Laboratory, Devers Eye
Institute, Portland, OR, USA
Jan. 2003 – Mar. 2009
Teaching/Research Assistant, Institute for Structural Mechanics, Ruhr-University
Bochum, Germany
Curriculum Vitae – Rafael Grytz, PhD
The Thomas R. Lee Award for Glaucoma Research given out by the BrightFocus Foundation
ISER Travel Fellowship for Young Investigators granted by the International Society for Eye
Research for the XX Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Eye Research (ISER), Berlin,
Travel grant granted by the US Association of Computational Mechanics (USACM) for the 10th
World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM2012), São Paulo, Brazil
Travel grant granted by the “Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (DOG)” for the 110 th DOGCongress “One Ophthalmology”, Berlin, Germany
Award of the “Gesellschaft der Freunde der Ruhr-Universität Bochum”, annual award for
outstanding interdisciplinary research work granted by the Ruhr-University Research School
“Deutscher Studienpreis”, 2nd prize, the annual nationwide award is given out by the KöberFoundation through the President of the German parliament and recognizes the best PhD
dissertations in Germany for substantial and innovative research work with outstanding relevance
for the society (3,000€)
Travel grant granted by the German Research Council (DFG) for the CISM Summer School
"Biomechanical Modeling at the Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Level"
Travel grant granted by the German Research Council (DFG) for the CISM Summer School
"Chemo-mechanical Coupling in Porous Media - Geomechanics and Biomechanics"
“Preis an Studierende”, annual student of the year award recognizes the best diploma thesis at the
Department of Civil Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (500€)
Memberships of Professional Organizations
since 2013
UAB Vision Science Research Center (VSRC)
since 2012
US Association of Computational Mechanics (USACM)
since 2012
International Society for Eye Research (ISER)
since 2011
American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME)
since 2008
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
since 2007
German Association for Computational Mechanics (GACM)
Professional Activities
Active reviewer for international journals:
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology • Computer Methods in Biomechanics and
Biomedical Engineering • Journal of Biomechanics • Journal of Biomechanical Engineering •
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials • Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual
Science • Experimental Eye Research • Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics • Journal of The
Royal Society Interface • Medical Engineering & Physics • Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of
Solids • Mechanics of Materials • Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling • Journal of Cataract &
Refractive Surgery
Curriculum Vitae – Rafael Grytz, PhD
July 2015
Minisymposium Organizer and Chair, Topics in Computational Biomechanics, 13th U.S. National
Congress on Computational Mechanics (USCCM), San Diego, CA, USA.
July 2014
Symposium Organizer and Chair, Biomechanics of the Eye, 7th World Congress of Biomechanics
(WCB), Boston, MA.
July 2014
Minisymposium Organizer and Chair, Growth and Remodeling of Living Tissues, 11th World
Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) – 5th European Conference on Computational
Mechanics (ECCM) – 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD),
Barcelona, Spain.
Faculty Member, World Glaucoma Congress (WGC), Vancouver, Canada.
Minisymposium Organizer, Biomechanics of Living Matter, 12th U.S. National Congress on
Computational Mechanics (USCCM), Raleigh, NC, USA.
Reviewer, Fight for Sight, PhD Studentship.
July 2012
Minisymposium Organizer and Chair, Soft Tissue Elasticity Across Different Length Scales, 10 th
World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), São Paulo, Brazil
Aug. 2010
Session Co-Chair, Session on Biomechanical Test of the Soft Tissue, 6 th World Congress of
Biomechanics (WCB), Singapore
Feb. 2009
Minisymposium Organizer and Chair, Young Researchers’ Minisymposium on Computational
modeling of biological tissues in physiological and pathophysiological conditions. 80 th Annual
Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Gdańsk,
Sep. 2009
Minisymposium Organizer and Chair, Minisymposium on Biological Soft Tissues: Modelling and
Simulation. 3nd German Association for Computational Mechanics Colloquium (GACM), Hanover,
Oct. 2007
Minisymposium Organizer and Chair, Minisymposium on Modeling Dissipative Effects in Soft
Biological Tissues. 2nd German Association for Computational Mechanics Colloquium (GACM),
Munich, Germany
Sep. 2006
Participant, CISM-IUTAM Summer School, “Biomechanical modelling at the molecular, cellular and
tissue levels", Udine, Italy
June 2003
Participant, CISM-IUTAM Summer School, “Chemo-mechanical Coupling in Porous Media–
Geomechanics and Biomechanics", Udine, Italy
Invited Lectures
July 2014
Computational Assessment of Collagen Remodeling in Myopia and Keratoconus. Department of
Vision Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
July 2014
Collagen Sliding - A Potential Remodeling Mechanism in Myopia and Keratoconus. Department of
Civil Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany.
Feb. 2014
Computational Mechanics and Glaucoma. Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indiana
University and Purdue University at Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana
Feb. 2013
Glaucoma and Growth and Remodeling Mechanisms in the Human Eye. Department of Biomedical
Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama
Curriculum Vitae – Rafael Grytz, PhD
Feb. 2013
Computational Biomechanics - A Chance for Vision Science. Department of Vision Science,
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama
Aug. 2012
Biomechanical Mechanisms in Glaucoma – a Chance for Computational Multi-Scale Mechanics.
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama
July 2012
Loss of Scleral Compliance during Aging. Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
June 2011
Advanced Computational Analysis in Ophthalmology Research, Growth and Remodeling of the
Lamina Cribrosa in Early Glaucoma. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
May 2011
Lamina Cribrosa Thickening in Early Glaucoma Predicted by a Computational Growth and
Remodeling Simulation. Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Oct. 2010
Glaucoma and Computational Multi-Scale Modeling of the Human Eye. Mechanics and
Computation Seminar, Stanford University, Stanford, California
Aug. 2010
Computational Multi-Scale Modeling and Remodeling of Biomechanical Structures of the Human
Eye. In Silico Medicine Seminar, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Oct. 2008
Numerische Mehrskalenmodellierung der Kollagenarchitektur und dessen Umformung im
menschlichen Auge (engl. Numerical Multi-Scale Modeling of the Collagen Architecture and its
Remodeling in Human Eyes). Mechanics Colloquium and Seminar, Technical University of
Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
Sep. 2008
Computational Modeling and remodeling of Human Eye Tissues as Biomechanical Structures at
Multiple Scales. DEI Research Seminar, Devers Eye Institute, Portland, Oregon
Book chapter
All works are listed in the reversed order of their times of appearance.
‫٭‬Corresponding author
R. Grytz‫٭‬, G. Meschke, JB. Jonas and JC. Downs (in press) Glaucoma and Structure-Based Mechanics of
the Lamina Cribrosa at Multiple Scales. In: GS. Kassab and MS. Sacks (Eds.), Structure Based Mechanics
of Tissues and Organs: A Tribute to Yoram Lanir.
JC. Downs*, R. Grytz, CF. Burgoyne (2014) Mechanical Strain and Restructuring of the Optic Nerve Head.
In: TM. Shaarawy, MB. Sherwood, RA. Hitchings, JG. Crowston (Eds.), Glaucoma, Second Edition.
Refereed Journal Papers
R. Grytz and JT. Siegwart (2015) Changing Material Properties of the Tree Shrew Sclera during Minus Lens
Compensation and Recovery. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 56, pp. 2065–2078.
R. Grytz, MA. Fazio, V. Libertiaux, L. Bruno, S. Gardiner, CA. Girkin, JC. Downs* (2014) Age- and Racerelated Differences in Human Scleral Material Properties. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 55,
pp. 8163–8172.
MA. Fazio, R. Grytz, JS. Morrison, L. Bruno, CA. Girkin and JC. Downs* (2014). Human Scleral Structural
Stiffness Increases More Rapidly with Age in Donors of African Descent Compared to Donors of European
Descent. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 55, pp. 7189–7198.
MA. Fazio, R. Grytz, JS. Morrison, L. Bruno, S. Gardiner, CA. Girkin and JC. Downs* (2014). Age-related
changes in human peripapillary scleral strain. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 13, pp. 551–
R. Grytz, MA. Fazio, MJA. Girard, V. Libertiaux, L. Bruno, S. Gardiner, CA. Girkin, JC. Downs* (2014)
Material Properties of the Posterior Human Sclera. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical
Materials, 29, pp. 602–617.
Curriculum Vitae – Rafael Grytz, PhD
R. Grytz‫ ٭‬and JC. Downs (2013) A Forward Incremental Prestressing Method with Application to Inverse
Parameter Estimations from Scleral Inflation Tests. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical
Engineering, 16, pp. 768-780.
MA. Fazio, R. Grytz, L. Bruno, MJA. Girard, S. Gardiner, CA. Girkin and JC. Downs* (2012). Regional
variations in mechanical strain in the posterior human sclera. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science,
53, pp. 5326–5333.
R. Grytz‫٭‬, CA. Girkin, V. Libertiaux and JC. Downs (2012) Perspectives on Biomechanical Growth and
Remodeling Mechanisms in Glaucoma. Mechanics Research Communications, invited for special issue:
“Recent Advances on the Biomechanics of Growth and Remodeling”, 42, pp. 92–106.
R. Grytz‫٭‬, IA. Sigal, JW. Ruberti, G. Meschke and JC. Downs (2012) Lamina Cribrosa Thickening in Early
Glaucoma Predicted by a Microstructure Motivated Growth and Remodeling Approach. Mechanics of
Materials, invited for special issue: “Evolving Microstructures and Anisotropies in Engineering Materials and
Biological Tissues”, 44, pp. 99–109.
10. R. Grytz‫٭‬, G. Meschke and JB. Jonas (2010) The collagen fibril architecture in the lamina cribrosa and
peripapillary sclera predicted by a computational remodeling approach. Biomechanics and Modeling in
Mechanobiology, 10, pp. 371–382.
11. R. Grytz‫ ٭‬and G. Meschke (2010) A Computational Remodeling Approach to Predict the Physiological
Architecture of the Collagen Fibril Network in Corneo-Scleral Shells. Biomechanics and Modeling in
Mechanobiology, 9, pp. 225–235.
12. R. Grytz‫ ٭‬and G. Meschke (2009) Constitutive Modeling of Crimped Collagen Fibrils in Soft Tissues. Journal
of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2, pp. 522–533.
13. R. Grytz‫ ٭‬and G. Meschke (2008) Consistent micro-macro transitions at large objective strains in curvilinear
convective coordinates. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 73, pp. 805–824.
14. Y. Başar and R. Grytz‫( ٭‬2004) Incompressibility at Large Strains and Finite-Element Implementation. Acta
Mechanica 168, pp. 75–101.
Conference Proceedings / Presentations
(presenter underlined if not RG)
R. Grytz, JT. Siegwart, TT. Norton (2014) Changing Material Properties of the Tree Shrew Sclera during
Minus Lens Compensation and Recovery. Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology (ARVO), Orlando, Florida.
MA. Fazio, JS. Morris, R. Grytz, L. Bruno, CA. Girkin and JC. Downs (2014) Age and Racial Differences in
Mechanical Energy Absorption in the Posterior Human Sclera. Meeting of the Association for Research in
Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Orlando, Florida.
R. Grytz, M. Koster, S. Hayes, C. Boote, JW. Ruberti, G. Meschke, KM. Meek (2014) Multi-scale modeling
of keratoconus progression based on anisotropic sliding and degradation of collagen fibrils. 7th World
Congress on Biomechanics (WCB), Boston, MA.
MA. Fazio, JS. Morris, R. Grytz, L. Bruno, CA. Girkin and JC. Downs (2014) Variation of the Mechanical
Energy Density of the Posterior Human Sclera with Age and Race. 7th World Congress on Biomechanics
(WCB), Boston, MA.
JC. Downs, MA. Fazio, V. Libertiaux, L. Bruno, S. Gardiner, CA. Girkin, R. Grytz (2014) Age- and Racerelated Differences in Scleral Material Properties. 7th World Congress on Biomechanics (WCB), Boston, MA.
R. Grytz, JT. Siegwart, TT. Norton (2014) Changing Hyperelastic Properties of the Tree Shrew Sclera
during Visually-Guided Remodeling. 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) – 5th
Curriculum Vitae – Rafael Grytz, PhD
European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM) – 6th European Conference on Computational
Fluid Dynamics (ECFD), Barcelona, Spain.
R. Grytz, MA. Fazio, V. Libertiaux, L. Bruno, S. Gardiner, CA. Girkin, JC. Downs (2013) Racial Differences
in the Ageing Human Sclera. In Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference (SBC),
Sunriver, Oregon, USA.
MA. Fazio, R. Grytz, J. Morris, L. Bruno, CA. Girkin, JC. Downs (2013) Age-Related Changes in the NonLinear Mechanical Strain Response of Human Peripapillary Sclera. In Proceedings of the ASME 2013
Summer Bioengineering Conference (SBC), Sunriver, Oregon, USA.
R. Grytz (2013) Biomechanical Mechanisms of Scleral and Laminar Remodeling. Invited faculty lecture at
the 5th World Glaucoma Congress (WGC), Vancouver, Canada.
10. R. Grytz, MA. Fazio, V. Libertiaux, L. Bruno, S. Gardiner, CA. Girkin, JC. Downs (2013) Age- and RaceDependent Material Properties of the Human Sclera. 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational
Mechanics (USNCCM), Raleigh, North Carolina.
11. M. Koster, C. Boote, KM. Meek, PG. Fowler, CA. Girkin, G. Meschke, R. Grytz (2013) Inter- and IntraLamellar Slippage of Collagen Fibrils as a Potential Mechanism of Keratoconus Progression. Meeting of the
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Seattle, Washington.
12. R. Grytz (2013) Computational Modeling of Keratoconus Progression. Annual Clinical and Research
Symposium by UAB Department of Ophthalmology, Birmingham, Alabama.
13. V. Libertiaux, R. Grytz, J. Reynaud, CA. Girkin, JC. Downs (2013) Laminar Beam Orientation and
Connective Tissue Volume Fraction in Three-dimensionally (3D) Reconstructed Optic Nerve Heads (ONH)
from Human Donor Eyes. Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO),
Seattle, Washington.
14. R. Grytz, MA. Fazio, V. Libertiaux, L. Bruno, S. Gardiner, CA. Girkin, JC. Downs (2013) Racial Differences
in Human Scleral Material Properties. Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
(ARVO), Seattle, Washington.
15. MA. Fazio, R. Grytz, L. Bruno, JS. Morris, CA. Girkin, JC. Downs (2013) Racial Differences in Mechanical
Strain in the Posterior Human Sclera. Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
(ARVO), Seattle, Washington.
16. R. Grytz, IA. Sigal, JW. Ruberti, JC. Downs (2012) Growth and Remodeling of the Lamina Cribrosa in Early
Glaucoma – A Computational Study, invited minisymposium talk. XX Biennial Meeting of the International
Society for Eye Research (ISER), Berlin, Germany.
17. R. Grytz, MA. Fazio, MJ. Girard, V. Libertiaux, L. Bruno, S. Gardiner, CA. Girkin, JC. Downs (2012) Loss of
Scleral Elasticity during Aging. 10th World Congress on computational Mechanics (WCCM), São Paulo,
18. R. Grytz (2012) „Biomechanische Veränderungen der Lamina cribrosa – Computersimulationen in der
Glaukomforschung“, invited minisymposium talk. 110th DOG Congress “One Ophthalmology“, Berlin,
19. R. Grytz (2012) Biomechanical Implications of Remodeling in the Sclera and Lamina Cribrosa, invited
minisymposium talk. Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort
Lauderdale, Florida.
20. R. Grytz, MA. Fazio, MJ. Girard, V. Libertiaux, L. Bruno, S. Gardiner, CA. Girkin, JC. Downs (2012) Loss of
Elasticity in the Aging Human Sclera. Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
(ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
21. V. Libertiaux, R. Grytz, J. Reynaud, CF. Burgoyne, CA. Girkin, JC. Downs (2012) Laminar Beam Orientation
Surrounding Acquired Pits of the Optic Nerve (APON) in Three-dimensionally (3D) Reconstructed Human
Curriculum Vitae – Rafael Grytz, PhD
Donor Eyes. Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort
Lauderdale, Florida.
22. MA. Fazio, R. Grytz, L. Bruno, MJ. Girard, CA. Girkin, A. Poggialini, JC. Downs (2012) Regional Variations
in Mechanical Strain in the Posterior Human Sclera. Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
23. R. Grytz, IA. Sigal, JW. Ruberti, JC. Downs (2011) Microstructure Motivated Growth and Remodeling of the
Lamina Cribrosa in Early Glaucoma. In Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference
(SBC2011), Farmington, Pennsylvania, USA.
24. R. Grytz, IA. Sigal, JW. Ruberti, JC. Downs (2011) A Microstructure Motivated Growth and Remodeling
Approach to Predict Lamina Cribrosa Thickening in Early Glaucoma. ASME Applied Mechanics and
Materials Conference (McMAT 2011), Chicago, Illinois.
25. R. Grytz, IA. Sigal, JW. Ruberti, JC. Downs (2011) Lamina Cribrosa Thickening in Early Glaucoma is
Predicted by a Biomechanically-Driven Growth and Remodeling Approach. Meeting of the Association for
Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
26. MA. Fazio, L. Bruno, R. Grytz, CA. Girkin, JC. Downs (2011) Analysis of Experimental IOP-induced Scleral
Deformations at the Sub-Micrometer Scale Using Electronic Speckle Interferometry. Meeting of the
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
27. R. Grytz, MJA. Girard, M. Fazio and JC. Downs (2010) Inverse Numerical Estimation of Eye-Specific
Intrinsic Material Properties and Local Collagen Architecture from Scleral Inflation Tests. 6 th World Congress
on Biomechanics (WCB), Singapore.
28. MA. Fazio, R. Grytz, MJA. Girard and JC. Downs (2010) Anisotropic, Nonlinear Biomechanical Behavior of
Human Posterior Sclera. 6th World Congress on Biomechanics (WCB), Singapore.
29. R. Grytz, G. Meschke and JC. Downs (2010) Stress-Based Adaptation and Stretch-Based Optimization
Approaches to Estimate the Local Collagen Architecture in Ocular Tissues. 9th World Congress on
computational Mechanics (WCCM), Sydney, Australia.
30. R. Grytz, MJA. Girard, M. Fazio, CF. Burgoyne and J.C. Downs (2010) Biomechanical Implications of Agerelated Alterations in Scleral Collagen Fibril Crimp. Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
31. R. Grytz and G. Meschke (2009). Glaucoma and Computational Two-Scale Modeling and Remodeling of
the Optic Nerve Head. In Proceedings of the 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC2009),
pp. 313–314, Lisbon, Portugal.
32. R. Grytz and G. Meschke (2009). Multiscale Modeling and Computational Remodeling of the Human Eye
Tissue. In: K. Gürlebeck and C. Könke (eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the
Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany.
33. R. Grytz, G. Meschke and Jost B. Jonas (2009) A Mathematical Approach to Predict the Local
Microarchitecture of the Lamina Cribrosa (LC) and Peripapillary Sclera (PPS). Meeting of the Association for
Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
34. R. Grytz and G. Meschke (2009) Glaucoma and Numerical Modeling and Remodeling of the Lamina
Cribrosa at Multiple Scales. X International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS), Barcelona,
35. R. Grytz and G. Meschke (2009) Computational modeling and remodeling of the collagen architecture in
human eye tissues. 80th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics (GAMM 2009), Gdańsk, Poland.
36. R. Grytz and G. Meschke (2008). Computational Micro-Macro Transitions at Large Strains for Curvilinear
Physical Directions. In Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 7, pp. 4080009–4080010.
Curriculum Vitae – Rafael Grytz, PhD
37. R. Grytz and G. Meschke (2008). Microstructure-Oriented Modeling and Computational Remodeling of the
Collagen Network in Corneo-Scleral Shells. In: J. Eberhardsteiner, C. Hellmich, H. Mang, and J. Périaux
(eds.), Proceedings of ECCOMAS Multidisciplinary Jubilee Symposium 2008, 14, pp. 155–168, Springer
38. R. Grytz and G. Meschke (2008) Computational Remodeling of the Crimped Collagen Fibril Architecture in
Corneal and Scleral Tissue. In Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics
(WCCM), Venice, Italy.
39. R. Grytz, S. Jox, F. Nagel, G. Meschke (2008). Microstructure-oriented multi-phase characterization of
biological and engineering materials and structures. ECCOMAS Multidisciplinary Jubilee Symposium,
Vienna, Austria.
40. R. Grytz and G. Meschke (2007) An incompressible finite shell element with crimped collagen fibers for
numerical analyses of the human eye. Modeling of Heterogeneous Material with Application in Construction
and Biomedical Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic.
41. R. Grytz and G. Meschke (2007) Computational Micro-Macro Transitions at Large Strains for Curvilinear
Physical Directions. 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM07), Zurich,
42. R. Grytz and G. Meschke (2007) Computational Micro-Macro Transitions at Large Strains for Curvilinear
Physical Directions. 2nd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Munich, Germany.
43. R. Grytz and G. Meschke (2006). Computational Homogenization in Multi-Scale Shell Analysis at Large
Strains. In Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2006),
Lisbon, Portugal, Springer, DOI:10.1007/1-4020-5370-3 592.
44. R. Grytz and G. Meschke (2005) Computational Homogenization Analysis at Large Strains in Curvilinear
Convective Coordinates. 1st GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Bochum, Germany.
Consulting Report
G. Meschke, R. Grytz and M. Gofmann (2005). ’Grundlagen der statischen Berechnung und Bemessung
von Sandwich-Linern für die Sanierung geschädigter Abwasserschächte’ (engl. ’Computational Sizing of
Sandwich Liners to Stabilize Damaged Sewage Hoppers’), by order of the Institute for Underground
Infrastructure, Bochum, Germany.
Master Thesis Supervision
Con Nguyen, ’Das Auge als biomechanische Struktur: Finite-Elemente Modellierung’ (engl. ’The Human Eye
as Biomechanical Structure: Finite-Element Modeling’), Department of Civil Engineering and Computational
Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, 2007.
Philippe Jäger, ’Parallelisierung von Mehrskalen-Analysen im Rahmen der nichtlinearen Finite-ElementeMethode’ (engl. ’Parallelization of Multi-Scale Finite Element Analyses’), Department of Civil Engineering
and Computational Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, 2005.
Christine Teck, ’Minimalflächen – Formfindung und Optimierung von Membranen’ (engl. ’Minimal Surfaces–
Form Finding and Optimization of Membranes’), Department of Civil Engineering and Computational
Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum, 2004.
Curriculum Vitae – Rafael Grytz, PhD
Teaching Experience
Lecture on “Growth and Remodeling Mechanisms in the Eye”, BME 435/535 –
Tissue Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Alabama
at Birmingham
WS 2014/15
Lecture on “Ocular Biomechanics and Related Posterior Pole Pathologies II”, VIS
745 - Biology and pathology of the Posterior Segment, Department of Vision
Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham
WS 2012/13
WS 2013/14
WS 2014/15
Teaching Assistant, ’Matritzenmethoden der Stabstatik’ (engl. ’Computational
methods in Structural Mechanics of Beams’), Department of Civil Engineering, RuhrUniversity Bochum
SS 2003
SS 2004
SS 2005
SS 2006
SS 2007
SS 2008
Teaching Assistant, ’Baustatik III’ (engl. ’Adv. Structural Mechanics’), Department of
Civil Engineering, Ruhr-University Bochum
WS 2003/04
WS 2004/05
WS 2005/06
WS 2006/07
WS 2007/08
WS 2008/09
School Project Coordinator, ’Von Windkanälen, Brücken und Häusern’ (engl. ’About
Wind Tunnels, Bridges and Buildings’), School Project at the “Alfried Krupp
Schülerlabor“, Ruhr-University Bochum
throughout 2003
– 2009