A P R I L / M A Y 2 0 1 5 the VIEWS The Official Publication of the Lacamas Shores Homeowners’ Association ANNUAL HOA MEETING RECAP Linda Harnish, HOA President The Board of Directors of the HOA wants to extend a tremendous thank you to our wonderful neighbors in Lacamas Shores who turned out to attend the Annual HOA Meeting on Friday, March 27th at Lacamas Lake Lodge. We had a recordsize crowd in attendance, and everyone is thrilled to see that level of interest in our community. The Board went to great lengths to ensure that the meeting was conducted with the utmost integrity, safety, decorum and lack of bias, so we feel pleased that it was the high caliber, professional meeting that our members deserve. There were a record number of voters that could be counted toward the quorum this year thanks to the amendment to the By-Laws which the Board recently enacted stating definitively that voting by postal mail or electronic transmission was allowed. We’ve arrived in the 21st century! We feel this change will have a tremendous long-term benefit to the community, making it so much easier to vote without being present in person at a meeting. According to the CC&Rs we need 35%, or 89 members voting by ballot, by proxy or by personal attendance, and this year we reached an astonishing 166! Many thanks to those who contacted friends and knocked on doors for making people aware of the concerns and getting out the vote! There were 158 ballots submitted and a total of 403 candidates names were check marked on those ballots. Without a doubt, it was a close race! The final tally of votes is shown on Page 2. We were fortunate to have secured Kevin Harker, a Vancouver attorney and founder of the Community Action Law Group, a legal practice specializing in HOA law, to conduct the meeting. His command of Roberts Rules of Order kept the meeting flowing smoothly, and the depth of his knowledge of Washington state law regarding homeowner associations was certainly impressive. We were especially pleased that he ably managed the remarks made from the floor to keep very positive and unbiased discussion moving productively. Many, many good suggestions and questions were surfaced during the slightly more than an hour of open discussion. Thanks to everyone who spoke up and shared such great ideas! Mr. Harker gave not only the homeowners, but also the Board, a renewed sense of optimism that working through some of our challenges might not be as insurmountable as previously HOA Meeting Recap continued on Page 2 What’s Inside Easter Egg Hunt ........................3 Arbor Day Celebration ..............6 Downtown Camas ......................3 New 4th of July Coordinators ....7 Final Tally of Votes .....................2 Financial Report ........................4 Annual Garage Sale ..................7 New Resident Contact Info ..........2 Real Estate Update ....................5 Calendar .....................................8 Backflow Testing ..........................3 Canoe Club Sign-up ..................6 Teens for Hire ............................8 PUBLICATION GUIDELINES The VIEWS is the official publication of the Lacamas Shores Homeowners’ Association and is published 6 times a year. We welcome suggestions and submissions on neighborhood news or topics of interest. Articles should be submitted by email and may be edited. Contact the editors if you have comments or questions. Deadline for June/July Issue May 15, 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Linda Harnish ................503-708-1933 Vice President: Dave Patterson........................ 210.7840 Treasurer: Elaine Foster........................... 281.0752 Secretary: Steve Nelson........................... 210.7295 Other Board Members: Steve Marrinan ......................833.2209 Marian Jackson....................... 954.5190 Matt McCants .................515.480.4915 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMITTEES Architectural/Landscape: Richard Arnold ......................834.1710 John Ulmer .............................834.7371 Don Davis ..............................335.7587 Steve Marrinan .......................833.2209 Matt McCants ..................515.480.4915 City of Camas Liaison: Steve Marrinan ......................833.2209 Matt McCants ..................515.480.4915 Maintenance Supervision: Cindi Marrinan .......................833.2209 Canoe & Recreation: John Ulmer .............................834.7371 Boat Dock Keys: Cindi Marrinan .......................833.2209 Boat Parking Stickers: Rob Bernardi .........................834.4361 Good Neighbor: Rita Alvarez-Haller ................834.4214 Progressive Parties: Richard Arnold ......................834.1710 Directory/Address Change: Steve Nelson........................... 210.7295 Views Newsletter Editors: Catherine Arnold ....................834.1710 Linda Harnish ................503-708-1933 HOA Meeting Recap continued believed. However, to clarify remarks that were published following the meeting by an individual not on the Board, we won’t truly know if we can impose fines on the small number of homeowners who cause big problems by not adhering to the CC&Rs until our governing documents have been thoroughly reviewed, and that’s a task we hope to get underway soon. All of the returning Board members are extremely grateful to the concerned and dedicated homeowners who recognized that loyal members of this community have been working hard for them and are willing to continue to do so. We welcome the addition of Matt McCants to the Board and know that he’ll bring some of his passion and fresh ideas for bettering the community. I’ve become something of the Board historian over the last year, having read and catalogued every set of meeting minutes, most legal documents and copies of the Views that were maintained since 1992 (unfortunately nothing can be found from the very earliest years). What I’ve learned from all the hours spent reading is that none – NOT ONE – of the problems being discussed in 2015 is new. Our hope is to work together to find some new solutions! Final tally of votes from HOA annual meeting 2015 Kelly Marrinan McCants Nelson Callerame 76 89 82 88 68 % of total of 403 votes cast 18.86% 22.08% 20.35% 21.84% 16.87% % ballots w/vote for candidate 48.1% 56.33% 51.89% 55.70% 43.04% Total votes received IMPORTANT INFORMATION ADDRESS CHANGE - COMMON AREA - BOAT LAUNCH New to the neighborhood? If so, contact Steve Nelson at 210.7295 or email secretary@lacamas-shores.com to make sure you are included in the Lacamas Shores Directory and receive all mailings. Also contact Steve if you have address or phone number changes in order to keep your information current. We like to maintain current email addresses for all residents in the event we need to reach you for an emergency. You may request that your email address or phone number not be published. Your information is never shared. It is important that we keep this information up to date and we depend on you, the homeowner, to notify us promptly. Be sure to sign up for the Neighborhood Watch program. Check the website, lacamas-shores.com for information on the Web Page Editor: Catherine Arnold ....................834.1710 2 Watch program and the neighborhood BackFence email list. If you are new to the neighborhood and would like to receive the “Lacamas Shores Welcome” please call Rita Haller at 834.4214. It is best to call when you first move in to get useful information and materials, plus a welcome gift. Local area information is also available on the City of Camas website, www.cityofcamas.us. Contact Cindi Marrinan at 833.2209 or email MarrinanC@aol.com to obtain your boat launch gate card and bathroom key. Contact Rob Bernardi at 834.4361 to get a Boat Trailer Parking Sticker which is required for parking in the boat launch area. To reserve the common area for private parties, contact Catherine Arnold, 834.1710 or email editor@lacamas-shores.com. CAMAS REQUIRES BACKFLOW TESTING Each year, the City of Camas requires that all residents have a certified irrigation backflow test. Washington State Law (WAC 246-290-490) requires annual testing of backflow prevention assemblies. This testing is performed by a Washington State Certified Backflow Tester. The purpose of this test is to determine if your step septic system is performing correctly to avoid contamination of the water that flows into your home. The City of Camas sends out notices in April advising you of when to have your test done. A reduced rate per house is available for Lacamas Shores homeowners from The Grounds Keeper. If you are interested in taking advantage of this group discount, contact them to schedule your test. The discount rate is available only if you call before May 20th. In order for the company to offer this reduced rate, they need to do a group of homes at a time. When scheduling your appointment, please state that you live in Lacamas Shores and would like to receive the group discount. The Grounds Keeper 576.4119 Phone 571.0999 Fax Email: todd@thegroundskeeper.com Rate: $30.00 + tax Discount given ONLY if backflow test is scheduled before May 20, 2013 Please note that you can call and schedule your testing even before you receive the letter from the City. Additional information and a list of other state certified backflow testers is available here. LACAMAS SHORES ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday, April 4 at 10:30 AM Common Area by Basketball Court Last year’s Easter Egg Hunt was quick, fun and a blast for everyone! The hunt goes on rain or shine. Please plan to drop off 10 eggs per child at Amy Higdon’s home by April 3. Fill the eggs with candy or stickers and feel free to tape them closed if you wish. You may leave the eggs in the bin on the porch. Look forward to a good turnout again this year. If you have any questions, please contact: Amy Higdon 360.977.2514 3 Downtown Camas April 5, First Friday, 5-8 PM Spring into History A fun event celebrating our Camas history and the coming of Spring! Lots of fun family activities such as the History Hunt, the toilet Paper Toss and much more. April 26, Camas Clean Up and Planting Day Come downtown on April 26th, 2015, from 1-4 PM and make our town beautiful! Share an afternoon with other local community members who want to help make Saturday, May 9, The Camas Plant & Garden Fair 9 AM - 4 PM This event fills the entire downtown area with a fantastic selection of plant and garden related items from local vendors. Camas Farmers Market Wednesdays 3 - 7 PM June thru September Come to nibble or shop ’til you drop! A variety of local produce, plants, and food all from local vendors. FINANCIAL REPORT MARCH 27, 2015 by Elaine Foster, HOA Treasurer I would like to highlight some of our highest expenses. Everyone should have received a copy of the financials with their ballots in the mail. could be taken to enforce the CC&Rs. The other was related to accusations of wrong doing by a special interest group. Despite this, we had $8,500 of positive cash flow. One change we made last year was to have the Baileys do the entrance flowers instead of a landscape company. The Baileys also painted many of our mail box stands that were in bad condition. Our largest operating expense is for maintenance of the common area. Most of the work is done by our 2 employees, Doug and Julie Bailey. Last year we spent $12,000 from the reserve fund to clean out the swale and we have budgeted $20,000 to clean the pond this year. We had a reserve study done in February that determined our reserve funds of $156,000 are sufficient at this time. The study recommended painting the boathouse and storage buildings, repairing and seal coating the asphalt leading down from the boat launch gate and replacing some of the playground equipment in the next year or two. We streamlined our assessment process by including specific instructions about due dates and penalties with the notices we mailed out. This has resulted in only 5 homeowners who are not current on their assessments. We plan to have a professional CPA audit done this year as we have not done one in many years. In prior years, a review of the financial statements was done by volunteers in the neighborhood. Last year a CPA firm did the review. There is a legal requirement to do a professional audit every year unless there are enough signatures from homeowners to waive it. If the audit is waived, a review must be done instead. Based on the current reserve study, we have concerns about meeting the requirements to add to the reserve fund in the future as most of our revenue goes towards operating expenses. With this in mind, the HOA may need to consider an assessment specifically for the reserve fund to insure proper funding for the future. The 2015 budget is in line with operating expenses from last year and expected expenses this year. The budget for legal, accounting and other professional is higher than in the past due to the audit, reserve study update and the possibility of more legal fees. We incurred legal fees as a result of two issues. One was due to homeowners not following the CC&Rs related to RV/boat parking. We needed legal advice to determine what action Our Newsletter Needs Community Specific Information! Putting together a newsletter for Lacamas Shores is quite challenging considering there is so much more we could include in it than we do. Many residents have interesting news to share about upcoming events, personal milestones, issues of community interest, etc., but we never hear from you! does, then this knowledge will help make living in Lacamas Shores more enjoyable. Another benefit of increasing the members' awareness of association issues is to help motivate others to take an active role in our community. The more we understand about how our Association functions, the more likely we are to get involved. Between our Board of Directors and committee members we try to include items in the VIEWS that not only inform owners of important business matters before the association, but we are also attempting to help educate our members on some of the ongoing challenges that our association must face on a monthly basis. Don't forget that our newsletter is one of the best communication tools available in our community and in order to help our newsletter become more community-specific we need to hear from YOU. Many times we repeat issues such as the Budgeting/ Expenditures and Rules Enforcement throughout the year in order to help owners understand some of the complexities of running our association. It is our hope that if more members understand why the Board must make the decisions that it If you would like to contribute to our community or to the VIEWS, please do not hesitate to contact our Board members and the newsletter Editors. We look forward to hearing from you. 4 REAL ESTATE UPDATE FRAN BROWN 360.901.3726 Berkshire Hathaway Real Estate ACTIVE LISTING ADDRESS SQFT PRICE DOM 2049 NW Lake Road# 4,517 $639,000 334 5933 NW Michaelbrook Lane 3,927 $789,800 7 3013 NW Michaelbrook Lane 3,913 $799,000 241 6209 NW El Rey Drive 5,335 $849,900 27 5700 NW El Rey Drive 4,515 $874,800 65 2510 NW Walden Court 3,419 $949,950 15 4627 NW Oregon Court 4,972 $1,095,000 319 3217 NW Lacamas Drive**# 6,380 $1,295,000 27 3327 NW Lacamas Drive# 7,549 $2,600,000 126 SQFT LIST PRICE DOM PENDING AT OFFER 5137 NW Valley Court 3,780 $500,000 1 4733 NW Park Court 4,580 $549,900 10 1945 NW Lacamas Drive 4,241 $919,000 243 SOLD YTD SQFT LIST PRICE SOLD PRICE DOM AT OFFER 2709 NW Lake Road# 4,775 $1,095,899 $970,000 9 1529 NW Lacamas Drive# 6,245 $1,598,000 $1,475,000 280 3025 NW Lacamas Drive**# 6,201 $1,295,000 $1,132,500 309 **Golf Course #Lake CAMAS REAL ESTATE MARKET UP IN 2015 • Price Indexes Were Strongly Up, with the 3-Month Moving Average Up 20.1% (Feb. 2014 vs. Feb. 2015); while the 12-Month Moving Average went up 11.3% for the same interval • The Inventory level for Resale Homes is at 2.5 Months moving up only 0.1 months from our year-end 2014 report keeping us in a Strong "Seller's Market." • Approximately 28 Resale Homes closed in February 2015, compared to 24 Sold in February 2014; an increase of 4 homes or, 16.7%. • REO/Bank Owned property sales were 4 units (14.3% of total); up from 2 (8.3%) in 2014. • Short Sale /Pre-Foreclosure property sales were 1 units (3.6% of total); down from 2 (8.3%) in 2014. 5 CANOE CLUB REGISTRATION & PIZZA FEED PLUS BOATHOUSE CLEANUP-WORK PARTY SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 2015 LEONARDO’S PIZZERIA The Lacamas Shores Canoe/Kayak and Recreation Club will hold its annual Membership registration/signup and pizza party on Sunday, April 27 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at Leonardo’s Pizzeria located at 1st Street and 164th Ave. in Vancouver. We have reserved the back room so bring the family. We will also hold our now annual Spring Work Party from 3:00 to 4:30 PM prior to the Pizza Party. Please help get our facility ship-shape for the coming season. We’ll clean up the boathouse, inspect and repair all boats and safety gear. Bring extra cleaning/repair supplies (rags, buckets, broom, tools) if you have them. Meet at the boathouse at 3:00 p.m. The main benefits of membership are the unlimited, year round use of the club’s boats, which include canoes, kayaks and four-person paddleboats. The boats are stored in the “boathouse” located by the picnic area and basketball court in the common area adjacent the boat launch. Paddles, life jackets and carts to move the boats are also available there. The Canoe and Recreation Club memberships run from May 2015 to April 2016 and are limited to Lacamas Shores Homeowners for a cost of $40.00 per family. The dues include the food and refreshments provided at the signup party. It’s the “Best Deal in Town.” Come and meet your neighbors, share some food and get signed up to enjoy and explore Lacamas Lake. Boats are checked out on a first-come, first-served basis. Club rules include signing a waiver of liability regarding use of the boats and requiring that guests and members under 18 years of age must be accompanied by one of the adult members when using the boats. Members are issued a key for a new lock on the boathouse every year. Some of our life jackets have gone missing over the last few seasons. If you borrowed one, please return it. If you have any extra that you could donate, the club would be grateful. We can use all sizes, infant - adult. For more information or to let us know you’re coming please contact John Ulmer at 834.7371 or the4ulmers@aol.com. Let us know what kind of pizza you like. The menu is available at Leonardo’s Pizzeria. ARBOR DAY - CELEBRATING OUR TREE-MENDOUS ASSET Arbor Day is a nationally celebrated observance that encourages tree planting and care. Did you know that trees provide tremendous social and economic benefits to your community? Trees can Western Hemlock was proclaimed the Washington supply much needed shade State Tree in 1947. in summer, buffer against high winds, conserve water, and protect the soil from erosion. They also add beauty and value to our property. Inslee proclaimed, April 8th, 2015, as Washington State Arbor Day. Proper tree care is an investment which leads to substantial returns to a homeowner. Proper tree pruning, tree selection, and tree planting are the topics that cannot be emphasized enough. If you’re concerned about the fate of trees where you live, please pull up a soap box and join us as we continue to harp on these tried-and-true messages in urban forestry. • Don’t top trees! • Hire an ISA certified arborist • Plant and prune trees according to best practices and industry standards • Purchase high-quality nursery stock • Plant the right tree in the right place Founded by J. Sterling Morton, Arbor Day has been celebrated for more than 100 years. His simple idea of setting aside a special time for tree planting is now more important than ever. Now let's all go out and hug a tree! Lacamas Shores residents MUST contact the ACCLandscape Committee before starting any tree work. In Washington, April is known as "Arbor Month" with treerelated celebrations across the state. Recently, Governor Jay 6 LACAMAS SHORES 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION GET READY FOR THE BEST SUMMER PARTY EVER! If you're worried about what to do with the kids over the 4th of July holiday, don't be! Lacamas Shores has one of the best celebrations in the area. Plans for this year’s 4th of July parade and picnic are well underway, and it's going to be the greatest ever. This year Cindi Marrinan welcomes two new volunteers, Molly Tuttle and Alison Benjamin, who are both enthusiastic about creating a fun 4th of July event. Cindi Marrinan has coordinated the Independence Day Celebration for 11 years and plans to pass the baton to Molly and Alison next year. This year’s celebration will include lots of kid activities as well as hula hoop and limbo contests. Friends and family of all ages join the kids for exciting games and contests. Sarah Bang will coordinate the Kid's Parade again this year and Deb Mrazek will arrange for a great BBQ. Molly, Cindi & Alison 4th of July Coordinators Every year many neighbor volunteers are required to make this event the best party in Camas. Look for more 4th July information in the June/July issue of the VIEWS. Get ready to celebrate our nation’s birthday! LACAMAS SHORES ANNUAL GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 2015 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Spring is here and so is garage sale fever! The Lacamas Shores annual garage sale will be held on Saturday, June 6. This is the only sanctioned garage sale in our neighborhood and advertising, plus word of mouth has resulted in large crowds each year. a popular event for many neighbors who will be busy on Saturday and it gives them a first shot at the good stuff. You may choose to participate in both or just the Saturday sale. If you choose to participate in the Friday evening sale, let your neighbors know by posting on the BackFence. For those who haven’t witnessed this annual event, be prepared for a lot of car and pedestrian traffic. To participate, all you need to do is gather up your “stuff ” and open your garage door at 8:00 AM. They will be waiting for you. You may wish to invite a neighbor for a joint sale. The more help you have the easier it is to conduct a sale. You will also attract more buyers if you have more selection AND, it’s more fun! A group sale could include a tag on items stating: Owner, Sale Price, Sold For to make divying up the profits easier. Preview Sale Friday Evening Lacamas Shores typically has a preview sale for homeowners on Friday evening starting at 5:00 PM. This has proved to be 6 Here’s What’s Happening Calendar Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4, 10:30 AM Contact: Amy Higdon (see page 3) Canoe Club Registration & Pizza Sunday, April 26 @ Leonardo’s Pizzeria Contact: John Ulmer (more info on page 6) Annual Garage Sale Saturday, June 6, 8 AM - 4 PM HOA Board Meetings 2nd Thursday of the month, open to all Association Members Contact Board@lacamas-shores.com for time & location. Teens 4 Hire Babysitter/Pet Sitter/House Sitter/etc. Erin Marrinan............................ 833.2209 Pet Sitter and Plant Care Rachel Wiley.............................. 833.2113 or 609.7754 RachelNWiley@gmail.com Gretchen Hensley...................... 977.2241 Licensed driver hensleygretchen@gmail.com Bree McClelland........................ 977-2235 or 833-2332 Certified babysitter by Safe Sitters bkmacs@comcast.net Neighborhood Clubs Hamburger Club..........................................Mike Harnish Canoe/Recreation Club...................................John Ulmer Host a Progressive Party Progressive Parties are easy and fun to host. Guests bring all the beverages and food and you provide the glasses and dishes, etc. These parties are a great way to meet your neighbors and make new friends. There are no Progressive Parties scheduled at this time. To host a Progressive Party, contact Richard Arnold at 834.1710 or email social@lacamas-shores.com. Your neighbors will thank you! Taylor McCants ......................... 515.208.6312 or 515.480.4915 com Find it at lacamas-shores. Check out the Lacamas Shores website to see what’s happening in our neighborhood. Be sure to register for the Neighborhood Watch email p r o g r a m a n d t h e B a c k Fe n c e t o g e t recommendations and keep in touch with neighbors’ concerns. Other Highlights • Neighborhood Directory • CC&Rs and latest financial records • Neighborhood contacts Let us know if there is something you would like to see on our website. webmaster@lacamas-shores.com
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