Please come and unite in prayer for our country

Our Lady of Knock Church, Lackagh Parish
Fr. Des
Lackagh, Athenry, Co. Galway
Fr . Des
087 2255 740
Parish Radio : 106.8 fm
Tel:( 091) 797 114
Saturday Vigil Mass - 7:30pm. Sunday Mass - 11:30am
087 2255 740
19 April 2015
Third Sunday of Easter
Parish Office: 091 797114
Parish Secretary – Mary Duddy.
Legion of Mary: Friday mornings after Mass.
Adoration: Mondays: 2pm -10pm and Wednesdays 10am -10pm. Sacristan – Imelda Hussey.
Baptisms take place on the First and Third Sunday of each month at 12:15 sharp.
Parish Office Opening Hours: 2:30pm – 4:30 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Parish E-mail Address:
A minimum of two weeks’ notice is required
April is the Month of the Holy Eucharist
Kevin McDonagh, Lackaghmore. FIRST ANNIVERSARY .
Paddy Fahy, Cregmore. 6 A. and deceased of family.
Jim and Nonie O’Brien, Monard and deceased of family.
John Joe Moran, Lackaghbeg.
Christy Langan, Ruanmore. 2nd Anniversary.
Private intention.
Private intention.
Saturday 25th
Private intention.
Tom Delaney, Lackagh.
Pat and Nancy Flynn
Nellie (20 Anniversary, Stephen (17th) and son John (5th) Forde , Barnaboy.
Feast of st Faustina
Saturday 18
Sunday 19th
Sunday 26th
11:30 am
11:30 am
Maura Dooley, MONTH’S MIND her husband Paddy and his brother Jim (Anniversary).
Last weekends Collection for the upkeep of the parish and church: €1,705
Thank you to all who contribute.
Please pray for: Johnny Cloherty, Cregmore whose funeral took place on Thursday. May his gentle soul rest in Heavenly peace.
Easter Dues: Thanks to all who have contributed (302 contributions to date) to the Easter collection for the support of the priests.
Please use the yellow envelope in your box of envelopes or if you do not have one you may make a contribution by placing your donation in an
envelope and putting it in the weekly envelopes basket. Thank you for your continued support of our priests.
This is one of the four collections annually. Priests rely solely on these four collections - (Easter, Summer, Harvest and Christmas)
Tuam Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: Archbishop Neary will lead the Tuam Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday, May 3rd . The Ceremonies will
commence with the Blessing of the Sick at 2.30 pm. This will be the first Diocesan Pilgrimage in the newly refurbishes Basilica.
Lough Derg Pilgrimage Season opens Saturday 2nd May with One Day Retreats which continue on 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 23, 25, 25 of May. Advance
booking is essential. The Three Day Pilgrimage season begins on Friday 29th May. You can begin the Three Day Pilgrimage any day between 29th May and
13th August. Pre-booking not required. Contact Lough Derg 071 9861518 or email.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, led by Archbishop Michael will take place this year from July 15th to July
21st. Contact Sheila Davin at 086-866 4633 .
Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. October 12th for 8 nights. With a Spiritual Director. Contact Therese 01 2410822 or John B 093 28337.
BAPTISMS: We welcomed the following into the Christian Community through the Sacrament of Baptism in Lackagh Church
* Eoin Gerry Moran, Barnaboy son of John and Jane.
* Geoffrey Damien Carr, Monard son of Damien and Christina.
* Shannon Aisling Gavin, Bexleyheath, Kent and Kilskeagh daughter of Patrick and Roisín.
Congratulations to all the children their parents, godparents, families and grandparents.
Team A Eucharistic Ministers:
Mary Coppinger
Ann Kearney
Mary Forde
Breda McDonagh
P.J. Murphy
Bertie O’Rourke
J.J. Frawley
Maureen Graham
John Joe O’Kane
Evelyn Mannion
Jackie Burke
Tom Kearney
Jody Murphy
Padraig Mannion
John Joe O’Kane
Bertie O’Rourke
Padraig Kenny
David Burke
Readers of the Word and
Church Care
Readers of the Word: 8 Seamus Gallagher 19 Aine Ui Bhre. 25 Emer
Burke. 2 May. Mary Fallon . 3 Anne Creaven.
Church Care Group Mary Burke, Kathleen Burke, Kathleen Forde, Mairead
Morris, Bernie Costello, Fiona Jackson, Mary Qualter, Frances Molloy,
Anne Hession-Fahy, Assumpta Gallagher.
Mass for Ireland – “The Lamb Will Conquer” Knock Basilica Saturday 25th April at 3 o’clock with Stations and Rosary from 2 p.m.
 Bernie on 085- 1661 754 or email
Details on
Please come and unite in prayer for our country.
Thank you to all who have returned their Trócaire Boxes or Trócaire envelopes. We ask people who have not yet returned
theirs to do so at their earliest convenience . Your generosity is much appreciated
“Gratitude”- a key to living fully. This will be presented by Fr. Brendan O’Rourke. C.Ss.R. at Esker Retreat Centre, Esker, Athenry on Saturday 2nd May
10am – 5pm. Further information or 091 844 549 or 844 007
Baptism Team New Members required : A new member or two is urgently required to assist the current 3 members to create a rota. If you would
like to help out one Sunday per month it would be greatly appreciated. Please call the parish office or Fr. Des.
Pieta House Darkness into Light walk takes place in Ballinasloe on Saturday Morning 9th May at 04.15am. Registration can be done on line at
and also registrations take place every Thursday evening in the GELS (Galway East Life Support) office in Ballinasloe from 7 to 8pm. For further information
see our website
In the next couple of weeks many children in our parish will make their first Holy Communion, bringing joy to their families.
Our faith is clear: in Holy Communion, Christ comes into our inner selves, unworthy though we are, and we are taken into Him to form
one Body in Christ through the Sacrament which we share.
We must always present ourselves standing for Communion with the utmost reverence and aware of the immensity of what is
taking place. Please reflect on how you personally present yourself to receive the Lord in Holy Communion.
Each way (orally or taken in cupped hand) of receiving Holy Communion must be carried out with care.
It is important that we also prepare well to receive Holy Communion.
We observe a Eucharistic fast, of at least one hour. We seek forgiveness of our sins, through the penitential prayers of the Mass and
through the Sacrament of Penance, especially whenever we are conscious of grave sin.
When we have received the Lord, we concentrate utterly on his presence within us, in prayer and recollection, when we return to our
A time of silent prayer should follow Holy Communion as we approach the end of Mass .
Today I ask every parishioner to refresh their reverence and love for the Blessed Sacrament and their practice of receiving Holy
Communion – we stand, remove gloves , take Host reverently and place it on our tongue and spend quiet time in prayer
REVERENCE IN OUR CHURCH : Before Mass talk to God. During Mass let God talk to you.
After Mass talk to your friends outside Church building. Respect this Sacred Space and the people who wish to Pray.
Western Alzheimers annual Tea Day is THIS coming Friday 24th . The funds raised from the Tea Day will help Western Alzheimers to provide quality
services to families who are caring for a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Please support by hosting a tea day in your home, or place of work or
your local community on Friday 24th April or on any day that suits you Donations towards Tea Day also gratefully accepted. Thanks to everyone who
supported the Tea Day in the past and a big welcome to new supporters. Telephone Galway office on 091 565193 for further details.
The next disco for people with special needs, over the age of 16 years, will take place in Social Centre NEXT Friday, 24th from 8.30pm-10.30pm.
Volunteers Wanted! If you can commit to giving two hours once a month and are interested in helping out at our disco, Linda at 087 997 1558
Fundraising Dance - Social Dancing night to raise funds for new theatre equipment for Temple Street and Crumlin Children’s Hospitals in the Ard Ri Hotel
on Sat 18th April – doors at 9pm. Music by The Marlay Road Band (waltzes and jiving) followed by DJ. Tickets are €8 and can be bought in Quinns Shop,
The Ard Ri Hotel and Raftery’s Centra Corofin – also available on the door that night.
Pieta House Darkness into Light walk takes place in Ballinasloe on Saturday Morning 9th May at 04.15am. Registration can be done on line at and also registrations take place every Thursday evening in the GELS (Galway East Life Support) office in Ballinasloe from 7 to 8pm.
For further information see our website
Women’s Mini-marathon 1st June: Athenry Cancer Care invites women to join them for the Women’s mini-marathon on Monday 1st June. It is essential to
register on-line Athenry Cancer Care will organise travel and other details. Sponsorship cards are available. Full
information from 087 6484 225 or 087 653 6132. Please support this local charity
Athenry Music School's 7th Annual FREE Concert THIS Sunday (19th ) at 3pm in the Church of the Assumption, Athenry.
More than 300 young musicians and singers perform a celebration of their year's work
Twice as Nice second time round designer goods: THIS Sunday from 11am to 5 pm there will be a fundraiser for Knockdoemore Park and
Cairde Mor (Community Building) . We will be selling second time round, good designer brands dresses, jackets, coats, shoes, bags
ideal for your Debs, or dress for College Ball at our Twice as Nice event.
The Knockdoemore Park development is a joint initiative between Claregalway GAA and Cairde Mor Community Group and includes the installation
of a lit walkway amenity and cycle path in the 20 acre park.
It also involves the construction of a fully equipped community centre
and an all-weather surface pitch for training and games.
 087 204 4158 for further details.
P&T (Post/Telecom Éireann A reunion function: will be held in Salthill Hotel this coming Friday 24th at 7.30pm. All welcome. Tickets €15 per person.
Booking in advance to –Nicholas: 086 320 1550 or George:  087 247 2242.
Tuam Cancer Care would like to invite you to walk, run or jog the 10km Western People, West or Ireland Women’s Mini Marathon, on Sunday May 3rd in
Castlebar. To become involved contact 093 28522 or email
Lackagh Museum Easter Raffle, Cake & Chicken Sales: The organisers of the recent Raffle, Cake Sale and Easter Egg Chicks are most grateful to ALL who
supported this venture. The total amount raised came to €2,200 which has been paid off the debt on the Parish Centre. Go raibh míle maith agaibh to léir.
We could not have done it without your support. Raffle Results: 1st Prize: Mary Cullinane, Cregmore, 2nd Prize: Marie Landy, Lackagh, 3rd Prize: Maureen
Graham, Lackagh & 4th Prize: Frank Murphy, Mountain Road.
We would like to thank Flynn’s Supermarket, Lackagh Pharmacy, Treat Cafe & an anonymous donor for sponsoring the prizes.
Carers needed locally to support elderly in their own homes. Carers must have Fetac level 5. Please ring 094 93 66007 for more details
Family Day in the SMA House, Claregalway on 31st May. Any saleable quality goods items will be greatly accepted. No electrical items please.
Notices for the Lackagh Parish Newsletter: must be emailed or submitted in writing for inclusion. No notices will be taken over the phone. Please read over your notice and have notices free from incorrect spelling and not in poster style, plain text only please. The cut off time for notices is strictly Thursday at
3:00pm to be included in the weekend newsletter. Notices arriving after this time cannot be included. The primary purpose of the Lackagh Parish Newsletter is to inform parishioners of the times of Church Services and parish related and organised events. When possible, notices about events run in the new parish
centre, events run by community based charities and organisations are publicised. Notices for private enterprise are not printed. However, due to constraints of space there is no guarantee that all notices can be published on any given week. We do not guarantee the accuracy of statements made by any of our
contributors or other organisations or accept responsibility for any statement which they may express. The parish Newsletter can be viewed on Email