LACCEA NEWS, April 1, 2015. - Los Angeles County Chicano

Est. 1969
April 2015
Scholarship Awards Dinner & Comedy Night. You are invited to attend the LACCEA Scholarship Foundation (LSF) Scholarship Awards Dinner
and Comedy Night. Comedy night is brought to you by Comedy Cantina.
Join us for a night of fun and laughter on Friday, April 10th. Please go to page
3 for more information.
LACCEA Election. It’s
you are
are interested
interested in
in running
running for a
Is that
seat on LACCEA’s Board of Directors, please go to page 2 for more information. If you are a member in-good-standing, you will receive a ballot in the
in May.
May. Please
5 information.
for more informail in
to page
General Membership Meeting. LACCEA’s General Membership Meeting
will be held
May 21, 2015Meeting.
at 6:00pm LACCEA’s
at the LACCEA
will be announced
held on Mayduring
21, 2015,
at 6:00pm,
at the LACCEA
office. Election rethe General
sults will be announced during the General Membership meeting.
Inside this issue:
Club Picnic
Comedy Night &
Delores Mission
Next 4th District
Supervisor (Cont.)
Dodgers &
Los Angeles County’s next 4th District Supervisor
should be Latino: Guest Commentary By Alan Clayton
Los Angeles Times
Posted: 02/13/15, 6:07 PM PST |
sor Don Knabe’s 4th Supervisorial District. Unless one candidate receives over
50 percent of the vote in June, the top
two candidates will advance to a run off
in the November 2016 general election,
the candidate who wins the election will
most likely hold this seat for 12 years,
until Nov. 30, 2028.
Currently this seat includes three dominant areas: the coast from San Pedro to
Venice; the city of Long Beach; and the
San Gabriel Valley/south county area
Alan Clayton,
from Lakewood to Diamond Bar with a
Retired LACCEA Director of EEO
population of nearly 2 million.
In 2011, Democrats had 15 percent highIn June 2016, there will be a primary
er voter registration than the Republielection in Los Angeles County Supervi- cans. This Democratic registration
See Next 4th District Supervisor on page 5
Page 2
The Los Angeles County Chicano Employees Association (LACCEA) is looking for good people
who are willing to offer their leadership skills, talent, energy, and commitment to LACCEA by
serving on its Board of Directors. By serving as a Board member you will be part of making sure
that LACCEA continues to offer quality representation and advocacy for equal rights and fairness
to all its members.
If you are a member in good-standing and wish to run for a position on the board, please
complete and submit a Candidate Statement Form to the LACCEA Office no later than 4pm, on
April 20, 2015.
Candidate Statement Forms will become available on March 31, 2015. To request a Candidate
Statement Form, please call the LACCEA office during the availability period.
Candidate Statement Forms will be available online on March 31, 2015
(626) 458-2314
LACCEA & City Club
2015 Family Picnic!
Sunday, August 30, 2015
11:00am - 4:00pm
Griffith Park—Crystal Springs Picnic Area
4730 Crystal Springs Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027
LACCEA’s Family Picnic is back after high demand. This year, the City Club will cosponsor this event. Members from LACCEA and the City Club are welcome to attend.
There will be food, games, giveaways, and fun for the entire family! You may bring
camping chairs and blankets for additional comfort. Each member may bring up to 4
family members. Please RSVP at (626) 458-2314 by August 3, 2015.
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Friday, April 10, 2015 6:00pm - 11:00pm
@ Tamayo Restaurant
5300 East Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90022
Tickets are $30.00 each
Contact the LACCEA office for tickets and additional information.
Please make your reservations by April 6, 2015.
Office: (626) 458-2314 • Email:
Page 4
Delores Mission Fundraiser
March 19, 2015
The Los Angeles County Chicano Employees Association (LACCEA) partnered with the Los Angeles County
Hispanic Managers Association (LACHMA) to co-sponsor a fundraiser at the Blue Cow Kitchen. All proceeds
generated from this event were donated to the Guadalupe Homeless Shelter for Women. Thank you for joining
us at this wonderful good-cause event.
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Next 4th District Supervisor (Continued from cover page)
strength in comparison with the Republican registration should increase
by June 2016 and even more by November 2016, with the presidential
election attracting more voters.
Latinos were 28.7 percent of all registered voters in the district in 2011
and should increase to over 32 percent by November 2016. The eligible
pool of Latino voters was 32.8 percent in 2011 and should be close to
35 percent by November 2016. White
eligible voters should be approximately 39 percent in November
The only viable Democratic San Gabriel Valley candidate is Sen. Tony
Mendoza, who represents more than
750,000 of the residents of the district. He would not have to give up
his district to run and has demonstrated an ability to raise money. He
was successful in overcoming a wellfinanced campaign against him for
state Senate in the 2014 election.
There will be other Democrats running for this district most likely from
other parts of the district.
There should be several Republican
candidates running from various
parts of the district. It will be tough
for them to win in a district where
there are significantly more Demo-
crats than Republicans and where the
ing riverfront recreational opporelection will occur in a hightunities.
Democrat turn out presidential election year.
In a county with approximately 50
percent of the residents Latino and
Mendoza’s potential front-runner
with Latinos projected by 2020 to
status in the race has been ignored in have the same number of potential
the media. Latino Democrats and
voters as whites in Los Angeles
other Democrats from the San Gabri- County, it is important that two of
el Valley have been quiet. If they do the five supervisors be Latino, innot speak up soon then we will most stead of the current one Latino superlikely not have a candidate who will visor.
focus on issues affecting the San Gabriel Valley.
The time is now for San Gabriel residents to speak out. They should enWhy is it important to elect a San
courage Sen. Mendoza to run for this
Gabriel Valley Latino to District 4? district.
There are three key issues:
Alan Clayton is a redistricting con1. Transportation, particularly the
sultant who lives in San Gabriel Valfair allocation of Measure R dol- ley.
lars and construction of light
2. The need for a new public hospital in east San Gabriel Valley, to
meet unmet needs and to fulfill
promises made in 2000 when a
much smaller county/USC hospital was built with the promise of
a new hospital in east San Gabriel Valley;
3. The safe redevelopment of the
Los Angeles and San Gabriel rivers so as to protect south county
cities from future flooding, flood
Senator Tony Mendoza
Senate District 32
insurance and rate increases and
fair access to funds for develop-
Your Vote Counts!
LACCEA Board of Directors Election - All ballots will be mailed on May 1, 2015. If
you are a member in good-standing you will receive a ballot in the mail. We encourage all members in good-standing to participate. Please take time to vote.
All ballots must be received no later than 4:00pm, May 15, 2015.
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LACHMA Reception Dinner for Supervisor Hilda Solis
February 26, 2015
LAWPOA 2015 Professional Training and Development Symposium
March 19, 2015
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Receive a family pack of
4-tickets for each new member
that you recruit!
Call the office after March 14th to choose your JETHAWKS game.
(While supplies last.)
Reserve your tickets, call today!
(626) 458-2314
Dodger Season Is Back
Receive 2-tickets for each new
member that you recruit!
Dodger tickets are located at section 39FD, Rows N and O. In addition, all new
members will receive a LACCEA t-shirt while supplies last.
Reserve your tickets by calling our office at (626) 458-2314
Attention LACCEA members: Submit pictures of you and your family enjoying a
Dodgers game, with tickets received from recruiting, for a chance to win a pair of
Dodger tickets! Your picture will be published in our newsletters!
Email your pictures to
In order to better represent you, it is
integral that all of your member information
is accurate and up to date. Please note
that the County will not forward your
contact information to LACCEA. You may
update your mailing address and
telephone numbers by sending us a notice,
email, fax, or by telephone.
Please include your full name, employee
number, and department.
Thank you.
Board of Directors & Officers
Lorenzo Sandoval, President
Hector Casas, 1st Vice President
Anthony Flores, 2nd Vice President
Monica Gastelum, Treasurer
Debrina Dante, Secretary
Gilbert Bautista
George Joey Bustamante
Carlos Coronado
Greg Fisher
Clifford Guy
Marcelino Sandoval
Regino Jr. Torres
Luis Vasquez
John Villa
Norberto Zaragoza
Zuly Barrios, General Manager
Natalie H. Weingrow, Esq., Staff Attorney
Efren Navar, Esq., Employee Advocate
Shantal Contreras, Administrative Assistant
Sandi Amendola
1848 N. Allen Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91104
Tel: (626) 458-2314