Greenhouse farming with social impact

Greenhouse farming
with social impact
GreenRock is a specialized investment manager
providing targeted acquisition, business development
and management services for a diverse range
of institutional and private investors, looking to tap
into the Indian agriculture sector.
GreenRock is a partnership between internation- Following the United Nations Global Compact’s
al angel investors with Indian agriculture expert six Food and Agriculture Business (fab) princiteam. This 50 acres protected cultivation project ples, GreenRock lays the foundation for buildis one of our fastest growing projects with angel ing a well-functioning and sustainable food and
investments of over 1 million Euros.
agricultural system.
Global demand for high quality produce has near- are several time higher and the quality of
ly doubled over the last decade. With steep rise in produce is superior. Farmers are able to plan
global population growth, resurgent economies production cycles, overcome seasonality, water
and increase in per
scarcity and severe
capita incomes of indiinfestation; problems
Greenhouse technology or
viduals; a greater emcommonly seen with
protected cultivation is the most
phasis is being placed
open field cultivation.
practical and effective method
on effective farming
methods to achieve
Though hi-tech farmto meet the growing demands
required yields.
ing was introduced to
of the current economy.
India in 1998; it has
been mostly used for
Protected cultivation
is very different from open field production in research. India is still in its nascent stages of
terms of size, resources required and being more development with only about 200 hectares of land
capital intensive. This hi-tech method of cultiva- under protected cultivation. With the recent intion provides cultivators control over the plant troduction of 100% FDI in protected cultivation,
microclimate, alleviating biotic/abiotic stress- India is set to grow in commercialization of
es to achieve optimum plant growth. Compared this sector.
to open field cultivations, greenhouse yields
Our Approach
Right Technique
Based on state-of-the-art greenhouse and net house technology coupled with cutting edge
scientific agricultural techniques
Right Market
India – a fast growing domestic
market and one of the world’s
largest exporters of agri products
Right Investment Structure
A vehicle that is transparent, investor friendly, tax efficient and
regulatory compliant
Commitment to Sustainability
Providing socio-economic support to the local community,
and enhancing the surrounding
Right Product Mix
Well located land close to urban
areas coupled with high value
crops generating double digit
Why GreenRock?
GreenRock’s distinctive strengths make us ideal partners for green
wealth creation with:
Transparent Investment Structure wherein
GreenRock’s interests are aligned with the success of our investors. We provide investors from
around the world with a professional and compliant product to gain exposure to the large and fast
growing Indian agricultural market
their families; wholesome and healthful agricultural produce for consumers; and preservation
and enhancement of the soil and environment
Strong Relationships with industry ensuring
access to high quality source plants, nutrients
and equipment, timely logistical integration with
Deep Expertise in precision and scientific agri- wholesale buyers, and value maximization
culture, with a passionate team bringing in more
than 200 years of collective global agricultural and Social Impact – a portion of the profits from agriinvestment experience
culture will be used to advance local communities
with sanitation and education projects
Commitment to Sustainability ensuring gainful training and employment to local farmers and
Sriram Chitlur
Srinath Setty
Co-Managing Director and COO
Director – Finance
Director - Strategy
Sriram has more than a decade of experience in Agriculture & IT. With a deep interest
in developing sustainable yet
economically viable farming,
he cofounded Hosachiguru & He has vast experience in agricultural operations, Technology, Equipment
and labour sourcing & management and, supply chain
management from “seed to soil”.
A serial entrepreneur for over
a decade, Srinath has a solid
track record of managing agricultural ventures. From running
family businesses in agriculture
to real estate and land development, agriculture has been his
passion and a central part of
his life.
Jozef Bardik
Co-Managing Director and CFO
Managing partner at Werbau ad
L2J, Jozef has been managing in
investments for venture capital firms in Europe (3070, Finvia
Group, Regal Burger, Piestany
Brewery,, Player
Hunter), USA (ruck,us, Booya
Fitness) and Asia (GreenRock,
Didi Services marketplace). Prior to becoming an angel venture investor, he was a private
equity professional with Advent
International and consultant
with McKinsey & Company
with experience with projects
and deals in various industries
and regions (mainly Western
and Eastern Europe, Middle
East). Jozef serves in boards of
several of his portfolio companies including GreenRock, 3070
and others, focusing on general
strategic guidance, finance and
investor relations. At the same
time, he is supporting several
non-profit organizations in Slovakia including Provida Foundation, Youth Politics Education,
Detstvo Detom, Nexteria or
Education Leaders Forum.
With over ten years’ experience
in diverse and strategic roles,
Hemanth heads the investment
and strategy team. He has extensive experience at McKInsey
& Company in advising senior corporate clients, heads of
governments and multi-nodal
agencies on topics of Strategy,
Finance, Investments, Risk and
Operations in infrastructure,
economic development, natuAshok J
resources, land development
Director - Agronomy
An agriculture expert, Ashok and real estate. He is an alumbrings in over 3 decades of ex- nus of the Indian Institute of
pertise in scientific and tech- Technology and MIT.
nology driven agriculture. He
developed the proprietary technique “Power Grow”, at Hosa- Ladislav Kossar
chiguru, for high growth and Director – Marketing
productivity. His experience Ladislav Kossar is an angel inranges from multiple types of vestor, social entrepreneur and
farming (hydroponics, timber philanthropist. He manages
farms, horticulture and flori- a small family office bringing
culture) to incorporation of together 3 generations of wealth
latest techniques in extracting management in agriculture,
soil productivity, rain water real estate and venture capital.
harvesting and drip irrigation. His passion in agriculture has
brought about the foundation
of L2J ventures, in partnership
Leo Wang
with Leo and Jozef, to impact inDirector – Risk
vesting in agriculture. An alumAn alumnus of London School nus of Comenius and Harvard
of Economics and NYU Stern, University, Ladislav has worked
Leo has been a consultant with for Deutsche Bank in London,
Mckinsey & Company focusing Frankfurt and Tokyo. He serves
on public and social sector cli- as an advisor to numerous
ents in the developing world, non for profits including Nexand has also served in Parlia- us, a global organization which
ment as aide to the UK Minis- brings together next generation
ter for Science and Universities. philanthropists and social enCurrently, he is a principal at trepreneurs. His philanthropy
Anthropic, an early stage ven- in Provida Foundation focusture finance fund focused on es on creating opportunities
media and web-based start-ups. for abandoned children, venture philanthropy for social
entrepreneurs and support of
community art.